Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 280: abnormal

   is not one anti-aircraft gun Lu Chuan imagined, but three.

   The three anti-aircraft guns were modified and placed on the body of a heavy truck that was also modified. Since it has been modified, it can be adjusted downwards at -15 degrees through the rotating frame.

   This means that the modified anti-aircraft gun can not only shoot flat, but also lower the muzzle.

   Three anti-aircraft guns were firing frantically.

   bullets hit the zombie, in addition to the large caliber, it can cause a certain amount of damage, like a small caliber, there is no need to expect to hurt the zombie. But now it is different. The anti-aircraft gun has been upgraded to the level of a gun, with a 25mm caliber. As long as the ammunition hits the zombie, the fuze will detonate the warhead.

   Almost every bullet will smash a zombie.

   Under the continuous shooting, the zombies that were chasing turned into parts and fell down, and then were trampled by the zombies behind, without even turning over a spray.

   With the heavy truck of the anti-aircraft gun, he kept driving forward, keeping the distance from the zombies at all times.

   Under this kind of shooting, no zombies can approach at all.

   are some swifts, their agility, under the straight-line thinking of the zombies, they only end up being blown up. It should be said that under this kind of firepower, they are no different from ordinary zombies.

   is exactly a killing of zombies, three anti-aircraft guns, what is the concept?

   Just look at the zombies that have been blown up to know how miserable they are. When the zombies are blown up, they will not die as long as they don't hit the head, but after they are blown up, they fall to the ground. The countless zombies that have been stepped on are enough to make them deadly.

   Putting aside these things, what made Lu Chuan dumbfounded was that the guardrails were welded in some places of the heavy trucks. Some people held guns and kept the fire. There was no purpose. As long as they were zombies, they were the targets of their attacks.

   Such a big movement is definitely not only the appearance of ordinary zombies.

  In the tall building, Lu Chuan could see clearly, like lickers and tyrants, their shadows all appeared.


   Whether it’s a licker or a tyrant, it’s impossible to withstand the firepower of the anti-aircraft guns. Only when it appears, it will be taken care of and killed in an instant.

   Tyrants are strong, but they stand out from the crowd on this street, and they are the objects of focus.

Lu Chuan personally saw a tyrant's first trial type. Under the anti-aircraft gun, blood blossoms appeared on his body, and there was also a large piece of broken meat that was thrown off. In just a few seconds, a tyrant was beaten. The shape of the part.

   Fortunately, a huge group of zombies was mobilized, and a huge group of flying zombies appeared in the sky.

   The weird "Woo" sound from the city means that there are many tyrannical zombies who are definitely shocked.

   "These people, are they cramping?"

   Lu Chuan felt surprised. Although the survivors did not reach the center of the city, their current location was already in the city. The population density in the urban area, as long as there is some movement, there will be tens of thousands of zombie riots at any time.

   They are good. Not only do they do things in this city, but they also use heavy weapons.

   From Lu Chuan's point of view, they are just doing death.

   While Lu Chuan was still in surprise, the survivors below changed again, only seeing three heavy trucks suddenly accelerating and driving fast in this street. The reason for the modification is that there is a sharp shovel on the front of the heavy truck, which can be used as a bulldozer to push away the corpses of some zombies on the street.

  Accelerated heavy truck, its speed is not that zombies can catch up.

  Until now, Lu Chuan discovered that the street where the heavy truck accelerated to leave was empty. There were no zombies. There were countless zombies on the fallen street.

In some places farther away, on the entrance of the street, there are some survivors who used cold weapons to kill with the zombies. They are fully armed, just like ancient armored warriors. With this equipment, they don’t have to worry that the zombies can be destroyed. armor.

   As long as they are not alone, or are drowned by a large group of zombies, the zombies can't help them.

   "Alienators, new humans?"

   Despite doubts, Lu Chuan was still quite sure.

   This kind of armor weighs tens of kilograms, which is not something ordinary people can afford. To wear such a thick armor, and to fight against the zombies with weapons that might be dozens of catties or dozens of catties, it is impossible to do it without being an alien.

"how is this possible?"

   Lu Chuan couldn't figure it out a little. There were several forces in the base, they couldn't cooperate sincerely.

   But the number of aliens that Lu Chuan sees now is quite large. Based on Lu Chuan's understanding of the forces in the stronghold, none of them can have this number of aliens.

   The tearing and killing underneath is still going on. These aliens seem to prevent zombies from entering this main road and hinder the evacuation of heavy trucks.

   Lu Chuan’s telescope looked towards the farther area.


  What he saw in the telescope made Lu Chuan a little uneasy, because the streets in the distance were empty and only a few zombies were moving. The more I saw were the corpses of zombies walking on the street.

   Lu Chuan was attracted by the fighting here before, and he didn't pay much attention to these places. Now he saw it, his face changed.

   Lu Chuan sniffed, feeling nauseous.

