Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 395: Recycling old refrigerators at a high price

People are knives, I am fish.

Only now did Yi Zhanfei realize the true meaning of this sentence. The condition proposed by Lu Chuan was actually more like a multiple choice question. They had no other way, unless they really wanted to starve to death here.

"Promise him."

After deliberation, the answers were surprisingly consistent.

It's simple, no one wants to die.

Since I didn't want to die, I had to promise Lu Chuan. What's more, in these last days, talking about contracts is simply nonsense. If they really believed in this, they would have died a long time ago and will still live to the present?

To put it bluntly, a contract is just a game between the strong and the weak. When you are strong, I naturally listen to it. If you are weak, it is when the contract is torn.

Now they just want to get away and talk about it first. As for the future, if this Lu Chuan is a strong one, what would they have attached to him? If they are not the strong, ungratefulness may not be necessary, but it is absolutely impossible for them to be loyal to him.

Yi Zhanfei didn't mess around either. After the negotiation, he immediately informed.

"Lu Chuan, everyone agreed." Yi Zhanfei said.

This result did not surprise Lu Chuan. He smiled and said, "I like to be called the boss."

"Old... Boss!" Yi Zhanfei changed quickly, only to shout, still very twitchy.

Lu Chuan doesn't matter anymore. In fact, these alienated new humans Lu Chuan don't have to get it. With his current strength, he can create a zombie army stronger than them in minutes.

The main reason to win over them is to squeeze their labor force.

The power of alienated new humans far exceeds that of ordinary people. There is no problem in getting up to work or acting as a thug.

"Let's keep the notice, I need to let everyone know, and then be prepared." Lu Chuan said, but sent out the instructions one by one with his mind.

In the group of zombies below, the zombies belonging to Lu Chuan began to act.

Yi Zhanfei nodded. This event really needs to be notified, otherwise something will happen. Who knows how this mysterious Lu Chuan will react?

How to explain this is Yi Zhanfei's business, but Lu Chuan can't manage it.

At this time, Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes after cutting off the communication, and through the control of the zombies, he began to prepare for the rescue plan.

"The trouble should end it."

Lu Chuan smiled. All of this was planned by himself, and now it was ended by himself, there was really no problem.

The order was actually made by Lu Chuan for himself.

Believe in these people completely, Lu Chuan can't do the same, so what Lu Chuan prepared for himself was actually to form a troop composed of swift and violent men.

The number is not very large, sixty fast and fifty violent.

The difference is that they are all wearing armors made of alloy, assembled piece by piece to form a pair of armor that is extremely cool. These armors are a bit like medieval European knight armors, but they are more magical.

It is made of alloy, so it is of course hard to say, ordinary bullets can't penetrate it at all.

This armor wrapped them all inside, even the eyes were not exposed. With this armor, it is difficult for people to discover that it is not a person, but a zombie. "

With the defensive power, Lu Chuan also equipped them mainly with submachine guns, and several of them were carrying Vulcan cannons and carrying a huge bullet chain box.

This kind of firepower, no one dares to rebel against their edge.

Believe them completely, obviously not, there is no kindness in the last days, there are only benefits. Lu Chuan couldn't guarantee whether they would turn their faces immediately after being rescued, so he could only prepare himself early.

There are a hundred zombies, this kind of fully armed, enough deterrent.

If this is not enough, Lu Chuan has made some preparations. For example, out of the sixty swifts, ten out of them are only carrying an explosive pack. If necessary, a suicide explosion can occur.

As long as they don't want to die, they don't have any thoughts.

Some of these have been prepared for a long time, and they have even stayed in the subway.

Yes, Lu Chuan's idea was to enter from the subway station and leave Zhongzhou City via the subway route.

In order to be able to support the alienated new humans, Lu Chuan still prepared some simple water and food in the subway station. It can be said that all this is within Lu Chuan's plan.

Under each instruction, all proceeded in an orderly manner.

Lu Chuan was not in a hurry, but hugged his arms on the tall building, waiting for news from Yi Zhanfei.

Without a choice, all communication was over in just half an hour. Yi Zhanfei also told Lu Chuan the answer through the communicator.

In fact, there is no need to guess at all, and you know the result.

No one wants to die. When there is a chance, they will try their best to escape.

