Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 325: Beating someone

Bu Jiayue's face twitched, then looked at the sundae in his hand, but it was the cheapest one here, the price was 888. ()

888 yuan, if it weren't for Tang Shao's invitation, she would not dare to eat it.

And Su Yun and the others, also looking at the sundae in their hands, their faces turned black. Looking at Lu Chuan, he could almost kill people. Why would he dare to order 8888 copies of the Ice Queen, and he could only be an ordinary sundae?

Shi Ruoyu squinted, sticking out her tongue at Lu Chuan, and seeing her blinking, she didn't need to think about it, she was asking for credit.

With Tang He's urine nature, if it were not for Shi Ruoyu's words, he would really dare to regret it.

Seeing Bu Jiayue's resentful face, Tang He snorted coldly.

Bu Jiayue didn't dare to fight against Tanghe, and immediately bowed his head and ate spoon by spoonful.

"Thank you." Lu Chuan grinned.

Tang He's face was smiling, but his eyes were breathing fire. This disgusting guy, come here to cheat him. The point is that he also robbed the woman he was fond of. How can this be tolerated?

"Lu Chuan, where is the highest place?" Tang He naturally knew some of Lu Chuan's information, and it was precisely because he knew that he asked.

A poor boy in the country, dare to stand in front of him?

Today, Tang He’s purpose is simple, to let Shi Ruoyu know that only by choosing rich people can he lead a luxurious life and eat whatever he wants.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Do some small business yourself."

"I heard that you have a repair shop? This is good. Although you deal with oil all day long, you can still make some money as long as you work hard." Tang He was proud of his face, but his eyes were aimed at. Lu Chuan's hand.

Tang He's words also made Su Yun and the others look at Lu Chuan's hands.

Lu Chuan said as if he could not see Tang He's malice at all, "What Tang Shao said is that as long as you work hard, you can still make money."

The ice queen has a lot of processes, but it can’t hold up the daily quantity here. There are only a few cups in one day. The reason is too expensive, so there is no need to limit it.

Soon, two cups of Ice Queen were delivered.

Lu Chuan pushed a cup to Shi Ruoyu and said, "Try it quickly. If you want, you can also start a small live broadcast."

Without any image, Lu Chuan picked up a spoon to dig.

This kind of entrance makes the whole person refreshed, and the peculiar milky fragrance it carries is more like the cells of the whole body being opened. Breathing this cold air makes people so refreshed to explode.


Lu Chuan smashed his mouth: "It's weird. The ice queen of 8888 is no different from ordinary ice cream. It's not the same as the one-yuan peanut ice cream in the small shop."


These words gave Tang He a feeling of vomiting blood, which is the type that sells well after getting cheap.

Don't eat if there is a seed.

The grass is still eating, and you are still eating it with such relish, shameless?

Seeing Lu Chuan's eyebrows smiling, it was so delicious that it exploded, but he kept criticizing it, as if he was eating something super unpalatable.

"Do you want a face?" Su Yun and the others were also taken.

Shi Ruoyu smiled slightly when she saw Tang He whose face was green.

After finally eating, Lu Chuan let out a refreshing breath.

"Shishi, just downstairs is the most luxurious shopping mall in Handong City. Let's go down and take a look to help us digest." Tang He stood up and issued a suggestion.

Bu Jiayue and Su Yun all had their eyes shining.

Luxury, no woman can resist its allure.

Shi Ruoyu hesitated, she rarely visited these places, and it seemed that Lu Chuan was the same. This Tanghe was here to show off his wealth, it was more like digging a corner?

Lu Chuan laughed, and said, "Poetry, it happens that we are also going to open our eyes."

Tang He also smiled. This Lu Chuan, is his head broken? Almost none of the luxury goods below are less than 10,000 yuan, and all are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even dozens... Millions of.

A poor boy from the country deserves to go in there too?

Well, let this poor boy recognize reality.

Through the elevator, we arrived soon.

As a luxury shopping mall, it is naturally impossible for people to flow like weaving here. Everyone who comes here is all people with status and status. They call themselves high-class and successful people.

Tang He has been here more than once. Sometimes in order to chase women, he only needs to go here and spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a bag, and all the women are taken.

With his head held high, Tang He walked ahead.

"Look, this is the most prestigious Chanel in the perfume industry. It manages all the top perfumes, and the lowest bottle will cost more than 10,000 yuan." Tang He introduced, and at the same time counted Chanel's products. , Such as packages.

Su Yun and the others were dazzled.

Every brand here is famous and has a huge lethality to them.

When he arrived at the LV store, Tang He took the lead and walked in.

Shi Ruoyu's expression was complicated, and she would peek at Lu Chuan's face from time to time, but on Lu Chuan's face, she couldn't see anything unusual. Think about it, how many luxury brands Lu Chuan can recognize.

in fact……

Lu Chuan had disdain on his face. These gadgets, several warehouses in his own warehouse, all the luxury goods here add up to less than a fraction of his own, but he has swept the entire city center, just tens of thousands of bottles of perfume. Piled up into hills.

