Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 276: Acquisition plan

Looking at Shi Ruoyu's message, 6 Chuan hesitated before replying with a good word.

It's no wonder that 6 Chuan hesitated, Ye Lingwei was coming to Handong City. This was considered a direct contact between herself and her. For this woman, 6 Chuan is unforgettable, not only the other party is a big star.

Big stars, in the eyes of ordinary people, are originally unattainable.

But it was this big star who had a diva's body, but under a blunder, he had an intersection with himself.

It looks incredible, but in this world, there is never lack of these incredibles.

Since I was about to pursue Ye Lingwei's pursuit, but now there was a poem Ruoyu interspersed, and Liu Chuan didn't know what he was now.

"Forget it, see step by step."

"Whether it is Ye Lingwei or Shi Ruoyu, who knows who can go to the end with himself?"

Six Chuan didn't struggle with this issue, and everything went with the flow.


On the morning of May 2.

6 Chuan got up to eat breakfast, but received a call from Zhou Yanhong.

"Boss, I want to report to you about the Sunshine Housekeeping Company." Zhou Yanhong's voice was a little tired.

6 Chuan's plan was originally to go to the doomsday biochemical factory to select zombies to replace the storage department. Zhou Yanhong's call made Liu Chuan hesitate for a while, and she said, "Come to the villa."

"I'll be there soon." Zhou Yanhong said quickly and hung up the phone.

6 Chuan was playing with his mobile phone, but Zhou Yanhong's type of imperial sister came to his mind. It has to be said that Zhou Yanhong has all the capital of a mature woman.

This early morning, thinking about this, for Liuchuan who is full of anger, it is inevitable that there is some impulse.

Liu Chuan shook his head with a wry smile. Last time Zhou Yanhong was a little seduced. At that time, Liu Chuan could get rid of this imperial sister and enjoy the incomparable pleasure brought by this mature woman.


6 Chuan didn't know what was going on, maybe he hadn't fully regarded his status.

Thinking of Zhou Yanhong's exhaustion in her voice, Liu Chuan ordered An Tong to prepare a breakfast in the kitchen and delivered it to the dining table. Then he didn't care any more, and ate slowly.

Zhou Yanhong actually made a call just about to arrive at the villa. She is familiar with 6 Chuan and naturally knows the law of 6 Chuan getting up.

After entering this place, Zhou Yanhong never came here for a long time after she ceased to be a personal butler.

"Boss!" Zhou Yanhong stood behind Liu Chuan habitually as before. After a long time, standing behind Liu Chuan once again made Zhou Yanhong feel strange.

You know, the original self, but he had a strong affection for his boss.

The attraction of the boss, not seen for so long, on the contrary has become stronger, and there is a charm that even she can't think through.

6 Chuan twisted his body and pointed to the opposite side: "It's prepared for you, sit down."

Zhou Yanhong hesitated and sat down.

It can be seen that Zhou Yanhong hasn't rested for a long time, and she stayed up all night last night. In order to acquire Sunshine Housekeeping Company, she led the team to work day and night.

After eating, Zhou Yanhong said, "Thank you, boss."

6 Chuan nodded and said, "Let's talk about it, about the Sunshine Housekeeping Company?"

"Yes, boss." Zhou Yanhong said: "The acquisition plan has been completed. You can buy Sunshine Housekeeping at any time. From the equity structure of Sunshine Housekeeping, you need to acquire at least 42% of the shares. The valuation of Sunshine Housekeeping is currently 570 million yuan, and 42% of the shares are 240 million yuan. Considering the premium, it needs to be at least 320 million yuan."

Having been busy for so long, the entire team has been constantly analyzing Sunshine Housekeeping before it has a specific plan.

This plan is very complicated, and what Zhou Yanhong is talking about with Liu Chuan is only a rough purchase price.

320 million is not a small amount.

A housekeeping company that can achieve this asset value can be regarded as one of the best. If it is operated properly, it will fully meet the requirements for listing. At that time, it will be a company with a market value of more than ten, or even two billion, calculated by 30 times the number of new shares.

There is no loss in acquiring this company.

Of course, Zhou Yanhong's estimate of the acquisition is still conservative. After all, the potential of Sunshine Housekeeping is here, and this kind of premium may not be able to impress shareholders.

Sunshine Housekeeping is not listed, and it is impossible to buy from the secondary market. The only way is to find a way from several shareholders.

6 Chuan nodded and said, "How do you plan to start?"

"One of the founding shareholders of Sunshine Housekeeping, Miao Jinpeng, and his other company, Huitong Industrial, has recently fallen into a crisis of breaking the capital chain. Start with him first." Zhou Yanhong did not do less work.

"Okay, you can execute it according to your plan. When the funds are needed, you will directly transfer it, and I will say hello to it." 6 Chuan thought about it, and decided to let Zhou Yanhong execute it.

Once the acquisition is completed, the benefits are obvious.

At present, there are only more than 60 million on the account of 6 Chuan. It is obviously not enough to support this plan. Counting the money that Baichuan Guihai Company needs to burn in the future, and the purchasing company's current state of expenditures, relying solely on gold shops and others cannot support it.

At the beginning of the acquisition, a lightning shot is required, and the funds must arrive soon.

Otherwise, when the current controlling party of Sunshine Housekeeping reacts, the acquisition will be a lot of trouble.

With 6 Chuan's permission, Zhou Yanhong inevitably became excited. She said emotionally, "Boss."

