Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 258: Poor boy

6 Chuan can't remember, when is the girl riding a bicycle?

In retrospect, it seems that she was carrying a female classmate in elementary school?

It's such a distant memory, that 6 Chuan almost can't remember it. At that time, it was only a simple journey without involving any complicated thoughts. As for this female classmate who had been in the car once, she had already married and had children.

6 Chuan couldn't even remember what this female classmate looked like. After elementary school, she was promoted to junior high school, and she was divided into classes. After junior high school, she stayed away from the town and went to high school in the county, and then university.

If it were not for the current experience, Liu Chuan would not even remember having such a female elementary school classmate.

Now in the back seat, there is a girl with a 90-point appearance. This result is something that 6 Chuan did not expect when she came out. Think about it, it's really true.

After the evening breeze, the sky in mid-April can’t be considered cold, so it’s suitable to wear more autumn clothes.

Today's Shi Ruoyu, with a fluttering long skirt, is sitting on the back seat. Her hands are not resting on Liu Chuan's waist, but instead are holding the back seat, which makes her sit unsteady.

6 Chuan can smell a faint female body fragrance, this one is mixed with some fragrance powder, which smells very good.

To come to Shi Ruoyu, 6 Chuan’s place, is actually to find some shows for yourself, to play this boring lifestyle. But now, 6 Chuan has a kind of throbbing.

In the past, this kind of girl was not something I would dare to think of.

In Liuchuan’s imagination, such beautiful and pure girls are definitely the target of the rich, and they will eventually marry into a rich family. With an identity of an ordinary person like yourself, it is appropriate to find some ordinary-looking girls, and eventually go through a life indifferently.

Who would have thought that it seems... that he is also a rich man in the eyes of others?


This shared bicycle does not seem to fit the identity of the rich?

From the snack bar to the station, which is about two or three hundred meters away, the two of them did not say a word unexpectedly. They maintained that kind of inexplicable throbbing, but no one broke this little wonder.

It feels just a moment, and this distance is over.

Shi Ruoyu got down from the back seat and stood quietly in front of the platform. Unfortunately, the bus coming from a distance is the road you want to take. Shi Ruoyu didn't even know, did she pretend to be, or just get in the car?

6 Chuan saw the small entanglement on Shi Ruoyu’s face. He looked at the bus in the distance, but he smiled. He could feel her entanglement. This is enough. It shows that the other party has a good impression on him. of.

"Cousin, don't mind giving me your cell phone number?" 6 Chuan said aloud.

Shi Ruoyu nodded lightly and reported her mobile number.

After 6 Chuan made a successful call, he said: "My mobile phone number is my WeChat ID. It is too late now, I can contact again when I have time, I think we will find many things in common with regard to food, and I am also a perfect one. Foodie."

"Yeah!" Shi Ruoyu nodded.

Today’s progress seems to be a bit too fast, and I only met for the third time. How can there be a relationship that is about to develop into a couple, but this feeling is so natural.

When the bus stopped, Shi Ruoyu hesitated, got on the bus, and waved to Liuchuan.

6 Chuan waved his hand, then watched the bus leave.

Yes, everything is natural, feeling each other, but not reluctantly abrupt. However, 6 Chuan believes that the throbbing tonight can definitely be transformed in the future.

"Really an interesting evening."

6 Chuan did not send the other party, in fact, he just wanted to make this relationship more beautiful. If you send the other party by yourself, the intention is too obvious, and it may not be really good.

Innocent people like Shi Ruoyu, their kind of people, their inner pursuit is actually this kind of encounter full of literary and artistic nature. Only this way can capture their hearts as quickly as possible.

6 Chuan faintly smiled, but instead rode a shared bicycle and rode towards the big bull parked in the distance.


Female dormitory of Handong University.

Shi Ruoyu returned to the dormitory with some unsettled souls, and then waded on her own bed, as if she still couldn't understand, how could the encounter today suddenly make herself shocked?

From sitting in the back seat of the opponent, that kind of throbbing filled her with anticipation.

Even now, Shi Ruo Yu found that she only knew the other party's name, and she knew nothing else. How is the other party, whether the other party has a girlfriend, or is married, etc.

As if thinking of something, Shi Ruoyu took out her phone again, opened WeChat, and added the other party to her phone contacts.

The other party’s WeChat does not have a poetic name. It is simply Liu Chuan’s real name, and his profile picture is also Liu Chuan himself, but it is Liu Chuan in the youthful period.

It is almost a few seconds, and the addition is passed.

"Are you home?" 6 Chuan took the initiative.

Shi Ruoyu replied: "I'm in the school dormitory."

Liu Chuan came with a surprised look. It seemed that she hadn't thought that she was still a student. Under questioning, Shi Ruoyu had a position.

"Haha, by coincidence, I also graduated from Handong University, but I am a civil engineering department. So, I am your brother, what do you think of me?" Liu Chuan said, let Shi Ruoyu return A grimace.

On WeChat, I couldn't see the other party, Shi Ruoyu was much plainer and more open.

