Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 290: SWAT uniform

May 9th.

The noise of the outside world has limited impact on Lu Chuan. Baichuan Guihai Company is in a vortex, but Lu Chuan, the only natural person shareholder, has not been greatly affected.

The main reason is that Lu Chuan's reputation is not obvious. Another focus is on Baichuan Guihai Company. Lu Chuan hasn't really noticed yet.

Only in certain circles will someone pay attention to Lu Chuan.

"Boss, the goods you want have arrived." Yi Ran's call hit Lu Chuan's cell phone.

Lu Chuan, who received the call, immediately left for the warehouse.

This batch of goods arrived is not the armor made by the armor factory. The efficiency of the armor factory is not so fast. They just opened the mold, and it takes two or three days to debug.

In other words, on the day when the zombies came on May 14th, they held up to the sky and created a hundred sets of armor.

One hundred sets, for the battle situation, there will be no change.

The goods arriving now are actually special police outfits.

Being able to get here fast is mainly due to the fact that the factory where the other party takes the goods has a lot of inventory, plus working overtime, it is naturally fast. Under the powerful modern industrial power, completing an order in a week is nothing at all.

It's not a real special police outfit, it's just an imitation, and the speed is naturally fast.

Without express delivery, under communication, it was delivered directly by truck.

Ma Xifeng's driving technology is enhanced by Lu Chuan, and the technology is very good. The a8l he drives truly reflects the stability of his commercial vehicle. Compared with a6l, a8l is worthy of being the flagship, far from a6l.

For example, travel, etc., but Lu Chuan likes a8l more and more. Only to attend some friends' activities, Lu Chuan will use a6l in order to keep a low profile.

When they arrived at the warehouse, they were all normal human figures after the zombies loaded the pretender system. Their loyalty prevented Lu Chuan from having to hide anything. After entering the warehouse, he found these special police outfits and looked at them.

These special police outfits are high imitations, and people who are not familiar with them can't distinguish them. They are enough to be fake.

Of course, there are some differences in the hand.

The high imitation SWAT has some plastic smell, but Lu Chuan doesn't care.


Under Lu Chuan's instructions, a zombie security came over.

Without unlocking the dressing system, it will be very painful, because they cannot wear other clothes. If they are forced to wear, the clothes will disappear. So, like the dressing system, almost every zombie that appears in modern times is standard, and it is one of the features that Lu Chuan needs to unlock.

This zombie security was unlocked, so it was quickly put on a special police outfit under Lu Chuan's instructions.

"Tsk tut, that's good."

Looking at this newly released "special police", Lu Chuan smiled.

Apart from no guns, he is completely a special police officer. Especially the custom-made helmets are in the style of riot police. They are helmet-shaped, so that people can't see the inside.

When a zombie wears a special police uniform, Lu Chuan can guarantee that if it doesn't break the helmet, no one will know it is a zombie, but will think it is a survivor.

Seeing the effect, Lu Chuan directly put these special police outfits into the storage space.

"Keep it here."

In the warehouse, Lu Chuan threw an instruction away, and he disappeared.

Apocalyptic biochemical plant.

After Lu Chuan appeared, he immediately gathered the alienated zombies, ragers and swifts. As time was getting closer, a large number of zombies in Lu Chuan's hands were recalled, almost placed in the underground warehouse.

Just in the warehouse, gather them quickly.

As the main combat force of zombies today, the number of ragers and swifts is also increasing, and the combined number of the two is comparable to ordinary zombies.

Today, there are more than four thousand ordinary zombies.

The number of alienated zombies, ragers, and swifts is also around 4,000.

In terms of zombies, hellhounds, lickers, and tyrants, the power of zombies in Lu Chuan's hands has reached the historical height of 10,000.

Since the production is random, there are males and females, old and young among the ragers and swift ones...Of course, for zombies, the difference between old and young is just the difference in body height, and there is no difference in the others. .

After Lu Chuan selected outrages and swifts that were at least one meter tall, the number of them was about 1,500, regardless of men, women, or children.

There are only 1,000 sets of special police uniforms, so Lu Chuan still picked out some juvenile zombies.

It wasn't until there were only a thousand zombies left that Lu Chuan issued an order for them to install these special police officers to replace them. Don't think that this matter is simple, it is wrong.

These are zombies, and their sensitivity makes it difficult to complete this task.

Lu Chuan could only give orders one by one until they met.

It took only four or five hours to toss about this one, and finally one thousand zombies were put on these special police uniforms.

A thousand aliens, ragers and swifts lined up in a line before, Lu Chuan hadn't felt how, after all, he was used to their ugly appearance, just a large group.

But now, it's different.

A thousand zombies are equivalent to a thousand special police officers standing in front of Lu Chuan. They are neatly arranged to form a huge square array. Under the background of this special police outfit, the shock gives Lu Chuan an illusion. There is a sense of high spirits.

It seems that everything in this world is in his own hands.

