Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 728: schedule

The exoskeleton mecha is just one of the experiments.

There are still many technologies that Lu Chuan has just exchanged from the mall, and no results have been achieved yet. But Lu Chuan believes that it only takes half a year to conduct experiments.

This mature technology should be produced by the mall, and it must be a fine product.

The experiment is just to test whether it is normal and there will be no problems.

In other words, the current exoskeleton mecha can actually be manufactured in batches. It does not need to be developed like others, and it will take several years of experimentation before it can be transformed from a prototype to a mass production machine.

This advantage is incredible for the outside world.

According to normal development, although the exoskeleton mecha will not replace the tank, it will also weaken the main position of the tank, and it will become a situation where the exoskeleton mecha is dominated by the tank.

The advantages of exoskeleton mechas are too obvious. They are flexible and mobile, and do not restrict the use of terrain. After they are equipped with laser cannons, their power must be higher than that of tanks. There is a six-barreled machine gun, and the firepower is higher than that of the tank.

With the support of battery technology, when fully charged, the exoskeleton mecha can fight at high intensity for 24 hours. If it is only for cruising, it can be as high as 72 hours, which is far from the comparison of tanks.

The battery can be replaced, and the replenishment is also extremely fast.

The future war will be the home of exoskeleton mecha.

Of course, Lu Chuan also knows that exoskeleton mechas are actually just a transition. What can really replace tanks will only be the next-generation mecha technology of exoskeleton mechas. Real mechas are a kind of war that can be big or small. machine.

But the mecha is still too far away from the current earth. The current earth does not even master the exoskeleton technology, let alone the mecha technology.


The situation in Somalia has become very dangerous during these three months.

The U.S. emperor who was slapped in the face was naturally crazy.

In Somalia, the US imperialism has continuously increased its military power.

The first is the Gulf of Aden, where two aircraft carrier formations are here, deterring the entire Middle East and East Africa. Every small country lives on thin ice, and the atmosphere does not dare to take a breath.

The pirates in the entire Gulf of Aden are all huddled in their nests, preferring to eat steamed buns instead of coming out at this time.

It's a pity that the same American emperor who has gone crazy, regardless of whether you are alive or not, the special operations forces sent to cooperate with the fleet began to plow along the coastal areas along the way.

Under the attack of naval guns and missiles, we swept all the way. God knows how many people are wronged?

The American emperor didn't care so much, even if it was wrong, they had to rectify their names. The sinking of two warships, and the sinking of the two warships, was unimaginable in this peaceful era. If the dignity of the American emperor cannot be maintained, does it mean that everyone can provoke its world hegemon?

As a sovereign country, Somalia has protested to the United Nations even if it is still torn apart.

Whether it's useful or not is the same thing when you come back, and do it again.

Staying was their protest, just acting like a show. With regard to the torpedo boats in their hands, they didn't even dare to leave the military harbor, let alone take any action.

At the same time, the US emperor began to increase its troops in Somalia, increasing from the original more than 500 to 3,500, and it was still an elite division.

Not only that, but the US imperialism also announced that it has entered the fourth level of combat readiness to deal with possible national crises.

The series of actions taken by the U.S. imperialists put the whole world in a state of tension and affected the global stock market. All of them fell sharply, and only military industry stocks became active.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard the U.S. emperor tried, he never found the real murderer.

The other party seemed to sink into the sea, disappearing without a trace. Many countries are even wondering whether this was a military incident deliberately organized by the US imperialism to attack the Gulf of Aden?

As the Gulf of Aden not controlled by the American emperor, I always thought that the American emperor was exhausted and controlled like Panama.

Unfortunately, under huge resistance, it has not been able to complete.

Perhaps the American emperor wanted to penetrate here through this incident.

In fact, this is the idea that the American emperor made. The surge in Somalia is a preparation for entering the periphery of the Gulf of Aden.

The manor is also within the range of American imperial strike.

The other party had no reason to say, confirmed the target, and then five long-range ship-launched missiles rushed over and directly razed the manor to the ground, without being spared.

Fortunately, when the news has long been obtained, people here have long been empty, and what they destroyed is just an empty manor.

Lu Chuan knew that the other party was not really aiming at him, but the principle that he would rather miss it and not let it go. Building this on the beach, and let them take the opportunity to erase the manor that had damaged many agents.

The manor was destroyed when it was destroyed, and Lu Chuan did not feel heartache.

