Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 610: disregard

? US Middle East Intelligence Agency.

An urgent meeting is going on.

The outside world doesn't know much about this intelligence agency. It is called the Middle East Intelligence Agency, but in fact it is set up in Europe, a very strange setting.

In fact, anyone who knows the US military knows that their communication networks are advanced, and the intelligence bureau does not need to be located in a relative position like other intelligence bureaus, and is more flexible.

With all kinds of high-tech, the Middle East Intelligence Agency can control the entire Middle East situation even in Europe.

Intelligence officers everywhere, as well as officials from some countries, etc., can provide a steady stream of intelligence. What the Intelligence Bureau needs to analyze is the role and level of this piece of intelligence.

Somalia is also under the jurisdiction of the Middle East Intelligence Agency.

"This force, under the banner of scientific research, appeared very suddenly and was powerful. The nearby forces tried several times and failed to return."

On the projector, an intelligence agent was telling.

None of the people present expressed their opinions.

In fact, forces like this kind of inexplicable emergence are numerous around the world. Once they appear, they will be listed as surveillance targets after they are known by intelligence personnel.

After monitoring, the intelligence level will be adjusted according to the situation.

This intelligence officer also reported some abnormalities. For example, the logistics of the manor, and they all wrap themselves well, only showing their eyes. After inquiries, there is no purchase record and so on.

The entire manor is completely enclosed, and no one can enter it.

"Adjust its level to B+ level." A deputy director raised his brows slightly and said.

"Yes, Director." The intelligence officer nodded, and after being authorized, raised the manor's surveillance level to B+.

Don't underestimate this B+, it is no less than the surveillance of a small country, which shows that the director attaches great importance to it.

It is not surprising to think about it, this is related to the US strategy.

The rise of Huaxia has already made the United States feel the crisis, and now it has begun to focus on Huaxia. Such an important waterway as the Gulf of Aden naturally needs to be controlled.

As long as the Gulf of Aden is in control, at least more than 30% of crude oil transportation can be controlled. For a country, this will be catastrophic.

The real urgency of the meeting is not this small manor, but Syria.

The dynamics of the Russian army and the deployment of new weapons will aggravate the situation in Syria. This is the focus of attention.




After Lu Chuan's instructions were given, the bloodthirsty claws selected by Lu Chuan began to break away from the large army. They flew faster and left in all directions.

These bloodthirsty claws formed a reconnaissance force.

This is the end of the world, and you will never know what will happen next moment.

If there is no reconnaissance force, God knows how many zombies will be lost if there are any powerful zombies? The production price of a bloodthirsty claw is 800,000, and Lu Chuan dare not mess around.

Especially now, knowing the existence of this crocodile dragon in Zhongzhou City, Lu Chuan dare not presumptuously.

The scattered bloodthirsty claws quickly transmitted the surrounding situation back.

The number of flying zombies in Zhongzhou City is actually very large, but they fly around. To paraphrase a human being, they have no fixed place. You will never know where they will appear next moment.

Lu Chuan was sitting on the back of the corpse dragon, holding the rope so that the strong wind wouldn't knock him down.

The speed is 500 kilometers per hour, and the airflow is so strong that ordinary people can't handle it.

Switch among the bloodthirsty claws sent out and use their perspective to observe the air situation ahead. Lu Chuan found that it was actually fun, at least to make his journey not boring.

A huge "dark cloud" composed of more than a thousand bloodthirsty claws cast a huge shadow everywhere it passed.

It was a sunny day without rain.

The whistling air currents, Lu Chuan's level six genes were strengthened, but it was okay, not feeling cold. In addition, he was only flying three hundred meters above the ground, flying all the way, only feeling that his whole body was wet by the cold, this cold Luchuan could bear.

Flying all the way, as long as there are villages or towns below, you can see traces of zombies.

From this point of view, there is still a long way for mankind to regain lost ground and return to civilization.

A bloodthirsty claw in front sent a message, and a group of flying zombies also appeared. As the most basic flying unit, the number of bloodthirsty claws is also the largest.

"Just use them to warm up."

Lu Chuan switched his angle of view and observed the group of bloodthirsty claws, and smiled.

The number of this group of bloodthirsty claws is probably more than one hundred, and it happens to be coming in one direction. If there are no accidents, they will meet after ten minutes.

More than a hundred bloodthirsty claws, in Lu Chuan's view, were here to deliver food.

Lu Chuan didn't have many fragments of level five. The enhancement of the bloodthirsty claws before was almost squandered. Now that there are more than a hundred bloodthirsty claws, how can he not be moved? This is more than a hundred fragments.

If you are lucky, come one or two Legendary Shards, and you will make a lot of money.

"Strengthen the bloodthirsty claws to go out."

Lu Chuan's thoughts came out, and a hundred bloodthirsty claws strengthened by Lu Chuan left the group and appeared on the front line.

Lu Chuan strengthened a total of two hundred animals, one hundred were sent out for reconnaissance, and one hundred were guarded by his side.

A hundred strengthened bloodthirsty claws, they formed a group and left.

