Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 634: step 1

? Yangjiang settlement.

On a rare sunny day, many people took advantage of this time to take out their bedding and other things to dry.

The spring rain was continuous and wet everywhere.

For the living environment that is almost dominated by straw sheds, under this kind of continuous spring rain, the living environment is really not very good.

There was a big musty smell everywhere.

A muddy place, as long as you settle down, it is a foot of yellow mud.


Fang Wenbin's eyes swept sharply, and everyone below felt that he was being stared at by the beast, which made them feel a sense of fear.

"I said that if you follow me, you must obey the order. Now, start building the road."

Fang Wenbin was not wordy, and took the lead by walking into the muddy road, then dumping some rocks and pressing them on the road.

Not a good old man, or a home builder.

Using these people to build roads is actually a kind of training, training them to execute their own commands, training themselves, and more importantly, training their ability to cooperate.

If the road can be repaired a little better, it will naturally be beneficial to their travel.

For more than a month, almost every day was overcast and rainy, making it difficult for people to walk, except for the limited time of staying in the straw shed, and could do nothing.

There are already more than 30 people following Fang Wenbin, which means that for more than a month, Fang Wenbin has provided them with food and drink.

The boss left with less and less rice, which made Fang Wenbin feel a little uneasy.

It turned out that he thought that if he became stronger, he would become less dependent on the boss, but now it seems that if you have the ability to reach the sky without food, you can only starve to death.

The weather started to warm up and everything recovered.

For an ambitious person, it is naturally a new beginning.

The first thing to do is to train these people. Over the past month, they have been raised a lot by themselves, and it is time for them to understand that there is no free lunch in the world.

Building roads is the least noticeable way of training. When people see them, they are at most scolding them as idiots. If they are full, they will not doubt the others.

For ordinary people, Fang Wenbin's method is very simple. When they really recognize themselves, he will arm them with guns and make them soldiers.

Are the new humans strong?

It is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, facing a gun, it will be killed by bullets just like ordinary people.

After becoming more than ten thousand people, Fang Wenbin did not take too much strides, but did it step by step, using this kind of slow and little trouble.

The drizzle is silent, and this effect is what I want.

Fang Wenbin went down to the ground, and many people took a look, rolled up their trousers, and followed.

Some people hesitated instead. It was cold and full of muddy yellow mud. With this free time, it would be better to sleep in a straw shed.

"Ha ha……"

Fang Wenbin now understands that the most important thing for a person is not whether he has muscles or whether he is strong or not, but whether he has a heart to forge ahead.

These people, obviously having rice to eat every day, have forgotten the frank vows they had when they followed them. How long is this? Just over a month, let them forget about it.

"Give you another chance."

Fang Wenbin's face was serious, and he would not be soft when dealing with a white-eyed wolf.

After Fang Wenbin said this, some people hesitated, but rolled up their trousers and walked into the muddy road, and started to work by picking up rocks.

But there were also eight people, they just hesitated, and eventually they didn't go on.

"Very well, this is your decision. I now announce that you no longer belong to our Fang Wenbin team." Fang Wenbin sneered.

"Haha, it sounds like you are very good, but I know that your rice bags have bottomed out. Whether you have to eat them in two days or not is still a problem." A man in his thirties laughed arrogantly.

Fang Wenbin glanced at the other person, then shook his head: "Sure enough, they are some unfamiliar white-eyed wolves."

The rice is almost gone, but Fang Wenbin is not worried, because behind him is a god-like boss, with him, there is no need to worry about this.

Mi Huang was actually to find these white-eyed wolves.

It seems that in these last days, not everyone can believe it.

"Hehe, what great things do you want to do with a person like you?" The man mocked. He looked at these people, shook his head, and wanted to leave.

Fang Wenbin shouted: "Wait."

Those who wanted to leave all stopped.

Fang Wenbin walked up, showing a toothy smile: "I'm afraid you have forgotten. When I gave you food, I showed you something."

"What is it?" the man repeated subconsciously.

Fang Wenbin deceived himself, and his fist was already blasted out: "Fist."

This man, hit by Fang Wenbin's punch, was blasted a dozen meters away amid the screams, and hit a tree severely. When he fell, it was already like a puddle of mud.

The strength of the fourth-level new humans is so amazing. With this punch, the opponent has already been killed. Hit this tree, but it made him die even more embarrassing.

Fang Wenbin is thankful that he didn't follow him, like this kind of idiot, otherwise he would be dragged down in the future.

The white rice made his head rust, and he forgot the power he showed before.

In these last days, killing someone is really easy.

Everyone was shocked, staring at Fang Wenbin, surprised at Fang Wenbin's ferocity. This kind of disagreement is a means of direct bombardment, which shocked everyone.

