Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 638: Be vigilant

? Mountains outside Linping City.

The four seasons here are like spring, facing the south, and the mountains on the back happen to block the north wind. It's spring, everything is recovering, so that there are new green shoots everywhere here.

"Hide everything."

"Hide it away, don't show up on the street."

"Whoever dares to stray around outside, it doesn't matter if you kill him."

In Nangu Town, hidden in the mountains and woods, soldiers were spreading words. They are wearing green coats and walking here, if they are farther away, they will not be seen at all.

A warning was given to one house, and then another.

This small town has been transformed, for example, it is stipulated that green plants must be planted on the balcony, and the same is true on the roof.

There were originally tall trees on both sides of the street, but this was not enough. A large number of vine-like plants were transplanted to allow them to climb into the buildings on both sides of the street.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that this small town is shrouded in greenery, except for some corners that can be confirmed as buildings, it is almost thought to be a ruin covered by plants.

The bravery between the zombies and the heavy price have taught humans many things.

In fact, there is an alarm system here, but in many cases, it needs special warning, otherwise some people will make mistakes.

The situation that occurred before has caused countless people to palpitate.

The former five-star hotel in Nangu Town was built on a cliff. It cost a lot of money at the beginning, but it quickly became a popular tourist destination. Many people who came to Nangu Town were embedded in it. Marvel at the hotel on the cliff.

The seventeen-story hotel is inlaid on the cliff, half of which is exposed outside and half is built in the rock.

The hotel can be described as superbly crafted. Its promotional film makes Nangu Town one of the best tourist destinations.

Now, the hotel is regarded as the highest command.

The top three floors are the residences of the chiefs, and the lower ones are the offices of various departments. Power is like a pyramid, gradually beginning to evolve into a dictatorship.

In order to cope with the greening of Nangu Town, a lot of effort was spent here to remodel it. Vines were planted around it. After several years of growth, the hotel was basically covered under the vine leaves.


The leader Liu Feiyang sat on the upper head, as if the eyes of an eagle eye passed by the crowd below, he issued a question.

Peng Qisheng, who is in charge of the security of Nangu Town, said: "Leader, sure."

The meeting room is the meeting room of the previous hotel. There is no need to create anything. A meeting room that can accommodate more than 300 people is enough.

On the projector, what was projected was a bloodthirsty claw like a dark cloud.

Because it is too far away, the picture is actually not very clear, but no matter how fuzzy it is, it can be confirmed that this is a group of bloodthirsty claws, and the number is difficult to estimate.

A group of bloodthirsty claws appeared ten kilometers away, and the number was astonishing. For Nangu Town, it was naturally the highest alert.

Alarms were issued one after another, and countless people who were still active all hurriedly returned to their homes, or hid in the houses nearby.

Some of these houses have been greened, and some have been painted with green paint, which can well avoid flying zombies so as not to be discovered by them.

Liu Feiyang stared at the screen and could see this huge group of bloodthirsty claws. They landed in another small town and never took off.

The number of bloodthirsty claws is unknown, but there are definitely a lot of bloodthirsty claws, and everyone present knows what it means. If they find Nangu Town, they can completely turn Nangu Town into a dead place.

In the conference room, dozens of Liu Feiyang's subordinates are sitting. They are all rising in the last days. The identity of the new humans gives them great power.

Everyone is shocked when they see this picture.

"I have never seen such a huge number of bloodthirsty claws." Everyone is palpitating.

Bloodthirsty Talon is a fifth-level zombie and a flying zombie, which is virtually more difficult to deal with. In addition, the bloodthirsty claws have always been left to survivors, mostly unforgettable nightmares, and many people die on the hands of the bloodthirsty claws.

It can be said that bloodthirsty claws have dominated human fear for a long time.

"Let the soldiers restrain everyone. Violators will be killed."

Facing a group of bloodthirsty claws that are almost impossible to defeat, what Liu Feiyang can do is to avoid being discovered.

While they were still discussing, the observer sent a warning message.

The camera arranged outside Nangu Town quickly captured the five small black spots that appeared in the sky. After zooming in, it was clearly seen that they were bloodthirsty claws.

The five bloodthirsty claws came completely in the direction of Nangu Town.

Suddenly, the whole Nangu Town had a sound of cranes.


"It's well hidden."

Standing on the tall building, Lu Chuan showed a smile.

This distance is no more than 32 kilometers. Lu Chuan can use bloodthirsty claws to replace his eyes. In this way, you can see clearly.

Since Bloodthirsty Talon was close to this Nangu Town, Lu Chuan knew that there must be survivors' activities here, and the scale was not small. Because all the mountains in this area have been reclaimed, terraces that exist beside the mountains have been formed.

These terraced fields are full of sorghum and Yulin, as well as a lot of sweet potatoes and potatoes.

