Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 597: data collection

After staying in the deep city for three days, knowing that his physique had come, when Lu Chuan left, he still felt a little softness in his legs, and indeed there were only bad cattle and no fields with bad pears.

Back in Shencheng, Lu Chuan was tired and had to pay for Ye Lingwei and Shi Ruoyu. He was really happy and painful.

Next, it took three days to sign continuously.

Each document needs to be signed by Lu Chuan. These are all technical authorizations and so on. The foundation of the Baichuan Guihai Company is weak, and only through this series of methods, more companies and factories can be tied to the chariot of the Baichuan Guihai Company with technical means.

With more and more companies joining, Baichuan Guihai Company is truly powerful.

Now it is the output of Baichuan Guihai Company's standard, which forms a standard fortress.


December 20.

Although both the modern and the end times are rainy and rainy, Lu Chuan still can't stop his pace. There is only one piece of the unlocked fragment of the Poison Camel. This kind of progress makes Lu Chuan dare not relax.


Lu Chuan glanced at the funds and smiled.

With the authorization of technology, there are now tens of billions of funds available on the account.

A wholly-owned company is good. There will be no financial problems at all. The company’s money is your own money, and you can use it whatever you want.

Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company has raised 10% of the shares, but its accounts are independent and will not affect Baichuan Guihai Company.

Don't underestimate the transfer of this 10% of the shares and bring in Qiming Venture Capital. Its domestic energy is used by Baichuan Guihai Company, and it is the cornerstone of the stability of Baichuan Guihai Company.

According to Lu Chuan's plan, all of the following subsidiaries and Sun's companies will take out 10% of the shares as a bundle to attract these powerful investment companies.

Lu Chuan does not have to worry that they will refuse. With a technological monopoly, their investment will be several times, ten times the return. In this kind of tens of billions of investment, how many times, ten times the return, how crazy?

When he arrived at the strengthening workshop, Lu Chuan threw a hundred bloodthirsty claws in and started strengthening.

When dealing with the poisonous camel, Lu Chuan found that the bloodthirsty claws were still weaker. Therefore, Lu Chuan is now naturally strengthening his bloodthirsty claw ability.

Bloodthirsty Talons is a Level 5 product and a flying unit. It is indeed worthy of Lu Chuan's huge investment in upgrading them.

"Repair all zombies."

Lu Chuan issued the order, and the biochemical plant immediately implemented it.

The last time the zombies came and damaged the zombies, there were other zombies that were mutilated, and it is only now that Lu Chuan has the money to repair them.

In an instant, the biochemical plant deducted 2.5 billion.

Previously, the zombies that were only thrown in the warehouse incompletely, even only above the chest, were in a burst of mysterious blue light, like 3D printing, constantly regenerating the lost, and finally appeared intact.

This scene made Lu Chuan dumbfounded.

Lu Chuan has always been a little curious about how the biochemical factory makes zombies, but the manufacturing workshop, even the boss Lu Chuan can't see it, naturally doesn't know how.

But now, seeing this scene, Lu Chuan seems to understand.

Since repairing can use this kind of light to scan, and then generate complete zombie data, and then print it out, it is not surprising that manufacturing uses this method.

"Could it be that the current zombies are all printed out?"

"Can this type of printing be called bioprinting?"

"Unlocking is actually unlocking the product data in the biochemical factory, so that it can be transported to the manufacturing room. With this data, the product can naturally be manufactured."

Lu Chuan guessed that even though no one had given his own answer, it was nine out of ten times like this.

In addition to what Lu Chuan saw, as long as the zombies manufactured in the biochemical factory were mutilated or damaged, they would have red lines appearing and then repaired.

This mysterious scene affected all the zombies, even the zombies sent hundreds of kilometers away by Lu Chuan also showed this scene.

Fortunately, this scene can only be seen by the boss, Lu Chuan, and others cannot. This is one of the boss's privileges.

Just repairing, it is the price of 2.5 billion, which shows how much Lu Chuan has lost during this period of time.

Lu Chuan just hugged his arm, quietly waiting for the repair and strengthening to be completed.

The repair is slower, but not much slower.

After the strengthening is completed, the restoration of the zombies is also completed.

Through the holographic projection, Lu Chuan can see the repaired zombies active on the street.

"Get out!"

At the same time, Lu Chuan issued an order that the mutilated zombies piled up like a mountain in the warehouse before, after they were repaired, left the warehouse.

This batch of zombies re-entered the street and merged with the zombies here.


Lu Chuan let out a sigh of relief.

