Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 683: Rumbling

? "Block messages."

"I'm going to see the president."

The Navy Command ordered this news to be blocked, but news like this one cannot be blocked at all. People who know that the U.S. military has two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers cruising in the Gulf of Aden do not know how many. They were originally a task of flexing muscles. There is no need to hide the media, so many media have reported.

When the incident happened suddenly, the two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers still used explicit calls for help. How was this news blocked?

To put it bluntly, this is just a fig leaf.

outside world.

The moment the news was received, countless media headlines immediately launched this news. Some news even interrupted this news because its influence is too great.

The two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers were attacked by unknown forces and then sank in the Gulf of Aden. This is definitely breaking news.

How to describe it?

Just think about the **** of a golden-eyed tiger. You touched it, and you still touched it several times. What will happen? No matter who it is, it is no different from death.

The US military is known as the global hegemon and the police of the world. Now someone has slapped a few severely in the face.

It is foreseeable how the enraged US military will react next.

First of all, we can be sure that the countries around the Gulf of Aden may be in big trouble, and the angry US military will definitely interfere with these places.

Or, for the US military, this will be an excuse for them to perfectly intervene in the Gulf of Aden. With the sinking of two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, no one dared to touch the mold of the US military.

The first is the satellite, which began to monitor the Gulf of Aden, looking for suspicious ships.

After more than an hour, several fighter planes appeared on the Gulf of Aden. They arrived here from a very remote air base, flying in a straight line, completely ignoring the national airspace issues along the way.

It just made these fighters feel bewildered. Yes, there was nothing on the sea where the accident occurred, and there was no piece of debris.

The two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers seemed to have disappeared, together with the admirals and soldiers on them.

In the report, inferences were made, such as being attacked by a submarine.

Considering that all communications from the call for help to the end were interrupted, it was only less than ten minutes. Inferred that the possible number of submarines has been increased to more than twelve submarines dispatched.

The issue is……

In this inferred report, even I did not believe that anyone would dispatch twelve submarines to attack at the same time. This is simply to start a war.

This report silenced both the Navy Command and the Pentagon.

After seeing the news that it was difficult to cover, the Navy Command made a speech, saying that this is the most serious provocation to the United States in the new century. No matter who it is or who is behind it, digging three feet will find the culprit.

At the same time, the President also delivered an important speech.

The military forces in the Middle East and Africa were immediately mobilized. The three aircraft carrier formations stationed immediately set off after receiving the order, towards the Gulf of Aden.

Not only this, but also from the local aircraft carrier formation, once again transferred two aircraft carrier formations, which will form an extremely powerful naval fleet. The enraged US military directly pulled out half of the aircraft carrier formation to show the world the strength of the US Navy.

This will be the most powerful fleet on the planet, a fleet of five most modern aircraft carrier formations in history, almost never before. Even in the Gulf War, the US military only dispatched three aircraft carrier formations.

The current U.S. military is completely angered by the Tyrannosaurus rex, and roars in anger.

The countries in the Gulf of Aden are already trembling. Facing the powerful war machine, they collapsed. After all, they didn't know anything.

Your warship ran to other people's door to stroll around, and then something went wrong. How could it be the responsibility of the countries in the Gulf of Aden?

However, no matter how wronged these countries are, they have no place to reason. In the face of the strong, they can only be a weak woman, letting the strong man of the US military do whatever it takes.

The eyes of the whole world are all paying attention to the Gulf of Aden.

Even the Huaxia and Polar Bears are the same. They don't know who is so awkward that sent two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to the bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, the incident occurred in the Gulf of Aden, which has little to do with them.

In particular, China’s **** fleet happened to be resting on the port. This is well-founded, so don’t worry about being suspected. Otherwise, in the style of the American emperor, some dirty water will definitely be deducted on Huaxia's head.

However, the U.S. military's large-scale move still made each department highly nervous.

When the U.S. military moves, it will be turbulent for the world, and they will also be affected. Who knows if this is a bitter trick of the U.S. military?

In the current situation, it seems that the nerves of the entire world have collapsed, and no one knows what will happen in the end. What we can do is to pay attention to the follow-up development of this matter.

Countless news media get excited, they don't care about so much, it is best to mess up the world, and then their bonuses are absolutely generous, so you don't need to worry about the news every day.

And the majority of netizens are boiling up, and they are all happy to see it for a while.


As the real culprit, Lu Chuan just checked the news after dinner and then ignored it.

From the moment the order was issued, the current result was within Lu Chuan's expectation.

After dinner, Lu Chuan began to toss Ye Lingwei, exerting 100% combat effectiveness, and letting Ye Lingwei fall apart. But in any case, Lu Chuan couldn't be satisfied, only she didn't let her breathe.

In the end, Ye Lingwei didn't want to move anymore, she could only apologize.

Ye Lingwei used Lu Chuan wherever it was available, her mouth was numb and her underside swelled and pained. However, there is a way to satisfy Lu Chuan without going through the hall, and Ye Lingwei has no move.

Ye Lingwei still had an apologetic face until she fell asleep deeply.

Looking at Ye Lingwei's apologetic face, Lu Chuan felt that he was a bit too mean, and he actually used this method to make them suffer.

"For future happiness, forbearance..." Lu Chuan babbled. Lu Chuan couldn't even throw it away. When he came up with this, he also had the idea of ​​not being separated from them, so he regarded himself as selfish and possessive. .

