Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1818: Retained memories

With the emergence of the pager, Lu Chuan promoted the implementation in the first time.

This time, Lu Chuan directly obtained 20 billion pagers. In addition to the distribution, the rest was used as a reserve. When someone consumed it, he could receive it again. Lu Chuan did not stipulate the use of pagers, but he still made rules for calling himself.

Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

For example, it is not important to call yourself.

With nearly 400 million inspectors, if they call themselves at every turn, Lu Chuan will be exhausted.

For each inspector, Lu Chuan only sent out five beepers that injected his own cosmic energy, not much. There are five, which is enough, after all, you can't call yourself for non-important things.

Like the inspectors, the inspectors had issued a hundred, let them do whatever they wanted.

The inspectors who got this new toy went crazy one by one.

In the name of testing, they kept calling friends.

But soon some of them found out that they had played with fire, because they almost ran out of pagers. Supplementing is an extremely troublesome thing. The explanation of various reasons for use and various procedures have caused them to collapse.

This is the supplementary rules Lu Chuan set up. In fact, they had long expected that they didn't know how to cherish the pager.

They will cherish these pagers only if they make up for troubles and difficulties.

In any case, the emergence of pagers has changed the current means of communication and made human beings more flexible. For example, in the breeding plan, different civilizations can be connected in series, and when a civilization is mature, you can call other comrades through the pager.

And the inspectors who are patrolling the universe no longer have to worry about being alone.

Don't panic at all in case of trouble, the pager walks up, and after a while, an inspector will appear and fight against the reincarnation. This will naturally increase the chance of winning. As long as it is not at the level of the governor, a team of inspectors who fights more and less will naturally have a fruitful battle.

The pager is very useful and can be used in all aspects.

It can be said that the emergence of the pager is a complete revolution, and the universe no longer becomes mysterious and terrifying, nor boring.

With this one, human beings will become flexible and changeable, and their strength will have a qualitative leap.


The modern earth.

When Lu Chuan appeared, he was still in his hometown, a place beyond recognition.

The former small village has now become a top metropolis after hundreds of years of development. If it weren't for the intervention of the upper level, even the village wouldn't exist anymore. Where is it like it is now, still intact?

As the hometown of the first president, no one dared to tear down this village.

Looking at the Federation, the most famous village in the city is Lujia Village.

Another reason is that Lujiacun is almost concentrated in the hands of a hosting company. Although it is mysterious, there are countless rumors that are close to the truth. This is that it belongs to a company managed by the descendants of the first president. , Acquired the entire Lujia Village in order to keep everything here.

In fact, some people think that this answer is yes, but some people reject it.

But Lu Chuan knew that this was really the answer.

At that time, I realized that maybe the last bit of memory would be lost, so I used financial resources to make a strong acquisition of this place, and then integrated it into a company in order to give myself a place to remember.

Constantly repaired, this place has always maintained the appearance of Luchuan at the time.

Hundreds of years have passed and nothing has changed here.

When there was no one, Lu Chuan would come back occasionally, just to look at this place as a kind of sustenance for his own memory.

Except for Lujiacun, everything outside has changed, and the mountains that Lu Chuan once liked most have long been razed to the ground. In the early days, under Lu Chuan's intervention, it became a park, but after hundreds of years of development, the park disappeared and was razed to the ground, and then countless high-rise buildings appeared.

This is called Lujia City, a city of science fiction.

Hundreds of years are too long. If you really want to count them down, it should have been seven to eight hundred years.

For ordinary people, it is totally ten generations.

"Fortunately, my children and grandchildren are not bastards, and they didn't give themselves up here." Lu Chuan laughed. In seven or eight hundred years, who would remember what the first president of the Federation looked like? So Lu Chuan doesn't have any disguise now, just walking on the streets of Lujiacun like this, no one will recognize it.

If it is not, the descendants of the Lu family can't do it yet, because this hosting company is independent and only Lu Chuan can intervene in it.

And Lu Chuan left it completely to the intelligence to manage it.

Walking on a familiar street, almost all of this place is rented out. Usually the hosting company will send robots to maintain it. Every tenant needs to be reviewed and only those who pass customs are eligible to live here.

Almost no people in Lujia Village are here anymore. Although most of the ten generations of people have been scattered in this city, some of them almost don't know that they are from Lujia Village.

The Federation is a great era, an interstellar era, and this concept of territory is constantly changing.

Without the distinction of countries, the real harmony between people can be achieved.

