Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 577: News from the Poisonous Camel

The impact of survivors and zombies was indeed tragic.

Zombies are like monsters, without a trace of hesitation, every step is doing their best. In order to attack humans, they gave up all defenses, with only one purpose, bite and claw.

The survivors at the beginning were like waves, slapped into waves by the zombies.

It hasn't worked, it's being overwhelmed by zombies.

The zombies who came after them didn't care about what happened before, they only knew that they were chasing the breath of life. Even if the zombies in front stop, they will rush forward.

The survivors in front were thrown down one by one by the zombies. Amid the screams, they were caught by each of their paws, and then they were leaned over and opened their mouths to chew, becoming bloody, like Ling Chi. .

The muscle was bitten, and then a muscle line was torn off. This kind of pain caused everyone to let out a heart-piercing howl.

The blood stimulated the zombies.

Let the rushing zombies join the ranks of fighting for this survivor. The lives of each survivor are finally letting this huge zombie rush disappear. They are crowded on the street, vying, and mixing. A group.

More and more zombies stopped, causing the zombies to be blocked here.

The zombies that rushed out sporadically, the survivors were weak, but the wooden handle war knife in their hands was not a display. Under the slash, these zombies were still chopped down on the street.

Lu Chuan rushed too, he didn't seem to be the target of the zombies, and the zombies ignored him.

This also made Lu Chuan very safe. He could raise the knife calmly, and then cut off the heads of zombies head-on. In a short moment, more than a dozen zombies became headless corpses.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

The flow of zombies stopped, and the survivors finally woke up from the frenzy. They knew that their temporary mission was completed. For the first time, they turned around and fled with a crazier speed.


Wu Yingcai's eyes were red. He panted, and saw that Lu Chuan was still cutting a zombie. He immediately rushed over, pulled Lu Chuan up and left.

Lu Chuan didn't try to do it, and followed Wu Yingcai to withdraw.

Next, the alienation troops naturally took over. They each carried cold weapons and steel shields made of steel plates. On top, they provided vitality for these cannon fodder and intercepted the zombies that were chasing them.

When you get here, you can't use guns, you can only use cold weapons, try not to stimulate and alarm more zombies.

The battle was taken over, and all the escaped people were all not far behind, gasping for breath. The sprint and run just now exhausted all their strength.

Wu Yingcai was the same, he just felt that his heart was about to pop out, and even his soul ran away.

"you you……"

When Wu Yingcai saw Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan was not breathless and his face was not red, which made his eyes widen again, showing a look of surprise. The next moment, he thought of something, and his face changed again.

Except for alienated new humans, ordinary people don't have this possibility. Only new humans whose strength, endurance, and speed are improved under alienation can do this.

Lu Chuan made a hush gesture, then beckoned, and pulled Wu Yingcai to the side of the street.

The survivors here were all panting, and no one had the mind to pay attention to their actions.

The same is true for the Supervision Team, and the Supervision Team is also exhausted.

In the front, the alienated new human force was torn and killed with the zombies, attracting all eyes. After several years, the coordinated new human forces will strangle and kill the zombies that appear one by one, like a sophisticated killing machine.

Some changes in ancient times are vividly manifested in them.

When encountering hierarchical zombies, they can use ancient infantry formations similar to Sancai formations to deal with the feature of zombies having no thinking and no brains.

As long as they are not encountering zombies like tyrants, they can easily deal with it.

Lu Chuan glanced forward, but reached into his pocket, and then used his storage space to take out a compressed biscuit, and then took it out of his pocket.

"Yes, don't let anyone see."

Wu Yingcai took it, and when she saw it were compressed biscuits, her eyes lit up.

Some ate it hungrily. They want to bring food, but it is not a problem to bring water, and eat with water. The advantage of compressed biscuits lies in its energy, which can provide the required energy in a short time.

"How did it come?" After eating, Wu Yingcai asked, with an apologetic face on her face.

After all, Lu Chuan didn't eat it. It seemed that he was letting him eat it?

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "I got it in a supermarket before. I have kept it for a long time."


The cannon fodder who had become auxiliary soldiers had a rare opportunity to rest, sitting on the street with a pale expression, drinking water in silence. Next to them are the corpses of zombies. Faced with these horrifying decomposing corpses, they are not moved, as if they did not exist.

The special product of the last days is the zombies, which can be seen everywhere. What's weird about facing them day and night?

"Very hungry."

A voice rang, but it was a young man.

"Shut up, wait for you to pass the third round, and then talk." A war supervisor sneered, ignoring the other party's words.

The convoy is carrying food, but now it is just beginning, and it is thinking about eating. Where can I find so much food? Only after three rounds will there be a rice ball to replenish energy.

The young man was silent, and the people next to him were even more silent.

