Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 569: New corpse species

"The new album was released a week, surpassing three million, and Ye Lingwei returned from the queen."

Ye Lingwei's new album, one week after its release, exceeded three million. This achievement is absolutely jaw-dropping. After all, under the impact of the Internet, CD-ROM and U-disk albums have very scarce soil for survival.

With the current interest in the Internet, singers don't make much money on songs. They can only rely on concerts and endorsements, various commercial performances, and participation in various variety shows.

But Ye Lingwei broke through this boundary.

In the first week, it exceeded 3 million copies. I am afraid that this achievement will be difficult to replicate in the future.

This achievement can be achieved because of the songs in this album by Ye Lingwei, all of which are truly handed down classics. In the end times, every capital has a great background.

The album has been warmed up for half a year, and once it goes on sale, everyone is vying to buy it.

There will be such terrible results in the first week, and it is certain that after the second week, there will be a sharp drop. Now is the Internet age. Once the album is released, the song will appear on the Internet, losing its freshness.


One million copies on the first Wednesday, this result is enough to break everything, even if the next album can not be sold, Ye Lingwei is enough to establish her queen-level position that no one can compete.

For Ye Lingwei, this success was enough.

After having been busy for so long, the two albums before and after failed, and almost disappeared among all beings. Then, when I met Lu Chuan, I became the one who is now proud of himself, proving that he is still that one.

"At the opening ceremony, Ye Lingwei announced that this album will be her last album. In the days to come, more time will be reserved for her lover."

"What kind of man is it worth Ye Lingwei to do?"

Compared to sales, what Ye Lingwei announced was what made reporters excited. Regarding Ye Lingwei's boyfriend, apart from the background, there is no more news, but Ye Lingwei's previous frankness gave reporters a place to play.

For example, Ye Lingwei said that her boyfriend is an ordinary person in the country.

"Sister Weiwei, can you tell me about your boyfriend? You said he was a poor boy before. We are all curious. As you, he has no prominent background. How do you like him? Let's guess. He will definitely break the sky handsomely, right?"

When selling millions of copies on the first Wednesday, Ye Lingwei attended a variety show. Naturally, some of the issues that have attracted the attention of the world have been raised.

After communicating beforehand, Ye Lingwei confirmed that he could ask questions, and now naturally took this opportunity to ask.

Ye Lingwei smiled and said: "I said before that when he chased me, he was indeed a poor boy. He had an ordinary job with a monthly salary of only 3,000 yuan. He was indeed from the countryside and his parents Living in the country, when he did not graduate, he relied on his parents to farm the land for him to complete his studies."

"I don't know where his courage comes from. After all, in the eyes of the world, the gap between us is too big. We are people from two worlds."

"But this world is so wonderful, it will always arrange some fate for you."

"As for the question of whether he is handsome or not, isn’t there a saying? Xi Shi is in the eyes of my lover. I agree with this sentence. In your eyes, his face is considered to be medium to high level, but in my eyes, he Very handsome and handsome."

Ye Lingwei's answer naturally attracted a round of applause.

Dare to love, dare to say, this is Ye Lingwei.

Of course, the secular perspective does not actually recognize this kind of love. If men have money and women have no money, maybe this is not a problem. The point is that Ye Lingwei is a queen-level star, but her boyfriend is just an ordinary man. This love is a bit shocking.

Many people do not approve of this love, and think that this love will eventually break up and end.

"Sister Weiwei, I admire your courage very much. However, in the eyes of the world, would he say that he eats soft rice or the like? Will he bear this kind of vision?" After hesitating a little, he asked this question.

Ye Lingwei smiled, and she said, "No, he doesn't know how to eat soft food, because he is the person who does not need soft food the least in the world. Sometimes, when I calm down, I wonder if I am worthy of him."

There was naturally an uproar at the scene.

Ye Lingwei actually said that she might not be worthy of her boyfriend, which makes people a little puzzled. How good a man is to be able to make a generation of queens say so?

The same is true for people watching live broadcasts on the Internet or in front of the TV.

"Sister Weiwei, the sales will be held. You said you are going to quit the entertainment circle. Will there be any surprises for us, for example, when are you going to get married?

Ye Lingwei's eyes turned into Crescent Moon with a smile: "I have this plan, but the time has not been decided yet, it should be soon."


"Lu Chuan, what kind of person is Sister Weiwei's man?"

Unfortunately, Shi Ruoyu was also watching this variety show. When she saw what Ye Lingwei said, she nodded her head desperately and said: "I feel that Sister Weiwei is very happy. I can meet someone who can make her pay. Man."


Lu Chuan buried his head in eating, and said vaguely, "It should be."