Although the skin color and race still have some, they are already negligible. No one dares to speak with their skin color, and white people dare not, because the federation was established by Lu Chuan, and now the yellow race occupies an important position in the federation.

In Lujia Village, the culture is very special. For example, it implements a rent-free method for some snacks.

In this way, too many snacks make their homes here, passing on from generation to generation.

The time when Lu Chuan returned was at the night market, where Lu Chuan found too many familiar things. Lu Chuan needs to pay a lot of money to keep this place. It is no exaggeration to say that it has consumed hundreds of billions of time in 700 to 800 years.

It costs hundreds of billions to be able to come back from time to time to eat a bite of something familiar, absolutely luxurious.

Like here, Shi Ruoyu will come back occasionally. She is a big foodie and can't forget it.

Everything here is reserved for these two foodie couples.

"Master, let's have two-handed lamb skewers."

"Hold it!"

After paying the money, Lu Chuan grabbed the mutton skewers in both hands and gnawed while walking.

After eating, Lu Chuan disappeared in a corner, and when he appeared, he was on Mars.

After hundreds of years of colonization, there are hundreds of cities of different sizes on Mars. The main city is Mars City, which is the star capital of Mars. In addition, the city designed by Lu Chuan's wives also has a huge position on Mars.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the changes here have been very big, but some of the shadows of the past can still be seen vaguely.

When Lu Chuan came back from this trip, he was just taking a look at the place where he grew up while he was doing errands.

The descendants of the Lu family are almost concentrated on Mars.

There are not many on earth, except for a few who work in the federal government.

As the family of the first federal president, although it has always been insignificant, its influence naturally goes without saying. When it came time to convene, the Lu family was still the top family. It can be said that as long as the federation does not fall, as long as the federation is still there, the Lu family's position is very important.

As the Lu family, they have always had their own ancestral motto. They are not public, but they are not afraid of things.

Today, the Lu family actually only has the upper class to know more. Many people at the bottom of the Lu family can’t see the ability of the Lu family clearly. They seem to have disappeared, but every time you go to study and read history, you will always remember This family comes.

Mars City.

As an ancestral home, the building where Lu Chuan lived at the time had always been the base camp of the Lu family.

The Lu family has been passed down for seven generations.

Many secrets are unknown to the outside world, but the heir of the Lu family, that is, the Patriarch knows. I always thought that the Lu family kept a secret. This was their ancestor, Lu Chuan, the first president of the Federation, who was still alive.

This secret is the biggest secret of the Lu Family, and it only inherits the Patriarch.

Not only that, like old grandmothers, etc., are still alive in the world, but they no longer live in this world, but have gone to unknown places.

Where does the Lu Family's confidence come from? This is actually this secret.

Lu Chuan had no choice but to give the pager to his descendants. Lu Chuan was not relieved to hand it over to others. UU Reading

Looking at this tall building, I once lived here with my wives. Here is the center of the entire Martian city, which was built by hundreds of millions of robots.

It is impossible for ordinary people to enter here, because the security here is too strong.

But Lu Chuan wanted to enter, even if he entered dignifiedly.

But Lu Chuan was not like that. After all, he had been a person who had been dead for hundreds of years, and now he came out, if it was discovered, it would be bad after all. Therefore, in Lu Chuan's method, the moment his mind moves, people are already standing in the huge sky garden.

The Lu family is huge, with more than 3,000 children in each branch, and these are all descendants of Lu Chuan.

This data is actually the reason Lu Chuan is conservative, otherwise there will be more.

When Lu Chuan was standing here, an old man saw Lu Chuan appearing mysteriously, but his cloudy eyes widened, and a cold light appeared. He stared at Lu Chuan’s face and walked over, kneeling without hesitation. Going down: "Descendants, have met our ancestors."

He was excited because he saw the old ancestor, and the feeling of kneeling and kneeling told him...this is not a dream.

Lu Chuan nodded, allowing the old man to bow down to himself.

This is the seventh-generation Patriarch, in charge of the Lu Family. Judging by his age, it is estimated that the eighth generation of Patriarch will soon be in the position.

It was the first time for Lu Chuan to see the seventh-generation Patriarch. After all, he hadn't appeared on Earth for a long time, and he had never had a chance to see himself. Lu Chuan will not show up for non-important matters.

In contrast to Lu Chuan's youth, an ancient and rare old man needs to be called Lu Chuan's ancestor. If he doesn't know it, he might scold Lu Chuan for not respecting the old.

Lu Chuan hesitated, sighed and nodded, "Get up."

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