Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 346: Embarrassing now

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June 22. Add this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Three days before the press conference of Baichuan Guihai Company, the entire Handong City has entered a state of tension.

On the streets, you can see police officers patrolling everywhere.

The influence of a Baichuanguihai company on Handong City is enormous. The eyes of countless people are focused here. Handong City’s every move, every word and deed, are all concerned by hundreds of millions of people.

Challenges and opportunities coexist, and how to work around the Baichuan Guihai Company has become a top priority for the government.

With insight and focus, attracting investment in cities and provinces is a victory.

What's more, Baichuan Guihai Company brought more than that.

Baichuanguihai's AR technology is an integrated technology, which will drive the development of dozens of industries at that time. Numerous upstream and downstream manufacturers and companies will exist around Baichuan Guihai Company.

Under this situation, Baichuan Guihai Company will drive an industrial chain of hundreds of billions.

Just imagine, how can this kind of company not be valued by the city or province?

Serving the Baichuan Guihai company well is a political achievement for countless officials. What a huge company like this can drive will be a great economic leap for the entire province.

Even if Baichuan Guihai has no real mass-produced products, it doesn't matter. There is technology, this day is as early as possible. The leaders of each province and city have seen the technology of Baichuan Guihai Company. The formation of a real market is only a matter of time.

The more this time, the more support they have to give.

In this kind of juncture, it is a matter of their future. It is entirely dedicated to protecting Baichuan Guihai Company, for fear of any accident that may cause Baichuan Guihai Company to leave.

The venue, set up in the provincial conference hall, can accommodate more than three thousand people.

Three days in advance, the layout began here.

This press conference is definitely different from the past. Some gossip said that it means that Baichuanguihai is only a mass-produced product, and there are a series of actions. This is the real transformation of technology into market power.

There is even more news that the chairman, who has always been mysterious, will appear on this day.

In less than two months, from an unknown company to a super company with a valuation of more than 50 billion US dollars, countless people want to know what the chairman of this company is. Kind of existence.

There are various gimmicks, and the media are naturally struggling to report.

In the hot search, the videos released by Baichuan Guihai Company once again appeared in the hot search list.


In the afternoon on the 22nd.

At the Handong Airport, a young man appeared. He was wearing sunglasses, well-dressed, and a famous brand. The price of any item was a jaw-dropping figure in the eyes of ordinary families.

A housekeeper, an assistant, a commission, and two bodyguards are his entourage.

In just one year, people will know that the origin of this young man is definitely not simple, not only because of his entourage, but also because of his aura.

Only those who grow up in the top homes can form this kind of aura over time.

But that's not all. Next to this young man, there are two young people who are not inferior to him. They also have a kind of rebelliousness on their faces, who are also from the top family.

"He Shao."

"Shao Wang."

"Young Shao."

At the exit of the airport, Gao Tianqiang and dozens of government officials became respectful when they saw these three young people.

Outside the airport, dozens of luxury cars and sports cars arrogantly parked at the exit, ignoring the blocking of the road here. Drivers, facing these dozens of luxury cars, which are worth millions of dollars, they dare not say anything.

Even the airport security guards did not dare to mess around.

After all, there are even tens of millions of cars in this sports car. They are ordinary people, and the leaders of the airport dare not control them.

The congratulatory letter snorted and said: "Leave here first."

After this trip, he didn't want to be too high-profile, after all, the purpose of this trip was not pure. Pulling on two buddies, in fact, was able to chew this big piece of fat, otherwise he would really have no confidence in himself.

Gao Tianqiang nodded quickly and said: "He Shao, everything has been arranged, please."

Getting in a top-level commercial car, taking a taxi with more than 20 sports cars, and leaving the airport with a convoy. This scene was also a sensation in Handong City.

In the traffic police system, who doesn't know the origin of these vehicles? Naturally, I opened my eyes and closed my eyes, anyway, even if I caught it, there would be no ass, but it would cause myself a commotion.

Gao Tianqiang arranged for it, of course, not a hotel, but the top place in Huangzhuang Mountain, Handong City and even Handong Province.


A group of dozens of ya Nei sat cautiously, their usual arrogance was completely gone, one by one was like a good baby. It was an honor for them to be able to meet Shao He and the others.

Gao Tianqiang is the same. He knows that if there is no Baichuan Guihai Company, he would never have access to He Shao's level.

Everyone was naturally flattering to the congratulatory letter.

"This time, Shao He, Shao Wang, and Shao Yang are out, and they must be caught by hand."

"Yes, no matter how arrogant Lu Chuan is, at this level, he can only choose to yield."