These varieties are all the most drought-tolerant crops, and they are also very high-yielding. In these last days, planting these crops is indeed a way to solve the problem of food.

Although it is not long before the beginning of spring, some green seedlings can be seen everywhere here. The people in this settlement must be very diligent, otherwise it would be impossible to complete such a large-scale crop cultivation early.

Lu Chuan's eyes narrowed and he could see that the power of this settlement must be highly concentrated, otherwise such a large-scale farming would be impossible. Only a highly concentrated power can drive everyone to contribute together.

When Bloodthirsty Talon passed by Nangu Town, Lu Chuan was surprised at the geographical location of this Nangu Town.

It is built on the top of a big mountain, and is constantly being flattened down. It has a huge area. And this big mountain, backed by one of the main peaks of the mountain range, looks like it was built halfway up the mountain from a distance.

Like a mountain city, coupled with the original forest that has always been under protection, it is definitely a city outside the world.

Here, you can also overlook Linping City from a distance, and even compared to the previous town, Nangu Town has more advantages in terms of vision and distance.

Nangu Town has a very good disguise, but this is only for the zombies, it is full of flaws in Lu Chuan's eyes.

There is no way, the zombie's thinking... or does the zombie have a thinking? Of course it is impossible to see what is wrong, but from Lu Chuan's point of view, the artificial traces here are too big, and there is a feeling that there is no silver in this place.

Of course, people are not defensive in the first place, and this is enough.

The fields outside, and some vehicles parked on the street, deliberately disguised, all these are flaws. Lu Chuan didn't look at this, but something deeper.

For example, the cultivated land here determines the population here.

The utilization rate of Nangu Town also means that the population here is large or small.

According to the data marked on the map, Nangu Town has more than 70,000 residents, and the foreign population exceeds 170,000. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a county.

Looking at Nangu Town, which covers a huge area below, there are almost layered buildings on the entire Jufeng, which can accommodate so many people.

Combined with the population base of Linping City, Lu Chuan is sure that the population of Nangu Town is not small.

Being able to organize such a large number of survivors into one ball, forming a high concentration of power, also means that the strength of this settlement is not weak, at least it is a new human with a high level.


Lu Chuan smiled, this kind of settlement, as long as it is given time, it will stand out and become the best in the last days.

Of course, in Lu Chuan's view, birth is very important.

Think about it, no matter how hard you work, it is better than reincarnation.

Even if Nangu Town is no good, it can't compare to some settlements just next to the military area. They will have a natural advantage in weapons. It can be said that they received these weapons, which are completely military-grade.

With weapons, retraining, and the adaptability of new humans, they will definitely become an elite division.

Confirming that there is a settlement here, Lu Chuan issued an order to let the five bloodthirsty claws pass, and then passed from behind the mountain, directly landed in these mountains and forests, staring at this southern valley from the top of the giant peak. town.

Lu Chuan withdrew from the field of vision, and then marked Nangu Town on the light projector.

In this way, Lu Chuan will not forget that Nangu Town is a settlement.

Lu Chuan set aside the matter of the settlement. It is still far from Zhongzhou City, and even Zhongzhou Province has not solved it. There are some whips here that are beyond reach and need to be set aside. The most important thing now is to unlock the corpse dragon.

Forget the time, it should be the zombies coming, it won't be too long.

Only unlocking the corpse dragon will make Lu Chuan more confident.

After finding the settlement of Nangu Town, all you need to do next is to monitor it. As long as they don't move out, Lu Chuan can ignore them. With bloodthirsty claws staring at them, their every move will be under Lu Chuan's supervision.

Together, Lu Chuan thought about the hundreds of bloodthirsty claws sent out in his mind.

More than a hundred bloodthirsty claws, they have entered Linping City.

Lu Chuan closed his eyes and began to operate. Each bloodthirsty claw, under the operation of Lu Chuan, flew to a certain street, and then landed on a building, monitoring this street.

When 90% of them were arranged, and the remaining 10%, Lu Chuan sent them to the periphery of the to make them fly on patrols to confirm that there were no hunting teams with survivors.

It is impossible for a strong settlement to remain indifferent to Linping, and it will definitely take action.

It has been almost eight years since the end of the world, enough to let them know that if the new humans want to evolve, they must rely on battle, torn and kill with the zombies, to exercise and improve themselves.

Whenever possible, the new humans will enter the city and face the zombies.

There should be a lot of survivors in Nangu Town, and there will definitely be a shortage of supplies. The end of the world is an era that cannot travel far. The only source of all materials is Linping City, so it is impossible for them to leave Linping City unmoved.

On many streets in the outskirts, Lu Chuan could see a large number of zombie bones, some of which had turned into corpses. When the water soaked in the rainy season, the corpse rotted and eventually turned into a skeleton.

Looking coldly, the streets are covered with bones, like **** on earth.

In fact, this is the most common sight in the last days.

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