Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 357: Amazing technology

Everyone was stunned, and the stunned person turned out to be exactly the same as the young man who appeared before.

Whether it’s clothes, looks, hairstyle

Looking coldly, you don't think they are twins, but you think they are duplicates. The twins are a little different after all, but the two young people in front of them are exactly the same.


Some straight-hearted people have already burst into foul language.

It's hard to imagine that there will be people like this in this world.

A person, even if they resemble each other, is impossible for many things to be exactly the same, and there are some differences. But now, each of them opened their eyes wide, trying to find the slightest difference.

But they were disappointed. The two young men in front of them were the same, except that they had the same eyebrows.


This discovery made countless people **** in the cold.

"how is this possible?"

I don't know how many people are screaming in their hearts, this is totally subverting their understanding. In this world, there can be no such alike people, so similar that there is not even a slight difference.

The several provincial leaders sitting in the front row all showed expressions of astonishment.

Their identities determined that they had seen Lu Chuan's photos when they inspected the Baichuan Guihai Company. Although they didn't see me, they were shocked and speechless when it was confirmed from the president Zhong Hua that the young man in the photo was the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company.

Before the young man appeared, they recognized Lu Chuan at first sight.

However, when the other party said that he was not the chairman, but someone else, the boss was angry and thought he had been tricked and deceived.

This press conference, in theory, any one of them attending is of high style, and now they are all attending together, which is absolutely rare in China, which shows that they attach great importance to Baichuan Guihai Company.

Said to be attending, more importantly, to come to the platform.

For the press conference, they were not arranged to speak on stage, and they did nothing. High-tech companies naturally have to abandon these red tapes, which they can see clearly.

But this kind of deception is not something they can bear.

But when it was said that the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company came out, all the big names were stunned. In this world, there will be two people who are exactly the same?

In other words, both of them are the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company?

This matter also made them messy.

As for the others, let alone, they all feel messed up. At this scene, unexpectedly, he did not expect that the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company would be such twins.

This is interesting. When they meet the twins of Lu Chuan in the future, how can they tell who is who? How can they say this greeting? If you make a mistake, this is embarrassing.

Say hello, afraid of mistakes.

Don't say hello, if the other party is directly Lu Chuan, if you don't say hello, are you too defiant?

I don't know how many bigwigs, all felt a pain, because it is foreseeable that in the future, they will never have less opportunities to touch Lu Cong. How can this problem be solved?

Lu Chuan, who came onto the stage at this time, smiled. He had already expected this scene.

Looking at the one in front of me, it is not bad.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lu Chuan, the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company." Lu Chuan said.

Regardless of whether it is Chen or the Internet, it feels like being beaten by a dog. Okay, I introduced myself like this again, saying that I was the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company. Would you like to stay and say that I was kidding again?

Lu Chuan said, "I know how everyone feels now. It must be uncomfortable to change me."

Having said that, Lu Chuan paused on purpose.

The exactly the same young man in front of Lu Chuan smiled: "I don't care whether you feel comfortable or not. Anyway, I am very comfortable. After all, I just became the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company for a while. It feels cool. "

This kind of dialogue, appearing in this kind of very serious press conference, naturally drew a burst of laughter.

You Baichuanguihai company doesn't care anymore, and some people like yourself care about destroying the atmosphere?

Well, the people below were really very uncomfortable just now. As soon as someone came on stage, they came to such a surprise joke. They were really overwhelmed without preparation.

Lu Chuanyi said, "Next, I will make everyone feel comfortable."

Lu Chuan on the stage, he actually stretched out his hand and made a hug. As for the young man who just appeared on the stage, he was the same, also spreading his arms.

The two of them just approached and hugged each other.


"Oh my god, this"

This kind of exclamation became the main theme of Chen He on the Internet, because they were too shocked, and too unexpected for them. They did not expect that it would be the case.

Chen was in a commotion, and even more so on the Internet.

Only seeing the hugs of the two people overlapped, one of them penetrated the other.

How can a person penetrate?

This question, as long as you think about the technical strength of Baichuan Guihai Company, it is AR technology and reality augmentation technology. In this way, it can be explained.

Why are the two people exactly the same? Why did the first young man call himself the chairman of the Baichuan Guihai Company, but said no.

AR technology, this is AR technology.

Everyone who saw it was stunned, because they couldn't imagine that AR technology could be played like this. It is not only imaging in the air, but also has almost negligible requirements for light.

Abruptly, using technology to create a person.

