Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 426: Zombie Fire Platform

July 31.

On the last day of July, Lu Chuan once again appeared outside the military base.

However, Lu Chuan did not attack. Instead, he recruited the corpse dragon that had been hiding, stepped on the back of the corpse dragon, and let it take itself back to the biochemical factory in Zhongzhou City.

The importance of the corpse dragon is indeed important for Lu Chuan at this stage.

Without it, your own traffic will become a distressing problem.

Without hiding the corpse dragon, Lu Chuan was worried that when he left by himself, the corpse dragon let other zombies be killed, so there was no place to cry. When the zombie, the corpse dragon, is not unlocked, it is irreplaceable.

More than 120 kilometers, at the speed of the corpse dragon, it takes only 20 minutes to arrive.

When he fell on the floor of the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan saw that the zombies here were still busy. The previous huge maze-like position has been emptied, and the cars in the distance have also been cleared.

In other words, the current four-strike biochemical plant is completely unimpeded.

The zombies working day and night are like ants. This kind of work efficiency makes Lu Chuan nod with satisfaction.

Standing here with negative hands, Lu Chuan felt that he was a king, with absolute rights. Here, I am God, in control of everything beyond imagination.

"We still have to speed up the progress. We need to rebuild here and install a lot of weapons."

Lu Chuan pondered.

In terms of weapons, procurement from modern times is inevitable, but it can also be supplemented in the end times, such as taking down military bases, using weapons here, and equipping them for defense.

In addition, weapon manufacturing can also enter the planning.

The current settlement is controlled by Lu Chuan, and the establishment of a weapons department has become inevitable. At that time, they will finally be able to use it like Sun Hongguang.

With modern and apocalyptic resources, Lu Chuan believes that an advanced arsenal can be established soon.

But this is the future, no matter how fast he is, there is no way to use the weapons made by the arsenal to the fourth zombie attack. Time is too late.

I checked the diary records of the biochemical factory, and there was no problem except for the loss of a few ordinary zombies.

"Qianwei, Titan." Lu Chuan gave instructions to the two men in the warehouse.


Qiangwei has been sitting on the shoulders of Titan, it hasn't moved, just like a statue.

The Titan, on the other hand, stood motionless in the warehouse, without blinking his eyes, like a huge statue. Before Lu Chuan's instructions, they would always maintain this attitude.

Suddenly, the Titan moved, it stood up, quickly left the warehouse with Qiangwei, and appeared on the construction site outside the biochemical factory.

In the sun, the huge Titan cast a wide shadow.

This time, Lu Chuan did not use the corpse dragon, but a few ups and downs, jumping from the top of the biochemical factory building, like a martial arts master, did not put the nine-story building in his eyes.

Lu Chuan discovered that after his genes were strengthened, his body's abilities continued to improve. Although he did not have the internal strength of the martial arts masters in the novel, it was actually not bad.

His strength has reached the ton level, and his speed can also achieve a gust of wind, his own resilience is beyond imagination. As long as you master the fighting skills, there is no difference from a martial arts master.

There is no internal strength, but the strength of Lu Chuan's own muscles can shoot with light weapons, which is better than martial arts masters.

Fell on the construction site.

Lu Chuan frowned. The construction site was not cemented. Although the weather is not to worry about muddy, there are some unevenness, which is not very convenient.

"It looks like I need to level it up."

Lu Chuan thought for a while, but didn't think much about this issue. After all, it was just a matter of instructions.

Walking in front of the Titan, the height of more than five meters is indeed too high for Lu Chuan, who is only 1.75 meters. You need to raise your head to see the full picture of the Titan.

An armor specially tailored for it, using an extremely hard aviation alloy, plus its thickness, is no longer what ordinary guns can shoot through. In addition, Lu Chuan has strengthened its helmet, even a sniper rifle may not be able to penetrate it.

In this way, the safety of Titan is guaranteed.

"Squat down."

Lu Chuan issued the instruction, and the Titan immediately executed it, then squatted down in front of Lu Chuan, and at the same time stretched out his arm, making a pallet shape with his palm.

Lu Chuan stood up, and made a slight jump before reaching its shoulder.

With Lu Chuan's height, the proportions on his shoulders are slightly higher, but it is not as abrupt as imagined. When the armor was designed, Lu Chuan had requirements on his shoulders. Sitting on himself was not a problem, and it would not hinder Titan's movements.


After Lu Chuan took a seat, the Titan stood up under instructions and began to run wildly.

With the height of the Titan, every step it takes is more than two meters. After Lu Chuan has strengthened it ten times, its power supports its huge body, there is no problem at all, just like a car with high horsepower. , The power is as ferocious as it is.

Strength can support, which means that the frequency of each step will start to increase.

Looking at the building that was beginning to retreat, Lu Chuan visually observed that the speed at which the Titan rushed up was more than 60 kilometers.

The prototype of the Titan is the tyrant's first trial type. It has a huge body and a speed of no more than 20 kilometers, but now it can reach 60 kilometers. After the strengthening, the Titan has improved in all aspects terrible.

