Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 349: Canned meat

In the houses on both sides of the national highway.

Jin Qingsheng leaned on the top floor of a residential building. Through the broken window, a ray of sunlight came in, which made people feel lazy.

Struggling in the last days, Jin Qingsheng didn't dare to feel that way, instead he was struggling with twelve points.

The house is a bit dilapidated, and most of the furniture inside is kept in the original place, but there is a layer of dust on it, and many of the furniture is moldy, giving it a strong musty smell.

Jin Qingsheng from the stronghold is not alone. There is a companion sleeping in the house.

This kind of monitoring comes from the above command.

After leaving this mysterious convoy, trackers were sent, but contact was lost. Immediately, dozens of people were sent out, lurking on this national highway, waiting for the other side to appear.

This job is very dangerous, after all, there are zombies everywhere.

The equipped radio can keep in touch with the stronghold. With the powerful integration of this monster, the technological level of the stronghold is constantly recovering, such as the most important communication.

"Nighthawk found nothing."

Jin Qingsheng poked his head out, took a look at the national highway, and after not finding the situation, he whispered a report.

After the report was completed, Jin Qingsheng leaned in the corner and couldn't help thinking about the emergence of the team. This news still greatly encouraged the people in the base, which means that there are survivors, and they are not far away.

The survivor and the survivor will kill each other, but there is no conflict with the joy of seeing the same kind.

It seems like a good wish to find this survivor's colony and make humanity stronger. Perhaps Zhongzhou City will be recovered at that time, and the entire city's materials will be enough for more than a hundred thousand people to spend more than a decade.


The slight voice attracted Jin Qingsheng's attention.

This voice came from the wall, and something seemed to be crawling on the wall.

Among the zombies, there are not a few who can climb the wall. Hearing this voice, Jin Qingsheng's cold hair rooted up, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

Jin Qingsheng is a first-level alienation new human, but the zombies that can crawl on the wall know how to be strong, and his own level of alienation in front of them is really a joke.


The sound got closer, and the sound of sharp claws piercing the wall made Jin Qingsheng pale.

The next moment, at the window where the glass was broken, an extremely ugly head stuck out, his long tongue flicked, bringing up some liquid. These liquids even spilled on Jin Qingsheng's body.

"The licker."

Jin Qingsheng's heart shrank suddenly, this was definitely one of the ferocious zombies.

The stainless steel anti-theft net on the window is still there, but Jin Qingsheng knows that this kind of anti-theft net is a joke under the sharp paws of the licker.


The paw of the licker suddenly cut into the anti-theft net, causing a sound of metal switching, and the stainless steel anti-theft net was cut and cracked, just like tofu.

"It's not so bad, right?" Jin Qingsheng was taken aback, but his legs suddenly burst out of strength, and the licker actually discovered himself.

The licker squeezed in, slammed in, and the cannonball rushed in, fell into the room, and slammed his tongue out again.

At this time, Jin Qingsheng had just arrived at the door, and before he had time to dodge, he hit him with his tongue, hooked him, and was dragged into flight amidst the screams.

"Oh no……"

In the subconscious roar, the licker opened his mouth to bite, biting off a large piece of Jin Qingsheng’s ribs, and blood spewed out, causing Jin Qingsheng to howl miserably, but did not wait for him to fight back. The claws slashed again, almost cutting off his neck.

The scream stopped abruptly.

"Nighthawk please answer when you receive it, what happened."

The licker stomped on a paw, crushing the communicator.


In another room, another survivor was also dealt with by a licker.

Ten minutes later, a convoy appeared.

Lu Chuan's eyes flicked, with coldness. Lu Chuan had known about the existence of these survivors, and naturally he would get rid of them. If you want to monitor yourself, you have to pay a price.

There are lickers, a kind of zombies that can climb over walls. It is too simple to clean them up.

In this apocalypse, Lu Chuan is a human, but he has to kill his own kind.

And all of this, it seemed that Lu Chuan had taken an anti-human position, but in Lu Chuan's heart, he would not think so. Let the survivors work under their own hands, guarantee their safety, and provide them with enough food, which in itself is saving mankind.

Seeing that there is no order in the stronghold, you may be killed or starved to death at any time.

This situation is far worse than Lu Chuan's squeeze the labor force as if they were working, at least they will not be hungry.

To build a top-tier factory in the end times and serve oneself is Lu Chuan's plan.

In this process, it is more normal for some people to die.

The convoy passed and drove into the distance.

The lickers who had only cleaned up these survivors lurked in this area quietly. To kill these survivors, the stronghold will not doubt anything. After all, this world is a world of zombies. Isn’t it normal to be attacked by zombies?


The alarm from the stronghold appeared again, constantly shaking.

On a hot day, the stronghold was extremely dull, and the shock caused by this alarm seemed to be infused with vitality. Everyone who is busy is shocked.

However, this kind of alert has not yet reached the point where they must hide.

