Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 587: Accomplishment

Approaching the tyrant's initial form, Lu Chuan jumped high.

The powerful jumping ability made Lu Chuan feel like flying in the sky, rushing toward the tyrant fiercely, raising the sword against his head, and then slashing it heavily.

All the tyrant's initial form can do is to raise his alienated arm.


Before it was raised, Lu Chuan's sword had already reached its forehead first.

The power of level 5 genetic enhancement made Lu Chuan's power so powerful that he swung his saber as fast as lightning.

I only felt a huge rebound force from my arm, but it was still pressed down by the force of Lu Chuan's arm.


Like cutting tofu, this tyrant's head was cut with a huge opening.

The saber was clamped by the skull of the tyrant's initial form. Lu Chuan held the saber and hung it in front of the head of the tyrant's initial form.

Receiving this heavy blow, the tyrant's initial form did not fall down for the first time, but his body hardened.

Lu Chuan pressed his foot against the tyrant's initial chin, and with this force, he drew the sword out. With a spurt of liquid, Lu Chuan had already landed, and jumped up again.


The tyrant's initial form banged to the ground, pressing a few hapless ordinary zombies below.

Lu Chuan's head was sliced ​​in half, destroying the brain structure, which is fatal to the zombies. There is no struggle, but all nerve reactions are terminated.

"The first one!"

Lu Chuan didn't pay attention to the initial type of the fallen tyrant at all. Instead, he swept away the ordinary zombies in front of him. During the conflict, he came to the second initial type of tyrant.

This tyrant's initial form, holding up its alienated arm, slammed against Lu Chuan fiercely.

Lu Chuan turned around and avoided it.

With huge sprinting power, the battle knife in Lu Chuan's hand passed by, but it was the tyrant's initial little feet.

The sharpness of the sword, coupled with Lu Chuan's power, directly cut off the small feet of this tyrant's initial form, instantly making this tyrant's initial form unbalanced, and then fell down.

Zombies that have lost their balance are unable to adjust their balance subconsciously like humans.

The tyrant's initial form fell down and hit the ground severely.

Lu Chuan moved very quickly. The moment it fell, the sword was already swinging, smashing its big head.

The initial tyrant is more than five meters high. Its head, Lu Chuan standing next to it, has reached the waist. Just looking at this head will definitely make you creepy.

The initial head of the tyrant is actually a human evolution. Its two big eyes, after death, showed a void.

"The second one!"

Lu Chuan smiled lightly. It seemed that it was too easy to bully the tyrant's initial form with his five-level genetic enhancement.



Jiang Xunping and the others had been watching it. They knew that Lu Chuan's milk was ferocious.

But at this moment, it was so real in front of them.

The tyrant's initial form, in Lu Chuan's hands, was completely a lamb to be slaughtered. There was no resistance, and it was killed by Lu Chuan. Seeing Lu Chuan's every move, it is so natural, so moving like water.

The impact that Lu Chuan brought to them was huge. They had never thought that fighting with zombies would be so simple.

In fact, their battles with zombies are all fighting with fear, and naturally they feel difficult.

Indeed, the process of fighting with zombies can't be wrong.

As long as being injured by a zombie, the consequences are the same as being killed. Under infection, the same is a dead word.

It is out of this kind of fear, who is not cautious and afraid of making mistakes? In this case, it's **** that the battle is not uncomfortable.

But Lu Chuan didn't have this kind of worries. With the Titan biological layer, Lu Chuan only needs to kill the zombies.

The eyes of everyone looking at Lu Chuan turned into a frenzy.

In the last days, this is the true hero.


Jiang Xunping's eyes became sharp.

Zombies like the sea have already arrived in front of him, and there is no time for him to think too much. The zombies below are attracted by such a powerful breath of life, and continue to pounce on the wall.

In the case of one after another, the zombies quickly piled up Arhats.

Jiang Xunping glanced at Lu Chuan. He was almost submerged in a group of zombies. Although Lu Chuan was wearing a simple armor, Jiang Xunping felt a little pity that he was submerged by zombies and died ten deaths.


Jiang Xunping roared, stabbed the saber in his hand, stabbed a headless zombie in his head, and then pushed it down.

The folded Arhat body was finally higher than the wall.

Zombies appeared one by one, and then they faced the weapons in the hands of the survivors.

The new humans in the alienation army have long since withdrawn to the back of the wall, but they have reached the front, still acting as the main force against zombies.

Too many level zombies have been lost. These are more of the corpses of ordinary zombies, and their threatening power has become much weaker. In the face of these knives and guns, they were turned over one by one.

But the horror of zombies is that they are desperate.

No matter how strict the front is, under this kind of offensive, there will be places that will be broken.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that there are several places on the front line. In just a few minutes, the zombies rushed in, causing a lot of commotion.

The supervising team has always existed in the settlement, and their deterrent power is very strong.

With the efforts of the supervising team, it finally did not collapse and stabilized the line.

