Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 551: Canine

Lu Chuan stood on the biochemical factory building, looking at everything in front of him.

The nine-story building is not high, but from this excellent perspective, you can see everything about the cross streets. Busy zombies replaced the pedestrians in the past and worked more like a group of workers.

The streets that were flat before are now fenced off.

These guardrails, using steel and cement, are extremely strong and can withstand the impact of zombies. Each guardrail is about 1.5 meters high. If the zombies want to pass here, they must climb.

In this way, they can ease their speed.

Of course, with the tyrant...whether it is the initial type, the tyrant T-002, or the pursuer, they can ignore this barrier and jump directly. Especially the tyrant's initial model, which is five meters high, its legs are more than two meters, and these fences of only 1.5 meters have zero effect on them.

But it doesn't matter. Lu Chuan has arranged a lot of steel cables on the street, at a height of 2.8 o'clock, enough to let zombies higher than this level drink a pot.

The guardrail has already been completed, but what is being done now is to arrange these steel cables.

A steel cable, with the efforts of the licker, was arranged into the building. They held one end in their mouths and began to climb from the street. When they reached an approximate height, they began to wrap around the house and straighten the cable.

They can't be very precise and will waste a lot of steel cables, but how much is the steel cable worth? Lu Chuan doesn't care about this waste.

With the efforts of thousands of lickers, there are dense steel cables on the streets.

Zombies are the product of straight thinking, they will not bend over, let alone bow their heads. Taking advantage of this feature, these steel cables will let these tyrant zombies know what sorrow is.

According to Lu Chuan's understanding of zombies, they need to struggle for a while before they know how to use their claws to cut the steel cables. In addition to the chaser, the tyrant has extremely sharp claws, even if it is the tyrant T-002, its claws are also extremely sharp.

And every time you get stuck with them, it will take them a long time before they are struggling to cut the steel cable.

As a result, their speed can't be mentioned at all.

As long as their actions are slowed down, under automatic firepower, they have no way to rush over. In order to deal with these tyrants, Lu Chuan asked Wolf's Nest to add their code. It would not be difficult to automatically lock the firepower with a big head.

In addition, there are so many things that Lu Chuan can do with modern resources.

For example, through some channels outside of Yiran, I bought enough white scales and arranged them in the pits on the street.

The white scales will not be ignited for the first time, but like a powder, when the time comes, the zombies will step on them and let them get these white scales.

I have white scales on my body. As long as there are Mars, I don't need to say much below, I know how they will be. This kind of white scale, at the beginning of use, even the bones were burned through.

There is no need to burn the zombies clean, just burn their legs, and Lu Chuan's goal will be achieved.

With this assassin, Lu Chuan has arranged a lot on every street, enough to ensure that as long as the zombie passes by, it will be stained a little.

Don't underestimate this trick, if it is really used, even if it is against zombies, the effect is still strong.

In order to deal with zombies, Lu Chuan definitely tried his best in this small space. The original use of fire attack is naturally the best, no matter how zombies are, they are also afraid of fire, especially fire at high temperatures. Considering that using gasoline and the like may cause a fire, Lu Chuan can only keep this trick.

On the last line of defense of the biochemical plant, a large amount of gasoline was deployed. At this point, Lu Chuan didn't mind letting the fire start.


The four tyrants were in their original form, five meters high, but at this time they worked together to empty a shop on the side of the street, and then pushed a huge diesel engine in, causing the engine to jam.

This diesel engine was removed from a heavy truck, and then modified by Zhao Hu's repair shop to enable remote ignition settings.

At the same time, the power shaft of the engine has also been improved, and a huge winch is installed on it.

This winch is very large and very long, so it runs across the street.

Its structure, in fact, is similar to that of a cutting machine, which drives the winch and turns frantically. As long as the zombies rush over, the winch will cut them. The power of the diesel engine, even if the dead mountain is pressed, can still work, cutting continuously until the engine is destroyed.

If the engine is embedded in a shop, if the zombie has no IQ, he will not even think about digging out the engine. The worst result is actually breaking the winch.

It is unimaginable how high the price to be paid for the high-speed and powerful winch to be broken.

On every street, twenty meters apart, there is a winch driven by an engine.

These heavy-duty truck engines are actually not expensive, the better ones cost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, and the worst ones only cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. In order to ensure the effect, Lu Chuan uses better engines, enough to ensure normal operation.

The price paid is nothing in Lu Chuan's eyes.

A large number of tyrants took action, and a set of engines were installed. This kind of winch, which was about one meter in height, almost blocked the entire street. If it is not long enough, install another one face to face, enough to ensure its lethality.

