Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 574: Ruzi can teach

A dozen sturdy men appeared, and they stood fiercely on the wooden platform.

The people in this area were all in silence, consciously walking towards a huge wooden platform set up in the middle, and gathered here.

This wooden platform is built around a towering tree, which requires several people to hug it. Its branch crown covers a large area, where people are concentrated, and there is no trace of it in the sky. Silhouette.


Lu Chuan still didn't know what was going on, but the guy next to him gave Lu Chuan a little lighter.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Chuan can't just travel through time and space and disappear under their noses, right? Obviously, the current situation is not enough for Lu Chuan to do this.

Seeing how everyone was conscious, Lu Chuan was sure that it was not the first time that this situation was like this.

As a result, some of the chats they just heard, the appearance of the little red flag, should be to select personnel. It's just this selection of personnel, what is it for?

In this area, there are probably more than 300 people living here.

He didn't fully understand the settlement, so Lu Chuan didn't know how big the settlement was and how many people lived there. But judging from the current scale, it is certain that the population is over 10,000.

When the crowd stood up, among the strong men, the eyes of the headed person swept across the crowd, revealing a lofty expression.

Indeed, compared to his strength, the three hundred people below almost all exist as weak chickens. A strong body is the greatest capital in the last days.

Among the people below, most people have yellow faces and thin muscles. This is the cause of chronic malnutrition.

As a eschatological person, malnutrition is naturally the norm, and not everyone can become a master and be able to eat and drink well. Here, only those who can become armed can be qualified to enjoy more.

Lu Chuan looked around and found that among the more than 300 people, most were middle-aged and young people. They are in their prime of life and have good physical fitness to survive so much hardship. Like the old and the weak, they have no such luck. They survived, but they couldn't survive this kind of capricious hunger and cold.

There are not many women, only 20 out of more than 300 people are standing in a group.

The looks of these women are fair, and some of them are even slightly outstanding.

Looking at their roles, it seems that they are not so good in this settlement. Because everyone looked at them with an indifferent aggression, as if they were looking at them as a tool for venting.

And each of these women has a dull look, and seems to be indifferent to any vision.

For a few of them, the clothes were more open, but they didn't care.

Surviving in these last days is not easy. It is impossible for a woman to be spared under the eye of every man. They are tools for men to vent in the last days, and countless men take turns.

The dozens of sturdy men couldn't help but look at these women a few more times. Except for a few that made their hearts move, the others were a bit disgusted.

The women who have been ravaged by these low-level people, they still don't like them.


The burly man who was headed gave instructions, but lowered his voice.

A dozen brawny men nodded, they moved separately and went to check one by one. With the simplicity here, you can see everything at a glance, and you can confirm whether there is anyone at a glance.

Soon, more than a dozen strong men finished the inspection, and they stood behind the headed man again.

"Very well, you still understand the decree. You must have heard about the last operation, and you have suffered heavy losses, and you didn't grab any materials back. Therefore, this time the hunt has to be advanced."

This guy didn't make a roundabout, but directly pointed out the subject.

The people below had been prepared for a long time, but their expressions changed a bit, and a look of fear appeared on each of them, and some even shrank subconsciously.

"Hmph, you untouchables, if you lack important materials like salt, do you still want to be safe? Now it's time for you to repay and work, but one by one is greedy for life and fear of death. How can mankind be revived?"

The man lowered his voice, but inside was awe-inspiring.

It seemed like it was just a mumbling. After the man finished speaking, without waiting for any reaction from the people below, he said grimly: "Now the people I have picked are all out of the queue."

Hunting is actually taking food from the zombies.

Living here, materials like salt must be obtained from the outside world. You can grow food by yourself, but salt cannot grow in your life.

The long-term lack of salt is simply a disaster for mankind.

With a huge population base, the amount of salt consumed every day is a huge number. On average, one needs to travel to the outside world every month to obtain salt, such as scarce materials, through villages, towns and even cities.

In order to ensure success, armed forces must be available, but if necessary, they must be used to attract zombies and decoys to survive tail docking. Armed forces are the cornerstone of this place. Naturally, they cannot be sacrificed. Only those who are untouchables in the eyes of the upper echelons can sacrifice.

In the last days, being strong is an advantage and a fighting power.

Every action is a test of life and death for the ordinary survivors below. After these years of action, the death rate of at least 30% has left everyone who was elected to be heartbroken.

Like the last action, very unlucky, 80% of people became a symbol.

In the face of this man's pick, the people below are panicked, but in this settlement, they have no right to refuse.

"You, get out."

The headed man's eyes were full of indifference. Unmoved by the look of the people below, he pointed to a man not far away and said.

The man who was selected had a miserable face, his mouth moved and his legs couldn't move at all.

It's just that he didn't need to move. Seeing him hesitate, naturally there was a rough person coming over. The two held him like a chicken, took him out, and threw him on the platform.

