Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 796: panic

The corpse dragons reached the sky above the town, blocking the sun.

Everyone felt very depressed, as if something was pressing on their chest, there was a feeling of breathlessness.

From the group of corpse dragons, a corpse dragon was separated, and its armor was inlaid with gold rim. You don't need to look at it, you also know that it is Lu Chuan's mount Shenlong.

The corpse dragon landed, and amidst a cry of exclamation, it landed in the small town, in front of Lu Chuan.

Not riding a corpse dragon in more than a week made Lu Chuan feel uncomfortable. Now that he saw the corpse dragon, Lu Chuan was also happy and turned on the corpse dragon.

Under his mind, the corpse dragon slapped the fleshy wings and brought Lu Chuan into the sky.

The whole process happened before Upton's eyes.

"God, he can control the zombies."

In the exclamation, how many people actually collapsed.

Invulnerability is no longer acceptable to people, and now he can still control zombies, how can people survive this special? Could it be that this is the chosen savior?

It would be better if you could control one or two zombies, but now looking at the number of zombies in the sky, there is no way to calculate how many there are.

Maybe tens of thousands, maybe 100,000?

God, these are Level 5 flying zombies, hundreds of them are already desperate, and now there are tens of thousands. Who can stop them?

No wonder he could arrogantly say that uncooperative settlements were flattened.

With this strength, it is not a problem at all.

At this moment, Upton and the others changed their expressions, and they looked at Lu Chuan and the others with fear.

After Lu Chuan went around a few times, he returned to the settlement.

Around the town, corpse dragons landed, densely surrounded by mahjong.

Looking down from the sky, the surrounding area of ​​the town was covered in black, forming a zombie belt that stretched for tens of kilometers.

"Sir, I haven't found anything yet."

When reporting to Lu Chuan, Upton's forehead was sweaty, but he didn't dare to try it. He thought he was very good before, but now he realized that in front of others, he was nothing.

Lu Chuan nodded without embarrassing him, and said, "Is there any information in other settlements?"

The sweat on Upton's face became more intense, and his answer represented that there might be a settlement that was angered by Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan didn't answer when he saw Upton, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Is there any problem?"

Upton shook his head quickly: "No problem, no problem. So far, no settlement has reported their progress to us."

In Upton's heart, he is now holding the idea of ​​a dead fellow and not a poor way. I can't take care of myself, how could I help them hide something.

Lu Chuan smiled and said coldly: "Very good."

After speaking, Lu Chuan stood up and strode out of this temporary office.

There is no biochemical factory in San Francisco, so Lu Chuan doesn't want to stay here anymore.

Among the settlements in North America, there are quite a few that are truly awesome, one is the New York settlement, the other is San Diego, and several others rely on settlements near military bases.

They think that they are strong and do not care about Lu Chuan. Their information comes from the military wealth they inherited.

Upton smiled and walked out with Lu Chuan, but was afraid to ask Lu Chuan next.

In fact, when Lu Chuan walked out of the office, his thoughts had already been sent to commander zombies. Under the command of these commander zombies, huge groups of corpse dragons took off.

Watching the corpse dragons taking off, Appleton's first thought was over.

This time, I don't know which settlement was the target of the operation.

"Assemble, let's go."

Lu Chuan strode out and issued a command through the communicator.

Li Tiancheng and the others moved quickly. Instead of using the Global Hawk this time, they directly found some empty corpse dragons and hung them up.

For Li Tiancheng and the others, it was better to hang them on the corpse dragon to make them feel comfortable.

Global Hawk is good, but not suitable for them.

Lu Chuan rolled over and rode on the back of Shenlong, took a look at the pitiful Upton, and said, "Stay well here. As long as you don't die, you won't die."

As if giving a gold medal to avoid death, Lu Chuan's words made Upton admirable.

"Yes, Lord Admiral." Watching Lu Chuan leave, Upton looked humble.

Shenlong took Lu Chuan into the sky. Lu Chuan turned on the light projector, selected San Diego on the projected map, and issued an instruction to follow.

For the first time, Shenlong led Luchuan in the lead, choosing the way ahead.

San Diego was chosen because they were arrogant enough, because they inherited too much military equipment. Thanks to these weapons and equipment, they have little loss in the end times and their strength can be preserved.

What Lu Chuan had to do now was to use them with a knife and kill a big monkey again, so that the chickens knew that their necks were not sharp.

The distance between San Francisco and San Diego, the corpse dragon group, carrying the bloodthirsty claw group, arrived in San Diego in just two and a half hours.

Lu Chuan, who has the address of the settlement, easily found their location.

They will not be too far away from the main city, because they need to obtain more supplies. However, the United States is sparsely populated, resulting in many places where there are no buildings for tens of kilometers, all of which are farms and the like.

This Upton did not inform the San Diego settlement, it seems that he is still very good at life.

The sentence left by Lu Chuan, if he didn't kill himself, was just touching him.

"Boss, what do we do next? Should I warn them first?" Li Tiancheng asked.

Lu Chuan shook his head and said, "No, since you are a monkey, you have to look like a monkey. Push it forcibly and use the most rude means to destroy this place."

The boss said so, and Li Tiancheng and the others have no objection.

The sky is big, the boss’s words are the biggest.

The group of corpse dragons that appeared, without any adjustment, rushed towards the San Diego settlement.

The huge group of corpse dragons was discovered by the San Diego settlement 30 kilometers away. Their outposts, radars, and the combination of drones, the appearance of the corpse dragons, could not escape them eye.

The reflection surface of the corpse dragons is small, but the tens of thousands of light spots are densely packed. Everyone knows that the situation is not right.

The information returned by the outposts and drones, with videos and pictures, let them clearly know the existence of the corpse dragon group, and the direction is coming towards them.

"God, what is this?"

"The corpse dragon, the endless corpse dragon, and the bloodthirsty claws."

"Why do these corpse dragons have armor?"

When the rulers of San Diego discovered something wrong with the corpse dragon, they were all dumbfounded. Because from the pictures sent back, you can see that these corpse dragons are wearing battle armor, not like the corpse dragons they know.

Through the pictures, you can see countless bloodthirsty claws flying through the corpse dragon group.

The corpse dragons flew smoothly, but on both sides of their abdomen, it was unknown how many soldiers in exoskeleton armor were mounted.

There are some exoskeleton armors that are several meters high It is daunting at a glance, knowing that this is definitely not easy to mess with.

Can't imagine their mood now, because they don't understand what the **** is going on, how can so many corpse dragons suddenly appear, and they are still fully armed corpse dragons?

As long as those who have witnessed all this feel a deep despair.

Fortunately, they soon discovered Lu Chuan, a young man riding on a corpse dragon.

I don't know why, they are like catching a life-saving grass, making them realize that this matter is not uncontrollable, and the key to everything lies with this young man.

"Quick, get into the fight."

"Send a plane to figure out what's going on."

"Talk to this young man, we need to understand what he wants."

The settlement of San Diego fell into panic when facing this kind of powerful enemy.

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