Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 664: Beheading

? March 12th.

For Lu Chuan, time is no longer ample, but hasty.

Early in the morning, Lu Chuan arrived at the settlement of Shanshi County.

When Lu Chuan arrived here, Yi Zhanfei and the others were already there. On the square in front of the city, there were 10,000 new human soldiers, fully armed and wearing simple armor. They were still very majestic when arranged.


Yi Zhanfei, they yelled softly, and then saluted.

Ten thousand new human soldiers saluted at the same time. In the last days, shouting is not popular, but saluting. In the sky, no one knows if there will be zombies. If tens of thousands of people shout, they will definitely be alarmed.

There were a large number of survivors watching here early, but they did not approach, but looked at these new human soldiers from the periphery.

The number is large, but it is quiet.

Lu Chuan returned a gift and walked to the stage that had been erected.

"I don't have a long story. Everything is for the sake of mankind, and for yourselves, and for the settlement of Shanshi County, I wish you good luck and set off now.

Lu Chuan's words were very short. When he finished speaking, Lu Chuan waved his arms.

The neatly lined up new human soldiers, under Lu Chuan waved his arms, the captains assigned long ago took the new humans onto the refitted electric car next to them, ten people in groups, fifty people in one group. The team left Shanshi County.

The expression of every new human is serious, and they also know that they will be very dangerous next, and they will never come back here again if they are careless.

As if rushing to the front lines of the war, it was almost the same as their current situation.

Since years ago, the military headquarters of the settlement has drawn up an actual combat plan. The training of new humans is no longer confined to the training ground, but put the training in actual combat, placed on a vast area outside the settlement, using zombies. Let them grow and evolve.

Only under such harsh conditions can new humans continue to evolve and become stronger.

This plan was approved long ago, but it has not been implemented.

Just two days ago, Lu Chuan personally issued the order to start execution. After two days of mobilization, apart from leaving a third to deal with possible crises, all 10,000 new humans were sent out.

Like their staff, or combat mode, these are things that the military is worried about, and Lu Chuan doesn't need to bother about it.

Taking this step, they will face danger, but also have the opportunity to grow. At the same time, through them, the nearby zombies began to hunt and kill, with Shanshi County as the center, expanding and advancing outward.

And this plan is the bulldozer plan.

"You are hunters, hunt down all the zombies you encounter, kill them, and empty them. It may seem that it is difficult for you to complete it in your life, but as long as you do it, you will lose one if you kill one. The land will always be clean."

This is the core of the plan. There are no beautiful words, and no sensational words. Some just point to the original intention: killing zombies.

Tens of thousands of people, under the arrangement, almost occupied the city gate square, watching them leave in groups, this time lasted a lot. The electric cars prepared for them are all modified, using double batteries, and when fully charged, they have a battery life of two thousand kilometers.

In the settlements of Shanshi County, after repairing the small hydroelectric power stations, they finally had enough electricity, so that power products became useful.

For example, charging electric cars so that they can run like before.

"Needless to say, this battery technology was brought to this world by the hapless man, otherwise it would be impossible for this battery technology to have such a great leap."

Think about it, an electric car with a battery life of thousands of kilometers has large torque and strong power. The key is to charge from 0% to 90%. It only takes 15 minutes. This is revolutionary.

According to Lu Chuan's understanding, the emergence of battery technology is very sudden, and it has always been the world of fuel vehicles, but after the emergence of this kind of battery technology, it is finally possible to replace fuel vehicles.

The technical update has brought about a large number of electric power with extremely long battery life on the road, and the elimination of fuel vehicles has begun.

Maybe this hapless man failed too quickly, so electric cars have not completely replaced fuel cars, and then the end of the world will come, and all this will be reduced to zero. What battery technology, what fuel car, are all piles of scrap iron in the end times.

Lu Chuan found that he seemed to be developing, and he was similar to the other?

After the success of the virtual technology, Baichuanguihai Company will enter the battery technology next.

Thinking of this, Lu Chuanxin became entangled. Wouldn't he also follow the other side's old path, and finally be obliterated, and bring the end of the end times?

Lu Chuan didn't have any ambitions for the new human soldiers who were struggling to leave. Instead, they were full of entanglements. This failed guy died and left himself unhappy.

Lu Chuan regained his energy and continued to focus on these new human soldiers who were gradually leaving.

Restricted, the colony has not made much progress in building armor, and to this day it has only built breast armor for new human soldiers. The area of ​​defense is limited, which is better than nothing.

In Lu Chuan's plan, all of them were equipped with armor.

First, they have enough power to use these armors, and second, they are facing zombies, which are prone to injuries. Being injured by zombies, the result is no different from death. If they are protected by armor, they think it is not easy to get injured.

The armor has a mediocre defense against guns, but it's a bull fork against zombie bites.

