Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 835: 1 Fan of Grace

   A city that has not been popular for a long time has a series of consequences that are indeed serious.

   The damage of plants is still one, and the damage of nature is also very important. When the doors and windows were almost damaged, the rain poured in, and the invasion inside was huge.

   The whole city was mostly destroyed.

   Various types of corrosion are also a disaster in the city.

   In the city where the Hetian settlement is located, there are high-rise buildings, but they are not the mainstream. The mainstream is some three-story houses, and some of them are wooden structures.

   There has been a big fire here, and many houses have been burnt down.

   In Lu Chuan's view, this city is seriously damaged. If it is not for its regional quality, it is really not a good choice.

   There are too many cities in the apocalypse that can be used, some of them are still relatively intact and there are many choices.

   Walk into one of the most magnificent buildings in the Hetian settlement, which used to be a gymnasium but is now used as the administrative center of the settlement.

   In the meeting room, Lu Chuan sat on the upper head.

   "The construction of settlements must be carried out immediately. The resettlement of 800,000 people is just the beginning, and the people who come here cannot be left without housing."

   The first sentence of Lu Chuan's opening is the key point.

   Those who are qualified to enter this venue are leaders at the leadership level, and they are also the backbone of the future settlement.

   The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and we need some reliable people.

  Of course, Lu Chuan is not afraid of their ambitions, because he controls a huge army of zombies. To put it bluntly, he is lonely in remote areas. Supplies of materials, etc., need to rely on himself or the corpse dragon to mobilize.

  With this one, as long as you are not an idiot, you won't have too many ideas.

   A meeting like this is actually a meeting.

   can't be the boss, but he hasn't appeared once, it's not justified.

   After getting to know the leadership here, the meeting was naturally over. Lu Chuan didn't like this kind of meeting very much, but he had to hold it.

   Meetings in settlements are generally based on facts, trivial matters are not allowed to enter the meeting, which invisibly improves work efficiency.


   In the warehouse of the settlement, Lu Chuan's magical powers are no secret in the settlement. I don't know how many people have seen Lu Chuan's magical powers.

   But for the new settlement, Lu Chuan still needs to come again to play a deterrent and convincing role.

   Knowing that the boss came here with a huge amount of supplies, Yi Zhanfei didn't have any wonder how the boss brought it.

   Just kidding, the boss can even carry an aircraft carrier, so bringing some supplies is nothing.

   In front of the warehouse.

   Lu Chuan moved his hand, and countless rice appeared in the warehouse, as if it had changed in an instant. Ye Jing's eyes almost fell out and they were dumbfounded.

   In his heart, it was even more shocked.

   They had also heard about the magic of the boss before, but now that they really saw it, they realized that these were not legends, but facts.

   Shan is a zombie that can command tens of thousands. They already feel at a loss. Now that the boss has this kind of carrying space, they don't know what to say.

   Look, they were still tossing before, but they didn’t know that the boss was the real one.

   Follow this kind of boss to have a future.

  Countless rice, various fruits and vegetables, and dried products are piled up in the warehouse here.

  Fruits and vegetables, fortunately, how long have they not eaten dried products? Not to mention, there are still a lot of cans here, which is fatal.

   God knows how long they haven’t eaten meat? Seeing these canned meat, they all moved their throats.

  The logistical support alone made Ye Jing and the others understand that the mountain-like supplies were not what they had. In comparison, their previous thoughts were too ridiculous, they were completely frogs in the bottom of the well.

   It took very little time to release huge supplies.

   "Set up a meal for everyone tonight."

   Lu Chuan waved his big hand, which immediately evoked cheers.

   This kind of news spread all over the settlements in an instant. I don’t know how many people heard that there was a canned braised pork tonight. They all looked forward to nothing else.

   The logistics began to get busy. This is a meal for 800,000 people. The ration system is still implemented, and they will be very busy.

   The boss said, there are more things they need to do, such as organizing an army of fire, and dividing it into dozens of areas for cooking.

   Just cook the rice and deliver the canned food directly.

   The meat and oil in the tin are served with rice, which is simply delicious on earth.

   The warehouse also gets busy. They need to send 800,000 cans of cans to each area, and then distribute them in a unified time, so that everyone can feel the boss's favor.

   These things naturally don't need Lu Chuan to worry about.

   took everyone out of the settlement.

   Along the road, countless people lined up on the side of the street. When they saw Lu Chuan and his party, they all shouted the slogan of Long live the boss.

   They don't care who rules them at all, as long as they are good to them, they will support them.