Once you let go, there will be more things to talk about, everything is boring. Taking the time to read Shi Ruoyu's circle of friends, sometimes, to understand a person, you can actually start from the circle of friends.

In the circle of friends in 6 Sichuan, there have been few updates in the past year, and only a few groups of photos of returning home to celebrate the New Year were just after the New Year.

Further up, there are some professional knowledge when working at 6 Chuan, and some decoration advertisements requested by the company. These six rivers have no time to deal with, and they have been kept.

Putting aside these things, and looking back, they are all pictures, sentiments, etc. from the time of Liuchuan University. Among them, there are also pictures of homes on vacation in the country.

It is not difficult to see that Liuchuan was born in a rural area, and the family is not rich, not to mention, it is even very average, and it can be regarded as a child from a poor family.

Like this kind of circle of friends, there are not a few times to eat, drink, and play, and how big it is to be some advertisements and insights. If you look from the left to the right, you will know that this is the identity of the absolute poor boy, the dick, and there is nothing outstanding.

Looking at it, Shi Ruoyu treated it indifferently, but felt something interesting.

Shi Ruoyu is not the kind of gold worshiper, she is only after the kind of boy who can make herself throb. What if the family is poorer, you can achieve your goals through the hard work of two people.

Besides, what about being a little poorer, as long as she can live enough, her material pursuits are not high.

This idea is silly, but Shi Ruoyu thinks so.

"What's your job now?" Shi Ruoyu asked. She saw that Liu Chuan hadn't updated about the job for a year. Maybe it was a change of job? This is completely a normal inquiry among friends.

6 Chuan replied: "Now come out and do some business by yourself."

Shi Ruoyu also didn't think much about this sentence. A man who can come out while he was young shows that he has energy, has a bigger picture, and dares to fight.

In fact, this business can be big or small, and setting up a stall can also be called a business.

A chat is about eleven o’clock. The other girls in the dormitory are all a little surprised at Shi Ruoyu’s behavior today. She used to be very regular, but today she is hiding in a bed without bathing. , Just holding your phone to chat?

This is terrible, there must be something they don't know about.

So everyone rushed over and began to torture.

The girls in the dormitory have relatively good family conditions. Although they are not rich and wealthy, they have also seen the market. Shi Ruoyu is not just a class flower. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a school flower. Her beauty and purity are combined, like the temperament of the girl next door, and I don't know how many boys are attracted to it.

But at this time, it seemed that there was a boy who moved her heart?

I'm afraid that if this news was made known to the boys in Handong University, they would definitely be pounding their chests.

Shi Ruoyu couldn't keep this secret at all, so she was robbed of her mobile phone, chat history, and the circle of friends in Liuchuan, all of which were turned out by a few girls in the dormitory.

"Shishi, have you made a mistake? This is called Liuchuan's appearance at the level of seventy points. The point is that he is just a dick. I really don't know what you like him?"

"That's right, look at his circle of friends. I don't look down on the rural people, but a poor rural boy of him. How can he be worthy of you? If you really become, you follow him back to the countryside to farm?"

"Oh my god, our schoolgirl was after a poor boy in the country. I really don't know how many men would die by knocking their heads when this news spreads."

"I suddenly felt that Tang He Tang Da Young Master is really too pitiful. As far as his identity is concerned, he has pursued so hard, but he is no better than a poor boy. Is the world unfair, or our poetry tastes unique?"

The girls in the dormitory are all boiling.

For a long time, they have always admired Shi Ruoyu's beauty and envied her for having so many suitors. However, I never thought that the person who finally made Shi Ruoyu's heart was such a poor boy.

Use four words to describe 6 Chuan, the poor family is ugly.

Changing them, this kind of identity simply cannot afford the courage to pursue it.

"It's not what you imagined. Others are not like pictures. Besides, we just met." Shi Ruoyu hurriedly defended. Liu Chuan in the circle of friends is totally different from reality. The people of 6 Chuan will never think about the charm of 6 Chuan.

"It's over, our poems are really going to fall."

A girl rolled her eyes and made a strange cry. Others also joked: "No, Shishi, you are our sister and the school girl. Just let this poor boy get a bargain. We in the same dormitory will not be laughed at?"

"Yes, find a time to ask him out, we must have a good experience."

"Aimee, when you bring your boyfriend out, let him see what he is called Junjie."

"Hmph, I want to take a good look at what magical powers these six rivers have that can actually fascinate our goddess."

"Shishi, don't talk, this matter was decided so happily."

The girls in the dormitory usually play with sisters after spending some time together. They are no exception. Naturally, they can't let their sisters suffer. They are good sisters, so naturally they have to support their sisters well.

Shi Ruoyu's character, after knowing that it was the sisters in the dormitory that they were afraid that they would suffer, would do so, she rarely laughed. Now, she just has a pure affection, how come to their mouth, she is already like the other's girlfriend?

Fortunately, there seems to be no woman in the other's circle of friends, and there should be no girlfriend yet.


In the current situation, whether the other party has a girlfriend, what does it have to do with him, and he is not his own.

Well, my cousin is not counted.


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