Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 750: Warship as a fort

The ammunition obtained in the military port is really not something you can use as you want.

Take missiles as an example. Without a corresponding launch platform, they can’t be shot out at all, which is similar to a pile of scrap iron. This time the harvest, these missiles want to use them, but also need to be modified to adapt them to the launch platform of the current settlement.

Lu Chuan didn't understand these things. After all, they weren't from a military background.

Lu Chuan didn't understand, but Sun Hongguang and the others did. Just leave these things to them. For example, the imitation launch platform, for them, there is really no technical difficulty.

You must know that Sun Hongguang used to be a national defense expert and a chief technical expert in the field of advanced weapons.

With their worry, Lu Chuan can rest assured.

Whether it's the ammunition in the military port or the warships, they are actually prepared for the settlement. These Huaxia weapons, Lu Chuan can't bring them to modern times. Once exposed, the violent Huaxia will swallow himself.

Now the Baichuan Guihai Company is in China, this is really not a joke.

There is no way to repair these warships in the settlement, but Lu Chuan does not need them to repair...


Early in the morning.

In the settlement, a new human force of thousands of people rushed out of the settlement, and then on the highway on the edge of Shanshi County, and then dispersedly stationed in three steps.

The highway has been cleared long ago. Along the highway for dozens of kilometers, the cars on it are either towed away and turned into scrap iron, or some useful repairs or use, or parts.

As Lu Chuan increased its efforts in logistics, the advent of fuel allowed many people to drive cars, and the restoration of hydropower stations allowed electric cars to run again.

"Have you heard? The boss has big moves."

"What's the big move?"

"I really don't know this, I just know it's on the highway outside."

"Is the boss going to use magical powers again?"

"Early in the morning, the New Human Force has maintained order, I am afraid it is really true."

In the settlement, the discussion is endless.

In addition to the survivors who went out to work, there are not many survivors in Shanshi County. There are also 300 to 400,000 survivors. One of them serves the arsenal and the other is the agriculture here.

It is now June, and the cultivated farmland has reached the stage of final topdressing, which also means that the harvest is not far away. It will get rid of the predicament that Lu Chuan has carried over from modern times. It is a good start for self-sufficiency. .

It seems that there is no stopping, and those who do good things are naturally onlookers with great interest.

According to the news circulating in the settlement, the boss has turned a dozen warships and disappeared. Now that such a large section of highway has been cleared, is this the rhythm of releasing the warships?

Several bulldozers drove onto the highway, and then flattened the central guardrail, turning it into an extremely wide area, flattening it for almost one kilometer.

Not only that, some flat areas around the settlement area were cleaned up, forming a clearing. There are more than a dozen of them, all of which are guarding the settlement area.

When Lu Chuan arrived, there were crowds all around, and people on both sides of the highway were at least tens of thousands of people.

There are also rest systems in settlements, and it is normal for tens of thousands of idlers to rest.

"Long live the boss!"

I don't know who yelled a word, and the whole scene exploded in a moment.

"Long live the boss..."

"Long live the boss..."

The sound of wave after wave went straight up to the sky.

Fortunately, within a hundred kilometers of Shanshi County, with the exception of Zhongzhou City, basically the zombies have been wiped out, and there is no need to worry about the noise here attracting zombies.

And in the sky a hundred kilometers away, there are a large number of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws on alert, they will hunt nearby flying zombies and prevent them from entering this airspace.

Once higher-level flying zombies are discovered, their deaths will alarm the commander's zombies and send more zombies to intercept them.

In addition, the farmland also has perfect air defense firepower, which is sufficient to ensure the absolute safety of the airspace.

Lu Chuan smiled and waved his hand, but instead caused a louder noise.

It is rare for Yi Zhanfei to live in a settlement, so naturally they came here with Lu Chuan. Like Lu Chuan's dog-legged children Chu Bin and Wu Jiang, they were naturally not absent.

Not to mention them, people like Sun Hongguang, Luo Changqing, Zhao Beijiang and others with high status in the settlement have also arrived. Knowing that Lu Chuan would move a dozen warships to the highway, how could they be absent for this moment?

Like Sun Hongguang and Luo Changqing, they have been dealing with scientific research all their lives. The gods and ghosts said that they believed it, and even this last days is also traceable. Viruses are related to genetics and have scientific basis.

But it is really like the supernatural power of the boss in the rumors, but it makes them unable to figure it out.

Arriving here, a crowd of people came down, which attracted more calls.

Everyone in the colony is a person of great prestige, and now it is a relatively rare grand scene to appear collectively. In the last days, everyone is struggling, and it is these people who have allowed them to have a life that they cannot imagine now. Anyone who has experienced these seven or eight years of life knows that all this is hard-won.

After all, the human heart is long, and even the fierce generation wants this kind of stable life.