"It should be an honor for Lu Chuan to let Shao He and the others visit in person."

"He eats less meat, we must have soup."

Many yamen, all cheered.

They have long been enthusiastic about the Baichuan Guihai Company, but their old man has been pressing down, and there are many big bosses who have been greeted by various departments. They just want to do their best, and there is nowhere to do it.

Tens of billions of dollars, if you let yourself out of your fingers, you don't have to worry about it in this life.

This Lu Chuan is really lacking in his head.

As long as I cooperate with some people like myself, I dare not say that it is abroad, at least in China, in the three-square acre of land in Handong Province, there is no barrier. Why does a person want so much money, don't you know how to make money with harmony?

Congratulations and self-confidence. For so many years, he has been going smoothly, and his prey has hardly missed, and this time he believes it is no exception.

Facing everyone's flattery, the congratulatory letter just snorted.

It is just the local turtles in some provinces and cities. If they are not used, they have not yet caught their eyes.

The congratulatory letter took a sip of tea and said, "Connect to Lu Chuan's cell phone and turn on the hands-free."

Gao Tianqiang did it without hesitation, and with a congratulatory letter in his early days, he would be a quiet little brother himself.

The call was quickly connected, and Lu Chuan's voice came out: "Gaul Chicken?"

This name made Gao Tianqiang's face green.

The congratulatory letter was disapproving, he said quietly: "This is the congratulatory letter, Lu Chuan, how are you thinking about the Baichuan Guihai Company? I need to know a result now."

"Congratulatory letter, who, I don't know." Lu Chuan said indifferently.

"Ahem..." I was confident that the whole world was my congratulatory letter just now. I was directly choked by Lu Chuan's words, and he almost lost his breath. This Lu Chuan must have deliberately wanted to **** himself off.

"I am a congratulatory letter." Again, the congratulatory letter repeated, adding to the tone.

On the other side, Lu Chuan said coldly: "Why don't you congratulate me? I'm hundreds of thousands in a second. Where is there so much effort to guess mystery with you?"

Hundreds of thousands up and down in a second, Gao Tianqiang and the others heard these words, but no one thought they were bragging. It seemed...that was really the case.

It's just He Shao's face, does Lu Chuan dare to shake it?

This time, the congratulatory letter was finally angry, and the green veins of the hand holding the phone were straight out. This made Gao Tianqiang worried whether he would crush his newly acquired phone. This is a special customized version with thirty on it. The six diamonds were custom made by myself for more than 200,000 US dollars, and I haven't had time yet.

"Lu Chuan, don't pretend to be silly with me. I'm in Handong City. You'd better know what to do, otherwise..." Congratulations suppressed his anger and said harshly.

In front of so many boys, he lost face, which made the congratulatory letter annoyed.

This Lu Chuan is really shameless, he really treats himself as something. This is China, with his family's power, he can be killed in minutes.

Lu Chuan's voice also changed: "What are you, hehe, I'm surprised. A robber wants to steal the owner's things, but he wants the owner to pay tribute to the things wisely. What kind of robber logic is this? Come and get it, you will only let people watch jokes and shout loudly. Who do you show to?"

On the forehead of the congratulatory letter, blue veins appeared, and the whole person was trembling.

An unprecedented shame. For the first time in China, someone dared to say this to himself in a congratulatory letter, and he was still cursing naked, naked, and pointing to his nose, without putting him in his eyes.

What no one dared to do all the time, Lu Chuan did it mercilessly.

Since it was hands-free, everyone could hear Lu Chuan's words clearly, and his expressions changed drastically. This Lu Chuan was really dying. Does he know who he is talking to?

At the same time an individual looked at the congratulatory letter weirdly. The big tail is pretending to be big, but they don't sell it at all.

I was embarrassed when I was driving the speakerphone.

"Lu Chuan..." In the sharp roar, the congratulatory letter could no longer take care of his own demeanor, and became very angry.

However, what made the congratulatory letter even more maddening was that before he yelled, Lu Chuan actually hung up the phone, and the blind tone that came inside made the congratulatory letter almost violent. This Lu Chuan didn’t even give up any face and was driving the speakerphone. Well, so many people are listening.

Originally wanted to pretend to be forced, Lu Chuan would succumb after thinking a few words.


The furious congratulatory letter, Grand Prince He finally couldn't help it. The mobile phone he was holding in his hand was smashed violently, hit the wall, torn apart, and the 36 diamonds inlaid inside splashed everywhere.

Gao Tianqiang's heart, like this mobile phone, was almost broken.

"Hold the grass, this is my phone."

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