Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 296: Guilty

May 11th.

Ye Lingwei was on the early morning flight. Lu Chuan watched the flight disappear into the sky before leaving.

Last night, nothing happened. After all, Ye Lingwei just let go of herself. Whether she can make more progress depends on her performance.

According to Lu Chuan's plan, she should be left for a few more days.

First, Ye Lingwei didn't have time, and the second was Lu Chuan himself, who also had no time.

Countdown to the arrival of zombies: 3 days 01:22:27.

This countdown let Lu Chuan know that the crisis is near. I prepared for this for a month and made countless ideas to cope with this crisis.

Ye Lingwei is important, but the biochemical plant is more important.

There is no emotional level involved, but Lu Chuan knows that everything he has is brought by the biochemical factory. If the biochemical factory fails, his life will also fail.

Ye Lingwei now promised to give herself a chance, but Lu Chuan knew very well that if he had been a poor boy, the two of them would have no results, not because of Ye Lingwei, but from the power of the world, but also from himself. Don't talk about other people, even he can't pass this level, because Lu Chuan doesn't want to be said to eat soft rice.

Watching the flight disappear, Lu Chuan turned to leave.


Zhang Li They are all there, at the entrance of the stairs and at the door of the room, they are dedicated to protecting Lu Chuan.

Now everything about the Baichuan Guihai Company is being brewed, but Lu Chuan can't take care of it. He left it to Zhong Hua to handle it. Anyway, he won't accept financing at the moment, it's just a matter of nonsense.

At this time, Lu Chuan, sitting in his chair, dialed Xia Min's number.

After returning home from Luchuan, the helmeted mercenaries contracted and then evacuated Sudan.

This battle, as Lu Chuan thought, shocked the world. Thousands of casualties, no matter what country they are in, are a major event. What is even more unbelievable is that the helmet mercenary, a mercenary, can survive miraculously.

Everyone's eyes re-examined this new mercenary.

It is no exaggeration to say that this battle has directly turned the helmeted mercenaries into the top ten mercenaries in the world, which is incredible for a mercenary that has only been established for less than a year.

It's incredible for others, but the helmet mercenary did it.

Of course, to the outside world, helmet mercenaries also reported losses, and the deaths of more than 300 people showed the danger of this battle. As for the death rate of 300 people, outside speculation, the helmet mercenaries would have lost their compensation alone.

Is it just true?

The fact is that the death toll is about a hundred zombies. Lu Chuan took this opportunity to eliminate the zombies in the form of students and old people before. The added zombies were almost all zombies in the form of sturdy men.

With this one, the strength of the helmeted mercenary has been raised several levels and become even more terrifying.


Don't look at simple dialing, but in fact it is through the processing location to ensure that no one can lock and get their location, or even know where the call was made.

There is no way, Xia Min has now been noticed by countries all over the world, and is also studying her, so Lu Chuan cannot be careless.

A mercenary with such a terrifying combat capability is difficult to not be noticed. With 500 troops, it is horrifying enough to destroy a thousand troops composed of elite mercenaries and counter-armed forces.

"Dakar." Xia Min replied concisely.

After being evacuated from Sudan, they moved directly to West Africa for repairs.

Lu Chuan didn't shiver, and gave instructions: "Start work."

"Understood, boss!" Xia Min replied concisely. It didn't have any commands to repel the boss. They were more like a machine, which would be activated as long as the boss gave instructions.

Starting to work, the underlying meaning is to start working.

Helmet mercenary, its nature is destined to do what kind of work.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan twisted his brows slightly, showing a wry smile. Letting the helmet mercenaries work is also helpless. Whoever allows him to have too little funds, he has not even arrived at 30 million.

Baichuan Guihai's current monthly salary alone exceeds 10 million. No matter it is a gold shop or a repair shop, they cannot provide such a large expenditure.

Zhao Huli and Lu Chuan recently provided a batch of apocalyptic cars, but they will not be produced so quickly. Besides, in the second-hand car business, my storage space is still small. Although the side length has reached an astonishing 16 meters, according to the size of the car, it is only necessary to carry dozens of vehicles.

Walking again and again like before, Lu Chuan didn't want to.

What's more, the second-hand cars in Zhao Hu's hands are now accumulated. After he can carry a hundred cars at a time, this business has to be done.

Putting this aside, Lu Chuan found that he didn't have much access to money.

The small thirty million in hand is not used.

The other one is that the zombie crisis is ready to come, and this small 30 million is for emergency use. After the war, even if you win, you will lose a lot. You need to replenish the number of zombies. This little money is not enough.

No matter how many ways to make money, what Lu Chuan can do now is to deal with this zombie attack. Only after this zombie attack can he start making money.

For example, the city raids, such as the planning of companies such as virtual games.

