Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 825: Armed tyrant

   On the day the experiment ended, the two aircraft carrier fleets on the Gulf of Aden were evacuated.

   At the same time, the military operations in Ethiopia were also terminated.

  Under the deterrence of space-based weapons, the US military can only put this matter aside for the time being. Regardless of whether Udad is behind the Baichuan Guihai Company, if the US military is not fully prepared, they will not dare to move easily.

   really destroyed this launch center. God knows that Baichuan Guihai will madly hit the United States?

  Unexpectedly, it makes people more jealous.

   The next day.

   Baichuan Guihai Company once again announced a global shocking video, which turned out to be a tall exoskeleton armor, hundreds of at once, stationed at the launch center.

   At the same time, Baichuan Guihai Company also announced that the launch center was officially opened to the world, welcoming tourists from all over the world and accepting global launch missions.

   A series of changes, less than a month, Baichuan Guihai Company from an ordinary company, a gorgeous turn, became a military company with global deterrence capabilities.

   I don’t know how many countries have already sent diplomats to China. They plan to discuss various technologies with the Baichuan Guihai Company.

  As for global sanctions, most countries have not paid attention to it.

   And all of this, it is rare for China to remain silent, and no one knows whether they support or oppose it.

   But in the eyes of the outside world, silence is originally a kind of acquiescence and indulgence.

   The relationship between Baichuan Guihai Company and Huaxia has become blurred. Some people have speculated that Baichuan Guihai Company is the display company established by Huaxia.

   After the deterrence, countless questions followed.

   Lu Chuan was very straightforward and made a hand-off shopkeeper. These last things can be handled by Zhong Hua, and Lu Chuan does not need to worry about it.

   With Zhong Hua's ability, it is enough to take care of all this well.

   "Sanctions will not be changed because of barbarism." NATO did no other actions, but the sanctions continued. This is not good news for Baichuan Guihai.

   The current situation has lost the European and American markets in disguise.

  Baichuan Guihai Company categorically announced that it would suspend sales and technology exports in these countries.

   "Let backward become advanced, let advanced become backward."

   The slogan of Baichuan Guihai Company is so targeted that Baichuan Guihai Company is not afraid of this kind of sanction.

   In this world, in addition to Europe and the United States, there are countless countries. Baichuanguihai will bring technology to these countries and completely change their national appearance.

  The world will stop moving forward without leaving European and American countries.


   August 20th.

  Nakasu City, biochemical plant in the last days.

   Lu Chuan appeared here, and the whole person felt a kind of relaxation and comfort.

   Different from the intrigue between modern people and people, in the last days, Lu Chuan is the boss, a god-like existence, and everything is based on his own will.

   The end of the world is also a place of disorder. Any unhappiness and dissatisfaction can be destroyed directly. It does not need to be reasonable or take into account.

   These things are not available in modern times.

   There are countless countries in modern times. No matter how strong Lu Chuan is, he still needs to hesitate and act in accordance with some rules.

   "It's still comfortable here." Lu Chuan stretched out.

   The matter of Baichuan Guihai Company was handed over to Zhong Hua. Lu Chuan didn't bother to mess around with these people. There were also a lot of things in the last days that needed Lu Chuan to handle.

   In fact, Lu Chuan also understood that he really couldn't handle the rest.

   When dealing with humans, I am far from being so experienced and unable to handle this kind of communication. Moreover, facing those who are clamoring, I can't help being angry.

   Controlling the Space Matrix, once he gets angry, the consequences are hard to say.

   Now that the deterrence plan has been implemented, Lu Chuan doesn’t have to worry about modern things anymore.

   All the development of Baichuan Guihai Company has its own laws. When it is already on track, it will continue to move forward without interference in many cases.

   Lu Chuan came to the underground warehouse.

   There are mountains of supplies here, and a large number of zombies are sorting.

   Now, the collection of materials by the zombies has stopped, and it is no longer necessary. The collection of materials in Zhongzhou City has little effect on Lu Chuan.

   After completing the classification of the materials here, ordinary zombies will become one of the zombies walking around, that is, there is nothing to do.

