Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 293: Much more than that

Witnessing this kind of AR technology that can be said to be extremely colorful, the Internet is boiling.

Modern information methods, the development of smart phones, and the coverage of the network... make the transmission of information fast in seconds. In other words, every action you make, every word you say, will be known to hundreds of millions of people within a second.

I don't know how many people are fascinated by this dazzling mobile phone.

In the scene, the smarter people immediately took out their mobile phones to make calls or send messages, with only one purpose, to report everything they saw.

What is seeing is believing?

If they still do not believe that Baichuan Guihai Company has really mastered the ar technology, they are really blind. So many people have seen the operation, can it be faked?

With regard to this technology, if it is really fake, they will recognize this kind of fake.

The extremely dazzling mobile phone operation, in the hands of Hou Kangping, the mobile phone interface is like a sprite, they appear, they disappear. Like an operation in the air, wherever Hou Kangping's fingers go, he is extremely flexible.

The faces of all the people who know the goods have changed greatly, because the technical force represented by this wave of operations is really terrifying and beyond imagination.

Everyone knows that the ar technology involves as many as dozens of sub-categories, and under the sub-categories, there are countless more subdivided technologies. Only by breaking through the sub-categories one by one, can the ar technology be evolved eventually.

No one can tell what Dacheng's AR technology is like, but the expected effect is the same as what Hou Kangping is now operating.

In other words, the ar technology of Baichuan Guihai Company is actually infinitely close to being used in mass production, and it is still a very complete ar technology.

Is this okay?

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Baichuan Guihai Company, which masters this complete ar technology, will have a valuation of more than 50 billion at this moment, which is still US dollars. As long as the Baichuanguihai company can prove that it has solved more key segmentation technologies, this valuation will go up frantically and doubled.

A terrorist-level company will appear in front of the world.

Hou Kangping is still operating, seemingly plain, but the people below can no longer calm down.

"Immediately make an inquiry to the Baichuan Guihai Company, one billion US dollars in exchange for 10% of the shares." The response was quick, and the order was already issued to quote the Baichuan Guihai Company.

Before the exchange, their offer was only 5 million US dollars, and they wanted 10% of the shares. Now they mentioned 1 billion US dollars, which is only 10%.

This quotation, the valuation of Baichuan Guihai Company, has reached the level of 10 billion US dollars.

And this kind of people, they ignore, with the technology that can be seen now, how can it be comparable to 10 billion US dollars?

For top investment companies like Sequoia, they are not in a hurry to make inquiries and quotes. Their experience makes them already know that even if only 1% of the shares are in this kind of company, it is calculated in billions of dollars. of.

They need to pass the analysis and statistics of various departments, and then the board of directors makes a decision before they can make inquiries and quotes.

Who could have expected that this little-known company has suddenly subverted the technological revolution, like a chicken blood, making ar, a cutting-edge technology, a reality?

Completely, Baichuan Guihai Company caught the world by surprise.

Facing the chaotic scene, Hou Kangping seemed to have expected that he was better than them at the beginning? It took half a month to calm down.

"Zong Hou, can you let us do it?"

"Greetings to the general manager, have you cooperated with Huawei? When can you launch the AR mobile phone?"

"President Hou, does Baichuan Guihai Company intend to raise funds?"

Reporters one by one, they kept throwing up their own questions like crazy. If it weren't for the powerful security guards to stop them, I'm afraid they would have rushed forward.

For the first time, Ren Qianhua of Huawei received the news.

As the real top boss in China, he just glanced at the video that came back, and his eyes immediately burst into light. The reason is simple, the other party uses a Huawei phone.

It is not an exaggeration to say that, invisibly, Baichuan Guihai Company sent Huawei a gift worth not less than one billion.

This is an intangible or tangible advertisement. Just because it is watched by hundreds of millions of people, because it is an AR phone that can actually be operated, and because of the advent of AR technology revolution, Huawei will become the focus of attention.

There is no need to advertise any more, everyone knows Huawei phones, even with ar phones.

"Immediately notify the technical department to come over."

Even if Huawei's mobile phone already has a huge share in the market, it is far from enough. The mobile phone business surpasses Apple. It has always been Ren Qianhua's greatest effort. Now this opportunity has emerged.

"Immediately let the public relations department contact Baichuan Guihai Company on behalf of the company and ask about the situation of the mobile phone and the possibility of cooperation."

Ren Qianhua is not stupid. He doesn't think that the other party has used his own mobile phone, so he can use this one as a reliance to threaten Baichuan Guihai Company. If this is the case, it would be a big mistake, because the technology is in the hands of the other party, and people could have replaced a mobile phone of another brand.

The current situation is intangible to Huawei's advantage. To seize this preconceived opportunity, no matter how high the price is.

On stage.

No matter what the outside world is like, Hou Kangping didn't reply to the reporters' questions at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "This time the press conference, I will only say, not answer. If you want the answer, you can guess by yourself."

Without hesitation, Hou Kangping put the mobile phone away and put it in his pocket.


