Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 757: Horror spread

The police station in Manchester initially thought it was an ordinary murder, but when it knew that Pfizer was involved, and that a billionaire was involved, it became known that it was a big deal.

So the police rushed out in Manhedun and appeared in the streets and alleys.

The hotel where Edmund stayed was even more surrounded.

When they arrived at the presidential suite where Edmund died, they found nothing. No matter what method they used, they could not find a trace, as if Edmund had committed suicide.

But from the scene, anyone who is not blind knows that it is impossible for Edmund to commit suicide.

The question is, it is not Edmund who committed suicide, but who can kill him in the room silently?

Through the various cameras that were called out, there was nothing unusual in the video from Edmund and his party arriving at the hotel, and then entering the room. After Edmund entered the room, he never opened the door, and the glass was sealed again. It was impossible to open the glass without a trace.

Even when Edmund's death was discovered, no one else appeared on the camera.

Like a supernatural event, Edmund's death let everyone in the police station know that they had a difficult problem. It happens that a billionaire is involved now, and they cannot be tolerated.

There is no way, they can only control Edmund's bodyguards and assistants for the first time.


The Ghost Guard is like a trip to the U.S. Empire, first to New York, and after finishing everything, he once again appeared in the New York airport.

Using the same method, while invisible, boarded a flight to Washington.

A few hours later, the Ghost Guard appeared in Washington.

The ghost guard's character bears thick traces of zombies, and it can always act directly, without being muddled. After arriving in Washington, the route taken is to pass the purpose of the goal.

"McDonald, Director of the Executive Board of the World Bank."

This is the second goal.

The World Bank, which was established at the end of World War II, is indeed very glamorous in its writing, but in fact, it is only a company that harvests the results of World War II. It is difficult to find who is behind it, but Lu Chuan Knowing is the order meeting.

To make the other person hurt, these are enough warnings.

Through the information source of the Hand of God, the Ghost Guard appeared on the outskirts of Washington, where there was a huge estate area, where all dignitaries and wealthy people lived.

In the United States, many dignitaries were wealthy, so it’s not a big deal for politicians to own manors or luxurious villas. It’s normal.

Macdonald lives here and owns a not-so-small manor.

It was already dark at this time, but the Ghost Guard knew that MacDonald was in the manor, and there was nothing wrong with the message of the Hand of God, because it was not difficult to get some news.

"It's here."

The Ghost Guard confirmed that the address was not missed, and with a light leap, he had already climbed the tall fence lightly and entered the interior of the manor.

A lot of sightseeing plants are planted here, there are more than a dozen ferocious giant dogs, more than 20 bodyguards and more than a dozen servants serve here.

The building in the distance is bright, but here is a small party.

The ghost guard in the invisibility state swaggered through the crowd, and soon saw MacDonald in the crowd. He didn't do it for the first time, but walked to a pillar, and the Ghost Guard leaned on the pillar, waiting.

I have to say that as a billionaire, MacDonald’s life is absolutely luxurious. In this small party, a dozen socialites are dressed **** and open here. Several MacDonald’s friends have left and right arms from time to time. The scene of the party, I don't know how many men's envy and jealousy are attracted.

In time, there will be some people who can't bear it, and one or two of them will leave to the back room.

Ten minutes later, MacDonald hugged two extremely **** socialites and walked towards the room in the manor with a smile.

As soon as MacDonald, who was the host, left, not to mention the people at the scene. Almost every man had two or three people and started a new round of human battle.

Although Ghost Guard is a female, there is no emotional fluctuation when witnessing this.

It followed McDonald's, and when walking towards a corridor, it passed the corner, but it suddenly accelerated, jumped up, and flipped over McDonald's head in the air.

In an instant, after the ossification of his right hand, he swept across MacDonald's neck.

The ghost guard's ossified blade is so terrible that even the tank can be cut as tofu. The neck of this ordinary person is not to mention, there is no trace of muddy.

When it fell, the Ghost Guard didn't make a single sound, and he slapped hard and disappeared into this corridor.

"My dear, I can't wait to taste your big bird."

A more slutty socialite, she speaks blatantly, her voice is very charming, her voice alone is enough to make men crazy. Under the light makeup, she is very beautiful, and she is definitely a rare stunner.

However, the next moment the two of them felt some water sprayed on their faces.

They drunk five or six minutes drunk and touched it subconsciously, only to find a strong smell of blood, but at first glance, they were full of blood.

But McDonald, who had put his arms around them before, became so heavy at this moment that they could hardly support them.


The socialite who had just spoken turned her head, but saw a scene that scared her soul.

