Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 802: The glory of the ancestors

Lu Chuan, who has already settled Shi Ruoyu and Ye Lingwei, is naturally able to enjoy the blessings of the Qi people.

Although the two of them have no status at present, Lu Chuan's affection for them is extremely real. Now the assets given to them alone have exceeded the 100 billion level.

For a woman, there is really nothing to force.

It was rare to get tired of them all day, and Lu Chuan became busy the next day.

The relocation of the headquarters has officially begun.

Regardless of the cost of Lu Chuan, the renovation of the headquarters is naturally progressing at a rapid pace, a full six months ahead of schedule.

Everyone is happy to finally leave this small place.

For things like this, Lu Chuan only came forward for a while, and then he entered the experimental garden of the headquarters.

The experimental garden of the headquarters is dedicated to Lu Chuan. It occupies a large area and is surrounded by plants of all kinds. Then there is a five-story building in the center, which is the laboratory.

There is nothing special, even the trees planted here and the forests formed here provide the convenience that too many people want.


Lu Chuan didn't care, after all, there are zombie dogs and many zombies deployed here, and even a fly will come in, and it will be discovered for the first time, let alone a person?

The building is just the surface. Under the building, it is actually an underground laboratory.

With the current energy of Baichuanguihai Company, it is not difficult to apply for this underground laboratory, at least everything is done under legal circumstances.

As Lu Chuan's new laboratory in the future, it goes without saying that it is intelligent, and the preventive measures are more stringent.

Because of its tailor-made design, it can accommodate more zombies and provide more security.

And around the experimental park is the company's land, but it is still idle. Looking into the distance, you can see the huge office buildings of Baichuan Guihai Company.

"Well, I will be a resident in this new laboratory."

The newly renovated laboratory is absolutely luxurious. There must be some supercomputers, and even a supercomputer group is formed.

Of course, these are just a stunner.

The luxury here is for Lu Chuan to enjoy himself.

In the new bedroom, it is located in the underground space, without much decoration, but everything is very valuable.

Lu Chuan is here, directly entering the end times.

In the future, this will be where Lu Chuan often stays. Like the previous beach villas, Lu Chuan will visit less. At the same time, the previous experimental center will also be sealed and transferred.


A manor a hundred kilometers away from Chicago.

Lu Chuan appeared and walked out of the room.

From leaving to returning, it was only less than two days. Lu Chuan didn't feel anything, but Li Tiancheng and the others had nothing to do. There was no electricity and water, and there was no entertainment at all.


Seeing Lu Chuan appear, Li Tiancheng and the others naturally said hello respectfully.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Why, it's boring?"

"Hehe." Li Tiancheng was just smiling, and did not directly answer Lu Chuan's question, but the meaning was naturally obvious.

The other team members, who were a little daring, said directly: "Boss, this place is simply a place where birds don't shit, can it be boring?"

Sleeping in the dilapidated manor is disturbing.

Lu Chuan could understand it. He smiled and said, "Do you still engrave the Eight-Nation Allied Forces back then? They invaded our country, burned, killed and plundered, and took away our countless treasures."

Li Tiancheng and the others are not stupid, they thought of something in an instant, and their eyes lit up.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Since you are boring, you can do something meaningful, such as finding the treasures of the American Emperor, and then bringing them back to our country."

"But boss, this is the end of the world, this thing is similar to broken copper, what are you going to do?" a team member asked.

Lu Chuan laughed and said, "Now is the end of the world, what will happen later? I believe that the end of the world will end. At that time, human beings will rule the entire earth as before the end of the world. At that time, these treasures will be known to our future generations The glory and glory of some of our ancestors."

"Yes indeed!"

Li Tiancheng and the others all nodded fiercely. What other reason is more exciting to them than this one?

Come to think about it, this can't always be the case in the last days, mankind will still rule the sky after all. At that time, they will have the capital that their children and grandchildren can brag about, especially when they go to the museum, they can proudly point to a treasure and loudly say that it was brought back by their ancestors from North America.

"That's a good idea."

"Haha, I don't know if there are still Mei Tei people, how would they feel when they see the things in the museum?"

"Just allow them to do this before and not allow us to do this now?"

"Think of them in the Eight-Nation Alliance at the time."

"Yes, take back all our previous treasures."

"This is called treating one's body by the way of a person."

Li Tiancheng and the others, who were successfully aroused by Lu Chuan's interest, became angry one by one. At the beginning, the American emperor had a share, but now it is just returning all this to them.

With the decision, Li Tiancheng and the others did not hesitate.

Fifty people were divided into ten troops, each of which carried one thousand corpse dragons and two thousand bloodthirsty claws, with two commander zombies for them, forming this kind of treasure hunting force.

Speaking of it, this force is already very large.

"Remember, everything is for your own safety. You can let the corpse dragon and the bloodthirsty claw go first, and they can give priority to sacrifice. In addition, send the bloodthirsty claw to guard and vanguard in a radius of 50 kilometers." Lu Chuan told. Tao.

"Boss, we know how to do it."

Li Tiancheng and the others are afraid of the dangers of the last days, and naturally they will not take it lightly.

No one wants to stay to protect the boss. Just kidding, the boss can face the metal storm without their protection. With this invulnerability, they can generously let the boss stay here.

On the contrary, they need to be careful everywhere.

In the last days, flying zombies can threaten corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws.

Soon, Li Tiancheng and the others were mounted on the corpse dragon and formed a group of troops to take off. Their destinations are already considered good For example, some museums in Washington, New York, as long as they have collected Chinese treasures, or famous collections, etc., are their goals.

Things like this definitely make people feel excited and full of energy.

Watching them leave, Lu Chuan gave instructions.

The huge group of corpse dragons that had surrounded here before, they spread out and disappeared in different directions.

Lu Chuan needs to guard against the people in North America. Will they risk using nuclear weapons to attack themselves? This is a possibility, it's not impossible, I'm still careful.

If the corpse dragons are scattered, it will be difficult for them to catch their tracks with radar.

Li Tiancheng and the others are scattered everywhere, also to prevent this one.

When the corpse dragon dispersed, Lu Chuan did not stay here either. Instead, riding on the corpse dragon, flying at an ultra-low altitude, he appeared in a mountain tens of kilometers away from this manor.

Here, there is a small villa on the mountain, which is used as a temporary foothold, which is not a problem.

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