Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 651: O organization

? The next day.

Lu Chuan did not go to the end of the world the first time, but went to the armor factory.

After a period of time, various exoskeleton mechas with sci-fi characteristics manufactured by armor factories have accumulated several large warehouses.

Xu Haomin took a turn around Luchuan, and then went to the design department.

Facing Lu Chuan, the world's richest man and his real boss, the employees of the design department were all so excited that their faces turned red and they kept shooting with their mobile phones.

Lu Chuan didn't object either. After all, playing in the armor factory was a bit abrupt, but with Yi Ran taking care of it, there would be no flaws. These armors are customized by some European and American film companies and will be shipped to the storage area and then transferred.

After repacking, the empty boxes will continue to be sent to the customs and then boarded for transportation.

Everything is a normal export procedure, everything is checkable.

Even the use of these exoskeleton mechas has official documents. It is the exoskeleton equipment needed for more than a dozen sci-fi blockbusters.

For large investments, foreigners are willing to spend money in order to be effective.

As for why the materials of these exoskeleton mechas are so top-notch, God knows, maybe people have money to burn them?

The armor factory only takes care of manufacturing, and will not pursue others why.

Anyway, the money eventually hits the armor factory, and it's not that people don't pay. Now that rich is the uncle, and the order is God, Xu Haomin is also not curious about these things.

"Boss, there are 30,000 mechas in all."

Xu Haomin's life is very comfortable now. The armor factory adds up before and after, and the assets before and after add up to billions of dollars. As long as he works hard, he will not be eligible for listing.

As the founder and the "father" of the armor factory, Xu Haomin certainly hopes to come this far.

There are 30,000 exoskeleton mechas of various types. This is an order placed by Lu Chuan's procurement company. The various sizes are detailed, and it is not a problem to arm 30,000 zombies.

The exoskeleton mecha is made of very good materials, and the only shortcoming is the weight...the weight that normal soldiers can not bear.


In the eyes of zombies, would they care about this weight?

With the defensive power, they don't need hot weapons, only cold weapons, just like ancient soldiers. In the hands of zombies, the power of cold weapons is more terrifying than hot weapons.

If an ordinary zombie wearing an exoskeleton mecha is equipped with a sharp and durable war knife, its fighting power will be enough to wipe out dozens of ordinary zombies, and its own hair will not hurt a single.

Exoskeleton mechas that cannot even be penetrated by bullets are invincible.

Fortunately, the exoskeleton mecha, no matter how good the materials are, the country will not care. But if you make tens of thousands of alloy swords, and you still open the front, this is a problem.

The settlement in Shanshi County does not yet have the ability to make exoskeleton mechas, but it is not a problem to make alloy war knives, so the war knife is made by the settlement in Shanshi County.

Lu Chuan nodded: "Okay, this batch of goods is an order that I brought based on the relationship. There will be follow-ups. The quality must be grasped."

"Boss, don't worry, every exoskeleton mecha is strictly controlled. It is no exaggeration to say that it can be beautiful military equipment." Xu Haomin was proud.

Indeed, the materials used in these exoskeleton mechas are all the most cutting-edge materials that can be used in civilian applications. Although it is a good-looking product, the disadvantage is that it does not have a power system, and the materials at the joints are 100% poor. But it's not a real exoskeleton mecha, so you don't need to pay attention to this.

Thinking of an order worth hundreds of millions, Xu Haomin was a little curious: "Boss, why do you think this old man is so willing to spend so much money on props."

"Nonsense, the investment in a movie is hundreds of millions to more than a billion U.S. dollars. In the eyes of others, hundreds of millions of yuan account for about 10%. What is reluctant. What's more, these props can be used repeatedly. , No loss." Lu Chuan explained.

When Xu Haomin thought, it seemed the same.

The truck sent by Yi Ran started loading, but Lu Chuan watched with interest. As a man, everyone will be interested in these domineering, sci-fi exoskeleton mechas.

"Boss, Zhong Hua's phone." An Tong's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, he walked to Lu Chuan's side.

Lu Chuan took it, and a few seconds later, his brows were frowned.

Hanging up the phone and returning it to An Tong, Lu Chuan said, "Let's go back to the company."

For instance, on some occasions, Lu Chuan would not be fooled, for example, when it comes to armor factories and the like, he is not afraid of being discovered by those who are monitoring him, nor is he afraid of reporters.

But sometimes, you need to avoid getting rid of them.

Ma Xifeng drove the 7 series and took Lu Chuan away from the armor factory to Baichuan Guihai Company.

As a boss, it is natural to appear in Baichuan Guihai Company. In order to be worthy of his identity and to behave to the outside world, Lu Chuan carried more than a dozen zombie bodyguards on many trips.

