Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 197: Chance of choice

   New Year's Eve, you can hear the sound of firecrackers everywhere.

The countryside is not as exquisite as in the city, and it can't be controlled by the countryside. Naturally, you can put it where you want. As long as you have money, you can put it in endlessly.

The dinner on New Year’s Eve is the most sumptuous, and a family of three is full of tables. It is estimated that one tenth of a dozen dishes can be eaten. But no one will feel wasted. After that, the picture is a happy one.

"Dad, Mom, I want to wait a year, and you will go to Handong with me." At the dinner table, Lu Chuan still made this suggestion.

Lu Minjun and Lu Haixiu hesitated, but still refused: "We won't go there. We are not used to where we are. In the countryside, there is at least one person who can chat and stroll around in the fields."

Old Li from the village of the wall, eager for his son's promise, took him to the city, but returned within a week. That blessing is not so easy for country folks to enjoy.

Lu Chuan smiled, not reluctantly.

In fact, in Lu Chuan's plan, the parents are definitely going to Handong, but now let them breathe so that they have a bottom line. Let them stay here, Lu Chuan was really worried.

After the meal, Lu Chuan started to give gifts to the two uncle's houses when he had time.

In the village, it is usually before the first day of the new year to give things to the brothers of the father, rather than waiting until the first day of the new year. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, it was a visit to various homes, not gifts. It's like why my aunt made a special trip in the twenty-ninth year.

Lu Minjun has two elder brothers, and the relationship can only be said to be fair, that is, they ignore the small things and get closer to the big ones.

Regardless of whether it was good or not, Lu Chuan still gave each family some gifts brought back by Handong, and one family also wrapped 10,000 yuan.

With this attitude, the two uncles naturally became enthusiastic. This is 10,000 yuan, and it is not a small amount to put it in the countryside.

Thirty nights.

Lu Chuan talked about his career with his father and mother when he was free. This should be known to the elderly, otherwise they would inevitably worry about whether they did something illegal.

"After I came out, I first did some decorations in partnership with someone, and earned about 200,000 yuan. Then I saw the demolition industry, so I bought more than 20 scrapped cars for demolition. I invested in a repair shop. , Now the profit is okay, more than 100,000 yuan will be paid in a month."

"Handong's gold jewelry is changing with each passing day, and my son also seized the opportunity, made some loans, and started to open it. Unexpectedly, the effect is very satisfactory. Two to three hundred thousand a month is not a problem."

"Do you know Songjiazhuang in the neighboring town? My son also invested in an online marketing company, and he was on track. It is not a problem to earn one hundred thousand a month."

It was almost Lu Chuan who said that Lu Minjun was listening.

What Lu Chuan said was half-truth and half-truth, and his income was lower. Adding up now, there are more than half a million in a month, which is unimaginable in the eyes of Lu Minjun and his wife.

With an income of more than 500,000 yuan a month, they are estimated to have earned less than this amount in their lifetime.

The thought of their son being so promising is indeed the best news of the year for them. What happiness is, in fact, is that one's own son can be promising and able to stand out.

The first day of the new year is the time of New Year greetings.

One by one relatives, no matter how he was in the past, Lu Chuan always went one by one.

In fact, among relatives, there are very few stones, at most they are divided into indifference and passion. It's like friends, you can't always treat you so well, there will always be some friends who are nodding acquaintances.

As long as you look away, you will know that, in fact, the kind of thing in the novel that forced your family to Liangshan will never appear in reality. If the other party is really so hateful, is there really no reason for it?

Relatives who have good friendships should sit more for a while, and those who have a weaker relationship should sit less for a while.


The second day of the new year.

It should be the most outstanding day of the year, and whoever comes to your home on this day is often the most important to your home.

On this day, all the aunt's family came, and several uncles from grandmother's house all arrived.

The whole home is all lively.

Of course, because it was an old house with a limited area, dozens of people would inevitably support it. In a situation like this, the Lu People’s Army was always a little embarrassed in previous years, but this year is different. He doesn’t care at all: "Everyone will be here, and this place will be rebuilt after the year. Then it will be more spacious. It’s like today."

