Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 563: What is needed is a wolf

November 16.

The weather is dry and the sun is high, but the weather is slightly cold.

"What day is it that meat dishes were added?"

Outside the settlement in Shanshi County, the abandoned farmland here was covered with head-high weeds, but now it has been cleaned up and officially returned to farming.

Spring sowing, almost a month after the Spring Festival, is still plowing now, in fact, to prepare for spring sowing.

The settlement is a company system with work points.

Reclaiming farmland here is a kind of work. In this last days, being able to eat, live and stay warm is the greatest happiness. Reclaiming farmland here is hard work, but no one complains.

After experiencing the cruel end times, everyone cherishes the hard-won life at present.

There is no need to worry about starvation here, there is a sound order and law, and a stable society. People are no longer as cold and ruthless as before, and there is no previous intrigue.

In short, here, at present, it looks more like a pure land.

As the boss, Lu Chuan never seems to be squeezed by them. Like his current job, it is also for them to have food in the future, instead of imposing a lot on them for his own desires.

On the contrary, the boss is more like their babysitter, heartbroken.

For now, the tens of thousands of people in the entire settlement depend on their bosses to feed. This pressure is unimaginable in the last days. Anyway, they can't figure out where to get so much food.

Just like today, a message came out from the logistics department that the boss suddenly gave everyone an extra meal.

Supper meals, in this era, are absolutely luxurious.

Even the name of the additional dishes has already been announced, and this is the braised pork like Lei Guan Er.

Whenever thinking of braised pork, everyone's throat surges and saliva comes out.

There is no need to worry about being hungry in the settlement, but it is impossible to eat well. Most of them are porridge and pickles. If you eat once every three days, the vegetables are just vegetables with oily water.

It takes an average of a month to know the taste of meat, but it is two or two per person.

In the farmland, all the survivors who knew the news cheered and laughed about the braised pork. God knows how long they haven't eaten it. It is an absolute temptation for them who may not taste meat once a month.

"Who knows, maybe the boss is in a good mood."

Anyway, no one would guess the motive for the extra meal this time, and it was roughly classified as Lu Chuan's mood, otherwise it would be really difficult to explain.

The survivors are naturally happy.

This time, there are at least two or two of the braised pork, which is a kind of happiness for them.

Meat in the last days is very scarce. Animals either die from infection or become zombies. Those who can not be infected are rare, and they also need to escape the pursuit of zombies.

Under various restrictions, it is difficult to eat meat.

The meat provided by the boss was indeed fresh pork. According to the spread, the boss transferred it from another settlement.

As for the location and scale of this settlement, only the boss will know.

The atmosphere of the settlement became cheerful as it was during a festival.

Lu Chuan is indeed happy. The defensive success of the siege is itself a great event worthy of joy. Especially this time, the reward is too much to my liking, and I can get out of the heavy operation.

With a super brain commander, Lu Chuan can free up more time to unlock new zombies.

Walking on the settlement area, the changes in the settlement area can be seen.

The streets that were originally dirty are now completely new. Many buildings are damaged, but they are simply cleaned up. If there are people, they are repaired. If there are no people, they are sealed up.

The abandoned cars were all gathered together and piled up on one of the uninhabited streets. Afterwards, these cars would be smelted into steel and used again.

There are not many people on the street. Everyone has his own job.

In the last days, nothing is more exciting than a meal of meat. Although Lu Chuan felt like vomiting when he saw the meat, he generously provided enough meat for them to eat.

"Boss, it is estimated that it will take another week before the military base can be evacuated."

Chu Bin followed Lu Chuan and told Lu Chuan about the changes in the settlement over the past period of time. As the earliest old man with Lu Chuan, Chu Bin is already a central figure in the settlement now.

Lu Chuan nodded. There are too many good things in the military base. With the current transportation conditions, they can only be moved if they are longer. Lu Chuan expected.

"This is not in a hurry, let them move slowly."

Chu Bin nodded and said, "The five tanks will only be transported back to the settlement tomorrow, but none of us can drive tanks at all. Boss, what about these tanks?"

Speaking of tanks, Chubin was naturally a little excited.

The tank is known as the king of land warfare. Of course, its role does not need to be said. When facing zombies, except for a kind of abnormal like King Kong zombies, whether you are a tyrant or a corpse dragon, there is no way to deal with tanks. create a threat.

Owning a tank, the settlement has the power to give back when facing zombies.

Lu Chuan just smiled. The military base was shot down by himself. Lu Chuan knew best what was inside. How to use the tank, this question can be left to Sun Hongguang. After completing any transformations he handed over, he can spare some time.

It is not difficult to drive a tank, train a tank soldier, get the tank open and be able to fire. The real difficulty is still being refined. It is difficult to become an experienced tank soldier or an elite tank soldier.

In just six months, the settlements are moving towards normalization.

Lu Chuan was completely a hand-handling shopkeeper and handed this stall into their hands.


