Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 688: Scout's daily life

? 120 kilometers away from the settlement of Shanshi County.

A troop of thirty new humans, one by one, they were huddled in a dilapidated house on a mountain, each carrying guns, but they were polishing the swords in their hands.

This place used to be an orchard. This house was built by fruit growers to manage the orchard. It was in disrepair and no one maintained it. Half of it collapsed when quality was not important.

For Ma Jianfei, he didn't care about this.

It is very close to the town below, and the location is the most suitable. Here you can almost see the whole town below. Through the telescope, enough to count the number of zombies below.

After fighting again and again, they finally arrived here.

Choosing here is actually to let the team members rest. Staying away from the zombies here, you can rest comfortably without straining your nerves.

But the players can rest, as the captain, he can't.

"Old Zhao, come here." Ma Jianfei, who was observing the town below, waved to Zhao Chengcheng who was not far away.

Zhao Chengcheng ran over and said, "Captain, what's the matter?"

In the whole team, the two of them did not have a rest. Ma Jianfei was the captain and Zhao Chengcheng was the deputy captain. The two of them brought this team together and showed up here, and they did not lose one person. They can have this result. The vigilance and strength are inseparable.

Ma Jianfei said: "I have finished observing here, where are you?"

"I have finished recording this too." Zhao Chengcheng laughed.

Along the way, the cooperation between the two was very successful. There have been more battles, and they can face any situation calmly. For a small town like this, there is not much pressure for them.

The other is that there are no zombies they can't deal with in the town, which is also the reason for ease.

"Okay, let's add up."

Like observation, it always takes two or three people to complete the statistics, and then analysis is not a battle. You don't just kill it hastily. In these last days, if this is the case, you don't know how to die.

The two began to compare and count the data, and soon they figured out the approximate number of alienated zombies in the town below.

This statistic is not 100% accurate, but it does not differ too much.

Only after one or two days of observation will they perform statistical confirmation.

The population of the small town is about 20,000 people. Like this kind of place, the foreign population is very small, and almost people from this town and village moved in.

After the statistics were completed, the two of them simply leaned on a rock, one lighted a cigarette and smoked.

Along the way, their supplies naturally consume a lot, but fortunately they have been replenished along the way. The materials in this world are so rich that countless villages and cities still have a lot to use.

Like cigarettes, most of the cigarettes are placed on the shelves in the hotel for a longer time, but some are well preserved and can be used. Therefore, there is no shortage of tobacco and alcohol.

The army has regulations that drinking alcohol is not allowed. This is the end of the world, and there are zombies everywhere, and drinking is to die. But for things like smoking, there are no regulations.

The two of them were talking.

"Have you handed in the decapitation results?" Ma Jianfei asked.

Zhao Chengcheng said: "I handed it in a long time ago. This is the result of the players' lives. The more you lose or make a mistake, I am sorry for the players. Haha, this time I have calculated the points. Very rich."

After a pause, Zhao Chengcheng asked curiously: "Captain, when you return to the settlement, what do you want to spend?"

Ma Jianfei spit out a breath of smoke and said: "After changing into a battle armor, in the last days, nothing is more important than life. Coming along this way, you know best. The quality of a battle armor is too important to us. "

"I have this idea too." Zhao Chengcheng pointed to the traces on his current armor. If he hadn't had this outstanding armor, he would have died long ago, so he could still jump around here?

"I heard that a stronger armor has been launched now, and I don't know what the points are." Ma Jianfei flicked off his cigarette **** and licked his mouth.

Zhao Chengcheng shrugged his shoulders and said: "We have been out for so long and we have been killing all the way. We are getting stronger and stronger now. Presumably, we will be able to earn more points in the future."

Indeed, the growth of the players can be seen. In the killing of zombies, any fear is useless. The only thing that can be done is to kill the zombies. There is no second way.

Under such high pressure, every player is in a state of breaking through or about to break through.

It was them, already a fourth-level new human, and now there are faint signs of a breakthrough. This excites them and is also a motivation. After all, they have been upgraded to the fifth level of new humans, and they are the top group of people in the settlement.

Perhaps it is this kind of stimulation that makes every team member become more daring to fight and grow at an amazing speed.

"Take another half an hour, and then do it."

Ma Jianfei took out the kettle, took a sip, and immediately spoke to the communicator. It has been adjusted to the player channel, so Ma Jianfei's words can reach every player's ears.

The communicator with one hand is standard.

From this point, I had to make Ma Jianfei sigh. Under the leadership of the boss, the current settlement is not known how much stronger than before. Not only is food and housing not a problem, but the equipment is also armed to the teeth.

After receiving the captain's words, the team members stopped the action of polishing the sword in their hands, and then walked back to the house one by one, for half an hour to relax.

Half an hour, and soon it passed.

Ma Jianfei looked at the time and said, "Prepare."

