Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 376: Dilemma

Sniper rifle, bazooka.

As long as the most powerful weapons can be used, they are all used, but they can only hurt the fur of the super zombie. If you want to kill it, there is nothing you can do.

More powerful weapons are not available in the stronghold.

For example, missiles, large-caliber artillery, or tanks, armor-piercing projectiles and so on.

The super zombie who rushed to this building was dragging it again, starting the game of demolition, machine gun shooting, etc., only to be angry that it screamed more maniacally, even more crazy.

Yi Zhanfei closed his eyes in pain, and the current situation was completely predicament.

You can't escape, but you can only wait to die if you stay here.

If he had known that there was such a perverted super zombie in Zhongzhou City, he would not dare to play up Zhongzhou City's idea wantonly. The understanding of this end-time, they just settled in this area, their understanding of the end-time is limited.

Just like now, the appearance of super zombies is more like a disaster for them.

"Pass this video to Your Majesty."

Yi Zhanfei said, speaking of your Majesty, with a hint of bitterness in his tone.

He used to be even more powerful than Gu Yang. It's just that he didn't measure his strength, which caused the power in his hands to be ruined, and this Gu Yang broke through to the fifth level of alienation, which also made him completely miss the opportunity.

Now he is just reduced to the opponent's subordinate.

If it wasn't for the fourth-level alienation, there was value in use, or Gu Yang thought that they couldn't make waves, they would keep them, otherwise, with Gu Yang's brutality, they would have only a dead end.

After receiving Yi Zhanfei's order, a soldier posted the video.

Gu Yang, who was coming, received this video as soon as possible.

A communication network has been built for dozens of kilometers centered on the base, and it is not difficult to realize these transmissions and so on. It's just the transmission process, it will be a bit slow.

Looking at the content of this video on the tablet, Gu Yang also took a deep breath.

The existence of super zombies is unimaginable to them, with a height of tens of meters, almost invulnerable. You can eclipse light weapons at level five, and this super zombie can even carry a sniper rifle. God knows how far it has evolved?

"What's the point of going like this?"

In the video, there are not only super zombies, but also zombies that can't be seen, and the streets are full of zombies. The piled up arhats are so spectacular that they are creepy.

With a wave of over a million zombies, even if he arrives with the most elite soldiers composed of three thousand alienated new humans, what role can he play?

They can't even break through this wave of zombies, not to mention that there is still this incomprehensible super zombie.

Once the target of the super zombies is them, what will the outcome be?

This predicament made Gu Yang's face difficult to look.

It's just that the number of alienated new human soldiers trapped here is more than 10,000. How can Gu Yang be willing to throw them here? Without this force, the stronghold will lose its terrifying force.

Don't forget that Gu Yang hasn't figured out the origin of the team that appeared before, but one thing is certain. This is the strength behind the opponent and it must not be weaker than the stronghold.

Without sufficient force, the cruelty of the end times, how could the other party let go of this opportunity?

"Keep going."

After hesitating, Gu Yang still gave the order.

Gu Yang had to do this, because if he did nothing, he would lose his heart. If you don't even save it, it will only make you chill.

Therefore, he must be rescued this time, even if he is just acting.

The formed convoy drove towards the city at the fastest speed. There are no zombies along the way, mainly because the zombies facing the stronghold are cleaned up first.

Without zombies, naturally there will be no more zombies wandering here.

It's more than 30 kilometers, and I will arrive in 20 minutes.

Once you entered the city, you could hear the gunshots. Walking along the street, you soon encountered some scattered zombies. These zombies were scattered from the tide of corpses.

Seeing the convoy, they immediately rushed over.

"Fire, attract them, and then take them away, as far as possible." Gu Yang said, but got out of the tall SUV.

On the body of a pickup truck, a fixed anti-aircraft gun was modified, and after rotating the muzzle, it aimed at the street.

Soldiers jumped out of the car one by one, they were holding their rifles, and when they raised their guns, they began to aim at the zombies that were approaching. After the alienation, their qualities were so strong that the special forces were not enough to see them in front of them. This extraordinary ability, Let them be unique in learning marksmanship.


With the gunshot, a blood hole appeared in the head of a zombie, and it immediately fell down after a stop.

Like a signal, the gunshots here suddenly became louder.

Almost one by one, the zombies on the street were constantly shot to death. Some alienated zombies that occasionally appear can easily be killed under the fire.

The gunshots also attracted a large number of zombies. They formed a group, which came like a tide.

It is difficult to count the zombies on the street. They are densely packed, rushing and rushing, and some tyrants appear among the zombies like a group of zombies, and they are also striding forward.