In other words, the alarm has little to do with them.

The foreman's whip was twitching again, and roared: "What are you doing in a daze, work, work, if you want to die, say, I will fulfill you."

The workers who had been numb were moving again.

The tall palace has reached the level of capping. It occupies a very large area. Not to mention the tall moat wall, the garden occupies about 30 acres. For the stronghold, it is extremely luxurious.

For this garden, a large building was demolished and modified.

On the wall of the highlight, rows of soldiers appeared again. They were relieved when they saw the previous convoy. As long as it is not an attack by zombies, everything is easy to say.

After receiving the report, Gu Yang only felt that he was irritable again. This team caused him a lot of losses. The tracking team sent out was all eaten by zombies, and the dozens of people just now were also affected by zombies. Attack.

This team is like a disaster star, its appearance will always be accompanied by death.

"Let Zhu Wen decide to deal with it."

Squeezing his anger, Gu Yang waved his hand to let the person who announced it get out.

This time, Lu Chuan did not wait for someone to come from the stronghold, but issued an order, a few special police zombies, they carried out several boxes of canned meat from the carriage, then opened the box and walked towards the stronghold.

The soldiers above were nervous, but still restrained and did not open fire for the first time.

These special police zombies just reached the bottom of the city wall, poured out all the canned meat in the box, raised the hand axe in their hands, severely smashed, and violently smashed a can of canned meat.

Suddenly, the meat and oil splashed.

In the sun, there is no need for a telescope, and the soldiers above can see the meat spilled from the can.

The canned food under modern craftsmanship is full of fragrance, and the fragrance of canned meat is fatal to the survivors of the end times. It's been six years in the last days, and eight or nine out of ten survivors don't know what meat taste is like.

"Meat, it's meat."

"Canned meat is canned meat."

"It smells good, is this meaty?"

"It's meat, it's meat."

On the wall, there was an exclamation, followed by the sound of swallowing saliva.

One by one, the soldiers poked their heads out of shape, staring at the canned meat sprinkled on the ground below. The golden and oily meat made them have the urge to jump off the wall and grab it. .

What a pity, this is meat.

People say that they don't know the smell of meat for three years, which is already a terrible thing. However, many of them have been ignorant of the smell of meat for six years. As long as meat appears in their heads, they will become mad.

The soldiers above the city wall were all boiling, their eyes staring down with blood red.

Immediately, their eyes turned to the distant motorcade.

They can see that the canned meat just now was carried from one of the trucks. This means that the two trucks in the distance are all these canned meat?

They know the nature of this caravan and are here to do business. In other words, as long as they have money, they can buy some canned meat?

The desire for meat in my heart came out, making it hard to resist, and one by one commotion.

How many people in the entire stronghold, if it is slow, it is their turn?

They have some gold. These are dead objects, but now they can be replaced with canned meat. Why don't they be moved? If it hadn't been for Gu Yang's previous crackdown, which had created a **** order, they would have rushed out in a hurry.

In the convoy.

Lu Chuan laughed lightly. This result was exactly what he wanted.

Taking out a horn, Lu Chuan stood on the roof of the car and shouted loudly, "Brothers, this time I brought a whole car of canned meat. All these canned meat will be sold, and you won't keep a can."

"Steamed, braised... spicy and non-spicy, I have them all here."

"Same as last time, let your chief come out and trade with me."

Under this horn, the sound was clearly transmitted to the city wall, even the stronghold.

Lu Chuan knew that he was actually playing with fire. After all, this kind of temptation was entirely possible to cause a big melee, and the opponent might rob him. But it doesn't matter. What Lu Chuan wants is to let them know that he has this kind of thing in his hands.

If it is a direct transaction, only a few people will know it, which makes no sense.

Coming here to trade and trade is just a prelude to Lu Chuan's plan, not really for gold, but to shake people's hearts. In their hearts, establish that they have enough food, meat, and sufficient supplies.

This purpose can only be expressed in this way.

Otherwise, if Zhu Wen decides to buy it, it will only be provided to the upper level, and the people below don't talk about eating, they may not even know.

Now, Lu Chuan wants to let everyone know how many cans of meat he sells. They can't eat. This is what the upper class in the stronghold do. What does it have to do with themselves? Using canned meat, a deadly food, creates contradictions between the upper and lower levels. This is the first step to differentiate the stronghold.

What is killing silently? In fact, many times, a trade war can disintegrate a country silently.

As for what they really grab?

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the firepower in the convoy was aimed at the direction of the stronghold. As long as they dare, the terrifying firepower will bring up a metal storm and let them know what firepower is.

The freshly-produced gun **** Rose, it is in the convoy, and the heavy sniper rifle in his hand points directly to the stronghold. Its legendary intuition and perception will let it know who is not good for Lu Chuan and kill it in advance.

It was with it that Lu Chuan dared to stand up. ()

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