Retail items are all high-end goods brought back by Lu Chuan, many of which they have never eaten.

So the child was happy, and tried to put it into his pocket while eating.

Lu Minjun didn't care too much, and asked to drink more.

It may be because of a large car outside. Everyone looked at Lu Chuan a lot. The cousin and cousin instinctively felt awe of Lu Chuan. They couldn't tell exactly what it was. They always felt that Lu Chuan had a feeling that made them afraid to get close.

Lu Chuan knew that this was his temperament. There was really no way to constrain this. He could only make himself more friendly.

in the room.

Aunt's three daughters were all called in by Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan sat down and patted the chairs: "Sit all."

The two cousins ​​and cousin sat down. To be honest, when they saw Lu Chuan, they felt that when they saw their supervisor, they always felt guilty. It should be said that the supervisor did not make them so worried by Lu Chuan.

"All of you will talk about your situation." Lu Chuan asked.

The big cousin Wang Xue hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I work overtime at the electronics factory, and I can get 280. If there is no overtime, it will be about 2,000."

With Wang Xue's statement, Wang Lingying and Wang Qingqing also boldly stated their income.

Where can a general worker's salary go?

Lu Chuan said: "In fact, the opportunity is my own grasp. I can provide you with the job, but I have only one requirement. After work, I can apply for the study class. Only the more excellent people can climb up. Otherwise, you The whole life is to get a dead salary, and then wait to marry, marrying a good family can be easy, if you marry a bad family, will you leave the child with the elderly? The two couples go outside to work and only return in a year once?"

The shopping guides in the gold store earn tens of thousands of dollars, but Lu Chuan does not want them to stop there.

In the future, the platform that I can provide is even greater. If they can keep up, I will not introduce them to them. But if they are not capable, let them stay in the management? Stop joking, isn't this having trouble with your own money?

Relying on yourself is the real way out.

What Lu Chuan can say, that's all, as for how they choose, it's up to them.

People, in many cases, need to think for themselves, instead of thinking about other people helping to do everything.

To be honest, Lu Chuan gave them hundreds of thousands each, which was not a problem at all. But Lu Chuan wouldn't do this. Hundreds of thousands can be spent at once, but only their knowledge and ability will not be spent.

"Thank you." Wang Xue and the others hesitated, but agreed.

No matter how bad the job is, it will never be worse than the ordinary worker. This learning requirement is not an unacceptable requirement.

Aunt Lu Xiuli is still very happy. It is better for her nephew to help her daughters and work under his nephew than to work in the hands of others. A girl’s home, with a nephew looking at, I can rest assured.

During the meal, the uncle rarely offered Lu Chuan a glass. He usually doesn't drink a drink.


In the next few days, in addition to relatives, Lu Chuan stayed at home and his parents were busy entertaining some distant relatives.

Occasionally, I will be called out by friends and classmates.

One year, just like this day by day.

Starting on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, many people began to return to the city to work.

Lu Chuan is not in a hurry. Whether it is a repair shop, a gold store, or an online sales company, and Zhao Hu's dismantling workshop, they all have their own operation methods, and Lu Chuan does not need to worry about it.

During this period of time, Lu Chuan only occasionally visited the biochemical factory for a few glances, and did nothing.

In the wind and snow, the zombies' actions will be slow, and everyone stays well. Without the interference of survivors, the zombies are naturally stable. I am afraid it will take some time for such days.

However, Lu Chuan did not intend to make this world peaceful for too long.

As long as I go back to Handong City, I will do something for sure. The unlocking of the licker, the formation of various companies, the arrangements of the survivors, etc. all need to be activated.

On the tenth day of the new year, Lu Chuan bid farewell to his parents.

This year, the most bitter thing is probably Yi Ran. From the beginning to the end, without showing his face, he stayed in the car. With a full glass film, it is impossible for people outside to discover its existence.

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