"Take them away." Gu Yang said again, even though Gu Yang is a little flustered now, he still behaves very calmly.

"The anti-aircraft gun fired."

Give an order, the anti-aircraft gun fired, the bullet bounced, and a cloud of blood mist exploded in the group of zombies in the distance. As long as being hit, it is almost the end of being beaten into parts.

The surging zombies, they are like harvested wheat, falling continuously, and there are supplements from behind.

When the anti-aircraft guns were empty, they were not repelled, but moved closer.

The next moment, Pickup slammed on the accelerator and started to retreat with this anti-aircraft gun. And one after another alienated new human soldiers, they also retreated while shooting.

Many zombies have been attracted, but for millions of zombies, it is far from enough.


Lu Chuan has been watching silently, the culprit responsible for all this is him, but there is no wave in his heart, including the killing of a force of hundreds of people by super zombies.

To survive in this apocalypse, there are many things that you must face.

It's normal to die some people.

In order to achieve the goal, he will use no means. In Lu Chuan's view, no matter what means, as long as he achieves his goal is the best way. Like now, using zombies to solve their own problems is just a tactic.

The sound of gunshots and anti-aircraft guns from a distance made Lu Chuan smile.

"Just want to solve the corpse tide?"

This time the corpse tide was planned by Lu Chuan, and all aspects were taken into consideration. How could it be possible that these people could be rescued just by attracting them?

The number of corpse tides will only increase, not decrease.

It's very simple. The zombies under Lu Chuan's command made more noises in the dense areas of zombies, causing the zombies to violent, and then rushed here.

In this case, what they took away, or killed, would be filled in instantly.

In the tide of corpses, there are an unknown number of alienated zombies. They are mixed with ordinary zombies. Once they are brought close, this is the most dangerous.

Lu Chuan didn't move, just watching the super zombies tossing.

According to this rhythm, it is possible that in a day, the super zombies will have tossed these tens of thousands of people.

The reason Lu Chuan didn't move was because he was waiting for the fire.

This fire is the number that enough zombies surround here, and will not be eliminated in a short time, or in a few days, these zombies will not be scattered.

Lu Chuan deliberately did it to lure more zombies to come.

Control the zombies under his hands, continue to make sounds, and continue to set off fireworks and firecrackers. No matter what, let a licker carry a pack of animal blood and pierce a small mouth, and then he can bring an unknown number of zombies toward here.

As for setting off fireworks and firecrackers, anyway, human beings don't know that it is their own work. It is impossible to find the murderer.



Yi Zhanfei's anger, when is this, has already attracted the zombies to run away, but the firecrackers are still ringing, and the fireworks continue to be set off. Is it really necessary to kill some people like yourself?

He held the binoculars, but he couldn't find anyone to put it.

What makes Yi Zhanfei do not understand, or who can still set off firecrackers and fireworks in this kind of zombie running away? It's really home-run here, so whatever you want?

"Goddamn, it's best to let the zombies eat Yi Zhanfei cursed, but he had to put his mind on how to deal with the present situation.

Gu Yang's arrival has almost no effect, or the effect has not yet been manifested. On the contrary, the gunshot Gu Yang made attracted flying zombies covering the sky.

These flying zombies are all kinds, from bloodthirsty claws to corpse dragons, a dozen kinds of flying zombies are mixed.

Yi Zhanfei had given instructions, and the use of the gun had stopped, and Gu Yang's gunshots happened to be the target of guiding the flying zombies. They flapped their wings and formed a cloud of black clouds, and rushed towards Gu Yang.

For Gu Yang, he was like stabbing a hornet's nest. There were zombies chasing on the ground, and there were flying zombies covering the sky in the sky. How to get out was a problem.

"Below level 2 alienation, hide in the house."

In the face of hundreds of thousands of flying zombies, their flying speed gave them no chance to escape.

In desperation, Gu Yang could only let his soldiers hide in the house.

However, Gu Yang did not hide. He was alienated at level five, and his strength was really formidable. After leaving the large army, he took more than three hundred alienated new human guards at level three and used the buildings on the street to get away. Flying zombies in the sky.

Gu Yang knew very well that being trapped in a house was the most dangerous.

First and second level alienated soldiers, they can't run fast, they must be unable to escape the pursuit of flying zombies, it is better to let them stay in the house, maybe they can still survive.

It now appears that it is really a mistake to bring someone over to relieve the siege.

The existence of flying zombies does not mean that they can attract the tide of corpses at will.

It's just that it's useless to regret now. I just hope that the zombies brought out by these will not be too many and will soon disperse. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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