These zombie bodyguards were in suits and leather shoes, their faces were extremely indifferent, they were tall and magnificent, and they had no emotions in their eyes. Anyone who saw them would think that these bodyguards were really cool and cool.

A dozen bodyguards embraced Lu Chuan and walked into the Baichuan Guihai Company. Next to him was An Tong, a top-notch beauty as the secretary, and the scene was absolutely domineering.

All the way into the company, every employee said hello when they met Lu Chuan.

Before Lu Chuan watched movies and TV, he always felt that some of the bosses and rich second generations were too arrogant and would never answer the greetings from employees.

Only now did Lu Chuan know that it wasn't that people were arrogant, but that if they really did reply one by one, they would have to rub off their lips and take time. Because of this journey, I don’t know how many people send greetings and how to respond?

The best way is to treat them equally and go straight through.

In a small meeting room on the top floor, Zhong Hua was accompanying three foreigners. There was no joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on Zhong Hua's face. It was almost impossible to see anything from his face.

As a top manager during his lifetime, Zhong Hua's talent is absolutely top-notch.

Baichuan Guihai Company is in its hands. Looking at such a huge parent company now, it is still well organized and has maintained rapid and stable development in the midst of great development.

Lu Chuan walked in with a cold face. The three old people were all in their forties. When they saw Lu Chuan, they showed a haughty look.

Faced with a newly promoted richest man in the world, this expression can only prove that in their eyes, Lu Chuan is just a nouveau riche.

Indeed, compared to their family's heritage and their family history, Lu Chuan said that he was a nouveau riche.

Even in their eyes, Zhong Hua, the president of the Baichuan Guihai Company, is just a wage earner, and even the qualifications to talk to them are barely qualified.

"Boss." Zhong Hua stood up.

Lu Chuan nodded and sat down in front of the three of them.

There is no need for Lu Chuan to be polite to these malicious people.

"Lu? Nice to meet you." One of them stood up, forty-five or six years old, but with a very young appearance, very well maintained, and his aura is not weak.

Lu Chuan's eyes narrowed, and the other party was just right. Leslie was the executive vice president of Goldman Sachs. This is not the president of China, but the vice president of the head office.

Those who know Goldman Sachs will know how good Goldman Sachs is.

Another identity is not weak, Apple director Hall.

Those who can get into Apple's board of directors only need to look at Apple's current market price to know that the worst is at the level of billions of dollars. The other party owns a 7.5% stake in Apple, which is jaw-dropping.

7.5%, representing the level of hundreds of billions of dollars.

The key is that this one accounts for too much, for a company like Apple, it is hard to imagine. You don’t have money to buy shares, which requires a shocking background.

The last one is Harris, the vice president of the O Foundation.

Among the three, the least famous is Harris, but if you have its full name, you will know how awesome it is: Harris DuPont.

Obviously, among these three people, this Harris is the first one.

Lu Chuan set his sights on Harris, and did not respond to Leslie's greetings to himself.

Regarding Lu Chuan's rudeness, Leslie just frowned, then smiled and sat down.

Harris smiled and said, "Lu, this is your way of hospitality? You know, our purpose is to sincerely hope that Baichuan Guihai Company can achieve better development."

"Speak your purpose." Lu Chuan sneered. The other party spoke English, which is not a problem for Lu Chuan.

Harris shrugged and said, "Lu, I like your efficiency. Yes, we don't need to waste too much time on this meaningless."

After a pause, Harris still said: "But before that, I will briefly introduce the O Foundation. Its establishment can be traced back to the First World War..."

Ordinary people can never know the existence of the O Foundation.

Not to mention ordinary people, even local tyrants worth billions of dollars will not know the O Foundation.

O Foundation, this O, not 0, is the O in the English alphabet. It's hard for outsiders to know what it means, even some big-time people don't know what it means.

Anyone who knows that it exists is anyone who has at least 10 billion U.S. dollars in identity.

From this point, we know how high the O Foundation is. This threshold has already rejected 99.9% of the people in this world.

But in fact its awesomeness is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

O actually represents the earth, because the earth is a circle, this O is an English letter, but it is more like a symbol, a circle.

How can people who dare to use this symbol be a simple character?

This O Foundation is actually a window of the Order Conference to the outside world. The top 20 families in the world are members of the Order Conference. It represents the O Foundation, which is the external window of the Order Conference. It is conceivable how awesome it will be.

From Harris's mouth, the identity of the O Foundation was uttered.

What Lu Chuan heard was indeed a messy history, but what it really meant was the threat and deterrence of the O Foundation.

When Harris finished speaking, Lu Chuan laughed instead and said, "Well, I'm a bit stupid. What is your purpose?"

The identity of the other party can't be simply chatting with oneself.

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