Song Liuqing's online marketing company should be a pillar at present, and because of its close to zero cost, the profits it brings are extremely impressive. But this kind of business can only be handled as a long stream, and there is no way to scale it.

The impact of so many luxury goods on the market will definitely attract the attention of these luxury goods companies, and it will also be a trouble.

In the warehouse, all kinds of goods are piled up like a mountain again. They are a wealth, but they have to be sorted out and then counted after they are released. It is not a short-term solution.

"It's really a headache."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. He had no treasure mountain, but lived a life of absolute poverty. It can only be said that he was not working hard enough, not bold enough, and many things were not enough to take this step.

This is mainly caused by Lu Chuan's character and lack of a certain foundation.

After hanging up Xia Min's phone, Lu Chuan didn't think much, but disappeared and appeared in the end times. With three days left, Lu Chuan needs to inspect the position.

Defensive warfare requires planning for the worst.

Lu Chuan now predicts that there will be level five zombies. The biochemical factory is now level four, but within a month, Lu Chuan has no way to unlock the pursuers. It can be said that he used the power of level three zombies to block the attacks of level four zombies, or even level five zombies.

Such a gap cannot tolerate Lu Chuan's carelessness.

On the construction site.

A large number of zombies were working. They followed Lu Chuan's instructions and built tighter and firmer channels to divert the zombies. In this passage, a large number of extremely sharp blades were designed to destroy the feet of the zombies.

Not only that, but unlocking the metal carrying allows Lu Chuan to do more things, such as embedding electric saws in the passage.

The biochemical factory has a very large field of view. These areas are all areas where zombies are collected. There are not many motor shops that operate this kind of electric saws. It is not difficult to get these electric saws, and there are not many.

Lu Chuan directly let these electric chainsaws be embedded in the passage after they are fully charged.

As long as the zombie siege begins, directly start these electric chainsaws, and Lu Chuan is expecting the effect. The zombies passing by the passage will definitely be divided directly by this electric saw. With the cutting power of the electric saw, the third-level zombies are not enough for it to saw.

In addition to these, Lu Chuan also built 10,000 alloy javelins and assigned 400 ragers. Each of them carried twenty-five alloy javelins with barbed tails on their backs. They will bid at that time. gun.

The extremely strong penetrating power is enough to nail each zombies to the ground.


Handong City.

Gao Tianqiang's face was standing sullenly, this is a box, dozens of people are sitting here, but there are no women and wines of the past, but everyone's face becomes ugly.

"It is valued at 50 billion U.S. dollars, and this valuation may break upward."

As if breaking the tranquility, a young brother stared at the phone and exclaimed.

In the Internet age, you will know what information is available right away. Each portal site will update the news in a very short time. Valuation of 50 billion is one of the headlines above.

This is not an exaggeration. Everyone present knows that Baichuan Guihai Company is worth so much.

Thinking that they had the opportunity to use tens of millions to get 40% of this company's shares, this is 20 billion U.S. dollars, a figure that makes them breathless. But now, I can't catch anything, and anyone who changes will feel extremely unhappy.

"Everyone think about a way, this is a company that currently has no foundation." It was Qin Zhixing who spoke out. His face was grim and he would not forget the shame he suffered before Baichuan Guihai Company.

Those who come here today are all shareholders of Handong Asset Management Company.

Everyone would think that it was a sure thing, but at the greet of Secretary Li, he was reprimanded by his parents, so they abruptly missed this opportunity and made them regret that their hair is blue. If they move faster, now they All are billionaires.

Gao Tianqiang narrowed his eyes, of course he was not reconciled.

With the press conference of Baichuanguihai Company, his company’s valuation immediately shrank by 90%. Now it is only a mere 10 million yuan valuation. This is the case for technology companies. When the possibility is lost, nothing is left value. From the press conference, it is not difficult to see that the AR technology of Baichuan Guihai Company is very mature.

In the face of mature technology, some of their companies that are still playing concept money are like punctured bubbles.

"Leopard, did you send the information of Baichuan Guihai Company to Master He?" Suddenly, Gao Tianqiang said.

Baichuan Guihai Company thinks that it is covered by Secretary Li, so it can gain a foothold in Handong City? This also takes myself too You must know that this is the provincial capital, and Secretary Li is just a city official in Handong City, but not a provincial official.

What's more, this is Huaxia, so big, a province of Handong is really small.

Like Young Master He, as long as he is willing to go, this Baichuan Guihai company has no room to fight back.

Now Baichuan Guihai Company has such a huge valuation, but in Gao Tianqiang's view, it is no different from a child with a treasure, who will only swagger through the market with gold ingots in the busy city. I don't know how many people regard it as fat. meat.

To be sure, in the days to come, countless tentacles will reach out and divide this company up.

For companies with no foundation, this is called Huaibi guilty.


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