   In the whole air, there seemed to be a smell of rotten meat.

   This taste is familiar to Lu Chuan, and anyone who is in the last days will be familiar with it, because this taste is exactly the smell of zombies. Many of the cells on the zombies will die, and then rot on the body, the smell is really not very good.

   Lu Chuan, who has become accustomed to this kind of taste, feels nothing in the city.

   But it's different now. I'm already used to it, but I can still smell such a strong smell. Combined with the zombie corpses lying on the street below, how could Lu Chuan not understand what's going on?

   "There is only one possibility for such a big rotten smell, which is the smell of the zombies below being killed in large numbers."

   Zombies are dead things, especially after being killed, they are no longer zombies, but real corpses.

   After the corpse decayed, it must give off this rotten smell.

   Such a strong taste represents the zombies dying below, not a small number.

   Lu Chuan blinked his eyes. He didn't understand. Are these survivors fully fed? As far as their resources are concerned, fighting with the zombies in this way can easily wipe out their ammunition.

   According to Lu Chuan's understanding, it is impossible for them to do this.

   The situation in front of him happened, and the survivors not only fought against zombies, but also slaughtered them. Looking at this huge vacuum street, it is enough to imagine that they did not go to the city temporarily to grab a ticket and leave.

   If there is a big vacuum street, I can't say that there is no zombies, but only a few zombies can be seen. It is absolutely impossible to be full of zombies like before.

   In addition to these survivors who opened fire, Lu Chuan also saw Alienists forming a team, using guns and cold weapons to kill zombies.

   On the empty street farther away, Lu Chuan could see many survivors. They were madly carrying everything that was useful to them. They brought the things out and sent them to the waiting vehicles on the street.

   Every time it is full, the vehicle will drive immediately, in the direction of the stronghold.

   They seem to be chaotic, but they are the order of chaos, like an organized way of fighting.

   Using the speed, Lu Chuan could see that the anti-aircraft guns on the three heavy trucks first ceased fire, and then quickly evacuated from the combat zone. There are plans for the evacuation of the three heavy trucks, so that the zombies with them can be thrown away to the greatest extent.

   And a team of teams blocking the zombies, as long as the heavy card passes them, they will follow.

  The identity of the alienators, let them wear these armors, but they are not affected. They ran fast on the street one by one, throwing away the distance from chasing the zombies at the fastest speed.

   It belongs to the urban area, and there are many streets of different sizes. It is easy to distance the zombies and throw them away.

   It is impossible for the rioting zombies to calm down so easily, but after they have no target, they can only rush forward and be attacked by the streets, finally dissolving the sea of ​​tens of thousands of zombies.

   Hundreds of thousands of zombies seem to be too many, but after they are scattered into such a large area, every street is sparse, and it is no longer crowded with zombies as before.

   The entire team of thousands of people, their advance and retreat are in order.

   From their various cooperations, Lu Chuan was sure that they had no idea how long they had repeated this combat mode. For zombies, this kind of combat mode does not need to be changed, and it will have the same effect when used again and again.

   The battle did not take as long as Lu Chuan imagined. The battle was almost over before the really powerful zombies arrived.

  The team that retreated, they quickly withdrew from the city.

   Due to the disappearance of the sound, the formed zombies lost their target, and gradually they would disperse and be scattered here.

   "Things are weird."

   Lu Chuan frowned. It was impossible to do this for the survivors he knew. Their way of fighting is actually to sneak into the city, avoid the zombies, find useful things and take them away.

   But now, seeing that they have used anti-aircraft guns, it is no longer a sneaky description, more like killing zombies to the greatest extent.

   Empty streets, occasionally there are a few zombies moving by.

   Corpses all over the ground...

   Combining these, Lu Chuan's complexion became worse. If Lu Chuan didn't guess wrong The survivors did not go to the city and left at all, but were cleaning the zombies.

   There is nothing wrong, it is just cleaning up, all the aliens in this whole team.

  Whether they are survivors fighting against zombies, survivors controlling anti-aircraft guns, or survivors looting things in empty streets, they are all alienators.


   Lu Chuan took a long breath. According to the population base of the base, the thousands of aliens were almost half of the aliens.

   Immediately, Lu Chuan's eyes turned red.

In the eyes of survivors, zombies are monsters, but in Lu Chuan’s eyes, they are not like that. Zombies are more like a disguise. With them, they can hide themselves in the city. Without zombies, the biochemical plant will face the survivors. In addition, zombies are also a resource.

   Whether it is unlocking or strengthening, it needs zombies fragments.

   The fragments of the zombies are obtained by hunting them. If the survivors slaughter all the zombies, what else can they upgrade? What can they use to unlock new zombies, and how to strengthen the zombies?

   "No, you have to figure out what happened here."

   Did not figure it out, Lu Chuan would have trouble sleeping and eating.


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