Now Lu Chuan is using everything he can use.

With the resources available in his hand, Lu Chuan wants to arm this place into a bronze wall.


in the afternoon.

Lu Chuan came to the modern armor manufacturing factory.

With Lu Chuan's capital injection, earth-shaking changes have taken place here. With high welfare, enough jobs have been quickly recruited, and the new production line has been put into use.

The day before, there were more than a dozen armors, and then gradually increased, to dozens, and then to more than a hundred.

The current manufacturing capacity has reached the level of more than 300 pairs per day.

The designed exoskeleton armors, as well as a large number of armors, are packaged as soon as they are manufactured, and when there is enough container, they will be transported to the storage park that is still under construction.

Nowadays, the storage park has to accommodate huge materials for transshipment, and no one will notice anything wrong with the entry of such goods.

Not to mention whether there are people who are interested, just relying on the current network of Lu Chuan, everything has been opened up long ago, and no one really wants to find out what is unusual here. As long as there is no violation of law and discipline, no one will be in charge.

Xu Haomin can be said to be proud of the spring breeze. Who would have thought that a small factory could undergo earth-shaking changes in just six months?

The armor factory is no longer the previous armor factory. Lu Chuan's capital injection has reached a scale of 500 million yuan after several times. After the expansion, the number of employees in the armor factory has reached 2,000.

The important thing is to have Lu Chuan endorsed, this is the most important thing.

Knowing that Lu Chuan had arrived, Xu Haomin came over with his **** upside down, his face hanging respectfully.

Lu Chuan came with An Tong, and the current An Tong, in a decent professional outfit, showed high coldness and beauty, which was no longer something ordinary people could approach. It is more like a noble lady than a secretary.

It has to be said that Lu Chuan brought it by his side, which invisibly improved Lu Chuan's style a lot.

Where An Tong goes, it can be said that no one dares to face An Tong. No man can bear his strong aura. In a disguised form, I admire Lu Chuan even more. Such a woman can be conquered, and the boss is really no ordinary person.

After a round of inspection, Lu Chuan did not waste too much time here, so he left.

After disguising and replacing a low-key compact Focus, Lu Chuan arrived at the storage park alone. I am here to adjust the goods, so naturally I can't come in high profile.

The identity of the world's richest man is still too much trouble, there are always people staring.

Lu Chuan is no longer unfamiliar with this place. All the supplies in the last days are now dispatched here. Before and after Lu Chuan had been here several times, he was naturally familiar.

As the most important link, the personnel arranged here are mostly zombies. With the blessing of the pretender system, they work and live here just like people.

Composed of zombies, anyone who approaches will find it the first time, making this place extremely safe.

After arriving, Lu Chuan entered one of the warehouses for the first time. What was piled up here were tens of thousands of exoskeleton armors and armors that had been manufactured.

These containers were directly collected into the storage space. After they were full, Lu Chuan was transported to the end of the world for the first time.

These exoskeleton armors and armors will be equipped on newly created zombies for the first time, allowing them to form a torrent of steel, enhancing defense and survivability.

After the transfer is completed, the next step is to let the zombies begin to arm Now the remaining time is only more than 20 hours, time is running out, and Lu Chuan must hurry up.

The warehouse area of ​​the biochemical plant.

The exoskeleton armor made by the tyrant T-002 and the pursuers piled up like a mountain, and then a huge number of tyrant T-002 and the pursuers lined up, and then the swifts under the command of Lu Chuan armed them.

It doesn't matter if you lack guns. Lu Chuan didn't use this one. Instead, he equipped them with cold weapons or battle axes, like a battle shield hung on his left arm, turning them into cold melee machines.

Even if it is the tyrant's initial type, they have huge exoskeleton armor and no power device, but their power is power armor.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, exoskeleton armor is actually an armor with exoskeleton armor. It is used to scare people. It only needs visual effects. It does not need to look like real exoskeleton armor and pursue that kind of performance.

It is the lickers, they are also equipped with armors prepared for them, covering them in the armor, especially the fragile heads, and even thicker alloy armor.

The equipped lickers are like semi-mechanical and semi-biochemical monsters. They move forward on their stomachs, all covered in armor except for the limbs of their claws.

A huge number of ordinary zombies beyond imagination, they also have a simple armor and a helmet, an extremely sharp alloy war knife.

Armed, they are lined up in a large warehouse, almost out of sight. Just like the heavy armored soldiers in ancient times, they were neatly arranged, just like this in front of Lu Chuan.

They will form a steel front.


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