Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 385: driver

Shanshi County.

Being swept away by a crowd of swift people, there have been no zombies here for a long time.

The zombies killed were also transported outside, a pit was dug and burnt directly, and then buried in mud.

On the main road in and out of Shanshi County, some gates were set up to prevent zombies from entering. Although these levels are simple, with the straight-line thinking of zombies, as long as they are stopped, they will scurry around, and in the end they don't know where to go.

And for some small intersections, Lu Chuan asked the zombies to do it and blocked them.

It is not difficult to block it. Shanshi County is close to Zhongzhou City, which is also very prosperous. The number of vehicles here is very large. Find some abandoned cars that do not have any effect, just block it.

In this way, higher-level zombies cannot be blocked, but it is not a problem to block some low-level and ordinary zombies.

With these small measures, there are almost no zombies in Shanshi County.

In Shanshi County, there are now more than just swifts. In order to put this county into use faster, Lu Chuan sent two thousand ordinary zombies to clean up the county.

The so-called clean-up is actually to dispose of some things that need to be disposed of, such as corpses, such as some scrapped cars that hinder places, and ubiquitous garbage.

It has been six and a half years since the last days, and the amount of garbage generated is beyond your imagination.

This garbage is almost all-encompassing. Furniture, clothes, etc. have become the main force. Not only that, the streets are filled with dirt everywhere, and some places are under running water, and a thick layer is accumulated.

In order to catch up with the process, Lu Chuan directly used zombies to clean up.

Anyway, zombies are like machines, they can work day and night, and the effect produced by two thousand zombies is no worse than ten thousand people. When encountering large objects, they are like ants, and they will carry them away together.

Lu Chuan landed on a national highway outside Shanshi County.

A hundred pickup trucks lined up on the national highway. From the sky, it was extremely impactful. The long one looked like a giant dragon.

After falling, you still need to be busy.

Some pickup trucks have been installed with a rotating disk. This type of rotating disk is fixed in the pickup truck bucket. The reserved position on it was given to Zhao Hu by Lu Chuan. It was actually designed according to the heavy machine gun in his hand.

To seek a stronghold, it is natural to show sufficient firepower.

Three thousand swifts put on special police uniforms, which were not enough to make the strongholds yield, and stronger firepower would make them desperate. For example, every pickup truck is equipped with modified anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns, and more than a dozen artillery pieces.

There is no shortage of rocket launchers. Many special police zombies carry them. This kind of firepower is extremely cruel.

From the storage space, take out the weapons and place them on the ground.

The next step is to install.

For this kind of hard work, Lu Chuan can only do it himself, and expecting the zombies to do some fine work, still embarrass them. What's more, the zombies who moved from the biochemical factory have not arrived here yet.

Vulcan cannon is definitely synonymous with brutality.

Among the many models, Lu Chuan can get only the earlier models. For example, what Lu Chuan got now is the "Gatling" six-barrel rotary cannon, with M2A1 bullet feeder and M12 transmission. More than 138 kilograms.

This weight is no longer a weight that ordinary people can carry.

However, Lu Chuan lifted it up with one hand directly, and the way he lifted it up was no different from holding a feather.

Lu Chuan, who has been strengthened by level five genes, is so powerful that it is astounding, and it is calculated in tons. This is only a hundred kilograms of items, in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is really nothing.

Carrying this Vulcan cannon, Lu Chuan quickly got stuck on the rotating disk, and then fixed it with screws.

This job is very easy under the power of superman.

After fixing it, Lu Chuan tried to rotate it. He was very flexible and could fire at any time. If the large bullet supply box is filled with bullets of amazing size, it is said that the bullets are actually qualified.

There are not many Vulcan cannons that can be obtained. After all, the relationship between myself and the US is really freezing point. These are all obtained on the Syrian battlefield.

More heavy weapons come from Russia.

On the pickup trucks, hundreds of kilograms of weapon systems were also held in one hand by Lu Chuan, stuck in the card position, and then screwed on. With this kind of efficiency, it's hard to think about it.

It only takes two or three minutes to install a pickup truck.

Almost halfway through, the mighty army of special police zombies finally arrived. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they did not get into Pikari in the first time, but entered Shanshi County.

Lu Chuan just turned his head and glanced at them, then ignored them and continued to install them.

For a hundred pickups, no matter how fast Lu Chuan was, it took half a day.

Looking at the pickup that had been armed by the water, Lu Chuan smiled, with a sense of accomplishment. This kind of firepower is also a shocking firepower when placed in a modern war-torn country.

Of course, compared with powerful countries, people will laugh out of their teeth and pull out a few tanks, and these 100 pickups will have to stop.

After he was busy, Lu Chuan shouted: "Scorpion Dragon."