"Boss, what method do you use?" Yi Zhanfei changed quickly and called the boss, which was already smooth. Regardless of the spirit of the contract, at least each other is now in the role.

Lu Chuan smiled, and said with a touch of mystery: "Guess?"

Of course Yi Zhanfei couldn't guess, even in his heart, he thought Lu Chuan was bragging. It was very difficult to draw away these zombies. Gu Yang tried his best a few days ago, but he returned without success.

Let's not talk about the super zombie, but the ubiquitous high-level zombie is enough to make people headache.

"Let everyone be prepared." Lu Chuan said seriously again: "Did you see the street in front of you? There is a subway station at the second traffic light ahead. You need to arrive here quickly after I attract the zombies. A location."

The trapped location of each team is different, but the subway station is the same.

When they retreated to the same place, the approximate range was in this area, which was also a place that satisfied Lu Chuan.

Yi Zhanfei quickly informed that no matter how arrogant he was, he still had to obey Lu Chuan's instructions.

In the team.

All the alienated new human soldiers were all excited when they heard this news. Can live, who wants to die? How many people who were so hungry that their hands and feet were weak, they were waiting for death a long time ago under the predicament of despair, but the stimulus of this news gave them a surge of strength.

No need to order, one by one stood up.

"Throw away the equipment and keep only the cold weapons." The battle captains shouted in the communicator.

In the past, dozens of kilograms of armor, guns, and cold weapons were not in their eyes, but now how many people are too hungry to walk, how can they carry this equipment?

Regardless of your alienation and not alienation, people must also abide by the principle of energy conservation. If you don’t eat for a long time, you will be hungry and starve to death.

In eight days, they were able to carry it until now because they had evolved.

A pair of armor that had spent a lot of human power in the previous stronghold was thrown away by them. They also threw a bunch of imitation earthen guns on this floor.

Until now, they actually had no bullets long ago, and only left an empty gun.

In the last days, a lot of time depends on cold weapons, which is more reassuring.

Everyone was waiting for how much equipment was thrown away.

They were all looking forward to what Lu Chuan would do to get them out of trouble.


Lu Chuan got down from the tall building, and on the back that they couldn't see, he mounted the corpse dragon and flew to the more central area of ​​the city.

Lu Chuan didn't dare to approach the location of the super zombie. At the moment, it was a BUG-like existence. It really woke it up, and it must be a disaster.

After waiting for the set area, Lu Chuan fell into a tall building that had long been promising.

It is good to be close to the center of the city. There are tall buildings everywhere. They stand in the city, more like a jungle. These tall buildings are forests, standing in the forest.

"let's start!"

Lu Chuan issued a command, with a weird smile on his face.

In the street.

A licker carries a steel frame with a large square dance speaker on it. It did not wander around, but stood on the edge of the street and waited. Beside it, there are two swift men, one on the left and the other on the right.

They were not moving before, and their surroundings were surging and wandering zombies. Their actions were incompatible with other zombies, and there was a sense of violation.

It's just that there are zombies everywhere in this apocalyptic city. Who cares if they violate peace or not?

Suddenly, the two swifts moved.

I saw only one of them. I stretched out my hand and used its slightly rotten fingers to press the start button of the square dance speaker on the back of the licker.

The next moment, a huge voice rang.

"High-priced recycling of old refrigerators, old color TVs, old computers..."

In this city, under the processing of this huge speaker, this string of invigorating and huge sounds really rushed straight into the sky, and even some of the glass in the surrounding buildings shook.

In order to achieve this effect, Lu Chuan invited professionals to make modifications.

Now it seems that the effect is really good.

"Recycling old refrigerators at high old color TVs, old computers..."

In this area, ten square dance speakers were yelling vigorously. This momentum can be described as mighty. This specially processed sound is very penetrating, and it is more powerful than firecrackers and fireworks.

Lu Chuan was very satisfied when he heard it in his ears. He tried this effect in modern times, but now that he has increased the power to the maximum, it sounds straightforward.

"High-priced recycling of old refrigerators, old color TVs, old computers..."

Suddenly hearing this voice, Yi Zhanfei and the others only felt that their chills were standing up. This feeling was really sour. Of course, more, they still have a familiar feeling.

This voice... How many years have I not heard it?


No matter how you listen, it feels like a sense of speechlessness. In this empty apocalyptic city, such a voice echoes, making the alienated new human soldiers feel stunned.

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