The former Land Bureau of the settlement has now become the office of the Reconnaissance Department.

As an independent department, it belongs to the military, but it also has a high degree of independence. It was established not long ago, and its appearance is to send a signal to all survivors that the boss is starting to be dissatisfied with the settlement.

Expanding abroad, looking for more survivors, and exploring the outside world have become the next core.

Today's settlements are already peaceful and peaceful.

Lu Chuan didn't show up very much, but the boss's decisive killing, Lu Chuan, did not know how many people were shocked. The current order is completely piled up by the boss with hundreds of corpses.

In the settlement, everyone has returned to the former peaceful and ordinary life, and civilization reappears here.

It can be said that all the survivors recognized the boss Lu Chuan.

Is there any reason not to explore internal stability and unity?

The establishment of the Reconnaissance Department selected hundreds of top alienated new humans from the army, and then fully armed them. In the following days, after training, they were dispatched out, centered on Zhongzhou City, to other Where the spread.

Lu Chuan arrived here, and the new minister Zhu Qisheng greeted everyone with him.

Zhu Qisheng is a newly promoted fifth-level alienation new human. The first battle in Yixi City proved one thing. This is that people can grow and break through difficulties and tears.

Who doesn't want to be stronger?

Knowing the path of breakthrough and growth, for the alienated new humans, they are eager to fight and to become stronger. Once the reconnaissance department was established, I don't know how many people wanted to join in to explore the outside world and face the dangers.

Lu Chuan is very young, but no one here dare to despise Lu Chuan.

Hundreds of people lined up, making Lu Chuan sigh.

These hundreds of people are all elites in the army. When placed in modern times, they have at least the third-level alienation ability, and being a soldier is not a problem at all.

The army of soldiers composed of hundreds of people, think about it, know that it is a luxury.

"Hello everyone, thank you for your contribution to the settlement."

Standing in front of them, Lu Chuan decided to say a few more words. He said in a flat voice: "Humans have been struggling for seven years in this damned end time. How many people have died, and how many lives are not as good as death. We have a better life now. , But what about the others?"

"Maybe some people think that talking about pity in the last days is funny. But I said that people are emotional animals, no matter what kind of adversity, there will be true feelings."

"How many people gave the chance to live to others, and how many people insisted on their bottom line and never crossed the death line."

"What we have to do is to understand the world, find more like-minded people, rebuild our homeland, and rebuild the civilized order that belongs to our humanity."

"And all this, I have to ask you all."

Lu Chuan's speech was very short, but everyone below listened carefully and was mobilized one by one by Lu Chuan. In the settlement, Lu Chuan is more like the incarnation of a god, possessing super cohesion.

Not only ordinary survivors thank Lu Chuan, but also the alienated new humans, who also admire Lu Chuan.

The equipment of the reconnaissance department is currently the best in the settlement.

For example, the reconnaissance department is equipped with three helicopters, fifteen armored vehicles, multi-purpose mountain reconnaissance vehicles, and various modified off-road vehicles.

Needless to say, the helicopters were transported back from the military base. There were five helicopters in total. It was only during the repair that the parts of the other two were finally removed to allow the three to fly.

In the last days, there are many people in other industries, but few soldiers.

Fortunately, armored vehicles are like helicopters... Naturally, it takes a lot of time to train and practice flying before they can be used.

Evacuate a military base. It is conceivable how strong the firepower of the current settlement is. All the survivors have been redistributed in the settlement of, and they are enriched in various departments according to their abilities. And each department is operating at high speed, under the protection of the army, collecting all useful materials from the surrounding area.

In particular, several large companies in the surrounding area moved back to the settlements bit by bit using the method of ant evacuation, and moved them to the walls of Shanshi County.

Now is the end of the world, facing endless zombies, the first thing to do is to serve the army.

Like other materials, it can be obtained from the surrounding area, and for the time being, no manufacturing is required.

A small team, they will explore the surrounding area and bring back everything they can use. For encouragement, these small teams do not belong to the military department, but belong to the survivors who are out of production. Through these materials, they earn points, which can be exchanged for others.

There are two ways for their supplies, one is to exchange points directly with the settlement, and the second is to sell them to other survivors in exchange for points.

Points can be regarded as the currency of the current settlement.

Lu Chuan hopes to train more fighters through this method. In this way, we started to change the habit of big pot rice and establish a complete social chain.

On the other hand, Lu Chuan also wants to create a new social system to make the folkway more sturdy.

In the last days, no sheep is needed, what Lu Chuan wants is a pack of evil wolves.

Not only should the army be like a tiger, Lu Chuan also hoped that the people below would be like a pack of evil wolves. In the last days, everything can happen, and cowardice will only lead to death faster.

Letting them become hunting and gathering squads is just the first step. In the future, they will explore the outside world and have the ability to leave the settlement hundreds of kilometers away independently.

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