The order was sent, and a corpse dragon lying on the front of a residential building next to it leaped forward with one wings, slowing down the speed of the fall, and appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan turned over and leaped to sit on the back of the corpse dragon. The corpse dragon immediately flapped its wings and rose into the air.

After arriving near the Bei'an New Area, Lu Chuan let the corpse dragon land, and he ran towards the Bei'an New Area. With the zombie suit, Lu Chuan ran wildly, but he would not attract the zombie's attention.

There are zombies everywhere on the street, and what happened on the other side of the city has almost zero impact here.

Lu Chuan ran past and had to avoid the zombies wandering on the street one by one.

After arriving at the wolf's nest, Lu Chuan simply crossed the rough fence and entered the Shengmei Electronics Factory.

There were people stationed here, and Lu Chuan was spotted for the first time, but they ignored Lu Chuan and were still observing the surroundings according to their duties. Their responsibility is to keep watch, and as soon as a high-level zombie appears, give the wolf's nest an early warning.

When Lu Chuan came in, Chu Bin led a group of people out of the wolf's nest.


When they saw Lu Chuan, Chu Bin's team quickly shouted respectfully.

In fact, two days ago, Lu Chuan had already notified them to prepare. Pick out a hundred people from the wolf's nest and ask for only one, this is to be able to drive.

This requirement is really too simple. Almost everyone in the wolf's nest can drive. It is not difficult to pick a hundred of them. After only half a day, the staff confirmed that they were all people who had no tasks.

The application of radio is no longer a problem in the wolf’s nest. Radio equipment assembled with some electronic components can guarantee communication in the city.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Time is tight, you have to obey the command, and let's go now."

There is no greeting. Next, I have to leave here before dark, and then use the subway to reach the outskirts, and then take them out of the outskirts of Zhongzhou City and enter Shanshi County.

Chubin nodded. Over the past period of time, he has learned how to be a manager. In addition, he is in charge of the Armed Forces Department. He is not very young, but he has killed decisively. With a wave of hands, everyone followed.

For Lu Chuan, in the wolf's nest, he exists like a god, and everyone sees Lu Chuan with enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Wait for my order."

When Lu Chuan reached the wall, he jumped up suddenly, like a spider, over the tall wall in a few strokes. When he fell outside, Lu Chuan ran wildly, then took out two grenades, and after pulling off the insurance, he threw both hands to different places.

The grenade fell from a distance, rolled several meters on the street, and exploded.

The loud noise attracted the zombies, and they immediately responded.

The left and right explosions centered on the gate. This left and right sound made the zombies on the street separate and rushed towards the left and right sides, naturally making the central position empty.

"Open the door and run after me."

Lu Chuan gave the order, Chu Bin and the hundreds of them who had been waiting a long time ago, all of them rushed out tensely at the moment they opened the door.

This move requires a lot of courage.

No one dares to run, because the zombies are on the street, and their appearance will inevitably attract the attention of the zombies, so they must run to the subway station not far away before the zombies notice them.

It is safe to enter the subway station.

Chubin and the others are all equipped with weapons, but now there is no need to fire, as firing will only provoke zombies.

The appearance of hundreds of people and the strong breath of life made some zombies who hadn't run far enough to sense, and then some of them raised their heads, turned and started chasing.

Fortunately, the speed of everyone is very fast, just crossing a street, and then turning a corner to the subway station entrance.

In the subway station, there have always been nail zombies laid down by Lu Chuan, they are lying on their stomachs, always ensuring the safety of the subway. With their surveillance, Lu Chuan does not have to worry about whether there is danger in the subway station.

Lu Chuan stood at the entrance of the subway station, shaking his hand, and took out another grenade. After removing the insurance, he flicked his arm and threw it into the group of zombies that were chasing him accurately.


The power of the grenade doesn't mean anything to blow the zombies into the air, but the close zombies, many flesh and blood are for sure, and it can be considered as a success to stop their pursuit speed.

Chu Bin and the others rushed wildly, each of them pale, almost exhausted their energy.

When I saw the entrances and exits of the subway station, each one seemed to see hope, and the speed was faster, and one by one rushed in. They will confirm the safety of the subway station mainly because of their trust in Lu Chuan, otherwise they would not have rushed in so hastily.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan can still be trusted, because there is indeed no danger and empty inside.

Chu Bin turned on the LED light source he carried with him, and the place suddenly became bright. There were no zombies in the place he saw. When they arrived here, they arrived by subway. They didn't have much fear of the subway.


The dull sound was that Lu Chuan blocked the subway entrance before the zombies chased over, so that the zombies who were chasing could only hit the blocked cars, but they were ordinary zombies and could not destroy these cars.

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