Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 457: Listed

Inside the manor.

Xia Min is like a flesh and blood person, standing in front of the light projector, staring at the AR imaged image above, which is actually a map of northern Somalia.

This map is accurate to the meter, and almost every corner of the northern region is marked on it.

And in the manor room, fully armed zombies, they stand inside like robots. No activity, no training, they are the strongest fighters.

In fact, the manor also consumes it, but the zombies who only need to eat once a week have very little dependence on food.

After this period of construction, the damaged areas of the manor have been repaired, and at the corners of the manor, the concrete bunkers have also been built. All of them are heavy machine guns. There are even two or three points that are After the leveling of the anti-aircraft gun, it served as a machine gun.

Equipped with some zombies that use anti-tank missiles, and dozens of anti-aircraft missiles are arranged in the manor, making it completely like a fortress. Unless a large-scale force is used, it is impossible to capture the manor.

These are all hidden, and it is difficult for the outside world to discover through observation.

In fact, the manor also has a killer feature, which is AR technology.

The light projectors arranged here can form a light and shadow area in this manor. Even if you enter the light and shadow area combined with the entity of the manor, you can't analyze the truth and reality unless you touch it.

Like this AR light and shadow, unless it is an emergency, it will not be used, so as to expose the relationship with Baichuan Guihai Company.

Globally, Baichuanguihai is the only company in AR light and shadow technology.

There are a large number of zombie dogs lurking around the manor. They are the best scouts, and none of the people who come here can escape their perception.

Yes, the zombie dog relies on the terrifying sense of smell and the sense of life breath, no matter how well-disguised people are, their effect is zero in front of them. As long as you enter their range, you will be noticed by them.

Xia Min knew that someone was scouting the manor, but it didn't care about it.

As long as they don't enter the barbed wire fence of the manor, Xia Min let them observe.

In fact, I don't know how many people there are. Anyway, if he didn't touch Xia Min's bottom line, Xia Min would ignore them. After all, I came here by myself and I can no longer use the mercenary set.

This time...

Xia Min's eyes retracted from the AR light and shadow map, and his eyes contracted and changed. It can clearly know where the person observing the manor is through the zombie dog.

More than one group of people, but three groups.

"Hang up the card."

Xia Min showed no expression on her face and issued instructions.

Under Xia Min's order, two tall zombies under the camouflage system came out, carrying a not-so-small sign in their hands, but it was written in English and Somali.

In the grass where Cook and the two fell, in fact, in a pile of grass not far away, there was a zombie dog buried himself in the sand, leaving only one head hidden in the grass.

"There is a situation."

The two people who thought they had nothing to gain today, saw that the door of the manor was opened, and two people came out.

The two of them, whose faces were wrapped up by Shabu, couldn't see their faces clearly.

However, what the two of them were carrying made the two of them puzzled. It seemed that they were carrying a brand? I can see clearly through the telescope.

Soon, the two of them hung up the sign.

As soon as the sign was hung up, the two of them turned back and disappeared into the manor building again.


When the words on the sign were seen through the telescope, the two languages, English and Somali, were enough for them to understand what was written on it.

The Gulf of Aden Science and Technology Research Center.

Yes, that's right, it's this name, and Cook dared to swear to God, the sign says it is indeed this name. He not only only has culture, but he is also proficient in English, which is absolutely not wrong.

It is unbelievable that there will be a science and technology research center in Somalia.

Regardless of this one, who was making the joke, in this manor, it turned out to be a research center? This joke is a bit too funny, not funny at all.

But I don't believe it anymore, after repeated confirmations a few times, the name is indeed on the sign.

In other words, a technology research center has just been established in this place?

The word technology is really all-encompassing. God knows what is being studied here? Such a brand is too general. However, it is precisely this that makes people think of this place as a mysterious place, fearing to come in at will.

Cook and the two of them, but whether you are mysterious or not, their task is to find out what is here.

Now that the other party says it is a science and technology research center, they only need to report. It doesn't matter whether it is Aden Bend or Somalia, there is no need to cross the wire fence to confirm.

Don't know why, they always feel that this manor is not easy.

Where is Somalia, knowing this is the case, there must be some means to set up a research center here. Anyone who wants to be so stupid to just rush in without knowing how to die.

"Go, report to the elders."

The two looked at each other, took some pictures with their mobile phones, and left immediately.

Their task has been completed, and the remaining things are not very relevant to them.

