Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 220: Turn over your salary to comfort your heart

Under the sneak peek of the employees of the auto repair shop, Lu Chuan took An Tong and the others into the car and left.

When we arrived at Mingtong International Trading Company, it was almost noon.

After receiving a call from the front desk, Xu Dong came down to greet him immediately. When he saw Lu Chuan, a smile appeared on his face: "Hello, Mr. Lu."

Before Xu Dong was called Lu Chuanlu brother, but this time was different in nature from the last time, so naturally he needed to be distinguished in terms of address. The last time it was acquaintance between friends, but this time, it was a commercial cooperation.

In Xu Dong's eyes, Lu Chuan should be the same as his own boss, the rich second generation of a certain group?

It's just that there doesn't seem to be a big boss surnamed Lu in this city of Handong.

Xu Dong checked Lu Chuan's information, but it was only Lu Chuan's low-key, how could it be found online? Just like an ordinary person, how much information is there to check?

Even if there is no information, Xu Dong has already embraced the friends introduced by the boss, and he must be respectful.

He can stay in this position because he is capable and smooth enough. How much ability surpasses oneself, but can't please the boss, now it is just his own employees.

not to mention……

The Lu Chuan in front of him really made Xu Dong unpredictable. Looking at his staffing at this moment, a 1.9-meter bodyguard who was so strong that he could only stand up under his arm. That one looked like a secretary, making Xu Dong's eyes straight.

Not all bosses can be worthy of a bodyguard. The father of his own boss is worthy of a veteran as a bodyguard. And he is simply a celebrity-level secretary, not a competent person, who can keep others?

Invisibly, Lu Chuan in front of him gave Xu Donggao a look.

"Mr. Xu is polite." Lu Chuan laughed. He saw the shock on Xu Dong's face.

In fact, what I want is this effect, to show my strength through some small means. It was good that Bi Zheng brought him here, but in many cases, he still needed to put a little pressure on the other party in terms of fighting for conditions.

From the front desk to the company, Yang Biao is definitely the focus of everyone.

All the female employees focused their eyes on Yang Biao. At this height, the explosive muscles that can be felt under a suit jacket made them all have some bad fantasies.

Of course, the real vision was placed on Lu Chuan.

Young, the key is to be able to afford such a violent bodyguard, this is the real strength. A bodyguard is better than buying a sports car and stepping on the accelerator in front of you.

"If he can see me..."

Many people have fallen into a state of nymphomaniac. It's okay to be a junior. It's better than keeping these three thousand wages, right?

An Tong's charming beauty is absolutely fatal to a man, and he can hardly move his eyes.

"Good cabbage, all for pigs."

"It's cool for a rich person. A woman of this level is willing to die if she can get a haircut."

"The way of heaven is not fair, I am still a bachelor in forty, but people have used up all the good resources at a young age."

All male employees are jealous and hateful.

Entering Xu Dong's spacious office, Xu Dong's assistant secretary delivered the brewed fragrant tea immediately.

Xu Dong knew what Lu Chuan had come for this time, and his boss Bi Zheng had also explained what he should do, Xu Dong also had a standard. Xu Dong is not a fool to sit in the position of general manager, otherwise it is impossible to make Mingtong International Trading Company's annual profit of more than one billion yuan.

The profit of trade was originally not high. For a profit of more than one billion, the trade volume needs to reach about one billion.

One billion trade volume, what is the concept?

Lu Chuan took a sip of tea and didn't go around the corner. He bluntly said, "Mr. Xu, I have a batch of cars in my hand, and I need to get rid of them in Southeast Asia. The number is about 160."

No need for Lu Chuan to say more, An Tong put a piece of information in front of Xu Dong.

This document contains information about every car.

Xu Dong took it and just scanned the information on it, and after just one glance, Xu Dong laughed. He also thought that these second-hand cars were the brands and models that were difficult to get rid of. From the data point of view, they were all the most popular models at the moment.

As for the amount of money involved, Xu Dong didn't care.

If this is a brand new car, one hundred and sixty are still worth seeing, but this is a second-hand car. If you combine the high and low, it is estimated that it is only 20 million.

Mingtong International Trading Company's annual trade volume is 1 billion, a mere 20 million. As the general manager, can he make a fuss?

At best, this is just a small business.

"Mr. Lu, according to our Mingtong International standard, the profit margin is 12%. But you are a friend of the boss, and it can be reduced to 8%." Xu Dong closed the information and said in a serious tone.

With a profit rate of 12%, 20 million would need to give Mingtong International 2.4 million.

