Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 567: The wall fell and everyone pushed

Lu Chuan checked the time, but it was ten thirty.

Take out the phone and call Yi Ran: "How much money is on the account?"

"Boss, there are still 700 million yuan." Yi Ran answered quickly, without asking for finances, he could answer them quickly. It itself is responsible for all the accounting issues of the procurement company, and it also serves as the steward of Luchuan.

A large number of private accounts are managed by Yi Ran.

Lu Chuan frowned, revealing a helpless look.

The dignified richest man in the world is just an empty shell. The funds that can be used are only 700 million, which is converted into US dollars, but only a little over 100 million, which is really pitiful.

"Forget it, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat."

Thinking that I am so short of money now, 700 million can be earned as long as I operate well, so as to alleviate the current predicament.

The biochemical plant is actually a bottomless pit, and no amount of funds may be enough to fill in.

The development of Baichuan Guihai Company needs money, and the biochemical factory manufacturing zombies needs money even more. Lu Chuan finds that he can always make a fortune, but he always spends a few moments clean.

Money is often gone without warming up.

This also caused Lu Chuan to be unable to cover the repair costs of up to 2.6 billion yuan in the biochemical plant.

After the siege war, a large number of damaged zombies were piled up in the warehouse, or they were still moving, and they wandered within the biochemical factory, but they were mutilated and injured after all, and their combat effectiveness was very low.

I can't take them out now, I can only let them stay here.

"Use leverage to buy or sell Zhongtian Shipping." Lu Chuan said, then hung up the phone.

The disappearance of the chairman, Zhongtian Shipping will surely cause turmoil.

Zhongtian Shipping was founded by Du Xinyue, brought it to the market, and developed into a 100 billion enterprise. Its development is inseparable from Du Xinyue. It can be said that Du Xinyue's influence on it is huge.

Countless orders were obtained because of Du Xin's reading.

If Du Xinyue is gone...

For Zhongtian Shipping, it will be like a disaster.

Just ask, how can a company whose performance has begun to decline can support its level of 100 billion?

As for the official?

Lu Chuan haha, you must know that Du Xinyue's starting point is not very glorious, he has promoted many officials. To many officials, Du Xinyue is like a time bomb, and no one knows whether it will detonate and hurt themselves.

If Du Xinyue died, some evidence against them would disappear, and they would always be incorruptible.

It can be said with certainty that Du Xinyue's death will be investigated and speculated throughout the country, but it will not cause too much trouble. Because digging deep is not good for many people.

According to the current situation of Zhongtian Shipping, the downturn in shares is certain, and even more.

Next, there will be a dispute over inheritance rights.

In a few years, Zhongtian Shipping will not have a good life. By then, some battles for succession rights will have ended. It is difficult to say how many orders Zhongtian Shipping can have and whether it can maintain a huge fleet.

Lu Chuan took a bite of a company whose stock price was destined to fall.

In China, some underground platforms can provide about ten times the leverage. The seven billion in Lu Chuan's hand can be turned into seven billion. It is no problem to eat a bite of fat.

Lu Chuan was still very relieved of these operations to Yi Ran.

Yiran's staff has a huge operation team, and operating this level of funds is not a problem at all.

Before, why can't you use leverage to operate, just for safety, after all, it's just a volatility, you can catch it, and use big funds to short, everyone will think that your funds may be related to pirates.

But it is different now. Before Du Xinyue lost contact, the cruise ship had sent out a distress signal.

The sinking time is fast, but it is also enough for them to send out a distress signal and give a certain explanation of the situation of the cruise ship.

In this way, more people know, and news spreads normally.

For the sake of truth, Lu Chuan is still floating a large number of objects on the sea, in order to create a point between missing and death, which makes people wonder whether Du Xinyue is missing or dead.

If it is missing, who kidnapped it, or why.

If it is death, why can't I find Du Xinyue, even the cruise ship?

It is precisely this kind of fog, and the reaction time of the stock market, that trading will not be suspended so quickly, Lu Chuan boldly let Yi Ran operate with all his strength, using the leverage of the underground platform.

Don't ignore the agility of funds in the market. They will be like sharks smelling blood, and they will rush over to take a bite to Zhongtian Shipping.

Brokerage companies go short and then hit the stock market. This is their method.

They will not close their hands until they fall to a low enough position and have more strength, and then enjoy the fruits of victory.

For a 100 billion enterprise, it is not surprising that 30 to tens of billions of capital will be poured in.

"At least enough for repairs, right?"

Lu Chuan hung up the phone and shook his head with a wry smile. In a siege battle, I lost more than 6 billion, and now I have to include repair costs. The cost of more than 8 billion is really too big, it is completely the cost of a local conflict.


Lu Chuan turned to smile. This price is worth it, because the mall of the biochemical factory finally unlocked some of the products.

Moreover, the sixth-level gene enhancement liquid is also open, as long as there is enough money to buy it.