With the killing, people's emotions are mobilized, and they gradually become desperate, even if they are dead, they have to drag one or two zombies as a backstop. It is the injured person who no longer thinks that he will die, but continues to fight like a machine until he finally falls.

The zombies were crawling frantically, covering the wall like water.


Lu Chuan turned his head and glanced at the surrounding wall. In the fierce battle, all he could see was the backs of the zombies.

The survivors will certainly not find out. It is true that if Lu Chuan is standing, the zombies will bypass Lu Chuan and continue forward instead of attacking Lu Chuan. In the eyes of the zombies, Lu Chuan was regarded as nothing.

The effect of the zombie suit is beyond imagination.

In the fierce battle, no one noticed anything unusual in Lu Chuan anymore.


Lu Chuan grinned, like standing in a group of zombies, the feeling of tens of thousands of zombies passing by you is something Lu Chuan has never had before.

It's exciting and exciting.

Before Lu Chuan pretended to fight with the zombies, he was more just acting. The zombies did not know how to attack Lu Chuan. How could they attack Lu Chuan?

Now they are all deceived. Next, Lu Chuan doesn't need to perform.

In the sea of ​​corpses, Lu Chuan strode towards one of the tyrant's initial shape with the saber, the knife went up and down, swept off the tyrant's initial shape's calf, and then cut off its head.

Everything is so simple, it's like walking on the melon field and cutting a watermelon casually.

In the sea of ​​corpses, as long as Lu Chuan saw the alienated zombies, he would give him a knife without hesitation in the past.

This is the only thing Lu Chuan can do.

The rest of the battle with the zombies is up to the opponent. If even the tide of corpses made up of ordinary zombies can't be stopped, what can Lu Chuan say?

Without exposing the storage space, Lu Chuan couldn't stop so many zombies. He could only solve some alienated zombies as much as possible.

Submerged by zombies, but Lu Chuan is safe.

The zombies with terrifying faces passed by Lu Chuan, and that feeling made Lu Chuan's hair terrified. Plus the smell here is really bad. Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry about his safety, but he doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

Think about it, zombies are full of carrion, and this carrion is naturally so stinking that it makes people sick.

With so many zombies, this smell is so strong that even Lu Chuan can't stand it.

Lu Chuan resisted, and then turned into motivation, slashing madly here, as long as he saw a zombie, he would hit the neck with a knife. The powerful force all cut off the opponent's head.

Killing, killing, Lu Chuan suddenly realized that his eyes were blank.

Turning his head and looking back, Lu Chuan was dumbfounded, because Lu Chuan realized that he had hit the corpse tide in a pair.

In front of Lu Chuan, there was not a single zombie.

Zombies like tides have only one target, which is the front. The Arhat who had been thinking about it forcibly used the zombies to fill in a **** shape by himself, so that the subsequent zombies could step on them.

Fortunately, one of the disadvantages of overlapping Arhats is that they are uneven. They are all struggling with zombies. Naturally, they cannot form a charge. They can only climb up slowly.

This gave the survivors a chance to calmly kill these overcoming zombies.

Lu Chuan shook the liquid on the battle knife, instead of rushing into the tide of corpses to kill him, instead holding the battle knife, he watched the battle on the spot.


Jiang Xunping's eyes were bloody, he was panting, and everyone holding the saber was shaking. This was caused by excessive hacking.

In fact, the characteristic of every alienated new human is to use armor to protect itself from dripping water.

In order to prevent themselves from being injured, people tried their best ~ to use all available methods to wrap themselves in armor. Zombies below level 3 can hardly destroy these armors.

Jiang Xunping is no exception. What he is wearing now is similar to bomb disposal experts, and his whole person is protected. This is a fearless zombie, but the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, and the action is not very convenient.

There were fewer and fewer zombies in front of him, and his eyes gradually became wider.

"Is it over?"

Seeing no more zombies get up, Jiang Xunping only felt that he was loose, and he felt a sense of loss of strength. What he thought was that Lu Chuan would kill two or three hundred lickers with one person. How strong would it be?

Soon, Jiang Xunping glanced across the wall and saw Lu Chuan standing in the distance.


Jiang Xunping only felt that he didn't know how to describe his feelings. There were surprises and surprises.

This Lu Chuan didn't die, but stood still.

There were a lot of people seeing Lu Chuan, and as the zombies became less and less, people could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and naturally they saw Lu Chuan in the distance.

Under the fence, there are still a few zombies that were at the bottom, but they can't turn a lot of waves. The death toll of survivors is somewhat high, at least as many as thousands, and it is very disastrous.


Their deaths, in exchange for more people survived.

Lu Chuan raised his arms, waved at these people, then turned and left slowly.

Lu Chuan only needs to plant his own name in their hearts, not necessarily requiring more in-depth communication. Now that the overall situation seems to be set, Lu Chuan has no need to stay.

Keep more mystery so that they will not forget, and they will remember more and more of their help to them.

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