Now it has dropped to 8%, 4% less, which is indeed a big concession.

Lu Chuan stood up, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Sure, it's 8%."

Xu Dong was stunned for a moment before he stood up and shook hands with Lu Chuan. He also smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, happy cooperation." He didn't expect that Lu Chuan would be so neat and neat.

Don't look at 8%, but in fact, Lu Chuan is responsible for transportation, and Mingtong is only responsible for shipping.

The boss actually ordered it, only half, or 6%.

Commercial negotiations will definitely reserve a little room, but Xu Dong didn't expect that Lu Chuan would not even pay the price, so it was decided. The difference of 2%, accumulated over a year, or over a long period of time, will produce an amazing amount.

But Xu Dong didn't think much about it. Maybe someone rich in the second generation is not short of this money?

Like Mingtong International Trading Company, isn't it a company that your boss plays with? At that time, the boss may not be able to value Mingtong International Trading Company, and it is unknown if one resells it.

After the business talks were over, Xu Dong invited him, "Look, brother Lu, it's time to have a meal together?"

The change of name means that business affairs are over, and then private time.

Lu Chuan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll trouble Mr. Xu."

The place to eat is in the royal garden not far from Mingtong International, a high-end clubhouse. I asked for a box with the word "garden", which naturally allows people to be in nature.

Lu Chuan didn't pay much attention to food, everything was decided by Xu Dong.

When the food came, Xu Dong poured a glass of wine for Lu Chuan, and then picked up the glass by himself: "Brother Lu, come, I toast you."

Lu Chuan did not refuse, and drank it happily.

Next, I still need to cooperate with Xu Dong, this meal is definitely to eat. Although I know Bi Zheng, if the people below do something to themselves, card their own payment, etc., who can find the fault?

"Mr Xu, I respect you."

"Ahaha, I dare not dare, how can I let Brother Lu respect?"

After going back and forth, Xu Dong still couldn't help asking: "Brother Lu, who is your father?"

Lu Chuan's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled: "My dad, from the countryside, he farms poorly. I'm not afraid you said that six months ago he was still worried about not having enough money to renovate the old house at home."

"Hahalu brother joked." Xu Dong cleverly did not ask any more.


In the afternoon, Lu Chuan thought about it for a while, and still transferred to Song Liuqing's online sales company.

On the bright side, the online marketing company is an overseas holding company, but Song Liuqing knows in his heart that not to mention how many shares Lu Chuan owns, but the shares are certain.

The office space that online marketing companies actually demand is not very strong.

Everything was assembled by Song Liuqing. In terms of site selection, with sufficient funds, she still rented an entire floor of more than 1,000 square meters. Now a few months have passed, and the 1,000-square-meter office is almost filled.

More than a hundred young men and women are sitting at their desks busy, taking orders and communicating with customers, etc., all of which are responsible for them.

How to prove that it is genuine is a major problem that restricts online marketing companies.

Fortunately, sales have been soaring for several months, and this problem is gradually becoming not a problem. People are very strange, there is a characteristic of blind obedience, and when they see high sales, they will choose to believe in everyone's choices.

What is really difficult for an online marketing company is only the initial stage. After this blind obedience effect, it will become stable.

In addition to these hundreds of young men and women, there is also a large warehouse rented in the suburbs, which contains countless luxury goods waiting to be shipped. Dozens of shippers, after receiving the order from the company, they delivered the goods according to the order, and the courier company came to pick up the goods at six o'clock.

Song Liuqing's abilities are indeed quite good. Under her management, this online sales company with nearly two hundred employees is full of energy.

Maybe it's the career set Song Liuqing's temperament has become different, exuding a kind of temperament of a strong woman, giving a sense of competence.

Song Liuqing was originally a beauty with 85 points. This superposition of temperament makes her full of charm.

"Boss, are you satisfied?" Song Liuqing said.

Lu Chuan suddenly thought in a bad direction. Are you satisfied? If a female subordinate tells you this, it is easy to be biased. Can't you say that you are satisfied with your answer?

"Oh, Liu Qing has worked hard for you." Lu Chuan pulled through the business report and looked at the sales on it, of course he was satisfied.

Song Liuqing gave Lu Chuan a white look, and said, "I also know that people are working hard. The company has been in operation for several months. This is the first time your boss has come to the company?"

From scratch, a company was formed and finally opened up. This hard work is indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination. In the past few months, she has slept for about five hours a day, wiped off the foundation on her face, and the dark circles under her eyes are definitely like a panda.

Lu Chuan laughed embarrassedly, and said: "Turn over the salary to comfort Qing Qing."

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