The man's face was pale, and he sat down on the platform.

The headed man pointed his finger again: "You get out."

With the role model of this man who was selected, the man who was selected had the same miserable expression, but he walked out happily.

As a eschatological child, he has experienced too much, no matter how dangerous he is, he can face it calmly.

With the click, each body slightly stronger is selected.

"You, get out."

As Lu Chuan looked around, he saw this man pointing at himself.

Lu Chuan was a little surprised, and pointed his finger at himself, his eyes widened, and he asked with his eyes.

To be honest, Lu Chuan can't be considered strong, but he is definitely not weak. His body shape is very good, even with such large clothes, it makes people feel Lu Chuan's strong at first glance.

"Whatever you look at, it's you who are talking about getting out of the queue." This person was not upset, and he gave Lu Chuan a little bit more.


Lu Chuan has a feeling of being beaten up by a dog. Why was he chosen? Are you strong?

It’s just that Lu Chuan overlooked that among a group of chronically malnourished people, he is definitely healthy. Well, it is the tall one among the short ones, so it is naturally easy to pick out Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan did not rebound. He had more ways to escape, and more methods. There is no need for conflict now.

Besides, isn't this the best opportunity to integrate into this settlement?

Refreshingly, Lu Chuan strode out, even with a look of expectation on his face. This made the man who chose Luchuan a little puzzled. This kid is sick, right? He has more than one-third chance of death when he is chosen. Is he happy?

"And you." The man moved his finger again and pointed at the man who stood with Lu Chuan before, who saw Lu Chuan eating a sandwich.

The other party was also a bachelor, and also came out happily, standing with the chosen person. He stood next to Lu Chuan, put it quickly, and said, "Hey, what do you call your brother? My name is Wu Yingcai."

"Lu Chuan!" Lu Chuan had a good impression on this familiar guy. In these last days, his name has no meaning at all. Who knows who he is?

Wu Yingcai's name is very ordinary. He let out a hey laugh, and whispered: "Lu Chuan, when the hunting starts, you will follow me behind and let you go back to the settlement alive."

"You?" Lu Chuan's eyes were suspicious.

Wu Yingcai proudly said, "What's wrong with me? Tell you, this is the third time I have been selected. I came back alive the first two times. But unfortunately, I'm sure this **** must have hatred with me, otherwise, how could it be Pick me again and again?"

Lu Chuan was surprised. This is the third time that Wu Yingcai has been selected?

But Wu Yingcai's last words made Lu Chuan roll his eyes. Wu Yingcai is about 1.75 meters tall. Among the southerners, he is already quite outstanding. In addition, he is not thin and weak. Only this one is not outstanding, but it is not much worse. If you don’t choose you, who do you choose? ?

Counting that, he is also considered lucky, and he can come back safely.

"Okay, I will follow you then." Lu Chuan did not argue with the other party.

Wu Yingcai said: "Don't be unwilling. I think it's because of your fate. I'll let other people die. By the way, do you have any fabrics? Get a sandwich."

Success, his purpose was revealed.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "I'll talk about it when you can come back alive."

"Yes." Wu Yingcai answered confidently.

It didn't take long to select people. Only twenty people were selected in one area. Twenty of more than 300 people were selected, and Lu Chuan was still selected. There is nothing to say about the probability.

After the election, the other party shouted, and a group of people left here under their leadership

Lu Chuan didn't know how many areas there were in the entire settlement, but each area had a marked number. Along the way, people from other areas continued to converge. When Lu Chuan and the others arrived at another leveled forest on the edge of the settlement, the number of people acting as bait had exceeded 1,500.

1,500 people stood under the woods under a large number of blacks, and then moved forward after a short period of tidying up.

There is a long table in the woods with a huge number of war knives. They are very simple. Most of them are cut into knife-like pieces of iron, then polished and fitted with wooden handles to become weapons.

Everyone who passed by here consciously took a war knife with a wooden handle and moved on.

Lu Chuan was no exception. He took a wooden handle and squeezed it in his hand. It weighed about two or three catties. It was very light to use and the blade was very thin. Lu Chuan maintained his opinions on its hardness.

Of course, equipping cannon fodder with a weapon is a kind of kindness, at least this weapon has a little effect, and it will not be defenseless.

Wu Yingcai was right in front of Lu Chuan. He waved the weapon in his hand and exhorted: "Lu Chuan, don't underestimate this weapon. When necessary, it is a life-saving grass. Can't we fight against the zombies empty-handed?"

Lu Chuan shrugged his shoulders. Is this the knife?

For Lu Chuan, who has storage space, he himself is a super arsenal. As long as he wants to, he can carry out a bunch of weapons in minutes to suddenly throw away the zombies in front of him.


Lu Chuan still nodded, holding the iron knife in his arms.

Wu Yingcai nodded in satisfaction. In his opinion, Lu Chuan was a child to teach.

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