What Chen saw was that this person was completely real, and it made no one doubt it. Because of its demeanor, its voice, its every move, nothing is different from a real person.

But who could have thought that this "person" in their eyes is just the light and shadow imaging technology in AR technology?

Yawei boss, the anger just now disappeared in an instant, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as stunned. This technique completely makes them invisible, even if they sit in the first row, if it weren't for this one hug, they would think that there are really two people who are exactly the same.

And one of the big guys, his eyes burst into light. He is a soldier, and he immediately noticed the terrible military potential in light and shadow imaging. Once it is used in the military, what kind of changes will it cause?

Lu Chuan laughed. He stepped back and separated from the light and shadow of himself.

Below, everyone who was exclaiming, after reacting, gave out a thunderous applause, because this beginning really made them feel admired.

It was just a knot that surprised and delighted them, and was even more shocked, and then surprised by this technology.

The expressions of the big bosses below all changed.

The technical capabilities demonstrated by Baichuan Guihai Company have once again subverted their understanding of AR technology. Compared with the previous videos, the shock of the light and shadow imaging in front of them is too great.

It can be said that today’s press conference alone is enough to make Baichuan Guihai Company’s valuation exceed the $100 billion mark. This is no exaggeration. In front of technology companies, this kind of technology that changes the world is It's so crazy.

Even though it had been estimated that the Baichuan Guihai Company would exceed the $100 billion mark, no one had thought that it would come so fast.

How long has it taken a company from its appearance to becoming such a pivotal company?

The young man in front of him, even if he really only owns 25% of the shares in his hands, has reached a staggering US$25 billion, and he is also one of the top richest people in China.

I don't know how many women, staring at Lu Chuan's ordinary face, they feel a burst of pleasure, only that this face is more handsome than anyone in the world.

On the Internet, it was boiling instantly.

Countless comments, countless forums, are all posts about Baichuanguihai Company. For them, it seems that the future technology of science fiction is about to arrive early.

On stage.

No matter what Chen's person is, Lu Chuan clapped his hands and said, "OK, since everyone knows what this is, then you have no value in existence. Thank you for your contribution. "

In Lu Chuan's wave of hands, the young man in the AR light and shadow imaging in front of him, the other Lu Chuan waved his hands and disappeared faintly until Lu Chuan stood alone on the stage.

With preparations, but seeing this "person" really disappeared, everyone has a feeling of inexplicability. "The reason is that they were deceived by this Lu Chuan's light and shadow imaging.

"Okay, now the light and shadow are gone, and mine on the stage is definitely Lu Chuan who has been replaced." Lu Chuan patted his chest lightly.

All Cheng's people came back to their senses, all laughed, and clapped again.

All reporters were all excited. The light and shadow imaging alone was enough for them to write. This Chen Wen press conference has really not come in vain.

Lu Chuan said: "Thank you everyone for participating in this press conference. Just now, you have a deep understanding of light and shadow imaging, but you must not have a deep understanding. Now, I will show you this technology."

As Lu Chuan's voice fell the whole meeting, the background suddenly changed, and it turned out to be a ship in the sea.

What made people feel horrified was this ship, which was being hit by the big monkey's squally showers. The nuclear tens of meters high was lifted up and churned at the big monkey.

Maybe it was an illusion, but everyone felt that they smelled the fishy smell of the sea and heard the scream of nuclear.

Everything was as real as it was, and there was a huge shocking wave suddenly risen on Baking. It reached a height of more than a hundred meters, rising continuously, forming a wall of water. The ship that everyone was sitting on was amazing in size, but in front of this huge wave, it looked like Ichiba.

The huge waves that slapped over completely covered the ship, and then slapped down fiercely.


The people who had completely substituted into it screamed. Some people were all confused. They hurriedly wanted to grab something next to them, or wanted to escape.

But this huge wave came over.

Suddenly, there will be a group of people leaning back. Many people are in a panic, grabbing the person next to them, and then under the instability of gravity, they will directly pull the opponent down. This transcript is crowded, and when it falls, it is another blockbuster.

It feels like they were really knocked down by this huge wave.

Everything they see in their eyes is so similar. With the sound, no one will doubt what they see ⊥feeling that they are on a ship, making them ignore that they are in fact accepting it.

People who have not experienced AR technology cannot experience this kind of immersive feeling.

Light and shadow imaging is more like a technique of deification. It can even make you suspect that the reality of your life is fake, making people confused whether you are in the real world or in the world of light and shadow.

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