The team members got up one by one, and then sorted their equipment. For example, whether the armor is fastened, whether the gun has enough ammunition, etc. Generally speaking, guns are only a last resort and they are not allowed to be used easily. Everything is done by the sword.

Soon, this team of thirty people drove towards the town below.

No one spoke, everyone entered the silence, but their eyes were full of brilliance, their eyes became very sharp, exuding a strong fighting spirit.

Arriving near the town, you can see some scattered zombies on the road.

These zombies must be cleaned up.

"Quick decision." Ma Jianfei dropped a sentence, and the team members already rushed out. Holding the sabers in their hands, they ran, and the 100-meter champion was in front of them, which was just for abuse.

Approaching the zombies, these zombies discovered them, but they were greeted by the sharpened white blades, cut from their necks, and a head shot up into the sky.

Just like cutting a melon, all the zombies here were killed in the blink of an eye.

The team had already had a battle plan. They rushed into the small town, and then used their good skills to climb on the building to the top of the building. Zombies generally will only be on the street below, like acting on the top of a building, they can be avoided well.

Thirty people were moving quickly, and did not alarm the zombies below.

Soon, they reached the corner of the street, where they had a goal, a tyrant prototype. It's tall, it's so easy to recognize, even if it is far away, you can find its traces for the first time.

Ma Jianfei nodded to the tyrant's first trial, and gestured to Zhao Chengcheng, Zhao Chengcheng understood, and then took a few people to the roof of another seven and a half storey residential building.

"Attract it, after killing it, move it quickly." Ma Jianfei ordered the battle.

It is too simple to attract zombies.

Zhao Chengcheng nodded to one of the team members. He stood up directly, then aimed at this tyrant's first trial model, and threw the brick in his hand fiercely.


The brick accurately hit the head of the tyrant's first trial, and it suddenly shattered.

Ma Jianfei nodded secretly: "This kid is getting more accurate in throwing bricks."

The tyrant that was attacked tried his first model, and it immediately turned its head and found the culprit, then stepped forward and rushed towards Zhao Chengcheng's position.

The tyrant, who was more than five meters tall, stood up almost two stories small.

Zhao Chengcheng drew a javelin made of stainless steel from his back, and then held it firmly, breathing deeply. The few people beside Zhao Chengcheng also drew their javelins.


This was the sound of the tyrant's first trial type approaching. The next moment they felt a shock from their feet. Zhao Chengcheng, who had experience in the tyrant's first trial type, immediately shouted, "Kill."

First, he stood up, leaned out, and then raised his arm. The green veins of the arm holding the javelin were protruding from the roots, and the huge force exploded, and the javelin was thrown downward in the next moment.

Several people who acted in the same way as Zhao Chengcheng threw their javelins almost at this instant.

It was exactly like a cannon popping out of the chamber, and the six javelins fell into the big head of this tyrant's first trial in an instant, almost piercing the head.

It didn't take another second. All the actions of the tyrant's first trial type stopped, and then he fell stubbornly.

Being pierced by six javelins from the top of the head and pierced through the head, this kind of injury is fatal to the zombie. You don't even need a bit of struggling action, it's dead on the spot.

With a successful blow, Zhao Chengcheng smiled: "Go."

Whether blitzkrieg or guerrilla warfare, they want results. One hit was successful, and what was left was that he couldn't be besieged by the zombies and needed to be moved.

The group moved quickly. After shooting the first shot of the killed tyrant, they quickly evacuated here.

Using this kind of tactics, they spent a day and finally cleared the alienated zombies in the town. The gain is huge, and it is a lot of points.


When he was resting, Ma Jianfei found his communicator vibrated. After connecting, Ma Jianfei listened carefully because it was a communication from a settlement.

When leaving the settlement, the settlement has clearly given the communication distance, one hundred and fifty kilometers.

It is not allowed to exceed this range, because this will lose communication.

"Yes, I understand." Ma Jianfei said after a long time. After waiting for the other party to hang up the communication, he raised his brows and clapped his hands: "Guys, everyone came around. The boss just changed our strategy. "

When it comes to strategy and the boss, no one does not take it seriously. In the hearts of everyone, Lu Chuan is definitely a godlike existence, and they are in awe in their hearts.

Ma Jianfei said: "The decapitation operation is temporarily suspended. Next, we will try our best to search for Roshan. The boss said that as long as we find Roshan, we only need to report its location, and we can get one million points."

One million points were given out All the people present became short of breath.

This is a million points. They have been out for so long, rushing for hundreds of kilometers, and killing each other from life to death. The entire team has only earned more than half a million.

But now, all you need to find is a Roshan, which is worth one million points. How can you not make them crazy?

"The boss said that there are only eight places." Ma Jianfei's eyes were already blood red, and he said fiercely: "Listen, eight places, no matter what, we must get one."

"Yes, Captain."

The players below, one by one, have red eyes like rabbits, they are going desperately.

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