Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 601: Beheading

? Lu Chuan spent three days to understand Lanshui Town.

"It should be almost done."

Turning on the light projector, Lu Chuan looked at the light spots listed above. These light spots represented the location of the poisoned camel, totaling eleven.

Lu Chuan was a little excited. Eleven spots of light meant that there were eleven poisonous camels.

As long as you kill nine of them, you will get nine fragments to unlock the poisonous camel.

Lu Chuan has a deep understanding of the metamorphic abilities of the poisoned camels. They can throw venom and cover an amazing area. Possessing terrible corrosive power, it may be lacking in dealing with zombies, but its area is enough to make up for its weak attack power.

Aside from the poisonous camel eater, there are not many lickers here, and tyrants are often seen.

In contrast, the number of poisoned camels is already pitiful.

"Poison camel guy should be a special kind of zombie. It needs special reasons to form. It is not easy to evolve."


Judging from this feature, it seems that places with serious pollution are prone to produce poisonous camels?

What Lu Chuan wanted was only ten. No amount of them is of great significance to Lu Chuan, because after unlocking, the biochemical factory can manufacture them, and there will be as many as they want.


"Make three hundred bloodthirsty claws."

"Strengthen the bloodthirsty claws."

"Three hundred in number."

In the biochemical plant's strengthening workshop, Lu Chuan issued an order.

Lu Chuan was absolutely cruel this time. The production cost of Bloodthirsty Talon was 800,000 pieces, one boost was 800,000, and ten boosts were 8 million one.

The cost of strengthening three hundred is 2.4 billion, which is definitely a big deal.

And to make 300 bloodthirsty claws, it cost another 240 million, and the total cost was 2.64 billion in this moment.

No wonder the biochemical plant burns so much money. The expenses spent in the past few days alone are as high as about 6 billion, which is jaw-dropping, and it is not much worse than raising an army.

After ten times of strengthening, three hundred strengthened bloodthirsty claws appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

After going up a circle, it became more ferocious, which made Lu Chuan's heartache a little lightened. At least it seems that this sum of money is not wronged.


After the strengthening was completed, Lu Chuan left the strengthening workshop without hesitation, and then rode on the back of the corpse dragon.

Braving the wind and rain, the corpse dragon took off again.

Three hundred bloodthirsty claws strengthened ten times, followed behind the corpse dragon. Lu Chuan intentionally slowed the speed of the corpse dragon a little so that the bloodthirsty claws could follow.

Three hundred kilometers away, there are a large number of zombies. If you want to kill the poisonous camel, you can only use bloodthirsty claws.

After ten times of strengthening the bloodthirsty claws, their offensive power naturally needless to say, very strong. It is completely possible to achieve the first level of enemy generals among thousands of troops and use this method of beheading to hunt down these poisonous camels.

This plan is completely feasible.

First of all, bloodthirsty claws belong to zombies, which reduces their attention.

Second, the number of bloodthirsty claws in Lu Chuan's hands is large enough, and they have been strengthened, so that they can completely kill the poisonous camel in an instant.

The defensive power of the venomous camel, even with a sniper rifle, also has defensive power, Lu Chuan didn't want to startle the snake.

In this Lanshui town, there are also a lot of bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons. Once they are attracted, it will be difficult to easily kill the poisonous camel.

A distance of 300 kilometers, it took half an hour to arrive.

Let the corpse dragon put down and stay on the top of the residential building.

The bloodthirsty claws who were arranged here before, they still stay here, staring at the target.

The three hundred strengthened bloodthirsty claws did not come down, but hovered in the sky, waiting for Lu Chuan's instructions.

It was rainy now, but Lu Chuan did not hesitate.

"Target Hengyang Street."

Lu Chuan's eyes were placed on the light projector, where the map was opened, marking the location of the poisoned camel. Lu Chuan doesn't need to think about where he wants to attack, he only needs to look at the map to be clear.

I chose the streets of Hengyang. This is where I found two poisonous camels who were still trapped in the chemical plant.

Through the vision of Bloodthirsty Talons, don't worry about them going away.

With the target, the three hundred bloodthirsty claws in the sky moved immediately, and within a few blinks, they were already above the target. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they were divided into two teams.

The two poisonous camels were together when they found them, but within a few days, they had moved apart and did not walk together.

"Lock, attack!"

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, each team assigned 50 strengthened bloodthirsty claws, and they slammed one end into the sky and fell madly.

This kind of speed is really too fast. Before the poisonous camel had a reaction, it had already appeared in the sky above it.

The scene of fifty bloodthirsty claws spreading their fleshy wings at the same time is truly shocking.

The poison camel finally reacted, but it was the ferocious bloodthirsty claws who greeted it. They fell into madness under Lu Chuan's instructions and attacked desperately.

The most desperate thing about bloodthirsty claws is their number, and then they swoop and attack desperately. People who have never experienced it will never know what this moment is like.

The poisonous camel raised his head, and was pounced on his forehead by a bloodthirsty claw.

