Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 437: Feels great

Although Lu Chuan had a straight face, Yi Ran didn't constrain at all. Instead, he slightly spread his slender legs. *With*梦*小*说.lā

From Lu Chuan's perspective, it happens to be able to see a little bit of content inside.

"White, and silky underwear."

Subconsciously, Lu Chuan was this kind of reaction. There is no way. After Level 5 genetic enhancement, this vision is so good that ordinary people may not be able to see clearly, but Lu Chuan can easily see clearly.

Lu Chuan patted his forehead and said, "Yi Ran, can you not be so skinny?"

"Okay, boss." Yi Ran laughed, her chest suddenly surging.

After being serious, Yi Ran has another kind of beauty. Think about Tong Yan* wearing a seductive female professional outfit, what would it be like? No matter how you look at it, it looks like a uniform and temptation.

"I need the inventory in the current warehouse." Lu Chuan said, taking a sip of the coffee in front of him.

Yi Ran's arm has a light projector similar to an ornament, which is very feminine. From the outside world, it should be a wrist ornament for women. But in fact. It is a light projector.

This optical projector has already been processed. It has the lg from Baichuan Guihai Company. In other words, Lu Chuan is guarding against the fact that this optical projector is really acquired. The lg from Baichuan Guihai Company proves the way forward. , It's just the internal product of Baichuan Guihai Company.

At present, Baichuan Guihai Company has not launched the optical projector, so even if it is used by Yiran, there are still many functional restrictions.

With current modern technology, it will take at least ten years to crack this optical projector.

It is no exaggeration. Many of the technologies of optical projectors are not conquered by modern times. How can many technologies be cracked if they do not understand them thoroughly? Moreover, the core of the optical projector has a shell protection method that is not at all modern, which is even more difficult.

The light projector with the neural connection established immediately followed Yi Ran's thoughts, thereby generating a virtual screen in front of it with a large number of numbers listed on it.

This is a storage form that allows people to know the current inventory situation in the warehouse at a glance.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand, dragging and browsing.

After a long time, Lu Chuan stopped, closed his eyes and digested it, then opened his eyes and said: "The warehouse group is no longer suitable for the procurement company. The subsequent consumption will be very huge. Some are large purchases, which will attract the attention of interested people."

Yi Ran nodded, naturally understanding this problem. With a swipe of his hand, the storage form disappeared and replaced by a bird's-eye view of a huge planned industrial park layout.

"Boss, the storage park project has been approved by the local government, covering a total of 5,000 mu of land." Yi Ran smiled lightly, with some arrogance on his face.

The project of 5000 acres of land can be approved not by any company, but the network built by Yiran has been successfully implemented. From this point, we know how much energy Yi Ran currently holds.

Lu Chuan glanced at Yi Ran. Who could have imagined that this woman combining an angel and a devil in front of him would have such a great energy?

This kind of energy, not only in the country, but even in countries around the world, has various intricate networks of relationships. Only this kind of zombies that don't need rest and can keep running by themselves can do it.

There are even some channels, even Lu Chuan will be surprised.

Regardless of its harmless appearance, only Lu Chuan knows the consequences of angering it. With its own endorsement for it, there is really nothing it dare not move.

Purchasing companies are a large consumer of funds, not only in the purchase of materials, but also in establishing channels and opening up relationships, which is huge. Like a foreign channel, it often needs to be established with billions of funds.

Why can I enter and leave Syria unscrupulously? This is where the channels established by Yiran are working.

The warehouse park has long been planned.

With the nearly 150,000 people living in the settlements now in their hands, the pressure from the purchasing company will burst in an instant. This is not surprising. It used to be only one or two thousand people, but now it is nearly 150,000 people. It is completely two concepts.

Fortunately, the procurement company's own system and staffing are already equipped to handle procurement of this scale. Here I have to say that Yi Ran's efforts over the past period of time have satisfied Lu Chuan.

The good point of establishing a storage park is actually to use the massive throughput in this storage park. Under the big data, the data of the purchasing company is hidden, making it impossible to check.

Once the establishment is completed, under the throughput of the time, who cares whether you have one more vehicle or one less vehicle in and out?


With the approval of the project, Lu Chuan's current funding will not be a problem to support its construction. After all, it is just to build a warehouse group, and then equip it with intelligence, and then there are some supporting facilities.

Intelligence is to reduce employees.

As for employees, Lu Chuan will use zombies in disguise. It's just that the zombie employees who behave strangely after all can only reduce their number through intelligence to achieve the purpose of making people suspicious as much as possible.

The entire warehouse park will introduce dozens of different purchasing and trading companies.

This is just the surface. In the mainland, these companies are all vest companies controlled by Yiran through various means.

Don't look simple, but operating this project is really not easy. Its complexity is beyond imagination.

"Let’s implement it now, build it as quickly as possible, and I will support the past as much as it needs." 5000 mu is more, but the investment amount is actually more than one billion yuan, which is far less than expected.

Different from other automobile industrial parks and so on, they only cost hundreds of millions of dollars for one production line, and all kinds of facilities are piled up with money. But the current warehouse park, to put it bluntly, is used for stacking materials. The ground is leveled and the warehouse is built. The two are not comparable.