Shui Lingxuan's ability is really abnormal. Although it hasn't been in Somalia soon, its ability to manage the overall situation is accurate to every zombie. This kind of efficiency is beyond imagination.

In other words, none of the zombies are free, and all get the most reasonable arrangement.

"Boss, I have selected three agents so far, and are strengthening them, such as funds and weapons. At the same time, we are also implementing the grand alliance plan, and eventually the entire East Africa and the Middle East will be included."

When Shui Lingxuan chose an agent, she did not put her eggs in a basket, but chose three.

The environment in Somalia is too complicated. You never know if you will be betrayed and assassinated. Choosing three agents, the success rate is much greater. Once they are all alive, just let them twist together.

Supporting local forces was originally part of the plan.

Lu Chuan nodded and said: "The implementation of the hand of God and the establishment of the membership system have begun to take effect. If you lack anything, you can use the hand of God. After all, I have limited energy and cannot take care of it. On the Middle East issue, God There should be members in your hands, and you can also use them to facilitate your actions."

The number of members of Hand of God has now increased to more than one hundred.

Every member who can join is a billionaire, and the minimum is based on a billion dollar wealth. More than a hundred people, the influence is already very big, they are all over the world.

With the rise of the hand of God, even the wealthy who are not sick have tried their best to join this mysterious hand of God.

As long as it is a person, it will get sick, and no one wants to wait until the illness comes before coming to hold the thigh. The best way is to become a member and enjoy a series of benefits from the hand of God, such as ensuring good health.

In the upper class, the hand of God has proven itself.

Even limbs can be reborn, what else can they not? Based on this, no one can ignore the energy of the hand of God.

Almost all diseases known to mankind can be treated. As long as they become a member, it almost means that they will not deal with death at the end of their life.

I don't know how many people squeeze their heads and become members of the Hand of God.

The membership fee is 10 million U.S. dollars a year. This is the most common member, and there are higher-level members, like top members. The membership fee alone is 100 million U.S. dollars a year.

Indeed, the rich as long as they know the existence of the hand of God still wave a check.

It can be said that the current members of the Hand of God almost represent the most powerful group of people in the world. The energy they generate can even affect a country.

With this reliance on, many things are done smoothly.

"Understood, boss." Shui Lingxuan nodded, of course it knew the existence of God's hand.

The boss’s current layout seems to be irrelevant, but when the real layout is completed, it will come back together to form a force that will definitely shock the world.

In particular, the companies and technologies controlled by the boss represent a truly cutting-edge existence on the planet.


A flat area chosen as a rocket launch base. It is almost impossible to see the flatness here. It is only replaced by poor soil and sand, and occasionally there will be a clump of grass.

Under the cover of ar light and shadow, everything here is no different from the original.

But this is only the effect in the sky. If it is on the ground, you can see the construction site in full swing. Thousands of zombies are busy here, there are no large machines, some are powerful zombies.

A berserker, which acted as the head of a car, dragged a huge car body with dozens of tons of dirt to several kilometers away, and then dumped it in the valley.

If this scene is discovered by others, it will definitely make a global sensation.

Here, it is the most common scene. Every zombie is extremely hardworking, precise, clear division of labor, and no confusion. And all of this is under the command of Shui Lingxuan, and the ability to command 35,000 zombies at the same time, even if it is a large computer, may not be feasible.

There are various zombies, all under the command of Shui Lingxuan, doing appropriate work.

Without stopping day and night, the progress is naturally gratifying.

The rocket launch platforms constructed one by one appeared here.

Under the camouflage of ar light and shadow, these are not visible from the sky. Satellites, fighter planes, unmanned aerial vehicles and other reconnaissance methods can be seen, in fact, the original appearance camouflaged by ar light and shadow.

A road passing here was also cut off by the troops sent by Shui Lingxuan, and no one would approach here at all.

There are a large number of zombie dogs scattered all around, ensuring that no one can approach. The zombie dog's sensitivity to life, wanting to come and approach silently, simply doesn't work.

Under various means, this place is full of enthusiasm, but there is no mechanical sound, and it is not known by the outside world at all.

Who could have imagined that in this impoverished land, the National People's Congress would build 30 rocket launch platforms? This is simply a waste. Who has so many rocket missions?

Lu Chuan strolled around here and was still satisfied. Seven of the 30 launch platforms have been completed by now.

The command post is set up at a position fifty meters underground, and construction is also underway. According to the current schedule, it can definitely be put into use within half a year.

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