What's more, the current boss is so popular. As soon as he arrives, he will receive a can of braised pork for each person. Not to mention this scarce apocalypse, it will be placed before the apocalypse, 800,000 cans of braised pork The canned food is just smashed out by millions.

   Following such a boss, they don’t lose money, and their lives will get better and better.

   The news has spread. The rice that the boss brought this time is enough for 800,000 of them to eat for a year, so they don’t have to worry about getting hungry.

  With a buffer of one year, they can cultivate enough fertile land to feed them in this fertile place, and they can be self-sufficient.

   It is far away from the area with many zombies, and there are such a huge corpse dragon to protect them, and there are elite troops stationed here, making it safe.

   They are fed up with disorderly days, they just feel that their current life is a heavenly life.

   "Have you heard? The boss has developed a vaccine against the virus. We can have children. They will not be infected with this **** virus again."

   "Is this news true?"

   "Of course it is true. It has been confirmed in the hospital that anyone who is pregnant will receive special care. Once the newborn is born, the vaccine will be given."

   "It's great, we are going to have a baby."

   The families that have been formed so many times, all of them cried for joy with this news. For them, there is no news comparable to this one.

  Outside the city.

   Lu Chuan released a large amount of machinery, and soon filled this open space.

   Ye Jing and the others are numb, but for ordinary people, they can't see the scene in the warehouse, but now they are here, they can see clearly.

  A person, all his eyes rounded, showing an expression of disbelief.

   Their appearance made Lu Chuan a little embarrassed. He felt like a magic stick, using this method to fool them.

   After releasing the machine, Lu Chuan is no longer in charge of the rest.

   The backbones brought from Nakasu City, they know how to put into work.

   chose here because of safety considerations. There are bloodthirsty claws and corpse dragons here, and safety is still guaranteed.

   When there is not much danger, they can let go of their hands and feet.


   The entire Hetian settlement was plunged into a sea of ​​joy. Everyone was a big bowl of rice and then served with a can of canned meat.

   Pour the meat into a large bowl and mix it with rice. Everyone is full of oil.

   For them, this moment is definitely the happiest moment.

   How long have you eaten such fragrant rice? They don't even remember, it seems that after the end of the world, they never eat it again.

   Not to mention that there are still canned meat. The braised pork and red oil in it makes them have the urge to swallow even their tongues.

   Everyone eats with their stomachs free. I don't know how many people even cried.

   How many people lived a rich life before the last days, but in the last days, everything changed. After too much suffering, they understand how precious this moment is.

   Actually think about it, they won't appreciate you for what you have done, but a meal will make them remember you for a lifetime.

   Lu Chuan just showed his face here, and after eating a portion by the way, he arrived at the arranged residence.

   This is also the best place in the entire settlement. It is the sky garden of a building. The quality here is very good. When the power was cut off, the smart devices here closed windows and so on under standby power.

   After a simple cleaning, some daily necessities were changed, and there was no problem at all.

   "Boss, this is the settlement information that has been detected so far."

   Yi Zhanfei turned on the light projector, and there was a map on it, listing dozens of settlements. He explained: "Up to now, we have carried out reconnaissance on half of China, and the remaining area is very dangerous."

   "In the past two months, our losses have begun to increase, mainly because we will encounter some stronger flying zombies."

   Lu Chuan listened, these are inevitable.

   corpse dragons, they are only level five zombies. By now, they are starting to be insufficient. They are okay to serve as a transportation force, but the combat power is not working.

   The level of zombies in the apocalypse is high, and it is normal to encounter powerful zombies.

   Five-level corpse In many cases, they will only be killed.

   Lu Chuan sighed lightly, and said: "Explore work, stop temporarily, first digest the current settlements."

   Yi Zhanfei nodded: "Understood, boss."

   There are more than a dozen settlements on the map, some of which have been discovered and then marked, but there is only a general guess of the population, no exact data.

   Lu Chuan looked at them one by one, they were mainly distributed in the central area of ​​China.

   Zhongzhou City is the center of proliferation. It is no surprise that these settlements are in these locations.

   With the current strength, there is no difficulty in taking down these settlements, it is just a matter of time.

   The function of the light projector is very powerful. For example, now, the map is completely realized, and after it is enlarged, it will be immersive. The source of these data is before the end of the world, so with this function, what you see is still a flourishing scene.

   Yi Zhanfei hesitated, and said, "Boss, in the evening, I got a bad news."

   Lu Chuan narrowed his brows and said, "What news?"

   Yi Zhan flew on the map on the light projector, then opened a settlement, and said in a deep voice: "This settlement, they have nuclear weapons."


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