Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 666: Armored

? Harris, as the vice president of the O Foundation and a member of the DuPont family, naturally caused fierce reactions after his death. The plane came out from Huaxia to the high seas, and there was an accident. Anyone who changed this matter would think about Huaxia.

But the biggest controversy is that the plane sent a distress signal, but it looked like it was missing, and even a piece of debris could not be found. It is difficult to have any evidence to prove it.

In fact, the people of the O Foundation are not only suspected by China, but the biggest suspect is Lu Chuan of Baichuan Guihai Company. Only he has the greatest motivation.

Everyone knows that the rise of Baichuan Guihai Company will never be that simple. Lu Chuan is more like a front-line figure. The success of cutting-edge technology requires a huge team, and even burns tens of billions of dollars to complete it. Lu Chuan, a civil engineering graduate, cannot do it.

Since there is such a strong team, if you want to solve a private jet without flaws, there will be no problems.

The people of O Foundation naturally focused on Lu Chuan.

The people of the Order Council who received the news couldn't believe it. The people of the O Foundation also dared to kill. Is the opponent a lunatic, or what? In their opinion, this matter is definitely not that simple.

The first reaction was the DuPont family, and then the US government.


March 14.

Lu Chuan arrived at the warehouse park, and the things that Yi Ran had to do were done.

In the huge warehouse, there are a thousand pieces of armor made of a combination of steel and steel cables. This armor is very large and looks a bit like a saddle in design.

The size of these armors is very large, but they were specially made by a large manufacturer in Handong City according to the size of the back of the corpse dragon. Under the high price, Yi Ran used a certain relationship to arrange a production line. , Specialized in manufacturing these thousand pieces of peculiarly designed armor.

Large-scale manufacturing plants, their manufacturing power is indeed Niucha, from receiving the design drawing, and then sending it to the storage park after manufacturing, it only took three days.

This kind of ability is not competent for ordinary manufacturers.

When Lu Chuan arrived, standing in front of these huge armors, he checked the size, and there was indeed nothing wrong with it. In the use of materials, the armor is actually a bit like a hook, which can hang objects on both sides of the armor to the greatest extent.

Huge steel cables, like textiles, each can bear several tons of weight.


Lu Chuan's task today is to collect these thousand pieces of armor into space, and then send them to the end of the world. This is specially prepared for the corpse dragon, and needless to say, it is for transportation.

The efficiency of the procurement company has to be admired by Lu Chuan. It is indeed a wise choice to hand it over to Yiran. In just over a year, its development has been jaw-dropping.

And Yiran's relationship channels are getting stronger and stronger.

After turning the armor to the end of the world, Lu Chuan didn't stay much, and left the warehouse park in a hurry.

The last experience made Lu Chuan feel a little hairy. He wondered if he stayed, would Yi Ran eat himself raw? Or what if you can't bear it and make a mistake?


March 15th.

Regardless of the crowds from the outside world, Lu Chuan arrived at the end-of-day biochemical factory early in the morning.

The time is short, so he needs to master more resources.

The resources of the last days are endless. The key is how do you gather them and how to use them? The most precious resource in the last days is actually human beings.

If you have enough humans in your hands, the capacity of virtual devices will not restrict you. An armor factory can be set up in the last days instead of being exposed to the outside world, subject to surveillance and speculation. If it were in the last days, who would doubt himself?

Not only these, but the arsenal also needs a large number of people. The research, development and manufacturing of weapons also requires talents and workers.

These hundreds of thousands of people in Shanshi County have been allocated cleanly now.

Lu Chuan needs to combine the end times and modern times to create a two-dimensional factory to serve the biochemical factory. With the emergence of the big background, mankind has completely become a supporting role, and the biochemical factory is the core of the two worlds.

The biochemical plant can stand out, the modern earth will be protected from disasters, and in this crippled world of the last days, mankind will get a respite, and eventually re-establish a new civilized society and become the master of the earth again.

Once oneself, the biochemical factory fails, the two worlds are played together.

The metamorphosis of high-level zombies, the longer the time, the weaker the humans will eventually be, and the humans will be completely wiped out in unknown years, making the world of zombies in the last days, without human existence.

There is no doubt that with this unknown power control, zombies will be immortal like perpetual motion machines. Don't ask what the principle is, Lu Chuan doesn't know, just like why this force can open the space-time transmission of hundreds of millions of planes.

There are too many things in the world that are difficult to explain. At present, this virus is not something that humans can study and anatomize thoroughly. It is more like a mystery.

The population plan, this is the plan drawn up by Lu Chuan, which is aimed at the entire Central Continent Province, to concentrate the population and then turn the settlement into a huge factory.

Countless survivors need to serve the factory, that is, serve the biochemical factory.

A thousand corpse dragons, they almost stay in the warehouse of the biochemical factory. Expanding to the negative twelfth floor of the warehouse, to be honest, it is not a problem to pack all the 200,000 zombies currently small.