When Lu Chuan arrived at the warehouse, one hundred strengthened bloodthirsty claws were divided into two rows and stood. After ten times of strengthening, they were a big circle. The muscles on his body became stronger and stronger, and the flesh wings became tighter and stronger. powerful.

Especially their claws, from the surface, it is known that these claws have qualitatively flying over, becoming more rigid and sharp.

"lift it up."

Standing in front of one of the bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan gave orders.

This bloodthirsty claw naturally did so, lifting its claws up, and then stretched it out in front of Lu Chuan.

The claws of the bloodthirsty claws, it is very sharp, like a needle.

It seems to be qualitative, and the material can't be seen, but the cold feeling under Lu Chuan's touch makes Lu Chuan feel like a sharp claw. How would it feel if it were caught on the body?

It had some passivation before, but under the catalysis of power, it cut iron like mud.

Don't know now...

Most of the warehouse is steel.

Mind issued instructions, and the zombies who were in charge of sorting in the warehouse soon came to Lu Chuan holding a steel pipe with a thick arm.

The steel pipe was thrown in front of this bloodthirsty claw, and Lu Chuan issued an order: "Cut it off."

This bloodthirsty claw didn't hesitate, raised his claw, and cut it fiercely.

The sound of metal crashing came out, but it was very brief, as if tofu had been cut, the steel pipe had already been cut.

Lu Chuan looked at the fracture, but found that it was as smooth as a mirror. One can imagine its strength and sharpness.

"Niu Cha." Lu Chuan was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that the bloodthirsty claws strengthened ten times would be so perverted.

The two rows of 50 bloodthirsty claws gave Lu Chuan a sense of pride.

Turning on the light projector, Lu Chuan opened the entire map of Zhongzhou City, and then transmitted the idea of ​​this map to the hundred bloodthirsty claws.

To strengthen these 100 bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan made them act as scouts.

Only flying units can achieve the role of rapid reconnaissance.

If you rely on yourself to bring the zombies to find the poisonous camel, you can use the chance of the poisoned camel to find 10 pieces. God knows how long?

The Bloodthirsty Talons are not only responsible for the poisonous camel, but also for a general understanding of the surroundings, such as what zombies are.

Their function is actually data collection.

Apart from searching for zombies, the remaining task is to find survivors.

Lu Chuan believes that there will definitely be small groups of survivors, but they will hide well and it is difficult to find them.

Lu Chuan is not a savior, but what he wants to build now is an apocalyptic factory that requires too many human resources.

Just now, the 100,000 survivors in Shanshi County, not to mention the arsenal, are just a virtual equipment manufacturing factory, which cannot be satisfied.

The products of the end times are entrained in modern products for sale. Anyway, it is finally assembled by Baichuan Guihai Company. Who knows the specific quantity?

97 manufacturers, they have signed confidentiality agreements, and only a few people know the specific number of contracts. Moreover, several companies are responsible for each type of part. It is impossible except for Lu Chuan to figure out the real quantity.

The 97 companies are only in the first stage, which is used to satisfy China, and the second stage is to face the whole world, so the data is even more unlikely to be known by the outside world.

People, Lu Chuan is really short.

Apart from this, the formation of an army also requires a huge population.

Airplanes, tanks...all need to be operated by people.

Lu Chuan was only transporting equipment from a military base to Shanshi County. There was no way to use it because of lack of talent.

Fortunately, the tanks have transformed 1,000 people from the survivors into tank soldiers. They only need to be trained and it is not a problem to operate the tanks, although they are still far away from elite tank soldiers.

But the airplane is not suitable for everyone. The only one that has been tested so far is only 21 people.

"Commander Ultrain, take over the bloodthirsty claws."

Lu Chuan issued an order, and the huge super commander issued an idea, and then took over the command of these bloodthirsty claws.

Now Lu Chuan only needs to transfer his thoughts to the Ultrain Commander, and then transfer it to Bloodthirsty Talon.

In other words, Lu Chuan used to send commands one-to-many, but now that he has an Ultrain commander, Lu Chuan only needs one-to-one.

The locations of the maps were sent to the Ultrain commander, and then they were sent to the bloodthirsty claws.

Soon, hundreds of bloodthirsty claws had instructions, and they left the warehouse one by one, slapped their flesh wings outside, rose into the sky with a swift speed, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

These bloodthirsty claws, they cover the entire Central Continent City, at their speed, it only takes three days to find out the information in this area.

Next, Lu Chuan didn't need to do anything, in fact, he just waited.

But wait, it's not Lu Chuan's style.

After confirming that the Bloodthirsty Talons followed the instructions to fly to the destination, Lu Chuan rode on the corpse dragon and left the biochemical factory.

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