Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 389: change of weather

"Boss, the sky has changed."

Ma Lushan stood in front of Fang Wen with a look of excitement.

Fang Wen is very low-key in the stronghold, so low-key that not many people will know him. But before Gu Yang took office, the career he made was very high-profile, and he was a well-known weapon dealer.

Following Gu Yang's leadership, he began to expand the alienated new human forces, but Fang Wen disappeared.

Gu Yang knew that Fang Wen existed, but Fang Wen disappeared as if he was dead, and could not be found. He knew that Fang Wen was in the stronghold, but he could not find out.

For the sake of a third-level alienated person, Gu Yang didn't want to search for the stronghold.

Even if Fang Wen has a high level of instruction in weapon manufacturing, what about it? After ruling the entire stronghold, there are many people who are proficient in weapon manufacturing, and some are still above Fang Wen.

At this time, Fang Wen was holding a book and leaning on a rocking chair, seemingly at ease.

In his body, he can never see the end of the world, on the contrary, it is a kind of leisure that is only in the flourishing age. After Gu Yang took office, all weapon manufacturing stopped, and he didn't have to work like before, instead he was idle.

He still heard the gunfire from outside the stronghold.

It's just that Fang Wen doesn't care. Who knows what this perverted and lunatic Gu Yang will do? For example, the massacre of people who disobeyed his rule, and the use of heavy machine guns.

Don't weigh the actions of a madman, it will always be something you can't think of, but the other person did it.

Hearing what Ma Lushan said, Fang Wen put down the book in his hand and narrowed his eyes.

"Change the sky?" Fang Wen asked.

Ma Lushan nodded: "Yes, boss, Gu Yang is dead."

At this moment, Fang Wen became interested: "Oh? How did Gu Yang die?"

The news of Gu Yang's death was really surprising. The fifth-level alienation, coupled with the beastization form, made Gu Yang almost invulnerable. Many people shot Gu Yang, but no one succeeded.

Gu Yang is dead now? What exactly is going on?

"It's Lu Chuan." Ma Lushan said without selling Guanzi, "Lu Chuan is back."

Lu Chuan's name is a very strange existence in the stronghold. Since the establishment of the stronghold for a few years, no one has heard of Lu Chuan. But after the cold winter last year, Lu Chuan's name is definitely the most famous in the stronghold.

Regardless of whether you have benefited from Lu Chuan or not, you definitely know Lu Chuan as a person.

Some praise, some are grateful, and it is not rare to scold fools.

But no matter what, the name Lu Chuan is absolutely popular in the stronghold, to the point where no one knows it. Hundred tons of food were delivered in this way, and I didn't know how many people's jaws were dropped.

After that, Lu Chuan completely disappeared.

However, just last month, Lu Chuan appeared again, and the impact he brought was definitely like a tsunami for the people in the stronghold. Because of the emergence of Lu Chuan, he brought 100 tons of rice to trade with the stronghold.

After knowing it was Lu Chuan, not many people in the base remembered this person again.

The second transaction was even more remarkable. The appearance of canned meat almost messed up the stronghold. Ten tons of canned meat is not something everyone can eat, and gold may not be possible.

No one can resist the attraction of canned meat. What can be eaten is a laugh, but what can not be eaten is complained. Why can you eat but I can't? The point of conflict is here, causing the strongholds to fluctuate within a few days.

It appeared for the third time, but Ma Lushan said that Gu Yang was dead. Combining this sentence with Lu Chuan's return, Fang Wen can be sure that Gu Yang's death must be related to Lu Chuan.

People who can smash out a hundred tons of food without blinking are naturally very conspiring.

Fang Wen's heart became lively. Gu Yang, a lunatic, he didn't want to deal with, but it didn't mean that he was willing to be calm. When the crowd was in chaos, the reason Fang Wen was not attached to any party was actually waiting.

As long as one party rules the stronghold, it is time for Fang Wen to flex his muscles.

It's a pity that God's will make people, but Gu Yang, a monster, became the winner.

Now Lu Chuan is here, Fang Wen, who has been silent for half a year, doesn't want to be trapped in this place anymore.

"Talk about it."

Fang Wen needs to know everything about Lu Chuan, otherwise he rushes out. Who knows what kind of person the other party is?

Ma Lushan immediately said what he knew and saw.


People like Fang Wen have concerns, but ordinary people don't.

Especially when they heard the slogans screamed by Chubin and the others, they were completely boiling.

"The boss said, follow him, you don't need to fear the cold winter anymore in this life, you can never let your stomach go hungry."

Chubin's contacts in this stronghold, and when Chubin and the others found someone they knew before, they responded immediately. When Chubin and the others selected people, some were not selected, and some were full. Now that Chubin and the others appear, are they still ecstatic?

Who doesn't know Lu Chuan's absolute wealth?

Let’s not say that the people who were picked in the past eat and drink well, and then when they left, they proudly smashed a hundred tons of grain. This was all free, so how many people survived the cold winter.

Without the one hundred tons of grain that Lu Chuan smashed out, it would be considered light for thousands of people to die in the midst of hunger and cold.

When Lu Chuan reappeared later, he came with a hundred tons of grain, and he was absolutely the owner of the grain.

Aside from food, it is canned meat. God knows how many of them don’t know the taste of meat?