Sitting on the shoulders, there is an armrest at the armor of Titan's neck, which can be held by Lu Chuan without worrying about Titan's movement.

Of course, Lu Chuan didn't need to grab it when he didn't enter the fighting form. The balance of his body allowed him to sit peacefully without worrying about being thrown off.

Qiangwei's balance is equally astonishing, and the flexibility after ten times of strengthening makes it ignore the ups and downs of the Titans running wildly.

Until now, Lu Chuan has truly seen the ferociousness of Titan.

Its armor has some aggressive designs on the leg guards. For example, some sharp corners are designed. Under the thinking of modern industry, these corners are sharp and beautiful. When combined, they look even more beautiful. It has a handsome taste.

As for the effect?

Soon Titan left the field of vision of the biochemical factory and entered the street where there were not many zombies under Lu Chuan.

The running sound of "Boom Boom" naturally attracted the attention of many zombies.

This is the city center. The crowded zombies make it difficult for Titan to move forward. But the Titan still didn't slow down, like a bulldozer, running rampant here.

Wherever it went, it lifted its legs powerfully, always knocking some zombies into flight.

Under the action of the horns, the bones of these zombies that were knocked into flight were broken.

Zombies that have lost their bones are immortal, but they can't support them. They just rely on their muscles. There is no way to make them move freely. They can only crawl on the street and move little by little.

But what's the use? When they moved, the Titans were already gone in a blink of an eye, leaving them struggling in the street, and then being trampled by other zombies into shapelessness.

It was the first time that Lu Chuan sat on the shoulders of the Titans. Naturally, there was no need to mention the excitement.

Qiangwei is also a dexterous armor, in this way, they hide their zombie identity. As for Lu Chuan himself, he was also armed, without armor, but in a special police uniform, wearing a body armor and a helmet.

Even if survivors meet, this combination will make them think more, but will not make them think about zombies.

Lu Chuan still knows something about this world.

For example, when alienating, there is a very low probability of alienating this kind of monster form. And the monster form will be subdivided a lot. Human alienation at the level of Titan must be there too, but it is extremely rare.

Under the alienated evolution of viruses, it is simply an unconventional evolution. Special people will be alienated according to their special genes, so that people are not humans, and ghosts are not ghosts.

To be sure, we are still in apocalyptic chaos. When human beings really establish order and return to civilization, new humans like this kind of monster beast will inevitably be classified into aliens and will be slaughtered.

Like a huge mecha, Titan used his own violent way to highlight Nakasu City.

As before from Luchuan to Shuangshui Town, Titan passed a short section of the national highway and then entered the highway, where it ran straight. Compared with ordinary zombies, they need to bypass the cars parked on the highway, and the speed will be slow.

But this level of Titan is not needed at all.

Like a giant, it stepped on a car and ran wildly, and every step of it stepped on, and all the cars stomped on the roof and the glass shattered.

The zombies wandering on the highway, they can only watch the Titan leave, there is no way.

One hundred and twenty kilometers, under the titan's tireless rush, it took a little more than two hours to arrive.

Lu Chuan tidyed up his messy hair, instead of leaving the Titan's shoulders, he issued an order to direct the Titan to appear on the periphery of the military base.

Bringing Titan and Qiangwei here, Lu Chuan's meaning is very simple, is to use Qiangwei's marksmanship to hunt down the zombies in the military base.

The Titan is actually Qiangwei's shield and bodyguard.

"From C5780 to C6280, gather together." Lu Chuan stood up and issued a command while looking away.

The number at the beginning of the C prefix actually means Level 3 zombies. Using numbers directly means the first zombie unlocked. The C number is the number of the licker, the CA number is the hellhound number, and the CB number is the tyrant's number.

In the instructions issued by Lu Chuan, the lickers within the number range will receive the instructions immediately. The precise positioning of the biochemical plant will accurately reach them, so that they will obey Lu Chuan's instructions~www.mtlnovel. com~ Like a sophisticated computer, this terrible commanding power allows Lu Chuan to command them as if they were using his own arm.

The five hundred lickers received Lu Chuan's instructions and quickly moved closer, and then scattered beside Titan and Qiangwei.

Lu Chuan took out thousands of bullets from his storage space, and put them into the back box of Titan. These bullets were all sniper rifle bullets for Qiangwei.

Not only that, Lu Chuan took out another Vulcan Cannon on the shoulder where Lu Chuan had just stayed, and fixed it in the long reserved position.

If the big bullet box contains a thousand bullets.

The Titan's left hand was originally equipped with a Vulcan cannon, plus this one, the firepower was beyond imagination. And Titan's right arm, in the case of alienation, will serve as a cold weapon for close hand-to-hand combat.

In this way, the current situation will use Titan as the platform, Rose as the long-range precision strike firepower, and Titan as the short-range firepower to swiftly hunt the zombies in the military base.

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