Through the perceptual connection established with the zombie dog, Xia Min clearly knew that after the three people who were observing the manor left, it still had no expression on its face, but a cold light flashed in its eyes.


Lu Chuan found himself really busy.

For example, if I accompany Shi Ruoyu today, I will find an excuse to accompany Ye Lingwei tomorrow.

Fortunately, his current title is too exaggerated, as long as they are busy with work, they will no longer have doubts. As the chairman of Baichuan Guihai Company, the company has only been established for less than a year. It is normal to be busy, and they will even be moved by Lu Chuan being able to spare time to accompany them.

Today, it was Ye Lingwei's turn.

But this time, instead of simply accompanying her, he drove her directly to Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company.

Knowing that the chairman was coming, he was told by Lu Chuan, the president of Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company, that he was coming, because Lu Chuan didn't want everyone to know his relationship with Ye Lingwei.

Lu Chuan was actually afraid of spreading it out. If Shi Ruoyu knew something, he would definitely think about it.

Lu Chuan knows what identity he is. A little spark can cause a big fire. It must be the number one in the hot search and can't get away. Don't doubt the abilities of these paparazzi, they are absolutely pervasive.

Very low-key, Lu Chuan led Ye Lingwei into a small road in the company, and finally arrived at Cheng Wen's office.

In fact, Lu Chuan doesn't need to come, just let Wei Zhicheng bring Ye Lingwei here. Wei Zhicheng and Cheng Wen already know each other and know that they are all working for the boss, so they are all dedicated, not to mention that Wei Zhicheng can't see Cheng Wen.

According to the valuation of Baichuan Guihai Light and Shadow Company, Cheng Wen, the chief president, is definitely a great existence. Without Lu Chuan, if Wei Zhicheng was just a studio, it would be impossible to see Cheng Wen.

Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company has now been established. It has a large company structure and is very powerful. It is like a small studio cooperation, it is impossible to alarm Cheng Wen.

It was possible for Wei Zhicheng to bring it, but Lu Chuan still accompanied Ye Lingwei in person.

Women are all emotional animals. If you are a little bit more moved by them, they will immediately love you to death.

Of course, Lu Chuan can handle this little detail.

Naturally, Ye Lingwei was moved. She had always been pulling Lu Chuan's hand and her face covered by big sunglasses could still be seen full of happiness. The more I know Lu Chuan's current identity, the more touched it is. It is really rare for Lu Chuan to take time out like this.


Cheng Wen had received a call from Lu Chuan a long time ago. He didn't go out to greet him, but he still had to make a gesture when he got here.

For example, he waited at the door the first time, almost the moment Lu Chuan came in, he greeted respectfully. It's a rare occasion for the boss to come over, and of course he has to perform well.

It’s not that if the boss doesn’t come, he will be in control. Cheng Wen always positions himself clearly as a subordinate.

The company belongs to the boss, and the boss doesn’t need anyone’s consent to get out of it with a single sentence.

Lu Chuan nodded and smiled: "The company is pretty good now, it's been a lot of work."

Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company was able to get into orbit so quickly, Cheng Wen really spent a lot of effort in it. If this were not the case, there would be no cooperation now.

"This is Ye Lingwei." Lu Chuan introduced.

Ye Lingwei took off her sunglasses generously and stretched out her hand and said: "Cheng, hello, I am Ye Lingwei."

Ye Lingwei is a good girlfriend of Lu Chuan, but her character is not domineering.

Cheng Wen just shook it lightly and immediately released it. He was really surprised by Ye Lingwei. In fact, Cheng Wen has studied Ye Lingwei. After all, the light and shadow effect objects designated by the boss are more amazing than real people in the pictures.

Cheng Wen didn't dare to look again, and said, "It's too polite to call me President Cheng."

After sitting down, Cheng Wen asked the secretary to serve two cups of coffee. Cheng Wen's secretary is also a very good woman. She has the taste of a little mature woman, and she also has some temperament. When delivering coffee, she stared at Lu Chuan with curious eyes.

This boss, in the outside world, is very mysterious. As Cheng Wen's secretary, she actually sees Lu Chuan very few times.

After taking a faint sip, Lu Chuan said, "Cheng Wen, I brought you here. Then you will take Weiwei to take a look at the light and shadow effects, and then make arrangements to rehearse for the concert as soon as possible, and make no mistakes. "

Cheng Wen nodded.

Just kidding, the boss personally brought people over, no matter how difficult it is, he will overcome it.

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