When Lu Chuan arrived at the warehouse where the corpse dragon was, a thousand corpse dragons were out of sight. They lined up, waiting for Lu Chuan's instructions.

"In troubled times, we should use heavy codes, and we can no longer care about so much."

Hidden secretly like this will only slow down his progress. What if you can control zombies? The more you let them know, the easier it is for them to surrender, the greater the deterrence.


They can’t resist even the zombies in the wild. They have a biochemical factory, like a corpse dragon, with 1,000, and bloodthirsty claws, tens of thousands of swifts, more than 6,000 lickers, etc. Who will rebound? , Go directly to A, what will be flattened.

Over time, they will get stronger and stronger, and they can't afford a trace of resistance.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, these corpse dragons began to move. Under the leadership of EC1, the corpse dragons left the warehouse, passed through the portal, and appeared on the construction site.

The construction site is very large, but a thousand corpse dragons crowded here are very small.

"Next, I'm busy."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, one thousand corpse dragons, enough to keep himself busy for a while. Each piece of armor was placed on the body of the corpse dragon by Lu Chuan. This was definitely not an easy task.

After putting it on, use the buckle to fasten the armor to the body of the corpse dragon.

How to put it, it is to wrap the position of the back and belly of the corpse dragon with armor to fix it. On both sides of the corpse dragon, there are steel cables like weaving nets, with hooks and buckles fixed.

Lu Chuan is powerful, but this kind of armor weighs hundreds of kilograms, and after putting it on, it needs to be fastened with a dozen buckles, which is really not an easy task.

From early in the morning, it was not until the afternoon that Lu Chuan finished his work with a thousand corpse dragons.

Looking at the corpse dragons in front of you, they started from the roots of the flesh wings to the roots of their tails. They were all covered by armor, as if they were wearing an armor, suddenly making the corpse dragons more hideous. Fearful, but also more deterrent.

This combination of cruelty and steel makes people tremble when they see it.

"Huh! It's finally done."

Lu Chuan exhaled, if it wasn't for his level 6 genetic enhancement, he would not have exhausted himself.

Next, it's...

On the street outside the construction site, the zombies that were strolling here before, under Lu Chuan's instructions, they stood on both sides of the street and stood.

The previously armed exoskeleton zombie army passed through this street and appeared in front of the construction site.

The composition of the exoskeleton zombie army is almost composed of ragers and swifts, and a small part is composed of the tyrant T-002 and the tyrant initial test type. The rest are lickers and pursuers.

There are only 500 lickers in the entire exoskeleton zombie army, but they are covered by exoskeleton mechas. In this way, they appear as if they are robot monsters. This exoskeleton mecha is crawling. Morphological.

Of course, this covering is not all, like the mouth and the claws are exposed.

The lickers cannot use cold weapons, so they still keep their original weapons, which are tongues and claws.

Five hundred exoskeleton mecha lickers are already quite a few, and their combat power is very tough.

The pursuers should be the one that most resembles exoskeleton mecha users. They are equipped with anti-tank missiles, or anti-aircraft missiles, or rocket launchers. In addition, the use of the Vulcan Cannon, the bullet chain hung outside, is extremely domineering.

Whether it is a tyrant or a swift person, if the marksmanship instinct has not been strengthened, their effect on the use of guns is very poor, and it is impossible to play.

But the chaser is different. It is born to play with this zombie, so all of their exoskeleton mechas are equipped with real weapons, which are their main weapons.

Whether it’s the swift or the rage, they all use a combination of a war shield and a war knife.

The same is true for the tyrant's first trial model. The battle shield it carries is even greater, but on the weapon, it does not use weapons, but uses their alienated arms, which is more fierce than a battle knife. Anyway, there is an exoskeleton mecha, and people who see it will only regard it as a kind of cold weapon, rather than thinking of more.

Tyrant T-002 should be the real main force, and their balance allows them to outperform others in terms of strength, speed or defense.

The total number of exoskeleton mecha corps has grown to six thousand today.

It is not that Lu Chuan does not speed up the construction of the outer bone marrow mech army, but that the production capacity of the armor factory cannot match. In Lu Chuan's plan, this siege must definitely send the exoskeleton mecha legions out, and they are the main force of the attack.

Think about it, the zombie wearing the outer bone marrow mech almost ignores the bullet and the bite of the other party, just keep pushing forward. These exoskeleton mechas are pretty good, but they just lack the power system and electronic system, but the shell is unambiguous, it is really true, and it is made of alloy.

Six thousand exoskeleton mecha zombies arrived. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they entered the construction site, and then stood next to each corpse dragon according to different types of zombies.

"Get down." Lu Chuan issued an instruction.

A thousand corpse dragons in the circle of thoughts lay down neatly, surrendering to Lu Chuan's feet.

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