Countless disappointed sighs, a personal look, reluctantly looked at Hou Kangping's pocket. Although they have taken hundreds of pictures, they still feel that they are not enough.

Hou Kangping took a sip of the mineral water, but suddenly said, "I don't know how much you know about ar technology?"

Most of the people who can come to this conference have an understanding of ar technology. Who knows what ar technology is?

Without the answer from the people below, Hou Kangping showed a mysterious smile and said: "Then, I will call someone out to answer my question."

The people below were all excited, and raised their hands one by one.

Hou Kangping turned slightly and shouted: "Mortals, you can't answer this question for me. Only fairies can answer it."

Every male reporter suddenly felt resentment. Isn't this sexism?

And the female reporters raised their hands even more excitedly, and Kang Ping was suddenly full of good feelings in their eyes. After all, this fairy is definitely a good name for them.


Hou Kangping still shook his head: "Ladies, you are not to be fairies either."

"Hahahaha..." The countless male reporters all laughed smirkingly.

Ignoring the resentful eyes of the female reporters below, Hou Kangping pointed his hand and said to the empty stage: "Look, the fairy is going down."

Hou Kangping, who was originally the focus, instantly attracted countless people's eyes and followed where his hand was pointing.

With Hou Kangping as the center, it changed suddenly.

What appeared in front of everyone was like being in a fairyland. There are huge trees standing in the sky, spring flowers everywhere, countless chirping birds, and the mountains and forests are trickling water.

Everyone present was stunned, because they found that they seemed to be here, right in this fairyland.

Not only the bird's call by the ears, but also the fragrance of the flowers blooming, it seems to be breathed into the lungs, making people startled. What makes them stare even more is the plants that are within reach around them. Every leaf, every stripe inside, and even the dew on it is so real.

One of the white clouds that formed in the sky moved.

Beside Duo, an ancient woman who was so suffocatingly beautiful, she used the most elegant and poetic movements to slowly drive down the white clouds and stand in front of Hou Kangping.

This fairy stood tall and graceful in front of Hou Kang's plane, just like a living person standing in front of them. With their naked eyes, there is no way to judge whether this is a real person or just a fake person.

If they were real people, everyone knew that they were in the press conference just now, and how could people fly down from the sky like gods?

But if it is a dummy, how can it be possible?

Every detail of her is so real, with shaking eyelashes, two big talking eyes, and an ancient white plain clothes being blown in the breeze, it makes people feel as if they smell a strange fragrance.

When she saw Hou Kangping, she made a slight wish.

Hou Kangping smiled and said, "I'm a modern person, here is the hug ceremony."

While speaking, he embraced the past unceremoniously.

Countless people's eyes are now huge, and they can't believe everything they see. On the Internet, it is even more mysteriously plunged into silence, everyone only knows to stare at the screen.

It’s a pity that Hou Kangping’s hug seemed to be in the air. His hands and people even penetrated through the body of this fairy. This fairy seemed to be of quality, but at this moment it let the world know , It's not quality at all.

The people at the scene suddenly recovered.

One by one, they boldly reached out their hands to touch the trees around them. They soon discovered that their hands had penetrated these trees that seemed to be real, which made them sober. All this seemed to be true, but it was false.

What is ar technology.

At this moment, Baichuan Guihai Company clearly explained it. ar technology is reality augmentation. It combines virtual and reality, so you can't distinguish between true and false. It can even simulate a virtual scene completely, making you think what you see is true.

Using this technology, you can just throw a car. It’s fake, but it’s on the street, as you see it, it’s real, because it’s so realistic that if you don’t approach it To touch, you can't judge whether it is true or false.

Not only the venue, but also on the Internet, this moment is truly boiling.

Compared with the previous mobile phone projection operation, what they see now is the real ar technology, the real ar technology.

If there was any doubt before, no one doubted it anymore.

Not just seeing it with your own eyes, but even experiencing it with your own eyes.

Just one person may say that it is fraud, if it is said that it is ten people, it can be said that it is a bribe. But now it is witnessed by hundreds of people, and hundreds of millions of people have also witnessed it through live broadcast. There is no such thing as dazzling.

Countless investment companies, countless companies engaged in ar technology development, all eyes are red.

It is certain that After this press conference, Baichuanguihai Company, a company, will be as famous as countless top companies. Even if it is still very weak, its potential may surpass some of these companies.

As long as you are not an idiot, anyone who can invest in this company now means that they are stealing money.

Even if it is only 01% of the shares, they are all in 100 million units.

A single concept can raise billions of dollars and value tens of billions of dollars.

But now this company has put this conceptual, technology that was still far away from people, to the world. As long as you are not stupid, you will know that the company's valuation is completely 100 billion US dollars.

No matter how big the price is, the rate of return will be unimaginable before all companies have a stake in the competition.

For the companies that are also developing ar technology, it is like a disaster. These companies are like a bubble. At this moment, they are pierced by a Baichuanguihai company and nothing will be left. (https://)

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