"Boss, can it really work?"

Zhao Beijiang asked tentatively. To be honest, he couldn't believe it no matter how amazing it was in the settlement, after all, this completely violated the knowledge of physics.

In fact, this time they came, they mainly wanted to see is believable.

Besides, it is difficult to have entertainment in the settlements. Everyone works all day, so it is difficult to have such a chance to get together. How should I put it, Quandang is to relax himself.

Lu Chuan laughed: "Is it okay? You'll know after you try."

There are new humans here maintaining order, so there is no need to worry about anyone coming in. The rules in the settlement are very strict, and no one dares to mess around.

As if thinking of something, Lu Chuan turned his head and said, "Zhan Fei, congratulations."

With a faint smile on his face, Yi Zhanfei said, "Everything is the completion and cultivation of the boss."

After returning this time, Yi Zhanfei returned only after he was promoted to the sixth-level new human. He is the first new human in the settlement to be promoted to level 6, after him, there are more than a dozen people who are about to be promoted.

If it hadn't been for Yi Zhanfei to be freed from the headquarters, no matter how talented he was, he would be surpassed by others.

The promotion of Yi Zhanfei now proves that his talent and hard work are indeed the number one in the settlement.

The people next to him are all coming over to Dao Xi. The emergence of a sixth-level new human is of great significance to mankind. It shows that the power of mankind is recovering and it can be regarded as the first step to reverse the disadvantage of mankind.

No matter how large the boss's army of zombies is, in their hearts, there is no sense of identity after all. Only the strength of real humans can let them see the hope of human beings.

"Thank you, everyone, I am away all year round, and I beg you for everything in the settlement." Yi Zhanfei's personality has already been reduced a lot, and he has not been flaunted because of his strength.

"Don't dare."

"this is necessary."

Of course, Zhao Beijiang and the others did not dare to entrust them, and the boss was still on the sidelines.

Lu Chuan looked at the time. The sun was already rising from the horizon. He took a few steps forward, and naturally some new humans took a sharp breath and shouted, "Quiet."

Needless to say, the lung capacity of the new human beings, the strengthening of genes makes the voice extremely loud. This loud roar suppressed the discussion here, and the audience became quiet.

Lu Chuan smiled and walked to the middle of the highway under everyone's gaze.

The eight-way highway, plus the central location, is enough for a warship. The warship is big, but its bottom is not as big as the shipboard. It is not a problem to release them on this highway.

Deifying oneself and condensing the settlements into one strand is another kind of strengthening.

With the zombie army alone, when people obey, they will be a little frightened. When humans grow up, Lu Chuan does not know what resistance they will have. The best way is to get themselves deep into their hearts. Inside, make them in awe.

And deification is precisely the most commonly used method in human civilization for thousands of years. Everyone knows that there is no **** in the world, but they still want gods to appear and believe in gods.

To the middle of the expressway, Lu Chuan glanced back at the crowd, but he waved his hand gently.

Under his mind, a guided missile destroyer in the storage space appeared instantly, and then placed on the highway.

No matter how good the quality of the highway is, it cannot withstand this guided missile destroyer with a full load of nearly 7,000 tons, and it just shattered and dented, forcibly sinking into almost half a meter.

You don't need to look at it, you also know that this is the famous 52d.

Although it is still, no one can ignore its mighty domineering.

Such a behemoth suddenly appeared, and the visual impact it gave people was undoubtedly huge. No one would have thought that the boss could really bring a guided missile destroyer here.

Zhongzhou City is an inland city, thousands of kilometers away from the ocean, but here, there is a guided missile destroyer. Just think about it, it makes people feel crazy and incredible.


There was a burst of exclamation from the people around, and everyone's eyes were round.

It is so true, in front of so many people, it can be said that everyone is in full view, how can there be false? Besides, this steel war monster, it stays here, so real in the sun, how can it be an illusion?

Standing in front of this guided missile destroyer, Lu Chuan was extremely small compared to this warship, but in the eyes of everyone, the boss was so tall and huge, but like a toy, he was at the mercy of Lu Chuan.

Looking at this warship, Zhao Beijiang and the others were all open-mouthed, no matter how they didn't believe it, but in the face of the facts, they had to believe it.

Sun Hongguang was very excited. He did not expect that in his lifetime, he could personally touch this kind of national weapon.

Thinking of what the boss said before, Sun Hongguang was shocked. The boss meant to place these warships here as a fixed gun emplacement, and use the vertical launch system above to increase air defense.

And what they need to do is to make the warship run, at least the weapons on it can be put into use.

This task is not very difficult for Sun Hongguang. Because now it is just overhauling, and then doing a few simple repairs can make this warship burst into powerful combat effectiveness.

The arsenal still possesses such technical capabilities.

(=Easy to read novels)

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