In his heart, Lu Chuan was actually moved. You must know that when Ye Lingwei accepted him, he hadn't developed yet. Although he had a biochemical factory, Ye Lingwei definitely didn't know.

Such a woman, a generation later, willing to succumb to herself, how much determination is needed?

What's more, for the first time, in the photo incident, Ye Lingwei boldly admitted to herself, and frankly admitted that she was a poor boy, and she didn't care about secular vision.

Based on this alone, Lu Chuan knew that he actually owed Ye Lingwei.

And now, Ye Lingwei is still as straightforward as before. Not only did she publicly express her willingness to quit the entertainment circle when it went on sale, she also released her love for herself on these hugely influential programs.

She was still the woman who dared to love and bear, Ye Lingwei who died for love.


Lu Chuan feels bitter, Ye Lingwei already has the idea of ​​marrying herself, but how does this make herself break? Caught between two women, they are both good women.

Like Man Yirou, you can be lovers, but the two of them are not difficult.

"When you know that Sister Weiwei's boyfriend is your boyfriend, what will happen to you?" Lu Chuan thought to himself, looking at Shi Ruoyu who blessed Ye Lingwei, feeling helpless.

This problem seems to be faced.

By June, Shi Ruoyu will graduate. By then, the two will spend more time together. How long can they hide?

Shi Ruoyu didn't notice anything unusual in Lu Chuan, thinking that Lu Chuan didn't like these variety shows, so she didn't care, but watched it with relish.

Fortunately, the variety show will soon end.

After the two ate, Lu Chuan sent Shi Ruoyu back to school, sat in the back row of the BMW 7 Series, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Ye Lingwei: "I saw the show, I love you."

Soon, Ye Lingwei returned with a smile.


December 3.

Lu Chuan appeared at the doomsday biochemical factory, and then received dozens of prompts.

Looking through it, Lu Chuan showed a satisfied smile.

During his absence, Super Brain Commander took over his command and managed the biochemical factory perfectly. Not only was all the dead bodies cleaned out on the streets, they were also washed with rainwater.

The corpse was burned, and even the ashes flowed into the underground waterway with the rain.

In December, the weather turned cold, the cold wind appeared, the sky was almost gloomy, and there would be heavy rains from time to time, making the whole city wet.

With a super brain commander, a full number of zombies let it command, the effect is that it handles large and small matters day and night, just like a supercomputer.

This kind of efficiency, the harvest, is that within the newly added range, the zombies are directed by the super commander to carefully search for the buildings everywhere in the newly added range, and then bring valuable items back.

Before the change, the zombies would only execute Lu Chuan's vague instructions. They would move back everything that could be moved, and would not consider whether this item would have any effect on Lu Chuan.

The consequence is that the work rate of the zombies is low. The second is that it takes too many useless items to come back. It takes Lu Chuan to spend a lot of time to sort out, and then throw the things out, and it will make the biochemical factory around like garbage field.

Now that there is a super brain commander, under its command, only valuable items will be brought back, and the useless ones will not move.

Lu Chuan only needs to give instructions to the superbrain command for valuable items, and it will follow these instructions to the zombies under its control, so that they can bring back what Lu Chuan In this way, efficiency naturally goes without saying.

Secondly, under the command of the Ultrain Commander, it is much more effective for the zombies on the street to move, and to put the zombies in the city to a certain range, so that the biochemical plant around is like a machine, running orderly With.

"Not bad."

Lu Chuan can finally relax himself. In the past, when he went to the biochemical factory, he always had something to deal with.

The straight-line thinking of the zombies always makes mistakes, and sometimes the things that come out make Lu Chuan dumbfounded. Every time to the end of the world, there is a feeling of wiping the butt.

It's all right now, everything has the super brain commander, it handles everything, even more than too much Lu Chuan.

Sitting on the boss's chair, Lu Chuan raised his leg and put it on the desk: "Tsk tsk, I'm just like a boss now, don't care about anything, the people below will take care of everything."


There is no problem with submitting the details to the Ultrain Commander, but many things can only be done by Lu Chuan.

"Open the product panel."

A few minutes later, Lu Chuan was not allowed to put himself into work. Together, the product panel appeared. On the product panel, after the bloodthirsty claws are lit, a gray unlock icon appears above the bloodthirsty claws icon.

Black is not unlockable, gray is waiting to be unlocked, lighted is the unlocked product.

In fact, after the bloodthirsty claws are unlocked, this icon automatically enters the unlockable state. It's just that Lu Chuan is too busy to deal with it.

It is different now. The siege is over, and there will be a long time for Lu Chuan to prepare.

It is inevitable to activate new types of zombies and increase their strength.

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