Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 364: Level 5

After finishing the brief information exchange with Ye Lingwei, Lu Chuan disappeared into the room as soon as Lu Chuan received his mobile phone.


Lu Chuan appeared in the biochemical plant. It was a sunny day when the sun was just right.

After stretching his waist, Lu Chuan had never felt so much better.

"Next, naturally splurge first."

What Lu Chuan thought of this squandering was not about the violent soldiers, but about himself.

No one is not afraid of death, but sometimes when fear of death cannot solve the problem, some people choose to accept, and some people fight. Lu Chuan thought he was afraid of death, so after he had money, the first thing he thought of was himself.

The violent soldiers, and then there are countless subordinates protecting themselves, is this absolute security?

No, this is just relatively safe.

In the world, in many cases, relying on people is worse than relying on oneself and entrusting one's destiny to others is the most stupid practice.

Make yourself strong and protect yourself. With assistance from external forces, such as a tide of corpses like the sea, this is truly powerful and the most secure.


In his mind, Lu Chuan had a shopping mall in his mind.

"This is the technology that is truly against the sky." Lu Chuan said with emotion, everything in the biochemical factory can be controlled through consciousness. And if you are in this place, you will automatically connect your brain waves to a biochemical factory, as if you have entered electronic information and become a signal.

Virtual technology, AR technology, etc., these are really weak in the face of the technology of biochemical plants.

Think about it, now it is directly in your head to generate the display, is this not more exaggerated than the need for eyes? If this technique is used well, all blind people in the world can see the light again.

You don’t need eyes, you only need to send real-time images to the brain to generate this kind of consciousness-visible picture.

With this one, whether there are eyes or not is actually the same, because through this instant method, not only in front of you, but everything with a 360-degree angle centered on you can be presented in front of you.

And this kind of delay is completely milliseconds and will not affect judgment and so on.

Before, Lu Chuan was very short of money. Apart from buying genetic potions in the mall, he had almost no desire to go shopping. Without him, the contents were too expensive.

Take a cold medicine as an example. It is not a finished medicine, but a certain amount of medicine bundled with a formula, and the price is 500 million.

Five hundred million.

Lu Chuan in the early stage was simply a number that suffocated Lu Chuan.

The gene potion for treating heart disease is also bundled with a certain amount of gene potion and gene potion formula. The price is not very expensive, only 2 billion.

Lu Chuan knew that these were good things, and the results were amazing, but he couldn't afford them.

Cold medicines are already relatively cheap, and some are simply sky-high, and they cost tens of billions of dollars.

From the medicine for treating heart disease, Lu Chuan knew that the treatment of heart disease is really not something that medicine can do. It can only be done through genetic changes, and when genes are involved, look at the top biopharmaceutical companies burned. How much money, you know that the two billion is really not expensive, it is simply the price of cabbage.

"Rebirth limb technology, the price is 5 billion."

Looking at this technology, is 5 billion expensive? It's not expensive, but how could you possibly afford it before? Everyone knows that bringing any of these technologies to the earth is a steady profit.

Five hundred million cold medicines, if one is produced, it must be one, and the cold will be cured immediately. No more medicine is needed. This effect, wanting to earn back these five hundred million is really simple.

Even if it is AR technology, virtual technology, in fact, there are shopping malls.

It's just AR technology. Because it is a complete set of technology, the price of a set is 20 billion.

This is why Lu Chuan can only do it in the last days, where can he find these two tens of billions? Don't look at Lu Chuan now that has launched AR technology, but that technology is not comparable to the technology on the mall.

In the future, if you have money, you still need to buy it. After all, the AR technology of the end times has only broken through some key technologies and can be applied. It is impossible to achieve the later stage effect without decades of development.

"With this initial funding, development will not be restricted in the future."

Money can be used to form other companies and transform technology into market forces. Second, technology can be purchased through the mall, and then transformed into a product, the return of funds...It is like a virtuous circle, and now Lu Chuan is just at the beginning of a virtuous circle.

It took a year for Lu Chuan to finally enjoy the real benefits of the biochemical plant, and he no longer pressed so hard.

After strolling around, almost all the black technology and black technology in the mall.

If you really bring all these technologies and technologies to the earth, God knows if all the money on the earth will be earned by yourself?

"Five-level genetic enhancement potion."

In his mind, Lu Chuan found out the five-level genetic enhancement potion.

"It's really expensive." Lu Chuan smashed his mouth. The level 4 genetic enhancement potion is already 320 million. According to the principle of turning over, the price of the level 5 genetic enhancement potion is... 640 million.

After changing to Lu Chuan before, I really didn't dare to think about it.

But now, there is no problem at all. Lu Chuan, who holds tens of billions in his hand, is completely free from pressure.


The thought came out, and 640 million was deducted immediately, and then a genetic potion twisted through the mysterious space and appeared in front of Lu Chuan. It was greener than the previous genetic potion, and was no longer blue.

Lu Chuan, who had four experiences, drank it without hesitation.

The entrance is a bit sweet. Compared with the previous ones, the taste is different from heaven and earth, and the emotional money is much more expensive. Is this treatment better? Not to mention, this kind of sweetness can really bring people joy and full of happiness.


In the next moment, this sense of happiness disappeared.

The severe pain that made Lu Chuan's face distorted came, and that feeling gave Lu Chuan a feeling of being torn into billions of pieces. This is not surprising, because this is a genetic recombination, which can be said to be a sequence of genes.

Through this method, the potential that belongs to human beings is unleashed.

Lu Chuan's teeth were all crushed, and he felt that he couldn't bear the pain.

For Lu Chuan this kind of pain lasted as long as a century, and the whole person fell into that kind of mood that seemed to be unconscious and a little bit thinking.

It's like falling asleep, and like having a dream.

Lu Chuan knew that this was a mental confusion caused by nerve pain exceeding a certain limit, but it was actually the critical point of being in a coma.

Fortunately, this feeling didn't last long, but it receded like water, and the whole person suddenly entered into endless joy. It seemed that every cell was spreading and breathing outward.


Lu Chuan yelled. He felt his muscles become stronger and the lines clearer. Between the waves, that kind of power, a sense of infinite power, was extremely powerful.

"It's done."

Alienation to the fifth level, succeeded.

At this moment, Lu Chuan thought that the flowers were very valuable. ()

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