In the morning, Lu Chuan left a note to Ye Lingwei, but left Handong City.

Lu Chuan was tossing about for two nights, and the result was full of anger, but there was no way to vent the fire. Now that they are in the situation, how many more nights will there be a psychological shadow?

There is no way, Lu Chuan can only go to the deep city.

The weather in Deep City is much better than in Handong City. There are already people outside wearing only a long sleeve, so it won't be too far away from the heat.

When I arrived at the seafood city, it was just around noon, and the business here was so good that it was very popular. Now when it comes to seafood in Deep City, it is definitely the most famous.

Look at the seafood here, the real seafood is all rare and rare in size and variety. Anything, put outside, is enough to become a treasure of some seafood hotels, but here, it is just the most common.

Of course, if you want to taste it, the price is not cheap, every seafood is sky-high.

There are really many rich people. A meal costs hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of people do not blink. Here, their vanity got the greatest satisfaction, eating the big seafood that can't be found outside, all set off their status.

There is absolutely no simple person who can eat here.

The extremely expensive seafood, due to the introduction of some designated seafood services, the business is naturally so hot that it is necessary to book and queue. Think about it, if you specify a double-headed abalone, it can be provided here, and you will be notified to come and have a meal when the goods arrive. I am afraid that this ability is not something other seafood shops can do.

Even in the last month, a customer unexpectedly designated three blue lobsters, plus other seafood, and the direct consumption exceeded 10 million, which is rare in the industry.

This is not the point. The point is that Man Yirou's seafood shop can also provide three blue lobsters. This is the most terrifying. Through this time, Man Yirou's seafood shop is also famous for some wealthy people in the country and even abroad.

With good business, Man Yirou almost stayed here, her eyes narrowed with laughter all day long.

Man Yirou’s beauty, I don’t know how many wealthy people have thoughts, but the four indifferent female bodyguards that Man Yirou always carries around make people daunting. This is obviously a label for Man Yirou. the Lord.

Being able to dispatch four top bodyguards of this kind to a woman, and who are still female bodyguards, how can the identity be simple? People who have reached this level will not act because of a woman without knowing the opponent.

"How did you come?"

When Man Yirou saw Lu Chuan, he was full of surprises.

Lu Chuan looked around here, and said, "It seems that the business is very good."

Today's Man Yirou dress can only be said to be noble, abandoning the charming and non-tempting dress before. After following Lu Chuan, what Man Yirou revealed was always a well-behaved person.

From this point, Man Yirou is definitely a smart person.

"As long as I look at the prosperity here every day, I am happy. Of course, I can make money and I am naturally happier." Man Yirou's eyes were smiling again.

It is not easy to stay here for Lu Chuan's identity, and the two went to the office.

Very directly, Lu Chuan hugged Man Yirou and begged roughly. When he took off Man Yirou's clothes, Lu Chuan's blood spurted, because Man Yirou was actually wearing love? Interesting things, what a temptation?

There is a female zombie bodyguard assigned to Man Yirou, let Lu Chuan know that Man Yirou has not acted sorry for herself, but it can only explain one problem. In fact, this kind of dress is nothing but waiting for her arrival. That's it.

This is a woman who knows how to hold a man so, it also shows that in Man Yirou's mind, everything has Lu Chuan, at least Lu Chuan is the only one she is now.

Thinking of this, Lu Chuanyue was crazy.

The reason why she came to Man Yirou was because of her endurance, and the ability to live with her, which could satisfy Lu Chuan well, and that was the reason why Lu Chuan came.

At the time of the renovation, Lu Chuan didn't say anything, but for the materials used in this office, the top-quality soundproofing materials were used. As long as the door is closed, no matter how much movement is left, the outside will not be heard.

After waiting for an hour and a half, Lu Chuan left the office with Man Yirou with a blushing face contentedly.

The two of them simply ate something, but Man Yirou took the ledger and began to count it with Lu Chuan happily: "Since we opened, our total turnover is 760 million, and the cost is 200 million. about."

In fact, even Man Yirou can't believe this figure. This is just a seafood shop. Who would have thought that the turnover of half a year was so abnormal?

Especially profit, it's jaw-dropping.

The real cost is actually the purchase price of seafood. But Man Yirou knows that the purchase of these seafood is exactly like a delivery, and the price is basically the same as that of ordinary seafood.

Facing this kind of situation, Man Yirou can only attribute all this to Lu Chuan.

Having earned more than five billion in half a year, Man Yirou was naturally excited, it was completely like checking money. Of course, Man Yirou also understands that having such a turnover has something to do with these rare seafood.

"I will transfer this money to you?" After calculating, Man Yirou said without hesitation. She now has a man like this. In fact, money is in her eyes. It's just a number. What she likes is actually this career.

Lu Chuan shook his head and said, "I said, this is yours, including what you earn."

Man Yirou was not hypocritical, and said: "Okay, let me go first, you can tell me if you need it." After all, who is the man sitting in front of her? The richest man in the world, he is better than himself. A few hundred million is much thicker and is completely pocket money level.

The current atmosphere made Man Yirou very comfortable. She combined the ledger and asked, "How long will you stay this time?"

"I will go back tomorrow morning. There are a lot of things now. As you know, the following subsidiaries are at a critical time." Lu Chuan explained and said with a smile: "Get off work early?"

The meaning of getting off work early is naturally...

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