Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 832: Happy troubles

   After simply dealing with modern things, Lu Chuan once again became the hand-handling shopkeeper.

   The U.S. emperor was still clamoring under the threat of the space matrix, but he was in a state of standing still and did not dare to make any small actions.

   Their think tank can naturally analyze the advantages of Baichuan Guihai Company.

   In addition to the clamor, it is also some pressure on China.

   Like this kind of Tai Chi rhetoric, China is naturally not afraid, and Baichuan Guihai Company is not afraid.

   As long as it is used, it is definitely the US that will be ashamed, because their two aircraft carrier formations are in the Indian Ocean, and the military expenditure they generate will make them overwhelmed.

   Of course, Lu Chuan is not interested in taking care of these things.

   After simply calling his parents, Ye Lingwei and others, Lu Chuan appeared again in the last days.

   Leaving the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan arrived at the settlement of Shanshi County.

   It's been more than 20 days. Lu Chuan listened to Sun Jiangong's report. There was nothing special. In fact, it was expansion and expansion.

   When encountering some settlements who refuse to surrender, the army of zombies will directly crush them until they are defeated.

   There will be no more gentle policies, some are just the most direct conquest.

   Now, Lu Chuan, who has huge strength, no longer needs to take them into consideration as before.

   In other words, Lu Chuan's heart is no longer as weak as it was before, but has become iron-blooded.

   After too many things, Lu Chuan also grew up, growing in the direction of a hero. In many cases, Lu Chuan has paid little attention to details.

   Of course, before being crushed, he will show his strength.

   But very often, there will be people who can't give up in the Yellow River. They know that they are not the ones that can match. They just don't want to surrender. Their enormous power loses their eyes.

   Like these people, there is nothing to consider, crushing them, and then crushing them to death like bugs.

   For those who don’t surrender, Lu Chuan’s approach is that once they are taken down, all the main ruling classes must be dealt with, and they will not leave themselves with trouble.

   With Lu Chuan's current strength, it is difficult to have an opponent in a single settlement.

   "Boss, the lucky ones are no longer sent here, but sent to the Hotan area of ​​the new city. The new settlement is set up here."

   At the end of the report, Sun Jiangong turned on the light projector and called up the map of the Hotan area.

   The Hotan area is considered to be one of the few places in the New Province that has a large amount of grassland and cultivated land. It is the most suitable place for human survival. Before this was a difficult place to live in, but in the last days, here is the same as you can’t escape.

   Yi Zhanfei and the others, they considered this issue when setting up a new settlement, and finally chose here.

   sent troops to sweep the area. After the zombies in this area were cleaned up, a new settlement was established.

   Of course, because Lu Chuan didn't make a move, this settlement is very simple, and it doesn't have many resources, so it can only do the preliminary construction.

   The zombies in this area are cleared. It is very difficult for the zombies in other areas to come over, because these areas may be tens of kilometers without people, and the zombies are more like rare animals.

   Even if there are zombies, they are only sporadic, and they can't threaten this settlement.

   The initial construction is actually to repair the hydropower, and the other is to build a wall to enclose the settlement.

  The function of the fence is limited, but it can prevent some zombies from coming in silently.

   Before the end of the world, I just didn't pay attention to this one. Sometimes, unconsciously, some zombies touched in, and they chewed on the sleeping people for a while.

   Lu Chuan looked at the map. This Hotan area is almost surrounded by deserts and wasteland. It is indeed a very ideal settlement.

   To talk about the disadvantage, it is too far from Zhongzhou City, a straight line of more than two thousand kilometers, put it on the map, it is really too far.

   The speed of the corpse dragon, if everything goes well, it would take four hours.

   Of course, one reason for choosing it at the beginning was that it was far enough to make it difficult for people to detect it, and it would not take too much time to go.

   Lu Chuan nodded, and said, "I see, you can go down first, I will leave later."

   A new settlement, as a boss, of course you need to visit.

   And this trip is past, it can't just go by, you must bring some supplies. This material is still mainly food to ensure the operation of this settlement.

  Sun Jiangong nodded and stepped back.

   Lu Chuan read the other documents again before leaving.

   Back to modern times, Lu Chuan left the headquarters.

  Baichuan Guihai Company is now on the cusp of the wave. Whether it is at home or abroad, there are constant criticisms. After all, a company has such a terrifying force. It is conceivable that if someone is afraid of others, they will object to it.

   are some countries, all of which are paying attention to Lu Chuan.

   Under this situation, Lu Chuan's travel is very troublesome.

   Like now, leaving the headquarters, not only need a large number of zombies as bodyguards, but also the civilian soldiers sent by China to protect Lu Chuan in an all-round way.

   The outside world is criticizing Lu Chuan, but internally, especially in the eyes of the Ministry of National Defense, the importance of Lu Chuan must not be underestimated. The space matrix alone allows them to become the first country with space-based weapons.

   The space matrix Lu Chuan promised to manufacture has not yet been completed, such as this Global Hawk.

