Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 392: Tyrant pulls a cart (Akang during Dragon Boat Festival)

After evacuating the modern warehouse, Lu Chuan immediately went to the end of the world.


Due to time synchronization, when Lu Chuan appeared, it was already noon.

In fact, Lu Chuan University can unload this huge material directly in the base, but it is difficult to explain how these materials came from this way, and it is easy to cause suspicion.

The current stronghold is still under control, and his influence is not enough. In order not to have trouble, Lu Chuan plans to bring supplies from Shanshi County to the stronghold.

In order to perform this good show, Lu Chuan also worked hard.

Appeared in Shanshi County, there were already fifty tyrants waiting here.

Shanshi County is also a big county. There are many abandoned trucks here. Lu Chuan found five tractors that had been connected to trailers. The trailers contained containers and did not need to be repaired. They were connected by large steel cables.

Ten tyrants were in charge of one, eight pulled in the front and two pushed in the back.

These containers are 45HC high containers, which can normally hold 78 square meters, which can be regarded as high standard containers.

How to buy people's hearts?

It's actually very simple, let them taste the sweetness.

In the last days, don't talk about canned meat, if you can eat it, you can thank God. Now I smashed out this batch of canned meat, first as a benefit to them, and secondly, to show his strength. The promise to them is not a blank check, let alone a castle in the air.

There is no canned meat in the container, anyway, there is storage space, all this is not anxious, it is not too late to fill the container near the destination.

"set off."

Lu Chuan climbed onto the roof of the first container tractor, then sat down and issued instructions.

After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, the eight tyrants at the head used their strength and dragged the steel cable. As they pulled straight, the tractor was pulled by them and slowly moved.

Pulling forward and pushing backward, the tractor in the empty state is easily pulled by them and moves forward.

Lu Chuan didn't get a transporter from Hyundai, but instead used these scrapped and unusable vehicles, mainly to save money and trouble. Anyway, there is free labor, so don't use it for nothing.

The tyrant's strength is so powerful that it is more than five meters in size. Eight pulls together and two pushes together. To be honest, the tractor in the empty state is simply pediatric, and it is effortless to pull it up.

The first one moved, and the second followed.

The five tractors were moving forward, and Lu Chuan only needed to be responsible for guiding, such as deviating, turning and the like.


Sitting in the lead car, Lu Chuan made such a sound, but it was playful.

Who would have thought that using zombies as coolies, letting them drag the tractor? With this feeling, Lu Chuan actually gave birth to a sense of accomplishment. This scene is unprecedented. God knows if the survivor sees it, will his eyes fall off?

Eight extremely tall zombies, they tied steel cables to their waists, and strode forward one by one.

Like giants, these tasks are really simple and not challenging for them.

Lu Chuan seemed laid back, taking out his mobile phone to play.

The mobile phone in Lu Chuan's hand is no longer the one before, but a mobile phone from the end of the world. The functions it possesses are definitely the direction of future modern development.

For example, the large-scale integrated application of AR technology, each application has virtual technology, absolutely dazzling.

When the camera function was turned on, Lu Chuan directly took the eight tyrants who were pulling a cart in front of him, and took pictures randomly. These photos were still shocking, more like scenes in movies.

These tractors will definitely not be able to start in the last six or seven years, and Lu Chuan will make such a bad decision.

Leaving Shanshi County, enter the highway.

Lu Chuan had cleaned up the zombies before. Not to mention the cars on it, the zombies along the highway were all strangled.

"Run faster."

The straight highway, no matter how slow it is, may not be able to reach the stronghold tonight, so Lu Chuan naturally issued the order.

Tyrants are average in speed and agility, but the size that can't stand it is placed here, it is definitely one step bigger than your ten steps.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, all the tyrants shook off their arms simultaneously and started running.

The tractors also increased their speed significantly. Five tractors with trailers rushed on the highway.

Lu Chuan turned on the speed measurement on his mobile phone, and it has climbed to about 60 kilometers, which is really not slow. To know the running speed of a person, the training is within the range of 20-30 kilometers per hour. When 60 kilometers are put in humans, it is considered a superman.

60 kilometers is already the maximum speed of the tyrant, not because of the weight of the tractors, but because their speed is already at this level.

On the highway, five towed trailers were advancing, and the sound of fifty tyrants running wildly was so inspiring.


Four hours later, it was already three thirty in the afternoon.

Five towing trailers arrived at a place only five kilometers away from the stronghold. Lu Chuan jumped off the towing trailers, waving his hands, tyrants untied their thick steel cables, turning around, and disappeared into the wilderness. in.

Lu Chuan untied these steel cables from the towing trailer and threw them into the storage space.

Lu Chuan didn't need to explain how to explain these tractor trailers here. Anyway, just find a reason. I believe it's their business.

"Next, I'm busy again."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. He found that he was really struggling, and everything needed to be done by himself.

The surroundings are actually surrounded by zombies, so there is no need to worry about anyone discovering anything.