Several people who said they were leaving have only now realized what they have overlooked.

After getting along for more than a month, they eat well. They don’t have to worry about their stomachs, and they don’t have to brave the wind, rain and cold to find food for food. This happiness makes them forget that Fang Wenbin is carrying it in front of them This scene of Boulder.


These people were pale and knelt in the mud without hesitation.

"Boss Fang's fate, we were wrong, we knew it was wrong." They cried loudly, and there was an unformed corpse ten meters away. They didn't want this result.

Fang Wenbin was shocked, his eyes flashed: "Give you a chance, now go and clean up these parts, and then come back to work."

"You may not kill you, but your food will be halved in the future."

Fang Wenbin's words made these people not dissatisfied. Compared to wanting to die, even if only food was halved, it was heaven to them.

These few people went to clean up the broken body, this terrible body, so that their last thoughts were broken, and they did not dare to think about it.

"Keep on working."

Fang Wenbin said nonchalantly, once again he got down this muddy road.

No one has any more opinions. In the last days, the strong are respected, but they feel that they are following the right boss this time.

Fang Wenbin just smiled when everyone was serious.

Now is just the beginning, with this one as the fulcrum, it will soon be able to pull up enough strength.


"It's just training, and the improvement for them is actually very limited."

Lu Chuan said quietly, this is how he felt in the past few days.

The amount of training for the new humans is heavy and hard, but what? The way is wrong, they just increase their muscles more.

This kind of training is more like the training method of special forces. It has an effect on new humans, but it is not as big as imagined.

The people who came to this meeting were all big men in the military and were in charge of military affairs.

Of course, they said they were big bosses, but they were only talking about ordinary people. In front of Lu Chuan, they didn't dare to say that they were big bosses.

"According to the practice of the Reconnaissance Department before, but instead of scouting, they kill zombies."

"The new humans are split into teams, and then they are assigned to hunt zombies in different directions and places. Only in danger can they truly stimulate their potential."

"Before, we were too careful and conservative. No matter when we were sacrificed, we must have sacrificed, but we should not stop because we are afraid of sacrifice.

Lu Chuan set the tone, and left the rest to the details.

What is the boss?

The boss is to set the direction, how to move in this direction, the details of which naturally don't need Lu Chuan to worry about, and the people under them will do them well.

The hunting a year ago was still too small to have much effect.

The more comfortable, the harder it is to evolve.

Set this tone, Lu Chuan no longer cares about them, what they do is what they consider. When this matter was thrown away, there was nothing wrong with Lu Chuan in the settlement of Shanshi County.

"Chu Bin, Wu Jiang, you two come with me."

Lu Chuan greeted, Chu Bin and Wu Jiang immediately reached the office with their buttocks and Lu Chuan.

Jiang Ruixue brought up two cups of coffee, gave Lu Chuan a complicated look, and then stepped out.

Sometimes Lu Chuan does not appear once in a month or two. Her secretary is almost a decoration. Fortunately, the boss' secretary, even if it is a decoration, no one will dare to make an idea, it is a kind of protection.

"How is the power adapting?"

Lu Chuan flipped through the documents without looking up, and asked.

Chu Bin and Wu Jiang knew that opportunities were rare, so after they became first-class new humans, apart from work, they no longer rush to the women's pile as before, but instead train.

If you want to adapt to your strength and body, you can’t do without effort.

"Boss, we have no problem." Chu Bin and Wu Jiang said cautiously, at the same time full of expectations.

Lu Chuan didn't speak, but kept looking at the document, signing his name from time to time.

Lu Chuan, a settlement in Shanshi County, rarely comes, so many things are naturally piled up together.

It took more than an hour to process the documents before Lu Chuan stopped. Picking up Jiang Ruixue's hot coffee, Lu Chuan took a sip.

From beginning to end, Chu Bin and Wu Jiang didn't say a word.

Lu Chuan smiled, took out two second-level genetic enhancement potions, and said, "What you want."

"Long live the boss."

Seeing this blue are Chu Bin and Wu Jiang not excited?

Take it, open it directly, and drink it.

After more than a month, they have determined that these medicines have no side effects. Besides, why should the boss harm them in this way?

Gene strengthening is definitely a painful process. Lu Chuan has experienced it and naturally knows it.

It was originally intended for them to return to their residence. Seeing them in a hurry, Lu Chuan could only use them.

"You guys enjoy it here."

Lu Chuan patted Chu Bin on the shoulder, walked out of the office door, and then closed the door.

The next moment, there was a ghost howl like a pig in the office.

Jiang Ruixue was sitting not far away. Hearing the horrible howl, he first stood up, and then saw Lu Chuan walking out, and then sat down again, seeming to turn a deaf ear to these miserable howls.

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