The zombies put on the special police outfit, they are extremely powerful, even if it is such a stop, it gives people a sense of surging.

"With a weapon, it's perfect." Lu Chuan smashed his mouth.

The weapons in Lu Chuan's hands are now diverse, and they are mainly AK47. After all, the source is counter-armed forces, and their weapons are not very sophisticated.

The special police outfit, with ak47, is really not very coordinated.

But buying a thousand standard weapons, this business, will definitely arouse attention, because the power equipped can no longer be said to be a small force. Don't think that you won't know it internationally, so you are wrong. You only need to place an order and it will be known to many countries immediately.

You buy a few, dozens, and no one will pay attention to you, but a thousand is different.

Putting it in Africa is a big arms deal.

"Ak is ak, isn't it a thermal weapon?" Lu Chuan doesn't matter, this is the end of the world, and it is not easy to have ak47. Really standard weapons are not impossible. They can be made in modern times. The second is to build them in apocalyptic strongholds.


Lu Chuan's thoughts moved, and in front of Lu Chuan, a hill composed of various weapons appeared.

More than two thousand weapons were piled up in a pile, messy on the negative warehouse of the biochemical factory.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, one by one zombies equipped with special police outfits came over, no matter what the weapon was, one by one, holding one in their hands, and walking to the other side in line.

Every gun has a magazine, even a spare magazine.

Orders were issued one by one. The zombies not only carried guns, but also put the magazines on the tactical belt and carried them with them.

After the 1,000 zombies were all equipped with weapons, they stood there, and their murderous aura reached several levels. Unarmed and guns are completely two concepts.

A thousand zombies holding various weapons and standing in a row are indeed very different from before. Before it was just mighty, but now it has increased endless murderous aura.

The zombies were originally cold, but with weapons, they became murderous.

"Next, is to train them."


When the zombies don't have the instinct of marksmanship, what Lu Chuan can do is to strengthen the memory of the zombies through "programming" functions, and then let them execute.

The marksmanship in this case can only be fired. It is hard to say how effective it is.

Fortunately, there are a thousand zombies, and people can always be killed under random guns and gangs.

What Lu Chuan wants, just look good.

At the biochemical plant, when it was busy at this time, the entire position was completed according to the defensive map provided by Zhao Beijiang and the others. After using concrete, a maze-like position was created.

On the streets, there are defensive structures similar to horse traps. As long as the zombies come in, they will wait to sink their feet. It is hard to say whether they will fracture or not. It is possible to delay their speed.

Thousands of zombies are busy in several directions of the biochemical factory, moving and placing them.

After Lu Chuan's instructions, the zombies executed the orders in an orderly manner.

The movement made here naturally attracted a lot of zombies to gather here, but they were blocked. On the street, Lu Chuan set up a tall iron net early to prevent them from coming over to make trouble. Without further stimulation, They are just crowded in front of the barbed wire, but they won't play with piles of corpses desperately coming over.

Thousands of special police pretend to be zombies, and their team appeared here mightily.

There was movement, but there was no breath of life, and there was no way to stimulate the zombies here.

This place belongs to the field of view of the biochemical factory. Lu Chuan does not need to appear outside, but sits in the boss chair of the boss's office of the biochemical factory. Through the holographic projection, he can see everything clearly, and he can operate it with a single thought.

"Line up!"

Lu Chuan began to give orders.

In order to make them have a certain degree of power, what Lu Chuan can do is to make them look like real humans. They can raise their guns, or open fire, and do some tactical actions.

To do this, it must take a lot of time.

In this matter, Lu Chuan could only take the initiative in himself, and could not replace it.

It's impossible to be as flexible as a special police, but it is still possible to do some ordinary actions and evasions. Some of these are actually enough. Lu Chuan originally let them behave.


Lu Chuan gave the instructions, and it was not so easy for the zombies to complete. Lu Chuan could only slowly issue more detailed instructions.

Starting in the morning, it has been several hours before I can do these actions.

Lu Chuan found that under his instructions, the actions of a thousand special police zombies were exactly the same, which was indeed quite cheating. Lu Chuan didn't care about correcting it. Anyway, using micro-manipulation to make them in batches should be more natural.

"about there."

Lu Chuan's eyes are the zombies surrounded by barbed wire. There are about a hundred zombies crowded here, and behind them, there are zombies walking around, not many , But they can't see the end on the street.

Anyway, I am not on the street, and there is no such thing as it will affect me.

"Line up!"

"Raise the gun."



The last instruction, at the moment Lu Chuan issued the special police zombies, raised their guns neatly and uniformly, and then made an action aimed at these zombies, and they pulled the trigger almost simultaneously and fired.

Suddenly, the gunshot sounded loudly, and there was a faint tongue of fire on the gun.

At the barbed wire fence, sparks splashed, and blood blossoms appeared on the zombies crowded here. When hit by bullets, it was rotten flesh splashing, and a blood hole appeared. (https://)

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