One, two, three...

The number of fifty bloodthirsty claws is not necessary at all, only five or six are enough to bury the poisonous camel.

The enhanced bloodthirsty claws did not disappoint Lu Chuan. They only saw their claws flying, and then the flesh and blood flew all over, grabbing the poisonous camel in the blink of an eye.

The other poisonous camel's experience was the same. Once he met him, he was caught in the flesh.

The claws of bloodthirsty claws, even steel can be cut, and the claws are very fast, which is definitely a nightmare for the poisoned camel.

"Next... it should be Venom."

Suddenly attacked, the nerve processing of the poisoned camel naturally released venom.

Through the eyes of the bloodthirsty claws, Lu Chuan could see that it was torn by the bloodthirsty claws, and the huge hunchback of its back was cracking while moving.


The bloodthirsty claws did not give it a chance at all. The claws cut past, tearing its split back to pieces. Without muscle pressure, these venoms were not launched after being generated, but Flowed out.

When encountering air, a poisonous mist is also produced, covering this area.

"It's really a poisonous mist from Niucha."

Lu Chuan naturally discovered the bloodthirsty claws that were tearing its back. The claws capable of cutting steel were corroded by this kind of poison.

The poisonous camel was in the thick fog, but like a sandbag, he was tortured and killed by the bloodthirsty claws.

"Ding, get Shard 1 of the Poisoned Camel."

The sound of the reminder made Lu Chuan smile.

No matter how powerful the poison camel is, with this kind of precise beheading, hasn't it been under the claws of the bloodthirsty claws in just one or two minutes?


Lu Chuan issued an order to get these bloodthirsty claws out of the dense fog.

This thick mist, it touched the bloodthirsty claws, and it continued to produce corrosive effects. Let Lu Chuan have a whole new understanding of the poisonous camel venom.

"Ding, get Shard 1 of the Poisoned Camel."

There was another reminder, and the second poisonous camel was also killed.

Lu Chuan began to adjust the number of bloodthirsty claws. Before, he was too nervous. He sent out fifty bloodthirsty claws in one breath. In fact, with the physique of bloodthirsty claws, ten of them are enough. Get started.

The attack of the poisonous camel is scope, too many bloodthirsty claws squeezed together will only increase the loss of bloodthirsty claws.

After strengthening the bloodthirsty claws, it is really not easy to repair.

It seems to be corroded by venom, even if it is only the surface, but when it is repaired, it will start with a million, absolutely black heart.

The enhanced bloodthirsty claws in the sky were transformed into twenty batches under Lu Chuan's micro-operations.

The seven batches selected by Lu Chuan broke away from the main force and began to appear over the poisonous camel men only spotted by Lu Chuan. Using the bloodthirsty claws of the following staring at the poisonous camel, Lu Chuan could know the actions of these poisoned camels.


The order was issued, seven batches of 70 bloodthirsty claws, they swooped down.

Lu Chuan stayed in the eighteenth-story residential building. The moment the bloodthirsty claws swooped down, he stood up, walked to the huge balcony, and stood with his hands in his hands.

Next, there is actually nothing to control, because as a result, Lu Chuan already knew that the bloodthirsty claws and the bloodthirsty claws swooped in groups of ten, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, and they were of the same kind. The poison camel had no room to resist.

Lu Chuan had thought that it would take a long time to unlock the Poisoned Camel, but now that he has found the right method, everything is okay.

Every zombie is not invincible, it will have its weaknesses.

In fact, the biggest reason is that he owns a biochemical factory and has the ability to make zombies. With the existence of this BUG, ​​breaking through from the inside of the zombie, this is the reason why it is easy to hunt the zombie.

"Ding, get Shard 1 of the Poisoned Camel."

"Ding, get Shard 1 of the Poisoned Camel."

"Ding, get Shard 1 of the Poisoned Camel."


A series of prompt sounds appeared, seven in a row.

The eighth beep: "Ding, unlock Level 5 Poisonous Camel."

Listening to this beautiful Lu Chuan smiled. All this is the same as one's own expectation, the seven poisonous camels can't escape the attack of bloodthirsty claws after strengthening.

To view the data of the poisoned camel, you can only return to the biochemical factory.

Now that the Poison Camel was unlocked, Lu Chuan did not stay here, but instead rode on the corpse dragon. Under the protection of the bloodthirsty claws, he left Lanshui Town and returned to the biochemical factory.

Some of these bloodthirsty claws were bloodthirsty claws that had attacked the poisoned camel. The surface of their bodies was full of pits, like pockmarks. In some places, the corrosion of the venom has already penetrated into the muscles.

The venom can't be shaken off, it's always corroding.

Even if he was flying now, the bloodthirsty claws were still corroded with a faint smoke on his body, and the poisonous camel's venom was so overbearing.

The fleshy wings of Bloodthirsty Claws are a bit like bats, but not very thick. Some places have corroded small holes from the venom. I really don't know when its toxicity will pass.

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