Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 782: Get nothing

In the dust, Li Tiancheng took the lead in walking in.

This alloy gate is inlaid on the wall of the laboratory, which shows how powerful Li Tiancheng’s impact is.

The laboratory is a closed area, and the staff inside cannot escape this virus that is infected through the air and become zombies.

The alloy door was knocked open, and the loud noise caused their restlessness.

Facing Li Tiancheng, there were two swift men, and they flung their teeth and claws.

Li Tiancheng lifted the knife, swept it, and cut them into two pieces.

It was just the zombies of the swift, and the threat to Li Tiancheng was zero.

Cut into two sections, the upper body of the swift man still braced and crawled towards Li Tiancheng. They opened their mouths wide, showing their dark teeth.


Li Tiancheng's foot smashed the head of a swift man.

In the case of wearing exoskeleton armor, the boots under the feet are made of alloy shells, and it is not a problem to crush the heads of swift people.

The other swift man with his upper body crawled over, held Li Tiancheng's other thigh, and opened his mouth to gnaw. It's just that its teeth did not leave even a trace of the metal shell of the exoskeleton.

"go with!"

Li Tiancheng raised his foot and threw it out fiercely.

This half of the swift man was thrown away by Li Tiancheng and hit the wall hard.


Liquid was splashing everywhere, and the half swift man broke into sludge.

"Boss, safe."

Li Tiancheng looked around and said on the communication channel.

When Lu Chuan came in, there were corpses of zombies everywhere on this passage, mostly staff in laboratory clothing. After becoming zombies, they are trapped here and there is no way to get out.

"Search separately, be careful, because your goal is far beyond what you can deal with." Lu Chuan waved his hand slightly, and ordered.

The fifty-man rookie unit quickly separated. They were well-trained, divided the floors of their respective responsibility, and began to move.

Lu Chuan did not follow them, but went to the laboratory on this floor and observed it.

As the world's top laboratory, the equipment here is complete and advanced. It is not something you can buy with money. It is a blockade.

"Isn't it going to drive China crazy to bring these equipment back to modern times?"

Lu Chuan laughed.

For Lu Chuan, who had just arrived in the last days, he would definitely do so.

But now, there is no need for this one. Baichuan Guihai Company has entered into healthy growth. With the mall as a big killer, as long as the funds keep up, you can buy as many advanced things as you want.

Looking at this place, Lu Chuan felt more emotional.

The sound of the team members kept coming from the communicator, some reporting that there was no danger, and some reporting that they were fighting.

Lu Chuan didn't care about it. He was the first goal. Lu Chuan was more of a chance.

This time the goal is the tyrant T-003 in the seventh level, the pinnacle of the tyrant series. It is so strong that this laboratory can't trap it. If it were really here, it would have escaped.

In this way, it also means that this is a fruitless operation.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, they kept reporting that the team members who had searched here had nothing to gain except for slaughtering the zombies here.

The strongest opponent was just a tyrant T-002. He couldn't overcome any waves, so he was slashed.

Li Tiancheng is a seventh-level new human, and the lowest here is the sixth level. Tyrant T-2 can't get any benefits in front of them.

"Boss, no target was found."

Li Tiancheng made a report and already brought everyone back to Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Let's go."

Going out from the place where it just broke open, it is on the roof again.

Standing here, you can overlook this immense city with tall buildings everywhere. Like China, these tall buildings are covered with a lot of vines and the like.

Time has changed too much.

On the street below, there are zombies everywhere, but the density is far from that of Huaxia. They are sparser. Walking on this street, white and black people seem to give Lu Chuan a sense of nature.

Through brain waves, the Global Hawk fell from the sky for the first time.

The huge roar, after landing, attracted the restlessness of the zombies below. Flying zombies appeared in some high-rise buildings.

"Quickly, get out of here."

Lu Chuan shouted, these flying zombies are very simple to deal with them, just let the Global Hawk fire. However, the supply of ammunition for the Global Hawk is not cheap, and there is no need to waste it.

As soon as the Global Hawk landed, Li Tiancheng and the others quickly rushed in through the hatch.

The speed and skill of the new human are naturally agile, and boarding is completed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chuan entered the Global Hawk, the door of the Global Hawk was closing, and it quickly rose vertically towards the sky.

There is no flight, but the height is continuously raised, five kilometers, ten thousand meters, twenty thousand meters, thirty thousand meters...At this altitude, flying zombies cannot enter this area.

Throw them away, it is so simple.

Lu Chuan sat in the commander's chair without giving instructions.