Take the bag for example, the most expensive one is priced at 2.88 million.

In front of this Bao Wang, the bag in front of him is nothing at all.

Entering here, Lu Chuan took a casual glance and lost interest. In Lu Chuan's eyes, the goods piled up in the warehouse were like a pile of garbage, so he was too lazy to deal with it.

"Shishi, how about this one, as long as you like it, I can buy it and give it to you."

Tang He arrived in front of a light gray bag, showing a triumphant look, not forgetting to provoke Lu Chuan.

The price of this bag is 168,800.

Several people, Bu Jiayue, showed envy in their eyes. As long as Shi Ruoyu nodded, this bag would be in hand. 168,800, a number that made them dumbfounded.

Shi Ruoyu shook her head and said, "I already have a bag, no need for it."

Tang He did not reluctantly, this time he came out just to stimulate Shi Ruoyu, and now adding a poor boy Lu Chuan, it happened to kill two birds with one stone.

The international status of Handong City is that the specialty stores here are very high-level. The most expensive bag in the store has an astonishing price of 888,800. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is nearly one million.

Like this kind of bag, Bu Jiayue and the others are all onlookers, even Shi Ruoyu will inevitably follow her heart, because she is so beautiful, she is not a gold worshiper, but it does not prevent her from dreaming about carrying this bag. The scene.

Of course Tang He didn't dare to speak out, nearly a million, he still couldn't play.

"Let's go, let's go to the next shop." Tang He made a suggestion. Bu Jiayue and the others were reluctant, but they could only follow them.

Lu Chuan followed with a smile, and after leaving the LV store, he said, "I'll go to the toilet."

"It's really troublesome." Tang He sneered.

Lu Chuan got to the toilet and disappeared after confirming that there was no one and the camera.

A few minutes later, Lu Chuan appeared, but there was an extra bag in his hand. And this bag, which is different from the previous LV's most expensive 888,800, looks texture and grade, but even higher.

Like this kind of bag, Lu Chuan has many tens of thousands in the warehouse, all of which are top luxury brands.

Not only bags, but also some accessories like perfumes, all of which were picked up and brought over.

Packed in a bag, Lu Chuan returned with a smile.

The faces of Tang He who had been waiting impatiently for a long time would naturally not look good.

Lu Chuan didn't care, but handed the bag to Shi Ruoyu: "Shi Shi, this is a bag, perfume or something for you. It's not worth any money. I just bought it and gave it to you if it was beautiful."

Shi Ruoyu took it and said, "Thank you."

With the bag, Bu Jiayue and the others couldn't see it at all. Shi Ruoyu didn't check the reason for the first time, but she wanted Lu Chuan to have some face. With Lu Chuan's financial resources, she could not buy any valuable bags.

Tang He smiled lightly: "Lu Chuan, did you use the toilet to buy a bag from the cheap mall below? Haha, this kind of routine is really ridiculous. If there is no money, there is no money. What pretend to be?"

Even Su Yun and the others thought so.

Shi Ruoyu carried the bag, bit her lip slightly, but said, "Tang He, Lu Chuan is my boyfriend. No matter what he gives me, it is his heart, let alone noble or bad."

Tang He vomits blood. You like this cheap bag and perfume. Do you still like it so much?

Even Bu Jiayue thought that Shi Ruoyu was not saved.

Lu Chuan laughed, this sentence deeply impressed me.

In fact, in Lu Chuan's eyes, Tang He is nothing at all. If you want to know that Young Master He, didn't you give him a rollover? A Tang He, the rich second generation, does not have a super title yet, he can fully let him know why the flower is so popular.

Of course, the reason why Lu Chuan didn't do it was in front of Shi Ruoyu.


Lu Chuan's plan was to let the zombies beat Tang He all over.

The phone in Lu Chuan's pocket rang. He checked the number and said to Shi Ruoyu, "I'll answer the call."

After walking a few steps away, Lu Chuan connected.

"Lu Chuan, come out and drink a few drinks with me." Kang Yang's voice was very tired, and he felt exhausted, as if he was several years old all at once.

Lu Chuan was taken aback and did not refuse: "Okay, send me the address."

Needless to say, something must have happened to Kang Yang.

After hanging up the phone Lu Chuan gave a wry smile: "Shishi, originally I wanted to go shopping with you, but unfortunately it was a little urgent, it can only be next time."

Shi Ruoyu shook his head and said, "You can go ahead if you have something to do, and I want to go back. We can't afford the things here anyway."

"Okay, pay attention." Lu Chuan nodded.


With a stern look in Lu Chuan's eyes, a thought came out: "Ma Xifeng, hit this Tanghe, and the scale will allow him to stay in the hospital for ten and a half days."

Sister, when you are a vegetarian?

If it hadn't taken into account the image in front of Shi Ruoyu, Lu Chuan would have started doing it a long time ago and hit him all over the floor looking for teeth.

After taking the elevator to the first floor, Ma Xifeng was already waiting for Lu Chuan. He handed the car key to Lu Chuan, walked to the gate and stood straight, like a door god.

It is waiting, waiting for the person in the boss's order to appear.

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