The shopping mall in the biochemical factory, the things in it, after level five, are not simple, put in the end times and modern times, it is absolutely the same as black technology.

This is Lu Chuan's confidence. After so long of depression, he will be able to exhale in the days to come.

Of course, the premise is that you have enough money.

The biochemical factory mall only provides technology, not finished products. This also means that Lu Chuan needs to spend a huge amount of money to buy technology, but also needs to understand the technology, train personnel, and then establish factory manufacturing.

This process is not easy.

But compared to no technology, these follow-ups are nothing at all.


Du Xinyue's distress signal was received as soon as possible, and the marine police immediately dispatched.

However, when he rushed to the waters where the accident occurred, only a large number of floating objects could be seen in this area, which confirmed that Du Xinyue really had an accident.

The news came back, alarming the entire city.

More police officers rushed over, and marine police vessels appeared in this area.

The frogman was in place at the first time, but the sea depth here is 300 meters, which is not something that a frogman can dive into.

300 meters, people below, huge water pressure, people can't live. Unless there is a possibility, it is because there are pits and ballasts on the cruise ship, and people can hide inside to survive.

Du Xinyue is the ship king and has a huge influence, and the city committee naturally attaches great importance to it.

There are more than a dozen powerful salvage companies in Shenzhen, including submarines and the like. In the fastest time, they were transferred over.

A total of three submarines, after arriving, began to dive.

But the news brought back was surprising. There was no cruise ship sinking below. There is nothing in the deep ocean, empty.

Through the screen, only some human remains can be seen below, but the bones leftover from the fishes that sank below the seabed.

After the disguise of the water ghosts, it can be said that this place is almost seamless, and it is not a place to bury a cruise ship. Coupled with the depth here, it is difficult to conduct too careful reconnaissance, and no one has thought that such a huge cruise ship would be underfilled here.

The news that the submarine brought back made everyone confused.

There is no shipwreck underwater, and the floating objects here are from cruise ships. Is it possible that someone hijacked this cruise ship here?

After the hijacking, dozens of people were killed and thrown into the sea?

It is foreseeable that this will be such a shocking news. In the past few decades, there has been no such a big case. And among them, it also involves the ship king Du Xinyue, which will make the news more popular.

The problem with the hijacking of the cruise ship is that in this sea area, from the investigation, no trace of the cruise ship was seen.

The whole thing is very secretive.

Like a shark that smelled of blood, the reporters arrived here on chartered boats and kept taking pictures of groups. This is big news and will definitely become a hot spot in the coming week. This month's bonus depends on the ship king.

The news of Du Xinyue's disappearance really caused huge fluctuations. It was reflected in the stock market for the first time. After the market opened at one point, Zhongtian Shipping was directly smashed by a large amount of orders by seven points. In just five minutes, it was hit the limit.

This kind of decline is absolutely fierce.

For investors who bought Zhongtian Shipping, Zhongtian Shipping was a pit in the past month. First, the chairman’s sea palace sank, and then finally healed from the pirate kidnapping incident. Now it’s the chairman again. Missing in the sea.

Sister, I disappeared in the sea. Where else can I go? I must have been feeding fish in the sea. It was just announced that it was lost. Who believes?

The problem is that it takes at least 24 hours to determine the disappearance, which is why Zhongtian Shipping has no way to suspend trading immediately. Just missing, will not allow Zhongtian Shipping to suspend trading, that is to say, it will take at least a few days before Zhongtian Shipping will apply for suspension.

In a few how much does God know?

Sure enough, the sensitivity of market funds is different, one by one escapes quickly. It's just this kind of rush to flee, that is, it is sealed to the limit of the limit, and no one can escape.

Retail investors are the worst, their news coverage is the lowest, they are all blocked, and most of them don't know what is going on. Only a few well-informed people know a little bit.

But what's the use? Funds, private equity, etc., under their fierce style, retail investors will hardly be able to sell.

Using their advantages, in the next few days, they will be the first to seal the limit. It is basically impossible for retail investors to sell.

With the announcement of Zhongtian Shipping, the market is naturally full of sorrows. I don't know how many people swear.

The old subordinates who have worked hard with Du Xinyue and have enormous power in Zhongtian Shipping cannot calm down. Du Xinyue is still alive and they can be suppressed, but if Du Xinyue is dead, they will work hard for Du Xinyue all their lives, and in the end they don't even have any shares.

Zhongtian Shipping, without their contributions, it would be impossible to have today.

It is also time to get back what belongs to them.

Not to mention Zhongtian Shipping, Du Xinyue's family was also in a mess.

Du Xinyue's several sons all began to make their own wishful thinking.

It is important to know that their father has not left the property division documents. If the father really disappears, or the body sinks into the ocean, whoever starts quickly will get more shares.

Even if it is only one percent, it is a billion assets, which makes them unable to calm down.

The struggle for power is immediately staged at this moment.

At this moment, if the big Zhongtian is shipping, it feels like a wall is pushed by everyone.

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