Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 784: God

Lu Chuan frowned inadvertently.

It can be seen that the other party is not very good friend.

Seeing themselves, if they didn't figure it out, they just shouted and screamed. This shows that they don't seem to welcome them very much?

As long as it is a normal situation, you will not rush into hostility until you know the maliciousness. Now is the end of the world, the number of humans is scarce, and only humans can unite. The hostility to humans is generally not very strong at the beginning.

But here, someone yelled, and those who conform to it don't know how complicated it is.

This is not a good phenomenon, there is always something that Lu Chuan ignores.


Lu Chuan couldn't guess, maybe this settlement is too vigilant.

My purpose this time is not to conflict with them, but to the laboratory.

The laboratory in Los Angeles made Lu Chuan realize a phenomenon. This is that Tyrant T-003 is a level seven zombie. How strong is it?

To describe it, the tank in front of it is probably a toy.

The tyrant T-003 with this kind of strength is unlikely to be trapped in an ordinary laboratory.

For example, a laboratory in Los Angeles, which is built in a high-rise building, makes it easy for Tyrant T-003 to get out of trouble.

This means that this laboratory is absolutely impossible to exist in Tyrant T-003.

After obtaining the information in the City of Competitiveness, Lu Chuan only needs to synthesize the current situation, and it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that this laboratory is not simple and can trap Tyrant T-003.

Since it is not an ordinary laboratory, the laboratories listed before in his hands are almost useless.

When looking for this settlement, what Lu Chuan wanted was to get a piece of news about the settlement in North America. With the well-developed communications in North America, it is easy for them to create a communicator like radio.

With the radio, slowly, one by one will definitely be contacted.

They will have a list of addresses and settlements in their hands.

In addition, no one is more familiar with North America than them, and the only way to find a laboratory is through them. Find their colony and ask for information about their laboratory.

Only after this kind of classification analysis, it is possible to find the location of this laboratory.

Lu Chuan thought for a while, did not investigate why they were hostile to him, maybe it was the yellow race?

"I'm Lu Chuan, from China, I don't have any bad intentions, I just want an address for your settlement."

Lu Chuan still decided to salute first and then pawn. If the other party was willing to give it, he would save himself trouble.

Jones sneered. Is this man an idiot? Just ran here and asked for the address of the settlement? Moreover, from Huaxia, what does he want to do if he wants the address of a settlement in North America?

"No, we don't have any contact with other settlements. Now, please leave." Although Jones was jealous of Lu Chuan, he still didn't give Lu Chuan face, and issued an eviction order.

Lu Chuan frowned and said quietly, "Is there really no?"

"No," Jones said decisively.

Lu Chuan sighed slightly and spoke to them in English. It was really useless. His level, that is, the point where he could barely communicate, couldn't describe his aura.

Fortunately, the hearts of the non-my race must be different.

The last days are an age of power. Since they don't give it, there is nothing left to say, and it's over.

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes back slightly, changing from calm to release his aura. The seventh-level genetic enhancement is already a non-human existence for humans.

"If you don't give it, I will take it for myself. I believe you will regret it." Lu Chuan said sharply, taking a step forward.

Jones is jealous of Lu Chuan, or the forces behind Lu Chuan, but thinking that they are separated by the Pacific Ocean, no matter how the other party can't get here, what is she afraid of?

"Prepare." Jones waved and yelled at the same time.

Just one person, dare to run wild in this settlement, this is looking for death.

Hundreds of guns on the wall were aimed at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan smiled, but did not stop, strode towards the city wall.

A murderous intent flashed in Jones' eyes, and he waved his hand: "Kill him."

Several sniper rifles fired immediately.

The bullet screamed and hit Lu Chuan who was striding forward precisely.


What made their eyes wide open was that these bullets hit Lu Chuan, but it was as if they were stopped by a layer of invisible material. The bullets shattered, but they couldn't hurt the other's hair.

Many people on the wall were not aware of this scene, and the machine gun roared.

This kind of metal storm formed in an instant, directly covering Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan's face was flat, and his eyes were filled with bullets coming over, but he didn't make Lu Chuan a bit scared. Even the missiles can be carried by themselves, so what about these bullets?

In their shooting, Lu Chuan strode forward.

This scene made so many people stare out, their mouths wide open, and they couldn't believe this scene.

Even Jones was stunned. She had never thought that this would be the result.

As if irritating, Jones recovered and yelled: "Anti-tank missiles, blow him to death."

On the city wall, several anti-tank missiles locked Lu Chuan, dragging the flames and rushing over.


Boom boom boom!

Amid a series of explosions, a burst of dust rose.

Everyone on the wall stopped shooting and stared down. In their opinion, the opponent must be scum and there will be no more left.

But in the next moment, Lu Chuan still walked out step by step at his own pace.

"God, how is this possible."

"This this……"

"Anti-tank missiles are useless, God!"

The people on the wall were all dumbfounded, showing incredible expressions.

At this moment, their hearts trembled, completely subverting their cognition. It seems that just rejecting the other party's request was a huge mistake?

It was Jones who regretted it at this moment. If she knew that the other party was so strong, she would not dare to refuse the other party's request. Now, it seems to have caused a big trouble for the settlement that shouldn't be caused.

Lu Chuan moved his hand, but an anti-tank missile appeared on his shoulders and aimed at the city wall.

"Oh my God……"

Witnessing Lu Chuan’s magic-like technique, everyone once again tried to make their eyes round and staring at Lu Chuan. They could not understand how Lu Chuan hid such a large anti-tank missile. of.

It's just that it doesn't seem to be the time to care about this one, because the other's missiles are aimed at the city wall.

The city wall is tall and defending against zombies is not a problem, but it is impossible to defend against this kind of anti-tank missile.

With such a tall city wall in front of him, Lu Chuan didn't need to aim at all. He carried the anti-tank missile and directly pressed the fire button.

With a shaking on his shoulders, the anti-tank missile spewed out a strong flame, and instantly rushed towards the city wall. It doesn't even need a second. At the distance of 300 meters, with the initial velocity of the anti-tank missile, it only takes half a second.


The missile slammed into the city wall, and its immense power lifted the wall out of the sky full of debris, blasting out a hole that was not penetrated.

The city walls are thick and strong.


I don't know why the crowd on the wall of has a sense of cheering, because the other party did not penetrate the wall.

It's just that this kind of cheering just started and stopped abruptly.

When Lu Chuan moved his hand, the launched anti-tank missile launcher disappeared. The next moment it was replaced by a complete anti-tank missile. It also aimed at the position just now and pressed the launch button.


"Do not."

"The other party is the devil."

In a scream, everyone on the wall panicked.

The opponent is not one, it seems like it is endless.

After half a second, there was another loud bang, and the city wall trembled. This one successfully hit the same place before, and the penetrating power of the anti-tank missile penetrated the city wall.

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