Chubin and the others showed up, just greeted them, naturally they were like a cloud. I don’t know how many people will act immediately as long as they hear that it is Lu Chuan. Gu Yang is dead anyway. Looking at Lu Chuan’s momentum, this stronghold is not Lu Chuan’s world?

It is worth their lives to ensure that they have food.

So, under Chubin's assignment, groups of people walked on the streets and alleys and issued such slogans.

The cold winter in this slogan has touched the hearts of many people.

With the addition of these people, there will always be some connections between each other, and there is Lu Chuan's reputation, naturally, it doesn't need to say more, everything is natural.

In the face of this general trend, no one dared to jump out of any resistance.

Some people in the stronghold who thought they had a chance, faced the survivors who were blown up in an instant, and there was a patrol team exuding terror, so that they had to calm their restless hearts.

The people on these patrols are very weird. They move neatly and uniformly. They have straight backs and are more like soldiers than soldiers. You can see that they are elite divisions, plus their well-equipped and large numbers. Who dares to move?

Even if the patrol is really destroyed, the heavy weapons carried by hundreds of pickup trucks outside are the real terror.

Regardless of what you see, who would dare to say what kind of strength is in another stronghold?

Perhaps Gu Yang suppressed it too hard. Now that Gu Yang is dead, the emotion released by the people has plunged the entire stronghold into a frenzy. Countless survivors who miss Lu Chuan have consciously added to the shouting In the team.

This team grew bigger and bigger, and then gathered in front of the palace.

Almost all of the hundreds of thousands of strongholds were mobilized. They took to the streets and then to the palace. Mainly among the strongholds, this palace is the most open. Although it cannot accommodate more than a hundred thousand people, 40,000 to 50,000 are not a problem.

I saw people from all directions gathered here with the palace as the center.

First, the huge square in front of the palace was crowded with people, and then the streets connected to the palace were also full of people. They were mobilized one by one, only feeling a force on their chests rolling.

Gu Yang's pressure on the entire stronghold is still too great, and the dark clouds covering everyone's heads do not know how many people feel fear. Following such a monster-like person, practising the monarchy, and giving birth to blood every day... The cruel method is to deal with the person he wants to kill in a different way.

The order of the stronghold is entirely based on his personal preferences. In the last days, this is certainly not wrong, but in his heart, who would recognize it? No one wants to be killed suddenly when someone says kill.

Especially for this palace, how many people have died of exhaustion and how many have been disabled for life?

In the last days, lifelong disability means death. Without the ability to survive, there is only death to go.

Everyone is afraid. It was Gu Yang who was suppressing it before, but now the mountain of Gu Yang has been moved away, suppressing their fear. Especially after knowing that the person who killed Gu Yang was Lu Chuan, the reputation that Lu Chuan had established before made them choose to trust.

The best way to vent your emotions is to be like now.

Lu Chuan had been standing in front of the palace, facing more and more people, he didn't panic.

The people who gathered were also centered on Lu Chuan, and then stopped. The people who were surging before seemed to have stopped yelling, not even noisy.

"As I said, I promise that under my order, you will never worry about being hungry and cold in the cold winter. As long as you work hard, you will gain as much as you work hard, let alone worry about your own safety. Because I will take you back to civilized order."

Lu Chuan said forcefully, the physique after Level 5 enhancement made Lu Chuan's voice spread far.

There is not much sensationalism, but Lu Chuan's words are the most direct to the core.

What is the end of the world is nothing more than stomach and safety. After these two guarantees, the others are secondary. Lu Chuan knows that those who have struggled to this day in the last days naturally know the preciousness of these two.

Chu Bin and the others were talking to Lu Chuan, but in this atmosphere, they became excited and excited, and shouted, "Long live the boss."

It seems to have played a leading role, first in a small area, then in a large area, and then to a unified voice.

"Long live the boss."

This voice resounded through the sky in the stronghold.

Maybe it was Lu Chuan's luck. There were no flying zombies around Fangyuan, and these voices did not attract them, otherwise a good sensational speech would become a great escape.

Listening to the deafening sound, Lu Chuan smiled.

It seems simple and easy to control the entire stronghold, but who knows how much action he has done before? Small plans time after time, in fact, for now.

With the least cost, they took down the stronghold and controlled the hundreds of thousands of survivors here.

In the last days, talents are the scarcest resource. In their own hands, the power they will exert will make a qualitative leap for them.

After the order and mechanism here are perfected they can help themselves.

And what I paid was actually just some food. For my wealth now, supporting hundreds of thousands of people is nothing at all, or even insignificant.

In the fanatical roar, Lu Chuan was recognized by the survivors in an instant.

Lu Chuan smiled, but his hand was empty.

The roar just stopped abruptly, and the entire stronghold became quiet again.

Lu Chuan turned his head, pointed to the palace behind him, and said, "Now I'll give you the first task, to tear down this palace that you built by yourself and razing it to the ground."

The enthusiastic Chubin and the others rushed forward without asking why.

If you look down from the sky, you can see countless black spots rushing to the golden palace, and then covering the palace. They seem to have found a catharsis for their emotions. They don't care that the palace they built by themselves is Smashed.

Smashing this imperial palace gave them a feeling of invigoration.

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