"Work hard. I don't want to know what you have inside the Sunshine Housekeeping." Liu Chuan waved his hand and said, "You are also tired. Go back and take a good rest for a day, and then work hard for yourself."

"I..." Zhou Yanhong wanted to say something, but Liu Chuan had already stood up and walked upstairs.


"Huh, it's really dangerous."

Zhou Yanhong's emotional appearance is definitely a ripe peach, but Liu Chuan dare not do it. The crotch support was the reason for Liu Chuan to leave. If Zhou Yanhong saw it, it would be embarrassing.

Fortunately, Zhou Yanhong must have been busy with the next acquisition, and she won't be in front of her all day long for the time being.

Of course, there are still funds for the headache.

Once the acquisition is started, the funds will definitely arrive soon. How to get this fund is something that Liuchuan needs to think about now.

Going upstairs, 6 Chuan appeared directly in the end times.

Thousands of zombies outside the biochemical factory are busy working, and they are building positions.

6 Chuan used his own God's perspective and through holographic projections, the thirty raging men and five swift men that he was staring at were put down under the instructions of Liu Chuan, and then they appeared in the warehouse.

Being able to be selected by 6 Chuan definitely carries a primitive instinct, and they are inherently superior to other zombies of the same level.

Thirty ragers, they only act as porters, and when necessary, they are also a force. As for the five swifts, they are positioned as security guards, patrolling the entire warehouse.

Thirty-five zombies were standing in front of 6 Chuan. They were all male zombies with eight heads from 1.75 to 1.5 meters. Not only that, but also a zombie who was a mature man before his death.

After the zombies are carried, they will be what they were like before being infected.

Six rivers, who have understood this law a long time ago, naturally chose not to make that kind of mistake again. They chose some old people and children.

Let them stay in the warehouse, and Liu Chuan retired from the end times.

Back in the villa, Zhou Yanhong had already left.

6 Chuan asked Ma Xifeng to drive to the storage department. Everyone here has been transferred. The whole storage department was empty and the warehouse door was closed.

Opening the gate, 6 Chuan asked Ma Xifeng to guard the outside and went inside by himself.

From here into the end times.

Thirty-five zombies still stayed in the warehouse. When Shichuan arrived, they still stood motionless and indifferent.


Six Chuan thought, and then returned to the warehouse.

Only this time, thirty-five zombies were directly loaded with the pretender system and brought into modern times. They are neatly arranged in the warehouse, looking intently at the six rivers standing in front of them.

There is no unlock expression, so their faces are cold.

The thirty-five zombies brought over this time, from twenty-six, seven to forty years old, were all healthy zombies.

Among the thirty ragers, 6 Chuan selected the most experienced one, and then unlocked all its functions.


After the function was unlocked, Cen Ji respectfully stood in front of 6 Chuan.

Cen Ji: Former Director of OFILM Storage Department.

The reason for being selected by 6 Chuan is actually that it was Ou Feiguang who held the post before his death. It is definitely not easy for someone who can be the minister. Handing this warehouse to it, 6 Chuan can rest assured.

All functions are unlocked, which means that it has restored its abilities before death.

"Cen Ji, the warehouse will be handed over to you in the future." Liu Chuan ordered, with instructions, it will do its best. 6 Chuan handed over the management of the zombies here. With it, the operation of the warehouse would not be a problem.

Cen Ji said respectfully: "Please rest assured, boss."

There are a lot of mobile phones in the 6chuan storage space. I equipped Cen Ji with one, and then added its mobile phone number. If you have any issues, you can contact it by mobile phone.

After completing the replacement of personnel in the warehouse, Liuchuan went to the repair shop again.

The repair shop accounted for a very small proportion in Liuchuan's mind. Like the uncle zombies, they are placed here.

As the level of zombies continues to increase, more and more powerful zombies continue to appear. Uncle zombies, these elementary zombies, gradually lose their effect. Place them here, mainly to give them a place to stay.

Except here, it can't be said to let them stay in the villa.

The giant wolf in the villa was already enough to make Liuchuan a headache, and there were more zombies in the villa, which was really crowded.


When the uncle zombie saw Liu Chuan, he immediately shouted respectfully.

With so many zombies here, Uncle Zombie has unlocked all the functions. The other zombies could not shout out, but stood respectfully in front of Liu Chuan.

The entire repair shop was handed over to Zhang Lin. Knowing that Liu Chuan had arrived, he immediately trot out of the manager's room.

"Boss." Zhang Lin had a trace of flattery on his face.

There is no way. After seeing Liu Chuan's strength, Zhang Lin is very caring about Liu Chuan. He has done his best to manage the entire repair shop. After all, he is not willing to stay in the repair shop.

If the performance is good, why hasn't it jumped out of this repair shop and have a wider space?

Seeing the tension on Zhang Lin's face, 6 Chuan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I just came to see my uncle."

When the uncle zombies were brought here, Liu Chuan's introduction to Zhang claimed that this one was his country uncle. This is also the case in the next life. Here, Uncle Zombies have always received special care from Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin was relieved to hear Liu Chuan say this.

6 Chuan really just came to see a few uncle zombies. They are less and less effective, but they do not hinder their status in their hearts. They are more like their relatives. Chuan felt cordial.

More and more zombies became his own subordinates, but the feeling that was at the beginning is gone.

Like Cen Ji, they are strong or strong, but in Liu Chuan's heart, they are more regarded as subordinates than relatives.

After staying here for half an hour, Liu Chuan left.


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