The Global Hawk kept hovering. Through the high-altitude camera, Lu Chuan could see that the flying zombies below turned around and landed. When there were no more shadows of them in the sky, Lu Chuan issued an instruction: "Let down to an altitude of three kilometers."

"Yes, Commander." K001 executed.

The Global Hawk sank again and dropped rapidly, from a height of 30,000 meters, to a height of 3,000 meters in a short period of time.

"Launch a sound bomb and detonate it at a position of three hundred meters." Lu Chuan gave the order.

When I arrived in Los Angeles, I didn't find the tyrant T-003, and it was impossible to return empty-handed. At least the data here needs to be mastered, such as what kind of zombies and how many zombies are in Los Angeles.

To find out these things, you can only use sound bombs.

The sound bomb is actually the second-generation product of the sound bomb. The sound penetration is stronger and the sound shell is more violent.

K001 faithfully implemented Luchuan's instructions and opened the bomb bay for the first time.

A large missile bounced out, ignited instantly, separated from the Global Hawk, and launched towards the city below.


"Head, what are they doing?"

Matthew, who had been observing the Global Hawk, couldn't help but ask.

Jesse's eyes shrank and said, "They fired missiles, God, do they want to stab a hornet's nest?"

Launching missiles in the city, the huge sound will inevitably lead to the madness of the zombies, forming a zombie frenzy. This action of the other party is really invisible.

Of course, a single missile has a limited effect, and it will not cause a zombie riot in the entire city.

"Jesse, can you tell who they are?" Matthew can only ask Jesse because Jesse was a pilot.

Jesse shook his head. There was no mark on this fighter plane, and it was difficult to confirm its identity.

During the exchange, their eyes were on this missile.

The missile dragged the fireworks, and in just a few seconds, it appeared at an altitude of 300 meters in Los Angeles, exactly above the center of the city.


The sound bomb detonated, the warhead split, and the sound that came out had a feeling of piercing the eardrum of a person in an instant. The strong sound power and the penetrating power it had swept the entire city.

From the sky, you can see the remaining glass windows of countless high-rise buildings, bursting at this moment, and splashing glass like raindrops.

The sound of crashing was played in the streets.


There was a humming sound in the ears. When they were caught off guard, Jesse, Matthew and the others were almost deaf, and they couldn't hear anything.

This kind of metal cutting sound is not just news, but continuous.

Jesse and the others showed painful expressions, covering their ears, and screaming.

"Voice, zombie..."

Matthew seemed to think of something, his face suddenly changed.

In this city, such a violent voice, in the last days, what kind of consequences will be caused, he knows best. The zombies in the whole city will riot because of this sound.

Los Angeles they know best. There are a lot of extremely powerful zombies here, and they would never dare to disturb them. They are all scouting and bypassing them.

But now, the sound that is still hissing will definitely wake them up.

"We evacuate, evacuate here."

Matthew roared for the first time, but under the cover of the sound bomb, no one heard what he said.

"Asshole!" Matthew vomited blood with anger, and quickly gestured with his hand, first pointing outside the manor, and then pointing to the fighter plane at a height of three kilometers, making a firing motion.

A new human carrying an anti-aircraft missile on his shoulder nodded his head, and when he reached the window, he opened the window and carried the anti-aircraft missile. It was the first time to manually lock the 3,000-meter-high Global Hawk.


"Warning, warning, the fighter is locked."

Suddenly, a stern warning sounded, and the Global Hawk's high-altitude camera immediately captured it, and then projected the image in front of Lu Chuan.

Through the holographic projection, one can see a manor below. In one of the buildings, a window opened, and a man carried a large air defense missile and aimed it at the Global Hawk.

Almost at the same time, the other party launched.

The shoulder-type air defense missile drew thick smoke, soared into the air, and leaped toward the Global Hawk.

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes and did not command indiscriminately. Instead, he issued a command: "K001, free received." After K001 was authorized, he began to react.

In the opened hatch, two small missiles were bounced out, and they were ignited and launched instantly. These are two interceptor missiles, which are equipped on the Global Hawk in order to deal with these tracked missiles.

The speed of the Global Hawk surpasses that of missiles, but it is not always in flight. Like this kind of hovering, it is necessary to prepare to intercept missiles coming from an attack.

Two intercepting missiles, when the air defense missile was 500 meters away, one of them successfully hit and intercepted the air defense missile, exploding it in mid-air.

A huge fireball formed in the sky and turned into smoke again.

K001 is an intelligent program specially designed for war. Its combat capability is absolutely beyond Lu Chuan's expectations.

After obtaining authorization, after it intercepted this rear missile, two air-to-surface missiles were launched by it for the first time, dragging two long traces in the sky and rushing towards the manor below. .

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