Equipped with armor will make the soldiers safer and lose less.

The other one is guns.

The military base was ransacked, but the weapon gap is still large. The weapons obtained in military bases are not even enough to equip an army composed of ordinary people. Most new human soldiers use cold weapons.

Since I want to speed up my pace, naturally I start armed with them.

"The armor factory has to add more machine tools." Lu Chuan calculated that the armor factory would operate 24 hours a day with the zombies alone. If you count the new humans in Shangshan Shi County, it is not enough.

Lu Chuan stood on it until all the new human soldiers left the settlement of Shanshi County.

The hunting plan and the dying zombies will prevent Lu Chuan from being able to replenish the debris. However, the emergence of the siege system makes it unnecessary to worry about all of this. When the time comes, the fragments of all levels will be massive.

In this way, the zombies in the apocalypse died when they died, which had little effect on Lu Chuan.

Anyway, the current level of the new humans does not threaten zombies at the sixth level. And he also gave them an order, they need to avoid zombies above the fifth level.

They really want to hunt, they are definitely looking for death.


Five electric off-road vehicles are galloping on the abandoned road. They are the first combat team, with fifty people, very flexible.

Their order was to hunt down zombies and expand outward with Shanshi County as the center.

In the first car, Fan Weicheng was holding a sniper rifle. Around his waist was a tactical belt filled with sniper rifle bullets. On the back is a machete, sharpened. A simple breastplate can only protect this area of ​​the chest, and cannot protect other places.

However, Fan Weicheng also wore a bullet-proof vest inside, and the innermost was a nylon woven clothes, which was very tough and could ease the attack of the zombies to a certain extent.

Military boots, this is naturally standard.

The identity of the third-level new human made him the captain of this team.

After leaving the settlement, within three kilometers, they encountered zombies sporadically. They were strolling on the highway, and when they found the convoy, they immediately surrounded them violently.

The convoy did not stop, but some of the players sitting on the off-road vehicle took out their sabers.

The zombies came up, their swords passed, and under the speed of the off-road vehicle, with their strength, these zombies were easily chopped off their heads. The off-road vehicle whizzed past, but the headless zombies fell headlessly on the road.

Fan Weicheng took out the light projector and quickly set his sights on a small town ten kilometers away.

There are more and more zombies on the road, and as the number increases, there are at least hundreds of zombies on the road. There are more than a hundred zombies. If you want to rush over, the off-road vehicle will definitely be damaged. If the zombies are crazy, they will pounce on them and stop the car with their bodies.


Fan Weicheng shouted, and five off-road vehicles stopped tens of meters away from the zombies.

The zombies in the distance found the caravan and the life forms that appeared, making them crazy and rushing towards here desperately.

Fan Weicheng was the first to jump off the off-road vehicle. He pulled the gun insurance and shouted: "We will start from here, and the target is Meizhuang Town."

On each off-road vehicle, all the team members jumped down. They were not fully armed, but they were armed to the teeth, sufficient ammunition, and sufficient supplies, so that they could rest assured to fight.

The zombies close at hand rushed over, but these team members did not panic. Instead, they took out their weapons neatly and looked at the zombies as if they saw a dead person.

After training, they are old fritters who have fought against zombies many times. There is really no need to be afraid of these ordinary zombies. The number of them is dominant, but when they meet each other, it is almost one at a time.

"Be careful all, Ergou, you guys, come on."

Through the communicator in the team, Fan Weicheng's words reached every team member's ears. There is already a communicator, which can be regarded as a standard configuration for new human soldiers.

Ergou and the others, holding binoculars for alert, mainly observing the surrounding sky.

Fan Weicheng took off his machete, leaped and rushed out, and the zombie who had just rushed over happened to be in front of him. The machete swept across and chopped off the head of the front zombie.

Fan Weicheng, who rushed into the group of zombies, was very fierce. Every time the machete cuts out, it means that the head of a zombie has been chopped off.

The team members are also the lowest level new They have undergone a lot of training and actual combat. They are carefully selected special warfare teams. They will go deep into the zone controlled by the zombies, specifically for the level. Zombie.

Ordinary zombies will be handed over to the next ordinary team, and they will eliminate these ordinary zombies with their guns.

The battle now is more like an appetizer.

Hundreds of zombies, under Fan Weicheng's sword, became corpses in a few minutes.

These corpses were cleared away, pulled aside, and thrown directly into the fields on the side of the road, which were regarded as fertilizer. The cleanup is to make this highway unblocked.

It only took less than ten minutes, and the team moved on again.

For teams like Fan Weicheng, this new team sent two hundred and forty teams. They spread out in different directions and centered on Shanshi County. The task was to go deep beyond the settlement to clean up and behead all kinds of ranks. Zombies.

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