MacDonald's head was slowly sliding down from his neck, close at hand. You can imagine how terrifying this scene is. As the head fell, blood spurted out from the broken part of the neck, which was more than two meters high.

The endless panic caused the two to throw McDonald's body and fell to the ground struggling to scream.

Throughout the manor, they could hear their heart-piercing screams.

When the bodyguards arrived, the scene they saw also changed their faces. Their employer was cut off in his own manor.

The ghost guard left the manor step by step, and the screams and riots here had no effect on it.

"the second."


New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago.

For the police stations in these five cities, it was definitely a disaster. In just three days, a total of five billionaires had their necks or their heads cut off.

The ferocity of the modus operandi and the great impact made them all caught in the busy.

It is hard to imagine that there would be such a modus operandi in modern murder cases. For example, assassinations are solved by guns at most, so how can they use cold weapons?

What's even more outrageous is the death of these people, full of creepy feeling, the horror is like a ghost film.

Take MacDonald as an example. He and two socialites walked in the corridors of his estate, and then silently, without even finding the two socialites he was hugging, their heads were cut off. .

When hearing this account, the chief of the Washington Police Department almost wanted to beat the two **** women. Isn't this slandering his IQ? Obviously, the other party is lying.

The worst death was an independent director of the Boeing Company in Boston. His entire head was shattered by an unknown force. The entire room was full of debris from his head. It was horrible.

"This is a new round of terrorist attacks."

The deaths of the five top wealthy people, coupled with the influence of their companies and organizations, could not be suppressed at all, and it was immediately reported by the world.

A new round of panic is spreading in the circle of American billionaires. No one knows whether it will be his turn next. Whether these people's deaths are accidents or are targeted at their billionaires. ?

In a terrible place, I don't even know who killed someone, and there is no shadow.

No matter how much police force is invested, by any means, the opponent is like a ghost, coming and going without a trace, and then causing death. This is the most terrible, because you don't know if the other person is by your side.

Especially this extremely cruel way of death made them think that it is difficult to sleep.

In the circle of billionaires, a tacit understanding suddenly formed and began to put pressure on the US imperial government. One by one, the top rich people stepped up, bombarded the police station's inaction, and fabricated such ridiculous stories. What ghosts or clues could not be found is simply shirking responsibility.

As a result, the pressure on the police department can be imagined. The rich people in the United States are all directed to the police department.

This incident, under the undaunted media reports, the public in the United States knew about this incident, and after understanding the whole story, they only felt a chill in their neck.

As a last resort, the FBI had to intervene in the case.

But how can the ghost guards be able to find out what they are doing? The investigators arrived without a clue, and all they could do was come to a conclusion that the same person was the one who shot.

The other party came and went without a trace, God knows what city the other party is in now?

What can be done is to block major airports and terminals and deal with suspicious targets.


The U.S. emperor fell into fear, but to the ghost guard, it was nothing at all. Killing five people was like killing five chicks. Its last stop was Chicago. After completing the mission, it went straight to Chicago. airport.

Regardless of whether there was one to China, first boarded one that flew to Houston, then transferred to Canada, and finally returned to the capital of China.

Along the way, the Ghost Guard was silent and invisible, and no one would have imagined that it, which caused a frenzy of fear in the US, would be on this flight.

When the ghost guard arrived in Handong, the US emperor hadn't had a clue.


In front of Lu Chuan, the Ghost Guard showed the appearance of its peerless beauty, with a charming look that can give away the human soul. No one would have thought that it was the cause of the storm of fear of the American emperor.

Lu Chuan nodded: "It's done well."

It’s impossible to hide news like this, and now the world knows it.

In I don’t know how many people eat melons. They are discussing and applauding one by one. Anyway, it happened in the United States, which is too far away from their ordinary people. Naturally, they are watching the fun.

The Ghost Guard stood behind Lu Chuan, standing with his hands down.

Lu Chuan didn’t care either. He picked up the phone, called Yi Ran’s cell phone, and said, “To reveal a message to the other party is just the beginning. I need an explanation, otherwise the identity of the dead person will be more prominent. Maybe It will be the turn of the family members."

"Yes, boss." Yi Ran's voice came out.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan closed his eyes, but his fingers were tapping the handrail lightly.

Sending out this message is to admit that all this is done by myself, and there is no room for reversal between the meeting and the order.

But... what about this?

If the other party dares to play like this, I let them know that when it comes to playing this one, they don't even deserve to lift their shoes. If he really wants to play, Lu Chuan doesn't mind playing with them again.

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