With the mouths of these nearly 150,000 people, if the purchasing company does not change, there is no way to solve such a large amount of materials.

Now it is 150,000 people, what about the future?

What kind of concept will it be when you control millions of people under your control?

Yi Ran nodded and said, "Boss, I understand."

After talking about business, Lu Chuan looked at his watch and got up. After a meeting, I also had a date with Shi Ruoyu, now it's almost time.

In fact, men and women are most eager when they have not caught up. After waiting, especially after going to bed, almost the final purpose of the date is to roll the sheets. There is no way, this is actually the same thing between men and women.

"Boss, don't you have any thoughts?" Yi Ran gave a faint smile. After unlocking the expression function, the expressions of zombies will not be blunt, but are as natural as normal people.

Lu Chuan's eyes fell on Yi Ran.

I have to say that this outfit is in line with Lu Chuan's aesthetic.


"I can't put my hand." Lu Chuan muttered to himself, but it did not prevent Lu Chuan from walking to Yi Ran's face, and then stretched out his hand and pinched the majestic little white rabbit.

"It feels great." Lu Chuan grinned, this is the first time he has done such an extraordinary thing.

It has to be said that this feel is exactly the same as the real, even better than the real one. The one that is like water and has a touch of elasticity, coupled with the silky material of this professional uniform, makes Lu Chuan feel hard in his heart. Excited.

Yi Ran made a charming gesture and straightened his chest.


Then there was no more, because Lu Chuan was already gone, ignoring it and left.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Yi Ran's mouth: "Coward, under the disguise system, we are all real..."


On the morning of the 11th, Xia Min sent a message that it had arrived at its destination.

Lu Chuan did not hesitate, and immediately let Yi Ran start planning his travel route. In just ten minutes, Yi Ran sent the route to Lu Chuan's mobile phone.

According to the fastest travel time, Lu Chuan needs to go to India as a transit point.

Wu Wei sent Lu Chuan to the airport, but did not follow.

The main reason is the fear of criticism. After all, it is easy to be noticed when traveling with so many people. Now Lu Chuan needs to be very careful in his actions, after all, his current identity is different.

In terms of manpower, Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry, as long as Lu Chuan wants to, he can summon hundreds of zombies at any time, and Lu Chuan is a mobile arsenal that can immediately form a terrifying combat effectiveness.

As for Lu Chuan's own safety, there is no need to worry. The switching of time and space is enough for Lu Chuan to avoid all attacks perfectly.

In Yi Ran's heart, the boss is always the first. This trip, etc., is naturally the most luxurious and must be the first-class position.

After boarding the plane, Lu Chuan leaned back in his chair comfortably.

This is the real VIP, because the seat is an independent position of the chief executive, and there are not many seats in the entire first-class cabin. The price is more than five times that of economy class. It is indeed not something ordinary people dare to try.

Take out the phone, Lu Chuan looked through>

WeChat, Lu Chuan stipulates that the company is not allowed to use it, especially the boss-level requirements are more excessive, even the mobile phone system needs to be reprocessed. The reason why the current Baichuanguihai company is today is completely technically superior, and it is also the sweet bun in the eyes of countless companies.

Gu Luchuan knows that I don't know how many companies have sent spies, or contacted company employees, or even directly joined the company.

Numerous methods are simply impossible to guard against.

However, it is impossible for them to steal useful technology. The first is the technical precautions, and the second is their technical ability. They are still far from cracking.

Others can’t use it. As the boss, it’s not in this Chuan’s communication on WeChat is all things in daily life. For this kind of things, they will intercept the Penguin Empire technology, but these Life, but it is impossible to publish it, not because I dare not, but because there is no need to anger the upper body, it is not worth it.

In WeChat, several groups of classmates are very lively. If you don't read the chat history for a few days, it is 999+.

I think Lu Chuan also knows that this is because of his own reasons. Whether he was not in the group before or who was already there but didn't say anything, they all became active, imagining that he, a classmate who has become the richest man in China, would notice him.

Apart from the classmate group, the next step is the fellow villager group.

The group of classmates must know it. Many of the fellow villagers know that Lu Chuan is the richest Chinese, but they know that Lu Chuan is in the group. It is estimated that very few. They are all people who have been in the society for a long time. Feel free to talk about Lu Chuan here.

Seeing someone @自己 in the fellow villager group, Lu Chuan still clicked, and then found a message more than a day ago.

It was Liu Huijun, one of the few people Lu Chuan knew better.

After thinking about it, it seems that I haven't clicked on the fellow group for a long time. At first I thought about quitting, but after all, I didn't. How can I say that Lu Chuan also knows a few friends here. The meeting may not be very deep, but they can also talk.


There were only two words, but Lu Chuan laughed slightly. It seemed that Liu Huijun seemed to know something. But she didn't call or send messages directly, maybe she also has her own pride, right?

There was no answer, Lu Chuan closed; he swiped through the phone, and the records kept turning over. Finally, on a number, Lu Chuan stopped.

Man Yirou, a woman who is bound by dew.

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