Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 731: Singles?

The execution power of the settlement was very high, and the plan that Lu Chuan had decided on was immediately implemented by various departments. For example, the two departments of the planning and design departments have already launched designs in response to Lu Chuan's requirements.

The other departments also responded immediately.

Propaganda was started as soon as possible, in order to mobilize the survivors of the settlement.

In other words, less than an hour after the meeting in Lu Chuan, the survivors of the entire settlement knew the two plans of the boss of Lu Chuan.

At the same time, these two plans were also sent to the new humans who performed the task through the communicator.

Lu Chuan didn't have the mind to pay attention to external affairs.

Sitting in his own office, Lu Chuan sipped his coffee and looked at the information sent by Jiang Ruixue. On the light projector, a large number of reports flashed. These data can best reflect the situation of the settlement.

Population changes, arable land area, fighting conditions, food consumption, etc...

With this piece of data, you can know every move of the entire settlement. There are no more than ten people in a settlement who can obtain this data.

Lu Chuan is now level 7 enhanced, with extremely strong eyesight. Although he has never remembered his memory, he has extremely strong memory. His eyes are very sensitive to these numbers, and he can see clearly with just a glance.

Compared with before, the biggest change in the current settlement is the increase in population, which has led to greater logistical pressure. In a disguised way, Lu Chuan needs to transfer more materials, and Lu Chuan himself has become more bitter. stand up.

Purchasing companies are now operating 24 hours a day to meet the consumption of more than 800,000 people. The amount of funds exchanged is absolutely amazing.

Such a large purchase volume makes it increasingly difficult for purchasing companies to conceal and keep a low profile.

What Lu Chuan considers is that it is still self-sufficient in the end of the world. Purchasing companies will gradually shift to only collecting some necessities, instead of as they are now, the purchase of food alone is amazing. As long as people pay more attention, you can definitely find some unusual places in the procurement company.

This loophole in the procurement company needs to be filled as soon as possible.

Many of them look at surface phenomena, but Lu Chuan can know the dynamics of settlements from the data. Data is not deceiving, and the problems it reflects are also the most real.

"The pressure is huge."

Lu Chuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. This is already the case for more than 80 people. If the three settlements discovered here move back, the population will exceed 1.1 million, close to 1.2 million, and the pressure will be even greater.

After reading the data, the current logistics reserves are almost empty, and they are ready to work.

"Boss, communication from the front line." At this moment, Jiang Ruixue knocked on the door and came in.

Lu Chuan said, "What is it?"

"Minister Yi is looking for you for something." Jiang Ruixue said.

Yi Zhanfei?

He has always been on the front line, and there are faint signs of breaking through to level 6. Worthy of being a first-class new human, his progress has surpassed everyone. Is Yi Zhanfei looking for himself?

"Take it here." Lu Chuan thought for a while, still ordered.

Jiang Ruixue nodded, tapped a few times on her wrist, and transferred the communication to Lu Chuan's smart wear.

"Boss." After the communication was connected, Yi Zhanfei's figure appeared on the light projector. With the combination of AR light and shadow technology, pseudo-level holographic projection can be achieved. Yi Zhanfei is like standing in Lu Chuan. The same before.

The current Yi Zhanfei was riding on a corpse dragon, hovering in the air.

Lu Chuan said, "What's the matter?"

Yi Zhanfei said: "The settlement in front of you has a population of about 170,000. Their leader wants to connect with you, and threatened that only if you compete with you and beat him, will the settlement unconditionally surrender."

"Oh?" Lu Chuan was also interested. Is the other party too confident?


Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "How is the opponent's strength? I mean the place where he lives."


When is it now, still playing heads-up?

Yi Zhanfei looked a little solemn, and said, "Boss, the opponent is very strong. If we want to win this settlement, I'm afraid we will have to pay some price."

Speaking of this, Yi Zhanfei said bitterly on his face: "In the first fight, I lost three corpse dragons and more than a dozen bloodthirsty claws because of rashness. The opponent’s air defense capabilities are sufficient. I suspect that they came from nearby. A lot of weapons have been obtained in the military base of China."

Lu Chuan touched his chin, then turned on the light projector. After confirming the location of this settlement, he also agreed with Yi Zhanfei's statement.

Because of the opponent's location, it was only more than 20 kilometers away from an army military base next to it. Presumably, they had acquired a lot of military base weapons in such a long time.

The weapons that represent China's strongest army, especially in air defense, must be unique. Equipped with a large number of air defense weapons, it must be cheaper for the opponent.

With so many standard weapons, they do have capital.

Yi Zhanfei's team had only one hundred corpse dragons and three hundred bloodthirsty claws. It was not a problem to win this settlement, but the cost would be a little high. Don't think that the corpse dragon is a decoration, you can manufacture it by tens of thousands, how can it be the pinnacle product among the five-level zombies.

"Okay, you take a break first, I'll pass now."

Lu Chuan hesitated for a moment, but decided to go and take a look.