   The technological content of the Global Hawk is entirely the seventh-generation aircraft, or the eighth-generation level, which completely crushes the current fifth-generation aircraft.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the ammunition capacity of the Global Hawk makes its combat capability extremely abnormal. If it singles out 100 fourth-generation aircraft, it will perfectly win.

   It is not an exaggeration to face the fifth-generation aircraft. It is not an exaggeration to pick a hundred, because you can't find the Global Hawk at all, and the speed of the Global Hawk can't even catch up with your missile. The missile launched by the Global Hawk, an air-to-air missile with a more abnormal speed than an intercontinental missile, can shoot you down in an instant.

   The fire control system that can lock a hundred targets to attack at the same time makes it feel terrifying with its striking power.

  All of the above are destined to how important Lu Chuan is.

   Radar, fire control system, stealth system, speeding missile, engine... Avionics system, each is like a brand new field, making researchers crazy and fascinated.

   Only through the technical inspiration in this one hundred-ton engine, they have a new breakthrough in Taihang engine.

   I dare not say that it has 100 tons of thrust, but it is not a problem to reach 30 tons. It is expected to become one of the world's top engines in one fell swoop.

   The importance of Luchuan is naturally valued by the military, and it can be said to be protected all-weather.

   Around the headquarters of the Baichuan Guihai Company, there is even a force stationed there, in order to protect Lu Chuan under special circumstances.

   "Happy troubles."

   Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, this kind of protection made Lu Chuan act a bit inconvenient.

   For example, if you want to go to the storage area, you must first throw them off and avoid all eyeliners.

   This is not difficult for Lu Chuan.

   The convoy arrived at the castle in the sky. Lu Chuan took the elevator up. First he arrived at his home, but left through a remodeled secret road. Then, after disguising, he left the building.

   There are not many people coming in and out of this building, even if someone pays attention to Lu Chuan, they would not think that this is Lu Chuan.

The evolution of    seven-level genes allowed Lu Chuan to control some of his characteristics and adjust them, such as being taller and larger.

   A radical change, no one would think that this was Lu Chuan.

When    arrived at the storage area, Yi Ran was already waiting here.


   For this giant wave of the same face, Lu Chuan is actually drumming in his heart. God knows if he will transform into a werewolf.

   Lu Chuan nodded and said, "How are the supplies prepared?"

   "We are ready, including enough fuel, large agricultural machinery, and enough rice, etc." Yi Ran quickly replied.

   Lu Chuan nodded as he walked: "Good job."

   Under the leadership of Yi Ran, he headed down to a certain numbered warehouse in this storage area. This warehouse was so huge that it could hold more materials.

   After entering, Lu Chuan said nothing, and kept collecting the materials here into the storage space.

There is nothing wrong with the materials inside   , they have been prepared long ago.

   A lot of rice, almost the entire warehouse.

  Like this kind of work, it is not easy. It needs to be touched by Lu Chuan continuously and then stored in the storage space. On the contrary, it's easy to take it out, just pass the mind.

   Lu Chuan is also used to it, and he needs to come here once a month in order to transfer the materials.

   Many things in the last days can be self-sufficient, but food is not enough, and modern transportation is needed.

   From the predictions of settlements, this phenomenon will no longer exist in about a year. No matter what the settlements are, they can be self-sufficient and reach a real balance.

   collected the rice, and then moved to another warehouse.

   Here are all large-scale agricultural machinery, as many as hundreds of units, and only a few large warehouses can fit them. These agricultural machinery were prepared for Hetian settlements.

   They need to cultivate these abandoned farmlands and put them back into production.

   After collecting these agricultural machinery, Lu Chuan's storage space, this size of space, is almost full, which shows that this batch of materials is huge.

   "Boss, this batch of supplies cost 700 million yuan."

   Yiran made a small report on some of the expenses of the purchasing company. In fact, Lu Chuan usually doesn't care about the accounts of the purchasing because Yiran is enough to make people believe.

   There is the hand of God behind the procurement company, and funding is not a problem at all. The hand of God has now developed into a very large group, including more than one-third of the world's truly top rich.

   The strength of this force is so astounding.

   The purchase company spends a lot of money, but compared to the money-making ability of the hand of God, it is nothing more than a boon. For a rich man to customize a health package, it will cost more than 100 million US dollars.

   Only one person is needed, and the expenditure for this batch of materials has been settled today.

"You are in charge of the procurement company, and I can rest assured." Lu Chuan smiled, glanced over Yi Ran's chest without leaving a trace, and coughed slightly, "Yi Ran, time is tight, I won't stay here any longer. I'm leaving now."

   After finishing speaking, regardless of Yi Ran's resentment, leave here quickly.

   Just kidding, I am strong and strong, and with the blessing of genetic evolution, facing this truly top-notch stunner, I don't have much self-sustainability.

  The current Lu Chuan has not broken his bottom line as a human. If he has not let go of the zombies, is this still a human?

   This taste is really heavy.

   But if he doesn't escape, after a long time, Lu Chuan is really afraid that he will make mistakes when he thinks he is not a human being.


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