Lu Chuan was not far away and shook his head.

Now he finally knows why the death rate of cannon fodder is so high. It was originally frail. The impact of the previous round had consumed too much of their physical strength. The second round must be physically exhausted, and casualties would be inevitable.

In a situation like this, it was supposed to be good to eat and drink before setting off, and to carry enough food in order to maximize combat effectiveness.

But now, without eating anything for breakfast, I just rushed out.

Seeing the people around him, Lu Chuan sighed. Now he can help them, but he can't help them either.

In the last round, more than 20 people became the dead souls in the mouth of zombies, with more than 8% losses.

To be sure, under hunger, the second round will exceed this number.

In the current weather, everyone has long sleeves, so Lu Chuan can hide the smart wearable equipment he wears. Of course, even if you are seen, there is nothing, because in the last days, this thing is not worth money.

If it is before the end of the world, smart wearable equipment costs a few thousand yuan at the most, tens of thousands of better ones, and even more than one million for the top ones.

The end of the world is coming, and the streets full of electronic products are like unowned things, you can use them if you want.

Turning on the smart watch, Lu Chuan clicked on the virtual screen that popped up and opened the map of Dening City. For situations where there is already a global map package, it can be used offline.

Looking at the map, Lu Chuan knew his intention to fight this time. It was Zhenghong Supermarket.

After just a few glances, Lu Chuan frowned.

From the map, the location of Zhenghong Supermarket should be northwest. And now the direction of their attack is west.

It seems to be nothing, but looking at the map, you will find that if you go from the northwest, the road will be less than one kilometer, and it is located in a location that does not have too many residential areas.

Residential areas and downtown commercial areas have the most zombies. This is a consensus.

A kilometer or more may have to face thousands or even tens of thousands of zombies.

In this way, the problem comes.

Why don't they take a shorter and better route, but instead take this more difficult route? Is the commander a fool? Or are the people here, all fools?

There are technology products everywhere, and getting a map is not a problem. Lu Chuan doesn't believe they don't have a map.

Especially with the existence of light projectors, the map is completely real. Under the effect of light and shadow, it is enough to make you immersed in the scene. How can you not understand it?

Lu Chuan's heart moved and beckoned to Wu Yingcai, who leaned forward.

"Why not take this route?" Lu Chuan pointed to the map. He had already drawn a route with an editor, and he could clearly see it.

Wu Yingcai's face changed, and she asked in astonishment: "Don't you know?"

"Say." Lu Chuan raised his brows, still very powerful.

Wu Yingcai said: "It's not that I don't want to go here, but this area, which once almost wiped out a thousand-person alienated army. Since then, this has become a forbidden zone. As a last resort, who will pass here?"

I clicked on the map of Luchuan, and it was an area that I had to go through to get to Zhenghong Supermarket.

Thousands of alienated new human forces were almost wiped out by the entire army?

"Hi!" Lu Chuan also took a deep breath of cold air. What kind of zombie is there that is so powerful? A thousand-person new human force, if placed in ancient times, would be capable of fighting tens of thousands of troops.

But here, he was almost destroyed by the group?

"Why?" The stronger Lu Chuan naturally needs to grasp its intelligence, who knows if it will be used in the future?

Wu Yingcai shook his head and said, "The reason why we were recruited is actually because of this time. Specifically, I am not sure about it. I just heard people who escaped by chance say that they seem to have encountered something that can release poisonous fog. Zombies, seems to be able to cast poison bombs remotely?"

Wu Yingcai was a little uncertain about this, after all, he just heard about it.

What zombie is this?

To be honest, even Lu Chuan was dumbfounded.

"Do you know what this zombie looks like?" When it comes to poisonous fog, Lu Chuan is most concerned about its appearance. Because the poisonous camel also brought a word of poison, which is related to poison.

Wu Yingcai thought for a while, and then said uncertainly: "It seems that they said it was a tall camel-backed zombie. This poison bomb was dropped from the hump-back bomb that resembled a tumor on its back."


Lu Chuan was suddenly excited. Regardless of other things, just this one characteristic is basically the same as the poisoned camel. This also means that the zombies they encountered should have been poisonous camels.

Are the poisonous camels strong?

This question does not need to be asked.

The Poisoned Camel is the second item on the fifth-level product line, the fifth-level zombie. From the fact that this alienated new human force of thousands of people was almost destroyed, we know the terrible horror of the poisoned camel.

Don't take level five improperly. At this level, none of the zombies are simple.

The five-level alienated new humans among the humans will all become one of the characters, let alone zombies?

No wonder, if it is really a poisoned camel, it is the new humans who are at most four-level alienation here, and they really need to avoid their edge.

Lu Chuan's eyes were shining brightly.

Grandma's hammer is finally news of the poisonous camel.

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