I don’t mean to put myself in danger. I am now at level 7 genetically enhanced, with a Titan biological layer, plus a corpse dragon to protect myself. To paraphrase the biochemical factory, if it’s not a nuclear bomb, it’s really not easy to kill myself. .

Even the heavy anti-material sniper rifle has no effect on them. People in this settlement want to behave against themselves, and they have to have this injury to get their own ability.

Cut off the communication, Lu Chuan stood up: "I will leave."

Jiang Ruixue nodded and watched Lu Chuan leave.

Outside the headquarters, the corpse dragon has been lying at the door, surrounded by guards guarding him to keep people away from the boss's mount. Otherwise, the people around are pointing around the boss's mount, so how can they be?

As the settlements grew larger and larger and improved, Lu Chuan did not notice the details, but the people below noticed them and began to maintain the authority of the boss.

As a superior, this is necessary.

Mounted on the mount, the Shenlong stood up, and under Lu Chuan's mind, it flapped its fleshy wings and rose into the air, instantly disappearing into the sky, flying towards the distance.

The bosses are always in a hurry, and everyone is used to it, but there is nothing strange.


Shunan City.

This place no longer belongs to Zhongzhou Province, but to Southern Shun Province. It took Lu Chuan almost two hours to arrive here with a good wind.

The connection with the zombies allowed Lu Chuan to know the location of Yi Zhanfei.

Commanding the Shenlong, flew up to Yi Zhanfei's position, and soon saw them on the top of a mountain.

The corpse dragons fell to the top of the peak, and only the bloodthirsty claws hovered in the sky.

The commander zombie riding on a corpse dragon did not respond. This let Yi Zhanfei and the others know that the corpse dragon that arrived must belong to the boss, otherwise the commander zombies would have directed the bloodthirsty claws to intercept it.

There is no need to doubt the ability of the commander zombie, it has this ability.

Shenlong is different from other corpse dragons. There is a gold border on the armor, which is easy to confirm.

For the first time, Yi Zhanfei and the others all knew that this was the arrival of the boss. They stood up one after another, put down the drinking utensils in their hands, and moved with Lu Chuan.

When the Shenlong landed, Lu Chuan jumped down from above.

"Boss." Yi Zhanfei and others greeted him and shouted respectfully.

Yi Zhanfei is the second person in the settlement, but his power is all due to the trust of the boss, all power comes from the boss, and he is naturally very respectful to Lu Chuan.

This is not surprising. In a company, it is good that you are the president, but you will always be a part-time worker. It is very simple for the chairman as the boss to open you.

Whether you can stay and do it well depends on how your boss views you.

Lu Chuan nodded, "It just so happens that I'm hungry too, so I'll have a full stomach before talking."

Yi Zhanfei quickly had someone prepare a barbecue for Lu Chuan, which was packed in a bento box. Their food is very good, like this kind of war going out, they usually have meat and all kinds of cans, chocolates and cigarettes.

With the corpse dragon, they can carry a lot of things without worrying about transportation.

The corpse dragon can hover and take off and land vertically like a helicopter. For Yi Zhanfei, it is very convenient to use. It is almost unlimited in terrain and weather, and it is truly powerful.

Like now, they are still in the mood to roast meat, and from the top of this peak they can overlook the endless overlapping mountain scenery, which makes people wonder if they are here on vacation.

Because of the adequate supply and all kinds of condiments, they can barbecue.

On the top of this peak, far away from the place where there are zombies, the possibility of attracting zombies is very small. With the corpse dragon as a maneuver, zombies are really attracted, and they will leave here for the first time.

Lu Chuan took a piece and ate it slowly.

How did this meat come from? No one in the colony would pursue it, even Yi Zhanfei would not pursue it, as long as it was confirmed that it was pork or beef. Everyone knows the mystery and inconceivability of the boss, so naturally he won't cause trouble again.

In the settlement, it seems that these various abnormalities are selectively treated as non-existent.

"Talk about it."

In the communicator before, what was said was not clear.

Lu Chuan asked while eating He is a good boss, but he doesn't pay attention to the image. He just squats and talks to Yi Zhanfei.

Yi Zhanfei stopped, wiped his hands with a tissue, and said, "Boss, I blamed me for being too careless this time. I thought that there would be corpse dragons, it would be all right, and I would touch a nail without careful detection."

Lu Chuan waved his hand and said, "This is experience, and a certain price is nothing. As long as you can think about more and watch less when you encounter problems, you will earn it."

"Yes, boss." Yi Zhanfei showed a shameful expression.

Lu Chuan said, "The other party's leader, have you tried his fictitious reality?"

"Boss, the opponent is very strong." Yi Zhanfei smiled bitterly. Although he was at level 5, he had already shown signs of breakthrough, but he couldn't see through the opponent at all. He played against him and thought he was not the opponent at all.

Yi Zhanfei estimates that the opponent's level is definitely above level 6.

With this level, no wonder he dared to yell at the boss and even made the settlement resist. . m.

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