In less than four minutes, you can see a black spot in the sky, growing from far to near, and finally forming a flying group of more than a hundred bloodthirsty claws.

The strengthened bloodthirsty claws, they didn't hesitate, they bumped into it on one end, and slammed them with their own claws.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, in just an instant, there are dozens of bloodthirsty claws under the claws that strengthen the bloodthirsty claws.

Ten times of strengthening, the blessing of strength and speed, made the strengthened bloodthirsty claws swift and powerful. According to the heads of these bloodthirsty claws, they grabbed them, and the sharp claws directly smashed their heads.

The claws that go deep into their heads are enough to destroy their brains and allow them to die.

Being attacked, after all, they are level 5 zombies, they have a sense of resistance.

The bloodthirsty claw's counterattack was also very sharp, and the two sides were torn together. Suddenly, flesh and blood flew across the sky, and for a while, bloodthirsty claws fell, hitting the ground hundreds of meters below.

In just a few minutes, the winner was determined.

Ninety-five strengthened bloodthirsty claws were still flying in the sky, but none of this group of bloodthirsty claws remained in the sky, all of them were killed and fell hundreds of meters to the ground.

"Ding, get green accelerated fragments."

"Ding, get the blue sharp shards."


The reminder sounds like crazy, and it keeps appearing, which means bloodthirsty claws continue to die.

When there were no more prompts, this time there were more than 30 instinct fragments, and the remaining more than 100 fragments were all blank fragments.

With more than 30 instinct fragments, this kind of probability is not low.

Lu Chuan lost five strengthened bloodthirsty claws, and the loss was a bit miserable. This is a bloodthirsty claw that has been strengthened ten times, and the cost of each one is 8.8 million, including the strengthening. Five of them were lost all at once, which is 44 million.

Within a few minutes, 44 million were burned, and it hurts to think about it.

The hunting of this group of bloodthirsty claws was just an episode, and it took Lu Chuan for five or six minutes, but the loss of the enhanced bloodthirsty claws was only five, which had no effect.

After bringing these ninety-five bloodthirsty claw egg tarts back to the team, the huge group of bloodthirsty claws passed over these dead bloodthirsty claws.


On the light projector, the coordinates of the distance information are already very close.

Lu Chuan didn't rush to the place where the corpse dragon appeared in the record for the first time. Instead, he found a mountain nearby and let himself down and stay on the peak of the mountain.

More than a dozen bloodthirsty claws were sent out, and they conducted a carpet search around this area.

It's okay to sail the Wannian Ship carefully, or to scout, at least you need to find the corpse dragon.

The scattered bloodthirsty claws soon returned a message that there was no trace of a corpse dragon within a radius of ten to twenty kilometers.

"It's weird, it's only two days, did it leave?"

Lu Chuan frowned. The corpse dragon was a lone ranger, and there was no guarantee that it would stay in one place. Based on Lu Chuan's knowledge of the corpse dragon, it was possible for it to fly everywhere.

There was nothing strange about it in two days.

The maximum flying speed of the corpse dragon is 800 kilometers per hour. Let alone two days, it is ten minutes. I don't know where it went.


Lu Chuan issued a command, and more bloodthirsty claws scattered and flew in all directions.

There were more than 1,000 bloodthirsty claws, and only 300 remained to protect Lu Chuan. All the others were activated and searched for the traces of the corpse dragon.

Five kilometers range, no.

Ten kilometers range, no.

Twenty kilometers range, no.

Fifty kilometers range, no.

The search range reached a range of fifty kilometers, but Lu Chuan was still disappointed. There was no trace of the corpse dragon, as if the corpse dragon had already left and went to a farther country.

"Expand it to two hundred kilometers." Lu Chuan gave instructions, but he still didn't give up.

Searching for two hundred kilometers, for the bloodthirsty claws flying at a speed of 5 to 600 kilometers per hour, only twenty minutes is nothing at all.

The number of scattered bloodthirsty claws reached about seven hundred, and they carefully surveyed every corner of a 200-kilometer radius.


Sitting on the corpse dragon, Lu Chuan stayed on the top of a building, and soon felt a move in his because he sensed the sound of news from a zombie.

With a move of his mind, he immediately switched his mind to the bloodthirsty claw that had issued a warning sound.

Through its eyes, Lu Chuan could see clearly that on the top floor of a building, a huge corpse dragon was standing on it. Its claws were scratching through the concrete surface. Seeing its understatement shows the strength and strength. The sharpness of the claws.

The powerful claws of the corpse dragon are bigger and thicker than the bloodthirsty claws, and the sharpness is all abnormal.

Lu Chuan has always used the gift from the biochemical factory, and he didn't feel how the corpse dragon was. But now I see the corpse dragon in the wild, the breath of death it exudes, and it is naked to life. bare. Lu Chuan's indifference, like a cruel demon that can determine humanity, gave Lu Chuan a panic and palpitations.

When seeing the bloodthirsty claws, the corpse dragon's eyes did not even move a bit, treating the bloodthirsty claws as air.

"Finally found."

Facing the very strong corpse dragon who ignored all life, Lu Chuan still smiled.

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