  To the next level, nine hundred Tyrant T-003s have long been lined up here, and they represent the most peak combat performance in Lu Chuan's hands.

   "The violent soldiers can't afford to be injured."

   Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, took a hundred of them outside of Hyundai, and made a total of one thousand. It cost more than 30 billion before and after, a huge expenditure.

  Baichuan Guihai Company’s money is horrible, but it can’t stand it.

   Now NATO is convenient for sanctioning Baichuan Guihai Company, which has a very large impact on the source of income. If there is no way to increase income, Lu Chuan will face the point where there is no money available.

   Do not think that Baichuan Guihai Company makes a lot of money, but its expenditure is also terrifying.

   Lu Chuan’s squandering is tens of billions of dollars. It’s like the exchange and purchase of every technology, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of flowers, a global hawk is three trillion.

   With this method of spending money, Baichuan Guihai Company's profitability is far behind.

   smiled bitterly, but Lu Chuan moved his hand.

   In front of Lu Chuan, a large mountain of exoskeleton armor appeared. The nine hundred exoskeleton armors are the result of one month's manufacturing in the modern world.

   Tyrant T-003 is very strong, but Lu Chuan still spends a lot of money to build exoskeleton armor for them to enhance their defense.

  Especially the head helmet. Lu Chuan uses a thick helmet. A helmet alone weighs hundreds of kilograms. Only zombies of the level of Tyrant T-003 can ignore this weight.

   The tyrant T-003 with this exoskeleton armor is probably called the undead tyrant.

   Nine hundred exoskeleton armors, which are made of special metals, cost 700 million yuan, all piled up with money.

   After releasing the exoskeleton armor, Lu Chuan issued an order, and the tyrant T-003s moved and began to wear these armors mechanically.

   Three hours later, 900 tyrant T-003s were armed.

   Lu Chuan nodded in satisfaction. The arrangement of the nine hundred Tyrant T-003s in this way brought a visual impact that made people excited.

   "Next, there are weapons."

   Tyrant T-003 does not have long-range attacks, so it is inevitable to arm them with weapons.

   This time, Lu Chuan prepared an aircraft cannon for them.

   For the underground arsenal of Somalia, it is not difficult to manufacture an aircraft cannon. Lu Chuan only spent more than a billion yuan to exchange it for an aircraft cannon.

   It can be said that after the fifth generation of aircraft, the aviation cannon has rarely been equipped with fighter aircraft, because the opportunity to need it is running out.

   As the last glorious aviation cannon technology, the price of one billion yuan is really cheap.

   An aircraft cannon is a complete body. The bullet chain and the body have long been connected. You only need to equip it to use it.

   Nine hundred aircraft cannons were placed in front of the tyrant T-003.

Tyrant T-003s who are just like mechas, they walked to the aircraft cannon, but they lifted the nearly one-ton aircraft cannon with one hand, and then stuck their hands into the card behind the armor. In the slot.

The 30MM aircraft gun, combined with the battle armor, immediately showed its terrifying and mighty side ~ As the last glory of the aircraft gun, its performance is naturally not comparable to the current cannon Yes, just because of intelligence, it has thrown off modern aviation cannons.

   Simply put, it is more like an automated aircraft gun platform.


  The equipped aircraft cannons automatically adjust, sticking out from the shoulders of the tyrant T-003, and getting stuck on the shoulders, making the tyrant T-003 become a mecha.

   Nine hundred tyrant T-003s, the moment they were armed, even Lu Chuan felt his blood boil.

   The top-notch aircraft cannons use very sturdy technology. Its ammunition is specially manufactured. The power of these aircraft cannons is enough to penetrate the frontal tanks of modern tanks and is extremely domineering.

  The fully equipped tyrant T-003, with a total height of about four meters, stood in front of them by Lu Chuan, not even half of them.

   Lu Chuan is satisfied. After spending so much money, at least the visual effects are there.

   "Next, I want to see what the third item of the seven-level product is." Lu Chuan muttered, similarly, Lu Chuan was also looking forward to it.

   Every product after level 7 is special and difficult to unlock, because many of you have never seen it before, let alone kill.


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