However, just to be cautious, Lu Chuan hid in one of the containers. An idea of ​​returning to modernity rose. Lu Chuan disappeared and appeared in the office room of the modern warehouse.

Looking around, Lu Chuan opened the door of the office room.

At the door, the two security zombies stood upright, as if they hadn't moved in the past few hours when Lu Chuan left. In fact, it is true.

Walking outside, dozens of transport vehicles have already left.

The accountants of two purchasing companies were giving out wages to the workers, and the scene was lively. Seeing that they were soaked and sweating profusely, they knew that they should have just finished unloading the goods.

Forgetting the time, it is very efficient to be able to unload dozens of canned meat on transport vehicles in four hours.

One is that there are a lot of people, and the other is that these people are really hardworking.

"When the storage area is established, violent people will be used as porters at that time. This speed will be'swishing'." Lu Chuan smiled lightly, holding his arms and watching the workers leaving the money.

After the money was distributed, the two accountants settled the count, and then left again.

The surrounding area of ​​Ruoda warehouse was quiet again.

The security zombies dispersed and looked after the warehouse.

Lu Chuan walked into the warehouse, where boxes of canned meat were neatly stacked. These boxes are also just pure white boxes without any words.


Lu Chuan smiled, wherever his mind went, the white box disappeared, filling the storage space.

The storage space was full, and Lu Chuan disappeared immediately.

When it appeared, it was in the container left in the last days.

After releasing the canned meat in the storage space and filling the container, Lu Chuan moved to another empty container.

This was repeated five times, and finally it was done.

Fortunately, there is no need for Lu Chuan to do it, just use the mind, and there is no hard work. It was nothing more than this kind of frequent time-space transformation that made Lu Chuan a little dizzy.

After finishing all this, Lu Chuan took out the wireless communicator.

"Chu Bin, bring someone to Yangpingpo, and the canned meat has arrived." Lu Chuan said after Chu Bin connected.

"Yes, boss."

Chu Bin was absolutely relieved when he received the communication. The boss left, he had greeted him beforehand, and on this day, God knows how much pressure he was under?

The stronghold was controlled by Lu Chuan's method, but Chu Bin didn't know if there would be any problems.

In the absence of the boss, it is impossible to suppress it by his own prestige.

Chu Bin spent this day in fear. Fortunately, the base did not become turbulent because the boss did not show up. This has to be said about the boss's prestige and the implementation of this community management method.

Those who have been selected as group leaders, for their own status, naturally want to manage the community well.

People in the community naturally restrain themselves in order not to damage their welfare.

This balance is the reason why the stronghold is safe and sound.

Now, the boss is finally back, and he also brought back the canned meat. The hanging heart can finally be put down.

Immediately, Chu Bin led a motorcade and drove out of the stronghold in a mighty manner.

Chu Bin did not hide this matter at all, instead he let the people in the stronghold know. This convoy was actually formed by some trucks in the previous stronghold. The boss's pickup truck is definitely unable to carry cargo when loaded with heavy weapons.

Some of the people selected were brothers from the original wolf's nest, and some were from the stronghold.

Yang Pingpo is actually the name of a village, which Chu Bin is certainly familiar with.

A few kilometers, in a moment.

Five container tractors were parked on the side of the road, mysteriously only the boss.


Under Chu Bin's leadership, everyone shouted in unison, looking at their demeanor, in modern times, they thought it was someone like a big brother. In this eschatological world, the name of the boss is also strange enough.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "The vehicle broke down here. I told the drivers to leave first. The container is full of canned meat. Everyone has to work hard."

Is the container full of canned meat?

With this sentence, who cares what Lu Chuan said that the vehicle broke down and what drivers left first? They were all attracted by this sentence, Chubin and the others were okay, but all the people in the original stronghold moved their throats and swallowed.

Lu Chuan opened one of the containers and dragged a dozen boxes down from it: "Everyone fills up their stomachs before working."

A can of meat went down, and the hundreds of people who followed, a can of human heads, all gobbled up after opening. These canned meats are made from fresh pork, and they have only left the factory for a few days, which is naturally the most delicious time.

The taste is braised Pieces of brightly colored square meat are packed in the can.

After eating this canned meat, so many people almost bit their tongues and swallowed it. The oil and residue in the canned food were cleaned by them.

After eating the canned meat, everyone's face was filled with the most sincere smile, one by one, they felt full of energy and life.

God knows how many years have not been in the stomachs of these people.

In particular, Lu Chuan's custom-made canned braised pork, which is more attractive.

Thinking of this deliciousness, the eyes that a person looked at Lu Chuan all changed. As the boss, I have nothing to say. With the abundance of materials, they already believe that the boss can fulfill their promise and will not let them spend the winter hungry.

After eating, Chubin sighed, and then shouted: "Long live the boss, brothers, start working."

Others all followed and yelled, one by one, they swept away the previous weakness, carrying boxes of canned meat, and transitioning to other vehicles.

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